Staled Printtng Co- LotilstiUe, Ky. W200 THE SRQUIMAN WEEKLY 11 Volume XXVII 2T Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, May 21, 1970 10 Cents Per Copy Meet Your Perquimans Marching Unit ?T i. If-'' L ; 1 r if ) ( v-; ; Pays Tribute To Miss Newby The Perquimans Board' of Education pays Resolution o a former member of the school faculty at Perquimans County High School, the late Miss Frances Elizabeth Newby. "The Perquimans County Schools sustained a great loss on May 1, 1970 when death claimed our friend and educator, Frances Elizabeth Newby." (The resolution of respect is printed in its entirety in this issue of your paper. ) Monthly Report Hertford Police Department Miss Lynne Landing is e daughter of Mr. and W. D. Landing. She !s 16 years old and a Sophomore at Perq. High School. She is 5 feet 4 in. tall, has light brown hair and due eyes. Her noDDies are kwimmine. reading. bating, and going to the movies. , -. Lynne is a Snare Drummer in the Mar bhing Unit. She is also a member of the Heaitn Club, FHA, Debate Club, V Basketball, ana umor Editor on the news aper staff. Miss Cathy Keel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Keel. She is 16 years old and a Sophomore at Perq. High School. She is 5 feet 7 in. tall, has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her hobbies are sewing, cooking, writing, and working at the hospital as a nurses' aide. Cathy plays the Base Drum in the Marching Unit. Her other activities Jiave been FHA, Health Club, Debate Club, Student Council Home Room Representative, and 9th grade Home Room Secretary-Treasurer. Miss Darlene Goodman is the 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodman. She is 5 feet 3 in. tall, has black hair and blue eyes. Her hobbies are sewing and swimming. Darlene is a Sophomore at Perq. High School, and a Majorette in the Mar ching Unit. Her Fresh man year she was a J-V Cheer Leader, Home noom resident, a member of Health Club, FHA, and Student Council. Her Sophomore year she is Library Assistant, played powder puff foot ball and a member of FHA and Health Club. The following monthly report for April was given by Chief Ben L. Gibbs at the regular meeting of the Town Council. ARREST MADE: Drunk on the Street, 3; Assault, 1; Arm Robbery, 3; Miscellaneous Traffic Arrests, 1 ; ACTIVITIES: Calls Answered and Investigated, 103; Accidents Investigated, 3; Funerals Worked, 6; Courtesies Extended, 111; Door Found Unlocked, 5; Fire Calls Answered, 5; Radio Calls, 218; Citations Issued for Improper Parking, 1; Lights Reported Out, 3; Bicycles Reported Stolen, 1. Chaplain Cherry To Give Baccalaureate Sermon Plans are being made for Commencement exercises to be held at Perquimans County High School on Sunday "and Friday nights, May 24 and 29 at 8:00 p.m. Captain Corbin Cherry, (class of 1956) Chaplain at Walter Reed General Hospital will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. The Reverend Thomas R. Butt, Sr. (class of 1946) will give the in vocation and the benediction, and the Reverend Jesse Ray Mansfield of the Selma Baptist church (class of 1956) will read the scripture lesson and offer the prayer. Special music will be presented by the high school glee club under the direction of Miss Caroline Wright. There are 76 candidates in line for the presentation of diplomas. The valedictory will be given by Karen Haskett, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haskett. The salutatory will be delivered by Wayne Riddick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Riddick. Janice Winslow, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oras Winslow, and Douglas Perry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Perry will present the history of the class of 1970. The Mrs. White Demonstrates Furniture Ref in ishing Board Of Education Approves Tentative A llocation of Teachers I Perquimans Board of jducation met here Monday, lay 4 arid approved a tentative Jlocatlon of teachers for the 370-71 term of school. This Jlotment provides for 23 Vhenjjtor Hertford Grammar fch6olj;45; dftir Perquimans ' entral Grammar School, 17 for erquimans Union School and 26 jr Perquimans High School. (The above number of teachers pes not include special lucation teachers or vocational achers. (The Board voted to budget for : . . TO T i an additional vocational teacher for next year. In other business the Board decided to operate separate buses for high school and elementary students in so far as possible next year. . r!f A new" budget for Driver Education was approved. A contract with R. E. Aiken, Jr. to audit the financial records was approved. The purchase of a new mower and tractor was approved with the funds for this purchase to come from the Impact or A.B.C. Account if necessary. Superintendent C. C. Walters' was authorized to proceed with plans for construction of a covered walk-way to connect the King Street School with Perquimans High. Plans were made to prepares new budget for presentation to the Board of Commissioners at a later date in May. Resolution of Respect was adopted by the Board for the late Frances Elizabeth Newby, Perquimans High School teacher who died this month. - Mn. Eariene White, Perquimans County Extension Aide demon strates a lefinbhing furniture technique for student, Mn. T. T. Harrell of Route 1, Hertford, N.C. Perquimans High 1970 Graduating Class I "i.A program will begin with the invocation by Dan Nixon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nixo- The benediction by Nancy Rid dick, the daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riddick, will con clude the commencement program. These speakers are the top ranking students in the graduating class. Doug Benton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Benton, president of the Senior Class, . will present the gift to the school. A number of medals will be awarded to outstanding pupils. Members of the County Board of Education, William E. Byrum, Principal of PCHS, the District School Committee, C.C. Walters, Superintendent of Perquimans County Schools, will be seated on the stage for the graduating exercises. Clifford Winslow, Chairman of the Board of Education will present the diplomas. Graduating exercises for the eighth grade will be held on Thursday, May 28, at 1 :00 p.m. in auditorium. Chamber Board Of Directors Supper Meeting Planned The Board of Directors of the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce will hold its regular monthly meeting this Monday night. It' will be the annual Past President's Dinner and all in that category are invited to attend for an evening of fellowship and food. The former is free, the latter will be at a cost of $3.50 and that will be for the steak and all the trimmings. The meeting will be held at Winslow-Blanchard Motor Co. and will get underway at 7 j.m Please notify the Chamber of Commerce office by Thursday and let them know if you can attend. ' Perquimans Unit Of ASC Meets Monday Night The Perquimans County Unit . of the American Cancer Society will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at the REA Building in Winfall. Dr. Robert Poston will present the program. The public is invited to attend. Beers To Receive Heart Fund Award John G. Beers, Chairman of the 1970 Heart Fund Campaign in Perauimans, has been selected from over 100,000 North Carolina Heart Fund Volunteers, to receive an award for outstanding service at the N. C. Heart Association's 21st Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions in Durham on May 26 and 27th. The award will be presented at the Awan s Breakfast of the Associatif .i held annually in honor of the Founders Award recipients. The Heart Association's "First Lady", Mrs. Henry Miller of Winston-Salem will present the Awards. The Founders Award is presented annually to Heart Volunteers ''for distinguished leadership in Heart Cause" over a period of years or for ex ceptional service in one year. J i . c. - j r Vf (hn DRESS REVUE WINNERS - Left to right Gil Proctor, Linda Ownley and Debbie Lane. J 4 e (fit 5a PICTURED ABOVE - TALENT WINNERS - Left to right, Randy Lassiter, Barry Lane, and Russell Lassiter. jn "'"'IT! V-r- Participates In Exotic Dancer HI - if Pictured above are the members of the 1970 graduating class of Perquiir "i Co .ty K'i V tool. Rising from left to right: Row 1: . 'j.Lcm, V i-.-J ManJield, Carla EUiott, BrendaHur ,, ?:jmAir.bc i.Kt.Jt Haskett, Wendy Benton, Judy Hall, ( " 1m Eoftler, Pat Co:'. :w, and Mary Godfrey. Row 2: BeC.y . Lite, Tiny V:lt, Qau ' j Stokdy, Joan Yohi Mary Ruth Ddl, Tlancy Reed, LaVanda Hussell, Anne Simpson, BecUe Elliott, llaitbt White, ..d Pat Lane. Row 3: Geneva White, Sandra Smith, Janice Et-IIL, Joyce Chappdl, Donna Talley, Anjjda er, Nancy RiJxk, Pam Winslow, Jeryl : Zachuy, and ;".:tcher. How 4: lUthard Waten, Mickie Phelps, Earf Godfrey, Douglas Perry, Ricky White, Edward Bynun, Parker Newbern, Pam Sutton, and Peggy White. Row 5: Miltort Hunter, Coleman W. Webb, Louis Lamb,, Terry White, DoiUd S tailings, Ddores Sphrey, Wanda Winslow, Larry Gibbs, - and Gail Watson. Row 6: Carlton Small, Michael Miller, Gaby Baker, Gayle Thompson, ShO Ward, Doris Newton, Janice Winslow, Anna Chambers, and Maiy Beth Proctor. Row 7: Jeny Cale, Johnny Caddy, Jim White, Wayne Riddick, Martin Owent, Charles Cornelius, Donatd Hobbt aud Ken Dale. Row 8: -Jcnny White, Jule Fleerwood, Broughton Dail, Doug Benton, ' Kiia Rose, Dan Nixon'andRayHollowell , . ' , V Marine Sergeant Everett C. Egan, husband of Mrs. Mary E. Egan of Route 3, Hertford, N. C, is participating in "Exotic Dancer III" with the Second Marine Division near Camp Lejeune, N. C. "Exotic Dancer III" is a three week joint service training exercise involving an estimated 60,000 Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air Force support troops, operating against an opposing force of additional Atlantic command units. The operations include an air dropped U.S. Army Airborne Brigade coordinated with am phibious helicopter and surface landings by a Marine Ex peditionary Brigade from Navy ships. . PICTURED ABOVE ARE 4-H HEALTH ROYALTY - Left to right, Debbie Harrell, Gail Eure, Barry Lane, Vickie Godfrey, Ricky Lane. Not pictured is Earl Lane. A Look Into The 70'$ Is Theme 0 Annual 4-H Talent Shaiu "A Look Into the 70's" was the theme of the A n n u a 1 Talent Show, Dress Revue, and Health Pageant which was held on Monday night, May 11 at Hert ford Grammar School. The narrator for the entire program was Carmen Sutton, District 4-H President. Winners of the Health Pageant were crowned by Mr. Ernest Sutton, President of the Adult Leaders. They were chosen by their outstanding Health Records and were as follows: Barry Lane, Health King; Gail Eure, Health Queen; Earl Lane, Health Prince; (Not pictured in the above photo) Debbie Harrell, Health Princess; Ricky Lane, Health Duke; Vickie Godfrey, Health Duchess. Talent winners were as follows. Barry 'Lane, Blue Ribbon for his piano medley; Susan Rogerson, Red Ribbon for her solo; Beth Winslow, Blue ribbon for her piano selection; Russell Lassiter, Blue Ribbon for his solo; Claudia Winslow, Red Ribbon for her piano selection; Shaun Stokely. Red Ribbon for solo, Cathy Newberry, Blue Ribbon for piano selection; Mike Stokely and Carmen Sutton, Blue Ribbon for duet; Randy Lassiter, Blue Ribbon for piano selection; Murden Stokely, Red Ribbon for his recitation; Vickie Godfrey, Red Ribbon for piano selection; EagerBeaver 4-H Club, Blue Ribbon for their song and skit; Rhonda Lane, Blue Ribbon for piano selection; Ella Sue Chappell, Blue Ribbon for her Red Red Red Red puppet dance; Suzanne Keel, Red Ribbon for her solo. Top three talent winners were Barry Lane, Russell Lassiter, and Randy Lassiter. Dress Revue Winners were as follows: Debbie Lane, Blue Ribbon; Beverly Eure, Ribbon; Shaun Stokely, Ribbon; Beth Winslow, Ribbon: Suzanne Keel, Ribbon; Susan Rogerson, White Ribbon; Ella Sue Chaopell, Blue Ribbon; Darlene Feltcn, Rec" Ribbon; Linda Ownley, Blue Ribbon; Gail Eure, Red Ribbon; Rhonda Lane, White Ribbon; Brenda Godfrey, Red Ribbon; Gail Proctor, Blue Ribbon. The winner of the Pre-Teen Division was Debbie Lane. The Early Teen Division Winner was Linda Ownley; and the Sr. Teen Division winner was Gail Prnntnr . Judges for the event were Mrs. ' Phyllis West, Assistant Home Asent. Pasauotank County; Mr, . Gladys White, Home Economic Agent, Chowan County; Mrs Judy Stewart, Home Economics Teacher, Perquimans County High School, Mr. Jimmy Vaughn, Assistant Agricultural Agent, Pasquotank County. t "All in all, the events of the , evening proved to be a success,', states Miss Sherrl Taylor,; Assistant Home Agent. The camel k a nistv-tempered, beast that kicks, bites and spits hut bo one nu louna a oener cargo carrier for the heart of the Sahara Desert. ' .