7 Gfcssif i:d$ cnil Lewis ay ,V - hbu wanted t HAVE OPENINGS for B power sewing machine operators. 40 hours weekly. Full time. Ex penenoe preferred but not . required. Bran new sir oon (MtWd mill. Skilled opera. tow averaging; $85.00 and up weekly. Elisabeth aty Ho ,Hery Mllle, dial S36-SW88. 8eptia,18,28;Oct-o iVOR BAIJE: new ueed care land plokups. If we don't " hare the kind you want, we can get It Narron Rus WfU Motors, 7 mUea eaet of Hertford on the New Hope 1 Road. Catt Ii U Narron 426-, T7M or ff. A. Russell 426 - 8879. -; JulySl.BeptSlS X AM available lor tutoring Ugh echool (tudenta in Alge bra, Geometry, Tngtuometry - and an other form of Math. I have a B.& degree Hath . from Hast Carolina- Unlvw- Uty (1905). Phone George Whtte, Jr., 426-7890. FOR BMM-Blw Boy Wheat, 3.00 per buehet Contact fa Lloyd Evans, Rt 1, Hart- ford. Phone 436-7318. - ' 8ept28;Oot2-e TOR 8 ALU l Ferguson 3 row i peanut digger and 1 Fergu r son Peanut shaker Phone 428-6828 Charlie Matthews Sept 25;Oet 2p WANTED Old and new bird deooys All types. Write Trudy Taylor, Morgan Creek 'VmJ ffc..i urn- t.t . 27814. Sept 28C FOR SALE 2 truck tires 900k 2p $10.00 each; 1 Yazoo lawn mower, 136.00; 1 power back saw 8128.00 C R. Ward. Hertford, H C ! ti y- , ; .iv Sept 2BP - FOR BALE Asnpldne, ready for Halloween, decorations aV good eating. Very good col or. W. TMmadge Lewis (near Chapanoke), Rt 2, Hertford, N. C. Phone 838-4072. Sept 2B;Oot 2.9,180 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF ' JUSTICE , SUPERIOR COURT IX VISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified as CoAdrolnl. strstors C.T.A. of the estate of Sadie Morris Chappell of Per. ,4jqutmaM County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav. Ins. culms against the estate of said Sadie-Morris Chappell to pi-worn uieui u uis unaer signed within 6 months from date of the ' publication ttfthla notice or am will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona lndehtwi to sua estate please make Im mediate payment. This tha 12th risv nl.Wimk 1969. ' Sarah Chappell West George David Chappell Co-Administrators. C.T.A. , . 207 Court Street, Edenton, N.C. Sept.18,25; Oct J,8-c ,, NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT -v NORTH CAROLINA t Peoples Bank & Trust Company. , Executor of the Mary I, Fitch Estate, Petitioner Vs. Louis Whtejtead Powell, Vernon B. Smith, and John Thomas Lane ,111. ... j , Defendants, The defendants Louise Wlilte. , neao roweii, vernon b. smith, and John Thomas Lane ID., will proceeding entitled as above has J SPECIAL TO TnOSE OKTOMERS who are prompt in handling their kero acne and fuel oil accounts let us say that it is a special pleasure and privilege to serve you. Please accept our thanks for your fine cooperation. TO THOSE WEO HAVE PURCHA&ED OILS DIKING THE PAST SEASON and have allowed their accounts to become delinquent we must give yon our decision on further deliveries. (1) TTewfil hold our special credit meeting on Sept. IS, 1969, at which time we will exchange names of these delinquent , accounts, ' (2) TTe will make no deliveries for either GASH or CREDIT if ny account is owing any member of this organization unless , naid at once or properly arranged for. S) .This Ikfcmation wHl be passed on to dealers in other nearby ' Towns for their protection. 'TUXZZ EIAXE IT FOSSZDLE FOU US TO SERVE YOU rze::rTLY tteen are called . . . TIIAK1S YOU N H lw-4l t a.-. FOR SALE Deluxe DHTEX metal detector. Ehcoel. cond. 8" and U head. $96.00. Call 426-6481 or 426-6878. . , 8ept26-o been commenced in the superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff as Executor of Mary I. Flteb, deceased, to sell the real estate of the deceased, or so much thereof as many be necessary forthepay. met of the debts of thedeceased. And said - defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, In his of floe in the Courthouse In Hert ford, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said proceeding, within ten days after the 23rd day of October. 1969, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said petition. This 18th day of September, 1969. W. J. Ward Clerk Superior Court SepM8r2S,OcU,9.e RESOLUTION CALLING ' . SPECIAL ELECTION WHEREAS, the 1969 Session of the North Carolina General As sembly enacted Chapter 1228 S. L. 1969, amending Article 6 of Chapter 108 of the General Statutes of North Carolina by adding thereto a new division de signaled as Division IX, and en titled "Local Option Sales and Use Tax Act"; and ; '. WHEREAS, under the terms and provisions of said Act the Board of Elections of each Coun ty is required to call and conduct a special election on Tuesday, November 4, 1969 for the pur pose of submitting to the voters of each County the question of whether a one per cent (1) sales and use tax as provided In said Act will be levied; and WHEREAS, under the mandate of said law It becomes the duty of the Perquimans County Board of Elections to call and conduct a special election in Perquimans County on the date fixed for the I purpose ox suomitnng to tne vot ers of Perquimans County the question of whether the one per cent (1) sales and use tax shall be levied and collected in Per qulmans County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That a special elect Ion is called and shall be held In Perquimans County on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, for the pur pose of submitting to the qualified voters the question as to whether there shall be levied and collect ed in Perquimans County a one cent (1) local sales and we tax. Section 2. That the Chairman of the Perquimans County Board of Elections is directed to give at least 20 days public notice prior to the opening of the regis t ration books on October 4, 1969, for said special election by publi cation of notice at least two times prior to the election In the Per qulmans Weekly, which paper has a general circulation with In the County, the first of said publications to appear no later than Sept. 28, and the second not later than Oct. 9. said notice shall be substantially Jn the fol lowing form: ' :x NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD IN PERQUI MANS COUNTY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1969 ON THE QUESTION OF WHETHER A ONg PER CENT LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX WILL BE LEVIED. NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 1228, Ses sion Laws 1969. a specall elect ion will be held In Perquimans County for the purpose of submit ting to the voters of the county the NOTICE ' question of whether or not a one per cent (1) local sales and use tax will be levied and collected in the county, at which said election there will be submitted to the qualified voters of Per quimans County the following propositions: FOR THE ONE PERCENT(1) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX AGAINST THE ONE PER CENT (1) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX ,v NOTICE Is further given that If a majority of the qualified voters, voting at said election, vote FOR the levy of a one per cent (1) local sales and use tax, then said tax shall be levied beginning the first day of the month following the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of said election and collected by theCommisslonerof Revenue as provided by law. The polling places for each of the election precincts are as fol lows: :t4 - . ; HERE LIST POLLING PLACES Bethel: Bethel . Fire Depart ment. Nlcanor: Nicanor Community Building. Belrldere: Belvidere Com. munlty Building. Parkvllle: Wlnfall Community Building. New Hope: New Hope Com munlty Building. East Hertford: Perquimans County Courthouse. West Hertford: Health De partment. The registration books of Per qulmans County in the election precincts named will be used. Each registrar will keep open the registration books for His pre cinct at the polling places from nine o'clock A. M. until 6:30 o'clock p.m. on each day begin ning Saturday, October 4, 1969 and closing Saturday, October 28, 1969. On Saturdays October 4th 11th, 18th and 25th the regis tration books shall remain open at the voting places. Saturday, November 1, 1969 Is Challenge Day. ABSENTEE BALLOTS WILL NOT BE USED. The registrars and judges of election, appointed by the Per qulmans County Board of Elect ions, shall be the election offi cials for said special election. On Tuesday, November 4th 1969, the date designated for the special election; polls In Perqui mans County shall open at the hour of six-thirty o'clock a.m and close at the hour of slx- thlrty o'clock p.m. By order of the County Board of Elections of Perquimans County. Date: Sept. 22, 1969. W. L. Tllley Chairman of the . , t County Board of 1 Elections of Perquimans County Section 3. The polls for said special election shall be opened and closed at the time and places stated In Notice of Election. The electors shall be registered for said election in the manner set forth in the Notice. Section 4. The ballots or ballot labels to be used in said election shall be substantially in the fol. lowing form: ': QUESTION FOR THE ONE PER CENT (1) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX. AGAINST THE ONE PER CENT (1) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX. A W. L. Tllley Chairman of County Board of Elections Of Perquimans , County, North Carolina. Section 8. The County Board of Elections shall cause to be printed the necessary ballots or ballot labels, provide the regis tration books, voting machines, and other equipment, required for the holding of said election and conduct and supervise said election. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was moved by W. L. Tllley seconded by Cecil E. Win. slow and upon roll call vote the members voted as follows: Voting Ays 8 Voting Nay 0 Sept.28;Oct.2,9.c ' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Per qulmans County, made in the special proceedings entitled "Maurice H. Beals vs. Woodrow Beals and wife, Ann Jeimette Beals, et al," the undersigned Commissioners will on the 27th day of October, 1969, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the premises In Perquimans County, North Carolina in or near Woodville, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash that certain tract of land lying and being In New Hope Township, ' Perquimans County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: Bounded on the North by the County Road leading from Hert ford to Woodville, East by the Caleb Whiteland,SouthbyA.D. Blanchard land and West by the Sample land containing 10 acres, more or less, and kcown as the Dr. William Rlddlck homeplace. For further de scrlptlon see deed from Lucy G. Rlddlck to J. M. White re corded in Deed Book 13, page 59, and deed from J. M. White and wife to Gertie M. Swain recorded in Deed Book 15, page 289, Register of Deeds office, Perquimans County, N.C. V SAVING AND EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIP TION HOWEVER: Beglnnlngon the South side of an old dirt road leading from Hert ford to Woodville at an iron stake in a ditch, the Northeast corner of lot of. Theodore Burke, formerly William Burke, and running thence along said ditch In a Souther ly direction 158 feet to an iron stake; thence in an Easterly direction 132 feet to an iron stake in a ditch; thence along said ditch in a Northerly dl rectlon 163 feet to an iron stob In right-of-way of road; therealong said dirt road in a Westerly direction 135 feet to an iron stake in ditch; the point of beginning and being a part of the Gertrude Swain land. This plat of land can be found in Deed Book 44 at page 272 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans Coun ty, N.C. This 23rd day of September, 1969. Sept.25;Oct.2,9,16c NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and virtue of an order of re-sale, upon an advance bid, made by the Superior Court of Perquimans County in the special proceedings entitled, Mildred a Tucker and husband Charles' H. Tucker; John S.Bateroan and wife give your tf Isn't it ( to romp on a cozy, y warm floor?" Jy healthier, happier, warmer home with a beautiful, new IDGEDILGlT cil Hc:.:n huatgr TOLraWtkttbdUBIo-mSntaauda- festve bear Ha Tab unci m SUPER FLOOR HEAT. Coo In ud aakfbradaBKtktMi-aarJMhewtUiatw Skgltr wffl pay UmMUmtm. Maurlne V. Batsman vs. William Bateman, the undersigned com missioner will, on the 4th day of October, 1969, at 11:30 a.m., at the courthouse door In Hertford, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest biddsr for cash upon an-openlng bid of $7,266.78, those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Perquimans County, North Carolina, describ ed as follows: TRACT ONE: Bounded on the west by the Hertford- Harvey Point Road; on the north by o. W. Barbee; on the east by the Per quimans River; on the south by the George Bateman land. Con taining 21 acres, more or less and being part of the land owned by John L. Bateman at the time of his death. TRACT TWO: Known as t h e Helen Hassell tract. Bounded on the west by the Hertford-Har vey Point Road; on the north by Young Berry; on the east by the Perquimans River; on the south by Madison Mabine land. Con taining 21 acres, more or less and being apart of the lands owned by John L. Bateman at the time of his death. A deposit of 10 per cent of his bid up to and Including $1, 000.00, plus 5 per cent of any excess over $1,000.00, will be required of the successful bidder. This 17th day of September, 1969. Walter G. Edwards Commissioner Sept.25,Oct.2c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the estate of R. M. Rlddlck, Jr. of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said R. M. Rld dlck, Jr. to present them to 'the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be plead ed. In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make immediatepayment. This the 17th day of Septem ber, 1969. Peoples Bank & Trust Company Executor By John A. Daughtridge, Vice President Rocky Mount, N.C. F. P. SprulU, Jr. Rocky Mount, N.C. Sept.25;Oct.2,9,16c NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY DOROTHY FAYE CHAPPELL, Plaintiff vs WILLIAM LEE CHAPPELL, Defendant The defendant, William Lee Chappell will take notice that an action as entitled above, has been family a that she yea the comfort ft Hmit with The Perquimans County commenced In District Court of Perquimans County, N.C, In which the plaintiff seeks divorce from the defendant on the ground of one year's separation, and the defendant will take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court In Perquimans County North Care Una, on or before the 10th day of November, 1969, and answer or demur to the Complaint or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. This 16th day of September 1969. M. 3. Ward Clerk Superior Court SepU5;Oct .2,9.1 6c STATEMENT ef OWNEBSfHP (Act of October U, 1S; aeerae asew, uue s, Uattet States Cede) 1. Date of Filing: September 12th, 1969. 2. Title of Publication: The Perquimans Weekly. 3. Frequencyoflssue: Weekly. 4. Location of Known Office of Publication: Hertford, N.C. 27944. 5. Location of the Headquar ters or General Business Of fices of the Publishers: Hert ford, N.C. 6. Names and Addresses of Publisher, Editor and Manag. lng Editor: Publisher: The Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N.C. Editor: Virginia White Tran. seau, Hertford, N.C. 7. Owner: Virginia White Transeau, Hertford, N.C. 8. Known Bondholders, Mort gagees and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None. 9. Extent and Nature of Circulation: A. Total Number copies printed: 2,105. B. Paid Circulation: (1) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 2,076. ! (2) Matll s ubscrl p 1 1 o n s: 2,076. C. Total paid Circulation: 2,076. D. Free Distribution (Includ ing samples) by mail, carrier or other means: 17. E. Total Distribution: 2,093. F. Office Use, Left-Over, Un accounted, Spoiled after print ing: 12. G. Total; 2,105. Virginia White Transeau, Editor NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Perquimans County made In the Special Proceeding entitled Ray mond T. White and wife. Delia W. White vs Mary White, Rosa Lee White, Mrs. Amos White, Annie White, Norman White and james w. Overton, now pending In said Court, the undersigned HARRELL'S SMOKED COUNTRY HAMS 83s pound CORNED PIG TAILS 3 pounds $1.00 FULLY COOKED. READY TO EAT CHITTERLINGS ... . . lb. 70s DAN DOODLES V. v . . . . lb. CO: Crccs Road PEACHES 4 NO. 2 CANS ) J1.C3 J. C. BLANCHARD CO., INC. ' CLANCUARD'S Sines 1832 HERTFORD, N. G Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Thunday, Commissioner will on Wednes day, the adavofOctehar.lOAa. at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the courthouse door In Hertford, North Carolina, offer tor sue and sell to the highest bidder at publlo auction, for cash the following described real estate, to-wlti The Tuttle Tract containing 481.8 acres a described and delineated on a plat prepared by T, J, Jessup, Registered Surveyor, entitled "Charlie Frank White-Tuttle Trect Craney Island -481.5 acres, Belvidere Township, Perqui mans County. North Carolina which plat is now duly record ed in Plat Book 4 on page 93 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, and by reference expressly made a part hereof as if here to attached for a more fuller and complete description of we property herein conveyed; excepting however, the lot formerly conveyed to Raymond T. White and wife, Dells w. White by a deed now duly re corded in Deed Book 4 3 on page 509, containing 1 acre of land you oan count on I e ConaMqr-trtkwd appllence Mftfctmw e Wi Imd cylindtra and Unki anTCidwtrT ' h0m' ,arm Qwllty-coirtrolltd for batter performanct and tammy e Owr 45 win ol leedennip ... Now wrvlm a stales Call us today for detalla HARRELL'S INC. NEXT TO PERQUIMANS HIGH SCHOOL HERTFORD HIGHWAY 426-8558 HERTFORD. N. a Vwrlwmt tor madomiai appliance teaking. haatlng watar hatting "...... LAST OF THE 69 FORDS 10-DAY CLEARANCE SALE! ALL CARS In Stock REDUCED To Be SOLD! 2 Gabude 500 4-Door Sedan 2 Galaxie 500 4-Door Sedan with Air Condition 2 LTD 2-Door Hardtop 2 Torino 4-Door Sedan with Air Condition 1 Mustang 2-Door Hardtop, 3-Speed Trans mission in Floor 50 USED CARS 54 YEAR MODELS DOWN FROM $30.00-8500 Winslow - Blanchard Motor Co. INCORPORATED Phone 426-5245 - 426-5654 P. O. Box 285 U. S. 17 North Hertford, N. a LUTER'S SMOKED PICNICS 49c pound Ftdly Cooked GWALTNETS ALL MEAT FRANKS ... ... ..... . lb. 59s GWALTNEVS CYPRESS BRAND Sliced BACON .............. lb. E2c BANANAS 2 sasa September 25, 1969 - Page 7- together with a right-of-way and the two right-of-ways heretofore conveyed byCharlle Frank White recorded in Deed , nook 82 on page 346 and Deed' Book 62 on page 484 to Law yers Title Insurance Corpora tion, Trustee, and reference is expressly made to said deeds for a more fuller and complete description thereof. This is a re-sale of the above described land and the bid now stands at ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED (11,100.00) DOL LARS. The successful bidder at this sale will be required to deposit ten per cent of the amount of his bid to show good faith as a purchaser. That this sale was made sub ject to all outstanding and un paid ad valor eum taxes to Per quimans County, North Carolina. Thomas L, Jones Commissioner Jones, Jones A Jones Attorneys at Law Murf reesboro, N.C , Sept.25pct.2c Mktiniet CylMw timet ttmnwntoftlMfltnm it... pyrafpx (JUS ..at)wtMae w ROUND STEAK, lb. 3s FRESH EGGS CD Extra Large GRADE 'A' COs dozen VAN CAMPS Spanish niCE IDs can Thone 4:5-5211 HerftfordVN. G ntE3 D3IVERY . I ? PHONE 426-5449 3

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