Pap 4 - Tw Pnquimuu County Weekly, Thursday, September 4, 1969 - TJIif FSISQVmArii .'. f WEEKLY pubun4 Bv7 Tburtxtay : lit Hertford, N. C. 27944 , Virgin Whlti Trwseau tmor i' - Court Houm Square HERTFORD, N. O. Entered M second class matter November UW, 1M4, At Post Office In Hertford, North Csro Uu 1T944. I "Advertising Rates Fumiahe4 By Request : " SUBSCRIPTION RATBfl" One tew SIJu (In Perquimans County) Elsewhere . $8 W Editorial... Let's Open Our Pocketbooks Thousands of persons were mide horoeleii by the ulnds and waves thit smashed houeee to splinters . w hen Hurrteene Camilla battered the Outt Cout from Louisiana to Florida, Many of the families for whom the night of August IT wae one of horror lack the reaouroes to return to normal living unaided, They have lost everything through calamity of nature which they were powerless to prevent or sidestep. They muat be helped In the rebuilding of their shattered Uvea and homes. The American Red Cross is the natural agent for this re building, by virtue of both Its experience and Its readiness to help. The Red Cross Is asking the American people for a mini mum of 115,000,000 to provide this assistance. The people of this community have always heeded generously humanitarian appeals like this. Let us again open our hearts and our pocketbooks and make sure that the Red Cross receives the necessary funds to help our distressed neighbors on the Gulf Coast, Send or take your contribution to your NEAREST Red Cross chapter. Letter To Editor A Lonely County? An opinion" from the Hertford Jaycees y - We, of the Hertford Jaycees read with great Interest an arti cle which appeared on the front page of the last issue of the Per lulmans Weekly entitled "Per quimans - Land of BeautlfulWat era", and we certainly agree that there Is no place more bountifully endowed than our own Perqui mans County, As Interested citl aens, and, In many casea, life long residents of Perquimans County, we are very proud of the great natural beauty of our Cod given gifts, and would like very mueh to see them preserved for our sons and our son's sons but, not to the exclusion of all other facets of a balanced and healthy economy, A county that emphasleea only one aegment of a well rounded economy will be Just is unhealthy as a child who emphasises only his mental de velopment and neglects his phy sical development. Agriculture la very Important to many of ua, Just as It is very Important to Perquimans County. Yet, we do not think that agricul ture should receive emphasis to tkm avnliialnn nf natural ra- sources, tourls'm, retail trade, schools, housing developments. . and even that eulprtt to whloh last I week' article so violently ob ' Jects Industry, V the people of ' Perquimans County are to live !' and prosper, all of theae things I must t developed, i Perquimans County Is, at this moment, losing Us most valuable resource at an alarming ratal This natural resource Is none other than Its young people, They are leaving this county, not be cause they wish to, but because it is an economic necessity that they do so. It is very hard tor a young man to fully appreciate the vast beauty of towerlngCypress trees, rippling water a, and rising morn ing mists, when his mind is oc cupied by the thought that his In come Is not sufficient to support his young family in a manner that they both need and deserve. To this young man, at this particular time, a good job is of utmost Im portance, and to many such young men, a good job Is an impossibi lity unless all facets of economic development are stressed imme diately - even Industryl Industry in today's vast new technological era la not allowed to pollute the watera as they once were. There are atate laws to prohibit It, and sclentlflo meth ods to prevent it. The gaa burn in In nur nam autnmoHlaa and jtrucka will do more to pollute .the air in one day, than will the small Industries, such as we are attempting to attract to Perqui mans County, In a week. Yet, we continue to sell gasollnel The "sweatboxee", unsanitary work ing conditions, and dumping of raw pollutants simply does not exist In today's modern Indus try, because they cannot compete for modern, essential labor us ing these methods. Today's mod ern industry is both a good neigh bor and a valuable cltlcen. This fact has been proven In several Eastern North Carolina towns in the past few years. Take a good look at our neighbor, Edenton. V it is so greatly polluted, It cer tainly has a healthy look! We certainly agree with last week's article that through county coning and careful planning, much of the natural beauty can be pre served and put to Its most effi cient use. However, unless we emphasise the economic develop ment of this county.ln all its var ious aspects, the coming years In Perquimans County will be lonely - very lonely, Bobby Heath Pres, Jaycees Veteran's Administration The Veterans Administration today explained the recent in crease In the base pay of mem bers of the Armed Forces brought an increase in dependency and indemnity compensation (D1C) payments only to the 160,000 un remarried widows on the DIC rolls. Dependent parents and child ren receiving DIC monthly pay ments from the VA did not rece ive an automatic Increase in their payment as a result of the mili tary pay raise. Payments for these parents and children are fixed by the Con gress, W, R, Phillips, Manager of the Winston-8alem VA Region al Office, explained. Benefits tor unremarried wid ows relate to military pay scales, with the formula for determining the amount of monthly payments calling for $120 a month, plus Is per cent of the monthly basic pay now being received by a ser viceman whose rank and years of service are the same as those of the deceased veteran. Thus a ralae In military basic pay, such u that which went Into effect on July 1, automatically Increases DIC payments to ell gible widows, Phillips said. Blame It On Charlie, Kids! This week and next, kids all over the Albemarle area will be starting 'another achool year. Vacation la over ... It yuu youngsters want a whipping boy, you might blame it on old Qiaiiea Griffin he started the first school in the atate in 1705 right here in Pas quotank County. Tell that to your history teacher! CALL HER ON YOUR EXTENSION PHONE RIGHT NOW! THE NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY EIC Will Sponsor Visit By Agency A repreaentative of the I mall Business Administration will be in the area September U to dis cuss services available with In terested people. The meetingwlU begin at 9 a,m., at Eeonomle Improvement Council offices at Edenton Municipal Airport, Roy L, Lowe, EK) executive director, said this will be the first time in nearly 16 months that an 8BA repreaentative has been available locally, Lowe said about SO Inquiries have been made to hla of floe about the availability of assistance In establishing or expanding busi nesses, "The representative will be here to give people more knowledge about what is actually available and answer any questions," Lowe said, "This service Is definitely needed and EIC is pleased that the request to SBA's Charlotte office was favorably accepted," he added. While the SBA In every case recommends bank participation under the Guaranty Participation Program there are other pro grams available, Lowe points out. Anyone desiring information about the September U meeting should oontaot Lowe at Ms BIO offtee. ,:--.:4' - Appointments can fee made through! lUaebeth City Office -Tel, I89-M9I (Mrs, James) or Edenton Office - Tel14n44n (Mrs, Dayton , Cancer Clinic To Be Held Friday The Northeastern Canear CU nlo will be held on Friday after noon Sept, 9, W89, with registra tion beginning at UiSO prfn, A chest x-ray will be given to any one wishing It along with the examination of the five areas of the body where oanoer Is most easily round and cured. Only 10 people can be seen at the Center each month, due to limited faci lities, so it is suggested that any one who wishes to be assured of an appointment should writs or call the Canoer Center .Koala Dept. Elisabeth City, NA for a priority. Examines are asked to bring a robe or housecoat with them, ' For Your Information mmmm Dear friends, The following statistics are required to complete death certificate: full name, birth place and birth date of the deceased, occupa tion, Social Security number, place of residence, name of spouse, name of father and mother, the date and place of interment. It is well to have the available facts beforehand. Respectfully, SWINDELL Ft N ERAJL HOME HERTFORD, N. C. & NEW IN Big super heating performance in q COMPACT CABINETI i y ' -; modii, ' 7 - IT-" NaturailvJta a pstcnttf I OILHOMEHEtfrnRJl: iaure"-M evTt laMNBAV TUBSS iweetn' lewl CeytweheHtrtheat. Just awl wwtw Only 1 Ja Mh yet uSMh HOWM teSMUeitie it nam hm mtsw sweet Sever fleets. PLUS I 9 patented SIEGLIRMATIC DRAFT ' CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION . : GfNUINi PORCELAIN ENAMEL NNtSH SIIOLIsX OIVII YOU MORI AN3 , HOTTR MAT OVII Y0U3 P1ACSSI te this new CONSOLE 8IEQLER that UERTF0QD IIADDViAQE fi SUPPLY, O. '( i i I---, -.i-" . '' . - - . -v .. Lei's Go To Church Sunday Make Church Going A Habit 3. Jllllllllll THESE KHJGIQU8 MESSAGES ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS . . . UF.HoUovUik Son, fnc. UVUTOCK AND rAjut pitopuoa - f1wne4N-MXl WDfTAlX, N. O. Pitt Hardwart . Company Phone 49sSMl HBRTTORD, N. C. Wln$louBlanchard Motor Company YOUR FORD DEALER W, M. Morgan Furniture Co. HOMES FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPUANCES Cannon Cleaners DEPENDABLE 8ERVICE Phone 426-5491 J, C. Bkmchard & Co., Inc. "BLANCHARD'8" . SINCE! 1832 ' Blanchard'u Barber Shop Gerald W. Blanehard Proprietor Kvith't Grocery PHONB 436-TT67 HERTFORD, N. 0 Onv Stop Service Station BILL COX, Owner Tires Greasing Accessories CALL 426-M70 HERTFORD, N, C. Lane Woodwork Shop "Custom Built Kitchen Cabinets" PHONB 42S.T22B RouU I, Hertford. N. C. (WMU Hat Road) WinJet! Service Station . ' OAS . OIL TAB! AND RXPAIM FIRESTONE TIRES niomaa B. Morgan, Wlnfall CALL 486-IM3 PeopU$ Bank & Trust Company Member P.D.X.C. HERTFORD, V. C. Brrum Furniture , Company ' Mioiw 42M2d3 HERTFORD, N. C k " Kxmm&x - x;:-' . i y7'., 'j ". ', 1:1 rj ffrA LmmJ L-Jl ! iU ScripturM Ucted by tht Amrricn Biblf Soddy Sunday Monday I P.t.r I P.t.r 4il2-l i e TvMday W,dn,iday I Kings I King. 1J.M0 17i1-ld Thunday Friday I Klngi I Kings 17.1724 18,1-16 Saturday I Klngi 18,17-29 All around the) world They marvel at American Industry. Factory chimneys send graat clouds of smoko skyward as we produce mora and still mora. Thoro sotms to bo no nd to man's oroarosa. whether hers on oarth or out In the vast mystery of space. In spite of all wo do, thoro Is still so much that wo cannot do. For all our power, wo aro still frail and vulner able. God has glvon us many capabilities, but wo woro never meant to "go It" entirely alono. To think that wo . need nothing boyond ourselves Is not salf-confldonc-It is brashnoss. Thoro aro moments when wo all nood to look Intoi a apodal kind of mirror, by which wo may ro-oxamlno our lives. Such a mirror may bo found In church whoro Cod's word, If wo roally llston to It, can holp show us tho truth. Why not go and llston In your church noxt Sundayf CeyvrfalM IHf Ktltur AimrtUH MtnU. he,, (lfaWt,V.. Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. .Phone 426-5591 HERTFORD. N. C. Towe Motor Co, , CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH . - SALES A SERVICE Reed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS Hertford, N. C. Baker Oil Company Mt'PPLIERA OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR TIRES ' Albemarts ' Chemical Co, Phone 424-5587 t HERTFORD, N. C, Robertson Cleaners & Laundry, Inc. . QUA1ITT WORK ' -COURT30U8 SERV1CB V VRKXm 428-6238 -HSaiTTORD, N. C, GOD GRANTS ISRAEL A XING International Sunday School Lesson for September 7, 1M9. MEMORY SELECTION "Only fear the Lord, and serve Him In truth with all your heart) for consider how great things He hstt done for you." 0 Samuel 114). LESSON TEXTi I Samuel e-llj 1S46 18iH2j S8 llil.T, GOD IS OMNIPOTENT I That is the text of the lesson we study today. Ho created the Heavens and the earth, and all that in them dwells. But Man Ho created la His own Image, and, of all the animals, man is tho only on with reasoning power and freedom of choice. He has the freedom to choose his own tenets, Ms own standards of morals, hlsownab leglanoesj but God controls ths consequences of mankind's choices. i .. We may consider ourselves mors advanced than the na tions of Biblical times, but nevertheless ws exper. lenoe the same need for spiritual leader ablp thai, for In stance, Israel did. God, as then, is ever ready to provide 1 Divine leadership to those who truly orave it. But, in Btblloal times, Israel was Ood'a chosen raoci He was her King. Prom time to time she had a stated leader, otlled a judgej but ho wu a leader by God's appoint, ment, whose purpose was to bring the people back to obodlonee to God's commands, ' The time came, however, when Israel demanded a king such as other nations had, and the era of this Lesson Is concerned with ths granting of this wish. Samuel was such an one, marked by God to take bis place 1 In the destiny of hlswn people, Hannah, Samuel's mother, was a devout womani Samuel was dedicated to God's set vice at an early age, He proved himself worthy of God's choice to be a leader of His people. In that, Hannah fared better than did her beloved samuelj for Samuel's sons proved to be totally unworthy of their devout parentage. They grew to manhood physically, but never spiritually) they became notorious for their immoral behaviour and they left their matkuponthehlrtoryoflsradandof Christianity more by default than by accomplishment. For their unworthlnese, on top of the unworthlnese of the sons of that other great leader of Israel, EU, caused the people to become restless, and to have the security of an earthly king, as did other lead, ers. They quite lost sight of the fact that they were not la tended to be aa other nations they had been chosen as God's own natlonl v : - , so, in due oourie. Samuel appointed Saul as Israel's king, following God's Instruotlons. Saul, however, although he started out brilliantly, soon fell heir to the fallings of : humanity, His son, Johnathan, had a dearly loved friend la the young David, Young, upright and virtuous, David soon claimed the affection of the people. They sang Saul's praises but they sang David's even louaderl Jealousy oorrodedthe, soul of saul, and it was not longbefore he found dlapisasure in Ood's eyes. -i':. saul was certainly responsible for the mas he became in the later years of his life. What he eame out of Us personal choice, A giant became a pygmy but another giant rose up to take his plaoe. How sad that David did not learn hla lesson from those who had sons before html how sad, that ws,' today, dismiss ths lessons that history -teaches usl ' v- :: Fortunately f or us, Ood Is ever tolerant of human frail. -. ties I Siy'"! ;:V':Y.. .:-V .iv-;.;,V! - - We, alas, set up our own "kings" deriving from them a false sense of security. Selfishness, pride, wilfulness, greed, covetousnsss. , , aU these are false god! And the homage they demand from us drains us and blinds us to service to God and to mankind. : God granted US a King - one who stood tall above all earthly men our fealthy to Him reflects our fealty to the Almighty Are we like Saul or do we claim to be beUj iter? vt-V V--v.v'-r--''-4-i (These comments are based on outlines of the Interna. , tlonal Sunday School Lessons. Mpyrlehted tar the Inter national Council of Religious Education, and used by PHONE 426-5211 HERTFORD, N. C . permission;. -s v :l. .--i -v-v