r T Continued from Page 6) mrnutas , M1.8 fMt to th j. citrmo Plerct propartyi nwi twni , tnt ciarenca Wore. Una 0. at degreas ll minutes 1, 788 flat to tha point or DHinmni. Togathsr with i "" pin wm t , width of I Ait btitdi thto'tatl 7 ""ti av hi iuuu i vu u set forth in tha aforasaid awd rooordtd in Bookll.MM 6, ud iIm 4otthr with tutmtnt for ingress ud trm to and from tha abova QMoriMd lands ovar a path , i itat in width aaroaa tha Bora Wlldar land laadlni from us aoova aaaeriMd land to Midway Ko. 17 or aa dstorib. ad in daad raoordad In. Dead Book 19, paca 839 Containtni aoraa aa par map or plat of I, Elmo Wllliama datad January. 1969. and antttlad in Put "C, C. ChappaU Citato, rwquimaaa county, north Carolina, known aa tha Wlldar mot". And for a mora oartl- ; eular daaorlptlon of aald lot or paroal of land,rafaranca la had n sua map or plat. Copy of aald map la poitad on tha bullatln board of tha Court Houss of Perquimans County. n mm original or tbla notice of salt, and copy of aald map it on fila in tha off lea of tha Clark f Superior Court in said County. TRACT SEVENTEEN All that certain tract of land situate In BeMdere Township, conjuimMs county, north Caro lina, mora particularly describ ee as follows! Beginning at point a on ens map herein referred to, Beginning point being carea as rouowsi commenc ing on the North side of North Carolina Highway No. 37, a corner of the lands of John Chappell, and designated as point "C on said map, thence along a ditch and branch the fol lowing courses and distances! 8, 70 degrees 28 minutes E, mu feet: S. 75 degrees 48 mln utes E. 70 feet; S. 88 'degrees OX minutes E. lot feet; N. 64 . degrees 41 minutes E, 730.2 rest; s. 87 degrees 55 minutes E, 154,4 feet; N. 56 degrees 24 minutes E. 138.5 feet; N. 8X degrees 43 minutes E.272.5 feet; N, 67 degrees 44 minutes E. 395.8 feet; and thence S. 86 degrees 51 minutes E. 297.8 feet to said point "B",the place of beginning, and from said be ginning point' tha following courses and distances general ly along edge of highland! 6.25 degrees 50 mlnues E, 527.5 'et; S. 2 degrees 41 minutes W, 905.8 feet; S. 0 degrees 18 minutes W. 153 feet; S. 37 degrees 55 mlnutesE.l37feet; S. 11 degrees 50 minutes E, 02 3 J feet (to-rlght-of-way point); S. 35 degrees 04 min utes E, 164.3 feet; S. 21 de grees 36 minutes W. 147 feet; S. 24 degrees 14 minutes E. 377 feet; S. 40 degrees 11 min ute's E, 887 feet; S. 57 degrees 00 minutes E. 219 feet; S. 78 degrees 26 minutes E. 590,5 feet; S. 83 degrees 88 min utes E, 204 feet; N. 56 degrees 02 minutes E. 157 feet; N. 28 degrees 52 minutes E. 109 feet to Perquimans River, point "A" on said map; thence along the center of the Perquimans River In a general Northerly direction approximately 150.01 chains to Old Perry's Bridge; thence the following courses and distances generally along edge of highland! S. 33 degrees 80 minutes W, 2.30 chains; S. 26 degrees W. 4.51 chains; S. 29 degrees 30 minutes W, 2,80 chains; 8. 10 degrees 15 min utes W, 1,60 chains; S. 37 de grees 15 minutes W. 2,58 chains; S. 84 degrees W. 2.80 chains; 8. 62 degrees 30 min utes W. 4.10 chains; S. 60 de grees W, 1,74 chains; S, 38 .degrees W. 1.50 chains; N. 52 Agrees W, 1.60 chains; N, 1 degrees W, 1.50 chains; N. 38 degrees W. 1.50 chains; N, 72 ; degrees W. 2.23 chains; S. 22 degrees W, 1.70 chains; 8. 43 Agrees W, 1,00 chains; 8, 9 oegraes W, a.oo chains; 8. 32 degrees W. 1.60 chains; 8. 44 degrees E. 2.40 chains; 8.65 degrees-SC 2.40 chains; N. 77 oegrees W. 1.2 chains; 8. 35 degrees W. 1.70 chains; S. 43 degrees W. 2.80 chains; N. 63 degrees W. 1.22; chains; N. 39 degrees W. 3.42 chains; N, 43 degrees W. 2.30 chains; N. 88 degrees W. 4.05 chains; S, 68 degrees W, 4.21 chains; 8. 58' degrees W. 2.20 chains; S. 57. degrees .W. 2.40 chains; S. 6 degrees W. 1.80 chains; 8. li degrees E. 1.80 chains; S. 33 degrees E. 1.90 chains; N, 77 degrees E. 2.00 chains; 8. ty degrees E. 4.50 chains; 8. 2T, degrees E. 7,80 chains; S. 28,' degrees W, 5.16 chains; 8. 23,, degrees W. 8.00 chains; 8. 16 degrees W. 2.02 chains; South, 2.00 chains; 8. 11 degrees E,, 2.00 chains; S. 10 degrees 1.80 chains; N, 72 degrees W, 1.80 chains; N. 88 degree W, 00 chains; 8. 88 degrees W,' 2.00 chains; S. 88 degrees W,,, 2.00 chains; S. 84 degrees W. 2.20 chains; S. degrees W. ,,,, 2.20 chains; S. 43 degrees E. 2,78 chains to the W. C. Chap. :) U Home Tract line; thence,, ;ong the W. C. Chappell Home j, -act line In a general south. .. rterly direction topoint "B" i said mpa, tha point of begin. . , and containing 312.9 Said tract Includes an oaaamont of right-of-way wuoh la a atrip of land 100 feat in width with tha eastern Una aa followat Beginning at tha right-of-way point ahown la paranthaala above,aaid point being located from point "B", fn in if wi Daren aviunuvuj as followat 1, 18 dagraaa 60 minutes t, 6I7.B feat; 8, dagraaa 44 minutes W. 808,5 fMt, l, o degreea XI minutes W, 161 fNt.l. 87 dagraaa 86 minutes I. 197 Mat and 1, 11 degraea 60 minutes B. 828,6 feat, and running from aald right-of-way beginning point 14 depeea 48 mlnutaa W, 919 fMt to a ditanj thanoa 'along dltoh I. 47 dagraaa 61 mlnutaa W, 186 fMt to a point In tha aantar of N.C, Highway No, 87. Tha Wait Una of aald right-of-way la parallel to and 100 feat, manured at right angles from tha Bast llnea abova daaorlbadt however tha Wast lines shall have a total length or distanoa long enough to extend from tha center of N. C. Highway No. 37 to tha 312.9 acre tract herein described. And for a more particular description of said tract of land and right-of-way, reference Is had to that certain map or plat of 8. Elmo Wil liams, dated January, 1969, and entitled In part "C. C, Chappel Estate, Perutmans County, N.C.". Copy of said map is posted on the bulletin board of the Court House of Perquimans County, with the original of this notice of sale, and copy of said map is on tile in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court in said County, (Tract Eighteen Is located Chowan County, and is the subject matter of a separate proceeding; TRACT NINETEEN All that certain tract of land situate in BeMdere Township, Perquimans County, North Caro. Una, and more particularly do- scribeds follows: Beginning at a pipe on the North edge of the Riddick's Grove-Bethany Church Road, said pipe being the southwest corner of the Jason Hurdle lot and running along the Norm edge of said road N. 76 degrees W. 24.88 chains to an axle (shown as pipe on map of ad ¬ joining tract), the southeast corner of C. J. S tailings (now C. C. Chappell's "Lee Butt" tract); thence along said S tailings' (now Chappell) line N, U degrees 15 minutes E, 18.25 chains to a pipe (shown as pine on map of adjoining tract); thence North 17.00 chains (shown as 21.00 chains on map of adjoining tract) to Perquimans River; thence along said river the following courses and distances! N. 60 degrees E. 2.60 chains; N. 66 degrees E. 2.25 chains; N. 73 degrees 30 minutes E. 2.50 chains; N. 61 degrees E, 3.00 chains and N. 71 degrees E. 3.70 chains to the L. E. Griffin line; thence along the L, E. Griffin line S. 13 degrees E, 45.80 chains to a pipe, the northeast corner of the Jason Hurdle lot; thence along the Jason Hurdle lot N, 78 degrees W. 3.00 chains to a pipe, and 8. 10 degrees E. 3.00 chains to the point of beginnlng,and con taining 77.73 acres as per map or plat of T. J. Jessup dated March 6-18, 1963. and entitled In part "C. C.Chappell.Betvl- dere Township 'Edmund Rid- dick Tract ", and being de- scribed on said map as Parcel No, 1, And for a more particu lar description of said lot or parcel of land, reference is had to said man or plat. Copy of said map is posted on the bulletin board of the Court House of Perquimans County. with the original of this notice of sale, and copy of said map is on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court in said County. TRACT TWENTY All that certain tract of land situate In BeMdere Township, rerqutmans county. North Caro lina, more particularly describ ed as follows!. Beginning at a pine on the East side of the road leading rrom BeMdere to Bethany Church, and being the North west corner of the Wilson Jordan heirs; thence 8. 86 de grees 15 minutes E. 14.64 chains to a pipe on the J, M. Jollff tract line; thence N. 3 degrees 45 minutes W. 12.74 chains to a pipe located on the East margin of the road lead ing from BeMdere to Bethany Church; thence the following courses and d.staaces along the East edge of said roadiS. 65 degrees W, 2.00 chains: 8. 70 degrees 30 minutes W, , 2.65 chains; 8. 79 degrees 13 minutes W. 9.82 chains; 8. 54 degrees W. 1.36 chains; 8. 20 degrees W. 2.00 chains; 8. U degrees W, 6.55 chains to a pine, the point of beginning, and containing' 12,90 acres as per map or plat of T.J. Jessup .dated March 6-18, . 1963, and entitled In part "C. C. Chappell 'Edmund Flddlck Tract' ", No. 3 - 12.90 acres. And' for a more particular de scription of said lot or parcel of land, reference Is had to said map or plat. Copy of said map Is posted on the - bulletin board of the Court House of Perquimans County, with the original of this notice of sale, and copy of aald map la on fila in tha office of tha Clark of Superior Court In said County, ' TRACT TWSNTY-ONE All that eartala tract of land situate m BeMdere Townahlp, Perquimans County, North Caro lina, and mora particularly da aoribad u followat . Beginning it the potntof inter section of the South aide of tha road leading from Highway Mo, 17 to Whltaaton with tha Wait atda of tha road laadlni from Ferry'a Bridge to joppa, and running from aald point of beginning I, 71 dipMi W. Ml ehalna along, tha road leading from Highway No. 37 to Whltaaton to tha center llni of a culvert, In tha run of a branohj thtnci along tha run of laid branch tha following oouraea and dlataneaai 8. is dajTMaB, I chaina 8 degree w, 4 ohainai 8, 80 dapeei W, I ehalna; S. 2 dagraea 80 mlnutaa W. 0,70 chains; 8. 81 degraea B, 1.86 ehalna; and 8. 7 digress E, 0.64 ehalna to pine; thence S, 83 degrees E. 2.84 chains to a pine on tha West aide of the road leading from Perry's Bridge to Joppa; thence N, 2 degrees 30 mln utes W, 13,46 chains along the West side of said road to the point of beginning, and contain ing 3.75 acres as per plat of survey of T. J, Jessup dated March 27, 1963, and entitled m part "C.C.Chappell.'Ephrlam Fauntleroy Home Tract' ".And for a more particular descrip Hon of said lot or parcel of land, reference is had to said mspor plat. Copy of said map is posted on the bulletin board of the Court House of Perquimans County, with the original of this notice of sale, and copy of said map is on file In the office of the Clerk of Superior Court In saidCounty, TRACT TWENTY -TWO All that certain tract of land situate In BeMdere Township, Perquimans County, North Caro' Una, and more particularly o scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the East margin of the highway leading from BeMdere to Hickory Cross, said point of' beginning being located on the southwestern corner of property now or formerly be longing to Alfred Wins low; thence from said point of be ginning along the East edge of said highway 8. 23 degrees 30 minutes W. 4.14 chains; S, 26 degrees 45 minutes W. 5.44 chains and due South 3.19 chains to the Gaither Riddick line; thence along the Gaither Riddick line the following courses and distances: S. 10 degrees E. 2.62 chains to a sweet gum; S. 10 degrees E. 4.00 chains to a maple; 8. 19 degrees 30 minutes E. 1.45 chains to a maple; & 23 de grees E. 1.48 chains to a gum; S. 2 degrees 30 minutes E. 2,09 chains to a gum; S. 5 degrees E. 2.00 chains to a gum; S. 15 degrees 30 minutes E, 1,59 chains to an oak; 8. 82 degrees E. 1.53 chains to a gum; S. 71 degrees E. 2.06 chains to a cypress with a broken top; S. 67 de grees E. 1.81 chains to a big maple; 8, 71 degrees E. 2.90 chains; & 42 degrees 30 min utes E. 1.66 chains to a gum; & 43 degrees W. 4.00 chains to a beech; S. 30 degrees W. 4.88 chains to a beech; S. 55 degrees W. 3.24 chains: S. 63 degrees W. 4.00 chains; 8. 86 degrees 30 minutes W. 1.97 chains to the East side of the road leading from Belvldereto Hickory Cross; thence N. 14 degrees W. 1.70 chains cross ing said road to a point on the West side in the center line of an old road; thence along the center of said old road S. 43 degrees 30 minutes W. 3.43 chains; S. 31 degrees 30 min utes W. 8.67 chains and & 35 degrees W, 1.30 chains to Per quimans River; thence along the River 8. 43 degrees W. 1.65 chains; S. 27 degrees W. 1.65 chains; S. 21 degrees W. 1.36 chains; S. 74 degrees E. 2.00 chains; S. 59 degrees E. 1.50 chains; & 42 degrees E. 1.30 chains; S. 10 degrees E. 1.28 chains; S. 53 degrees W. 1.83 chains; 8. 23 degrees W. 1.35 chains; S. 11 degrees W. 1.75 chains; s. 40 degrees W. 2,20 chains; South approximately 0.80 chains; East 1.15 chains; N. 83 degrees E. 0.93 chains; 8. 31 degrees E. 2.00 chains; & 29 degrees E. approximate ly 1.40 chains; S, 73 degrees E. 2.33 chains; S. 47 degrees E. 2.40 chains; N. 81 degrees E. 1.70 ehalna; N. 45 degreea E. 2.18 chains; N. 63 degrees E. 2.20 chains and N. 78 de grees e. 1.65 chains; thence N. 51 degrees 30 minutes E. 2.38 chains to a point on the West aide of the road leading from ' BeMdere to Hickory Cross; thence along the West side of aald road N. 44 de greos .30 minutes W. 9.15 chains; N. 39 degreea W. 2.00 chains; Northwesterly 8.00 ehalna (call omitted on Jos sup's map); N. 31 degreea W.. 100 chains and N. 23 degrees W. 2.00 ehalna to t-point near the northwest corner of Perry's Bridge over Perqui mans Rirer; thence East wardly across the bridge to Classifieds FOR IALI: New uaed cars ud plokupi, If we don't , have tha kind you want, wa can gat It. Narron Rus sell Motors, T miles east of Hartford on the New Hope Road. Call U L. Narron 426 T784 or W. A. Ruaael) 416 8678. Julyll;8ept.OT FOR RAXR Ivan Fond Console Piano, Exoellint eon dltlon. Call 4MT43S. Aug.ai.ai.o WANTED: Old li Now Decoys. All types. Write Trudy Ty iot, Morgan Chapel Hill, N. Creek rtoad, C, 27814. Aug.81-8 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified aa Adminl. strator of tha estate of CharUe Thomas Rogerson, Sr. of Per. qulmana County, North Carolina, thla l.a to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aald Charlie Thomas Roger son, Sr. to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this no tice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 13th day of August, 1969. C. T. Rogerson, Jr., Route No. 2, Hertford N. C. Aug.21,28;Sept.4,llc a point near the Northeast corner over Perquimans Riv er; thence along said River the following courses and distances: N. 67 degrees 30 minutes E. 3.50 chains; N. 63 degrees E. 1.10 chains; N. 62 degrees E. 2.25 chains; N. 58 degrees E. 1.80 chains; N. 66 degrees E. 2.20 chains; N. 64 degreea E. 2.80 chains; N. 78 degrees E. 1.55 chains; N. 65 degreea E. 1.15 chains; & 64 degrees 30 minutes E. 1.10 chains; N. 61 degrees E. 1.10 chains; East 1.00 chains; S. 64 degrees E. 1.00 chains; & 39 degrees E. 2.40 chains; East 1.00 chains; N. 50 degrees E. 1.30 chains; N. 49 degrees E. 2,10 chains; N. 47 degrees E. 2.20 chains; N. 76 degrees E. 1.55 chains; N. 69 degrees 30 minutes E. 2.17 chains; N. 23 degrees E. 1.30 chains; N. 36 degrees 15 minutes E. 3.42 chains; N. 61 degrees E. 2,30 chains; and N. 80 degrees E. 2.10 chains to the CampManu facturing Company line; thence along said line N. 5 degrees 30 minutes E. 19.50 chains to a canal; thence along canal N. 7 degrees E. 14.93 chains; inence n. is degrees E. ap proximately 3.00 chains to a point where a ditch joins said canal; thence leaving said canal and running along the center of the ditch & 89 degrees 15 min utes E. approximately 550 feet (the course and distance of S. 89 degrees 15 minutes E. 550 feet Is from a tract division survey by S. Elmo Williams and his map of said division dated December 10, 1968 and en titled "C. C Chappell Estate, wi oi rountieroy Tract") to Alfred Winslow's corner: thence alone the said Alfred Winslow Une the following courses and distances: S. 16 degrees W. 4.50 chains to a pine; S. 82 degrees 30 minutes W. 2,10 chains to a gum; S, 88 dui-Jes 30 minutes W. 2.37 chains to a gum; S. 85 degrees W. 2,37 chains to a nine: N. 86 degrees W. 3.78 chains; N. 88 degrees 30 minutes W. 2.32 chains; West 3.53 chains to an oak; N. 86 degrees W. 2.33 chains to an oak; N. 88 de grees W. 1.68 chains; N. 85 degrees W. 2,39 chains to the point of beginning, containing 161.33 acres. Except for the call "S. 89 degrees 15 min utes E. approximately 550 feet", all calls are from a map of T. J, Jessup, dated March 27-28, 1963, entitled "C C. Chappell 'Fauntleroy Tract'". The said map by T. J. Jessup showed a total of 225.4 acres; however the open land, 64.07 acres, was cut off the North ern part, leaving a total 161.33 acres. For a more particular description of said lot or par cel of land, referenceis made -to above referred to maps or -plats, '-.vr-'v. Copy of said map is posted on the bulletin board of the Court House of Perquimans County, with the original of this notice of sale, and copy of said map is on me in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court in said County. The successful bidder at aald sales will be required to deposit ten (10) per cent Of his said Ud aa an evidence of good faith; the taxea for the year 1969 will be apportioned aa of the date of con flrmatlon of aalea. Thla Notice dated and posted thla tha 12th day of August, 1969. John H. Hall, Jr., Commissioner Dewey W. Wells, Commlsaloner Aug.21,28 and Lcgals I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' IN THE OENERAL COURT OF -V JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified aa Admlnla tratrix of the aetata of Mllea Ed ward Dall of Ferqulmani County, North Carolina, thla la to notify all periona having olalma against tha aetata of aald Milaa Edward Dall to present them to the under algnad within 6 montha from data of tha publication of thla notlea or tame will ba pleaded In bar of their recovery. All poraona In dabtad to aald eatatepleaeemake immediate payment. Thla tha lldayof Auguat,1969. Thelma D. Applaton Hertford, N.C. Aug.81,28,sspt,4,lle EXECUTOR'S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Nellie G. Chappell of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said Nellie G. Chappell to present them to the under signed within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 25th day of July, 1969. Thomas W. Chappell, Executor BeMdere, N.C. July 31,Aug.7,14,2l IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Administrators of the estate of Walter Edward Matthews, Sr. of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said Walter Edward Matthews, Sr. to present them to the un dersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be placed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 5th day of August, 1969. J. R. Matthews W.E.Matthews, Jr. (Co-Administrators) Aug.7,14,21,28-c NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, PERQUIMANS COUNTY. Howard Louis Eaves, Plaintiff Vs. Carolyn Selma Stalllngs Eaves, Defendant, The above named defendant, Carolyn Selma Stalllngs Eaves, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced In theDlstrlctCourtDlv Islon of the GeneralCourt of Jus tice of Perquimans County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to se-' cure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds that the plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart tor more than one year next preced ing the bringingof this action; and the defendant willfurther take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, in the Courthouse in Hertford, North Carolina, within zu oays after the nth day of Sep tember, 1969, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 12th day of August. 1969. W.J.Ward Clerk Superior Court AugJ418-Sept.4: NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Perquimans County made In the Special Proceeding entitled Ray. mond T. White and wife, Delia W. White against Mary White, Rosa Lee White, Mrs. Amos White, Annie White, Norman White and James W. Overton, now pending In said Court, the undersigned Commissioner will on Tuesday, the 9th day of September, 1969, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Hertford, North Carolina, offer tor sale and sell to the highest bidder at public auction. for CASH the followingdescribed reai estate, to-witt The turtle tract containing 431.6 acres as described and delineated on a plat prepared by T. J, Jessup, Registered Sur veyor, entitled "CharUe Prank WhlteTuttle Tract-Craney Is. land-4J1.5 acres, BeMdere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina" which plat la Social Security Administration Q. I gat my summer social aacurlty eheeka because I am aohool teacher and dont work during tha summer. Howdol atop my chicks now that I will start back to work thla coming aohool year? a. can, write or visit your looai social aeourltyofflci and have them complete a return-to. work postcard form. Q. I'm a aohool teaohir. IH have to work the last week In August. I gat aummer eheeka alnca I'm a widow ovar 60 yeara old. Soma days in Auguat are "training" days, some aro "teaching" days, can I gat my check for Auguat 7 A. If you dont Mm over 8140 in Auguat you gat to keep your September 3rd check for August Remember teacher training daya and ciaaa daya are an work daya, o you'd batter check your total earnings for August closely. If it's over 8140, no check! Q. I was going to return to teaching for another year In Sept' ember 1969, but now I've made up my mind to retire. I reported that I wasnt working only for my sum mer checks. What should I do about social security? A. Tell your local social secur ity office of your new plans. They'll help you with the report that has to be made to keep your checks coming. Q. I'm a teacher over 62 years old. Is it too late to claim checks for thepast summer whenl wasnt working? Would I be better off financially to wait til I'm 65? A. A claim Is retroactive for 12 months. Ask your nearest office to advise you as to the exact amounts payable Generally, you're ahead until age 77 by tak. ing a check before you're 65. If you live past your 77th birthday, you would be ahead by waiting tc age 65 to apply for soical security checks. now duly recorded In Plat Book 4 on page 93 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Per quimans County and by refer ence expressly made a part hereof as If here to attached for a more fuller and complete description of the property herein conveyed; excepting however, the lot formerly con veyed to Raymond T. White and wife, Delia W. White by a deed now duly recorded in Deed Book 43 on page 5 09, containing 1 acre of land together with a right-of-way and the two right-of-ways heretofore conveyed by Charlie Frank White record ed in Deed Book 52 on page 346 and Deed Book 52 on page 484 to Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Trustee, and reference to expressly madeto said deeds for a more fuller and complete description thereof. The successful bidder at this sale will be required to deposit ten per cent (10 ) of the amount of his bid to show good faith as a purchaser. And this sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid advaloreum taxes to Per quimans County. This the 1st. day of August, 1969. Thomas L. Jones Commissioner Aug.l4,21,28;Sept.4.c EXECUTOR'SNOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Walter David Lowe of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Walter David Lowe to present them to the un dersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this no tice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 8th day of August, 1969. Elsie Baker Lowe AuK.14,21,28,Sept.4-c NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY JANE ALDEN YUILLE, Plaintiff Vs. ROBERT E. YUILLE, Defendant To Robert E. Yuille: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been tiled In the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: The plaintiff above named Is seeking as aosoiute divorce from you on the ground of one year separa. tion. You are required to make de fense to said pleadings not later than the 5th day of October. 1969, and upon failure to do so. the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 5th day of August, 1969. W. J. Ward . Clerk Superior Court Aug.14,21,29, Sept.4-c The Perquimani County Weekly, Thunday, August 21, 1969 - Page 7 Minutes Of Board Of Education MONDAY, AUG. 4 The Perqulmina County Board of Education mit In regular ses sion on Monday Auguat 4, 1669 at 8i00 p.m. in the Superintendent's office. All members were pres ent. The Chairman called the meet ing to order. The mlnutea of the last meeting were read and ap proved, The teaoher allotment to each school was approved by the Board, Perqulmina High School was allotted four elementary and nrteen nign icnooi teachers. This aohool will also have two voca tional teachers and a guidance teacher. Perqulmina Union School waa alloted thirteen ele mentary teachera and eleven high achool teachera, Thla achoolwlll alio hive four vocational teach era, three apeclal teachera, a guidance teacher,e librarian, and one physical education teacher. Xing Street School received elev en teachers. King Street School will also have a teacher of re med ial classes, a music teacher, and a librarian. Hertford Grammar School was allotted twelve teach ers. Perquimans Central Gram mar School was allotted seven teen teachers. The Board also authorized the Superintendent to make application for two remed ial teachers to be used at Perqui mans High School and Perqui mans Central Grammar School. The Board approved the em ployment of: Edith G. Driver, David W. Warren m, K. Stocks Freeman and Anna Marie Eason. The resignations of Margaret H. Jones and Geraldine T. Nixon were accepted. It was agreed that Fental Hur dle would supply milk for the school lunch rooms at 8? per half pint. It was pointed out that bids for the new construction would be opened on Tuesday,August 5,1969 at 2:30 p.m. in the Superinten dent's office. The Board voted to move one of the mobile classroom units from Hertford Grammar School to Perquimans Central Grammar School. In other business the Board approved the transfer of one school bus from Perquimans Union School to Perquimans High School. There being no further busi ness at this time, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair. CliffordS.Winslow, Chairman C.C.Walters, Secretary TUESDAY, AUG. S The Perquimans County Board of Education mot in a called ses sion on Tuesday, August 5, 1969 at 2:30 p.m. in the Superlnten- ent's office. All members were present. James P.Milam, Archi tect, was also present for the meeting. It was decided to move WHO KNOWS! 1. Locate Kilimanjaro. When was paper making in vented? 3. How many tablespoons in one cup? 4. How much counterfeit money was seized in the U.S. in 1966. 5. What was the Public Debt of the United States in 1966? Whose portrait is on the $1,000 bill? Whose portrait is on the $1,000 Savings Bond' Who was the first American to orbit In space? When did this orbit take place? lO.When did Alaska become the 49th state? Answers To Who Knows 1. The highest mountain in Africa. In 105 A.D. Sixteen. Approximately 39,000,000. $319,907,087,795 (subject to revision). President Cleveland. President Lincoln. Lt. Col. John H. Glenn. Jr. February 20. 1962. lO.January 3, 1959. NOTICE ONE TWO STORY HOUSE -FREE - TO ANYONE WHO WILL RE-MOVE IT FROM EXISTING LOCATION AND CLEAN LOT. CONTACT. Town Of Hertford to the auditorium of tha office building for the meeting because several peraona were preaent for the bid opening. Chairman Clifford 8, Winslow called the meeting to order and atatad that James P.Milam would take charge and oonduot tha Md opening, Mr. Milam took oharge and announoed that all blda would now ba opened. Each Md wu opened, properly examined, and tabulated. On a motion by Mlaa Thelma Elliott, with a aeeond by Emmett Long, the Board voted that eubjeot to the approval of the State Board of Education and cer tification of the blda by the ar chitect, the contract for tha gen eral conitrucUon, tha plumbing construction, tha heating and air conditioning construction, and the electrical construction would be awarded to tha apparent low bid der in each area of construction. It was stipulated that Alternate 1 would be accepted, Alternate 8 and 4 would be accepted, and Al ternate 5 rejected.On a motion by George Baker, with a second by Ralph Harrell, the Board vot ed to accept the apparent low Ud on the shelving work. The motions as passed are resolutions which request State Bond Money In the amount due Perquimans County to be used in the proposed construc tion work. The Board authorised James P. Milam to proceed with the certification of the bids and all other work in connection with getting the construction under way. The bid for the case work construction was not considered at this time because only one bid was received for this work. It was stipulated that an effort would be made to obtain additional bids on this work. A contract for mis work will be made at a later time. There being no further busi ness at this time, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair. C iif ford S. Winslow, Chairman C.C.Walters, Secretary HERTFORD HARDWARE ARE YOU HAVING SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES? WE HAVE RUEBIC K37 & K57 Fully Guaranteed Or Money Back IT WORKS! SPARE TIME INCOME Distributor For This Area Sram. a diilrlbutor in m Amarkl'i Hr,Mt an, ri bit IMgttrlM. Van will k. tlitrlk .tin, Milwai tranC aradgcta. wck ai Nablua, lurry, an AmtM. N. .ia.rl.nc. raqulrM. All ac. eounh r contract, far n4 m! ua b ir company. Vm nwnly mtMk kxaiiMit with nr aatlanal arand araducii. You Can Earn $800 A Month Or More Based On Your Effort Inv.ntorr of si.MS t tl.lN catk raauirad tar itwafitory and uH mant. You mutt kava a Mad ru and k. .kia fa d,wM at kwM 4 11 noun par w.a. 11 yw arc m. tarntad, haoa tin dnira. anv.. datarntinallan, MM want t. ka we. cnful In a (rawing ktiilnaai 1 raur m, writ, ut today. Pkaa widow nam., Mdrau, and Ma anan. numbar. WS WELCOME INVSITIOATION NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING GO. 435 So. Kimbrough Springfield. Mo. 65806

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