i i V Standard Printing fin. Louiaiille, Ky. 402OQ FHE PEMUIMAN w: 7 "It Volume XXVII - 26 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, June 25, 1970 10 Centi Per Copy, MONDAY Phyllis Moore Receives Award 1 " t 0 c PHYLUS MOOKB rnyuis muui e wu wnM e certificate letter Award in -411- - . a. .. J- J i Related Math Class. She is a nan of John Jay High ihool. San Antonio. Texas. jAward certificates were given 1 individual teachers to those nts in their classes who Priced hard, oarticioated in ass, or showed improvement, tiyllis received her award in jelated Math I for her consistent ark. She was attentive in class, Vmpleted every assignement, hd put forth her full effort Jroughtout the course. (Phyllis is the daughter of 1 Sgt. and Mrs. William Moore .Wmerly Edna Ruth Lane) and )e granddaughter of Mr. and Irs. W. P. Lane of Route 1, jertford. .jssDaills Jedpient Of 1S70 sf&ic Fellowship ImIes JColia Blanche Dai iughter of Mrs. W. E. Dail of ew Hope, has been selected by e 1970 Meyer Summer fellowship Committee of the istrict of Columbia for an yard to travel and study in jrope this summer. Miss Dail a Counselor in Woodrow ilson . High School in ashihgton, D. C. Selections for is award are made "on the asis of the excellence of 'aching records, other out- anding service in the schools, id the nature of the plans for ie summer activities." Miss Dail and her mother yelled in seven European Entries last summer. The Jnmer project for 1970 will .elude a return trip to at least ye of the countries - England, aly, Switzerland, Austria, and Vance - in order, to observe eign Study Programs which H available to high school 'udents in the United States. W trip will also include ad jttlonat . educational , Wreational, and inspirational perlences which are related to r field of work. 1 Defendants Placed on Probation In Perq. District Court Action Judge N. E. Aydlett dosposed a heavy docket Wednesday at rquimans District Court, ses included; Villlam Perry, Larry Elmore I counts), Stewart Nixon (2 imts), and John Danchise, Jr. I counts), all charged with sance of public., utility and Jtrbying public property, each fendant was placed on nation for a period of 3 years h the special condition to be ne by 11 p.m. All repairs or :tlng that towri officials feel cssary they are to report to r Probation Officer and ndants are to furnish labor pay all water and labor to . e:tive towns (Hertford and .fall) with labor and water to pro-rated. Also, the further -Uon that they will not drink alcoholic beverages. The s turned on fire hydrants la "'ord and Winfall Memorial week-end and both towns : around 80,000 gallons each, zh was quite an acute -tage for Winfall since their M capacity Is around 100,000 ulah Sprulll Smith was 1 with a fine of $125.00 and Citizens Are Urged To Support Blood Program The Booodmobile will be in Hertford Monday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church. Mrs. Nathan Sawyer, Blood Chairman, urges full support at this visit, which is being made to give the citizens of Perquimans County the opportunity to make up the deficit in the contribu Perq u im an s Group Attend Dist. Farm Bureau Meet The Perquimans County Farm Bureau Legislative Committee attended the District Farm Bureau Meeting held in Williamston Friday night June 19, 1970. The Perquimans County Farm Bureau Legislative committee met for the purpose of coordinating collective efforts of farmers to promote and protect themselves in the State and National Legislation. Major issues at the State Level brought up were to promote Legislation to tax farm land on basic value for agriculture. State tobacco growers were concerned over tax imposed on tobacco and are going to try to remove the tax. They also feel if tobacco could be taxed other farm commodities could be taxed too. Farmers need to be alert and 'take notice with the new Pollution laws being im posed. The new laws will have great effect on farm chemicals being used such as pesticides and herbicides. There are two im portant bills being promoted at the National level. The Murphy' Bill S-2203 which covers relation be'twe'fftSrineTirJ and unorganized farm labor. The other bill, a marketing rights bill which will require, Perquimans County Democrats Plan County Convention Perquimans County Democratic Party Chairman Robert Sutton announced today that the annual county con vention meeting would be held at the Perquimans County Court house on Monday night, June 29th at 8 P.M. Chairman Sutton urged all county Democrats to attend this meeting. The purpose of this annual event is to elect county Democratic officers and various executive committee members, To Teach Art Class Mrs. T. P. Brinn will be the instructor for a 2 weeks course in Classroom Art, sponsored by COA. The course will be held at Nags Head. costs after the court found the defendant, quilty of driving under the influence of in toxicating liquor and driving without a valid operator's license; . John Darrell Elliott, charged with driving without a chauf feur's or operator's lie'ense. received a fine of $25.00 and costs; Edward Clifton Trueblood, Jr., I was given a fine of $50.00 and costs on a reckless driving charge; Costs were assessed against the prosecuting witness in the case of William Cornell Sherrill, when the court found him not quilty .of assault; George Roberts, chanced with drivlns under the influence of intoxicating liquor, Aid driving without ' valid operator's license, received a fine of $125.00 and costs; - 'i . ''.. Joseph Milton Sprulll, Jr.; charged with speeding, was taxed with a fine of $50,00 and costs; ' '';; !, ' Calvin - McCoy Warren was found quilty of failure to see that movement could be made In safety and was taxed with costs, tions to the Blood Program. The quota for Perquimans' County was 225 pints last year , and only 165 pints were donated. Citizens of the county have used 275 units this year. Another local patient is scheduled for heart surgery at this time, who will need blood, alto. So Please come out and be a Blood Donor. negotiations between handler or processor and farming bargain Associations. This is Senate Bill 8. Farmers were encouraged to write B. Everett Jordan . and encourage him to push this bill to get it passed. It was pointed out that our Legislators impose taxes where there is the least opposition such as unorganized farmers. B. C. Mangum, State President stated that farmers should gather at our Legislative Halls by the thousands when there is important bills for farmers being promoted. So Albert Eure, Perquimans County Farm Bureau president, urges farmers to avail themselves of Legislation that effects them and let their Legislators hear their voices. ' Brant Murray Leaves For Governor's School BRANT MURRAY Brant Murray, en of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray of Hert ford, left Monday to attend Governor's School on the Salem College campus in Winston Salem. Four hundred of North Carolina's most intelligent and talented students are chosen every year to attend the school. Brant will study English. the defendant noted an appeal; Susan Cowan Johnson paid costs after the court found her quilty of speeding; Broge Parker, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and driving without ' a valid operator's license, was given a fine of $125.00 and costs with suspense to be in card of Robert Hendren. In Civil Court, a divorce was granted in the case of Oliver Cart wright vs Mary Cartwright. Virginia H&rrell IMcs Dean's List At King Ccllcga King's Business College of Raleigh has just released news that Miss Virginia Harrell has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring Quarter, This is, indeed, an honor as the school's scholastic attainment record is. quite high. Miss Harrell is a 1969 graduate of Perquimans County High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell. Bax Freight Eighteen cars of an 82 freight train were derailed near Okisko Friday. Cause of the wreck is thought to be due to the high temperature which made the rail expand. None of the four , crewmen were Injured. The train was emyute to Norfolk, Va. from Chocowinity loaded with military trucks, Meet hut Perquimans Matching Unit This week will finish your introductions to the Perquimans County Marching Unit. On Tuesday, June 30 at 8 a .m. the Marching Unit, along with their Instructor, Mrs. Joe Rogerson, and several Chaperones, will board a chartered bus for Atlantic City, New Jersey to march in the Lions Club International Parade. - They wish to take this opportunity to again thank the Clubs, Organizations, and Individuals who made it possible for them to take this trip. It will be an experience they will always remember. f.Hinii;l,i.liii.,....l.i,iii. mtrntm . ,.-', vv JUNE LANE Miss June Lane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lane. She is . 15 years old and a Freshman at Perquimans High School. . JHie is 5 feet 5-1 2 In. tall, has light auburn hair and blue eyes. Her hob bies are reading, listening to records, playing piano, and sewing. . ' June is a Majorette; in the Marching Unit, and a member of FHA. Train) Derailment at Ok'nko Friday 0 1m-,'mi"mmmmm - .... - - "m. nm i,i.i.iimii i m r i.rqj !.H Ccn OfGrdn Up&rncd .,1 MTi:A:$i' i''V Cars Jack-Knife At Oldsho jeeps, utility poles, lumber, grain and other general cargo. Crews were busy for some time clearing away the debris and the train's conductor, G.W. Comer, of Chesapeake, Va. worked with a shovel trying to keep fires under control caused by flying sparks. Fire Departments from Perquimans County and FRANCES WHITE Miss Frances White is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. White. She is 15 years old and a Fershman at Perquimans High School. Frances has brown hair and blue eyes. Her hob bies are cooking and v-("... :? . .-"V .- - "7. hand-craft. She is a Drummer in the Mar ching Unit, a member of FHA and 4H. Elizabeth City were called to the scene. Traffic was re-routed through rural Perquimans and Pasquotank counties while State load 1440 leading to US 17 was blocked. Railroad officials said an In vestigation will be made to learn the cause of the wreck. EVA NEWBY Miss Eva Newby is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Newby. She is 15 year old and a Freshman at Perquimans High School She is 5 feet 8 In. tall, has brown hair and brown eyes. Her hobbies are' reading and cooking. Eva Is ' a Drummer in the Marching Unit. j " - 1 ' ' ' Miss Harris Takes Position In Atlanta Miss Beth Harris has accepted a position in Atlanta, Ga. Miss Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harris, is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was awarded a B.S. degree in Business Ad ministration. - Local 4-H'ers In Hortheastern Dist. Activity Day The Northeastern District Activity Day was held at John A. Holmes High School in Eden ton, N. C. on June 18. Perquimans County had the following participants: Shaun Stokely, Cotton Utilization Demonstration, Red Ribbon; Rhonda Lane, Fruit and Vegetable Use Demonstration, Red Ribbon; Barry Lane, Share In The Fun, Blue Ribbon; Russell Lassiter, Share In The Fun, Blue Ribbon. Others par ticipating were Gail Proctor, Dress Revue, Red Ribbon and Randy Lassiter, Share In The Fun. Carmen Sutton, 1969-70 District President, presided at the Assembly and Don Morgan, 1969-70 District Sec. and Treasurer, assisted in the Assembly. Perquimans County at tendance included 40 people which involved parents, 4-H'ers and friends of 4-H. "Revival Fires" Concert To Be Conducted Here LOWELL MASON The World's Smallest Gospel Singer Lowell Mason will present a "Revival Fires" Concert at the Berea Church of Christ near Hertford, on Thursday, July 2nd at 8:00 p.m. Lowell Mason is noted as the "Worlds Smallest Gospel Singer as he stands only 46 inches tall. For seven years he sang on the ABC network Currently he is recording for Diadem Records and is director of music for the Revival Fires Team. The Revival Fires team has been God-used to lead over 10,000 touts to Christ and has assisted in the planting of 18 new congregations. A mammoth 2000 seating capacity tent is used in the summer months for their giant tent crusades. Crowds of over 2500 have been attracted to the Big Tent for a single service The "Revival Fires" Rallies are being conducted all over America in an effort to stir our country back to God. Crowds of several hundred have been at tending these special rallies. During the Rally program, Lowell Mason will present a 60 minute concert of Gospel and Sacred songs and will conclude with a. .presentation of the 'Revival Fires'" radio an3 television work Revival Fires is on Channel 13 each and every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. Plans will be unfolded on the nation-wide radio and television program now underway, and the huge Crusades of this year. The ttieme js 'Together Let's Set Revival Fires A c r 0 s 9 America". The Singing Midget will be here for one service only. All area churches, ministers, elders, deacons and Bible-School teachers throughout this area "are, urged To come in large delegations to this inspirational Revival Fires Rally. John VV. Holmes Named Textile Rep. By First Union Bank JOHN W. HOLMES First Union National's John W. Holmes has been named Textile Representative, according to an announcement today by J. Larry Carter, head of FUNB's Business Development Division. Holmes, a graduate of North Carolina State University with a degree in Textile Management, was formerly employed in the State Marketing Division of FUNB. He joined First Union National in December, 1968, in the Charlotte Credit Depart ment. A native of Hertford, N. C, Holmes is a member of the Cotswold Civitan Club, and Treasurer of Calvery Presbyterian Church, In making the announcement, Carter emphasized First Union National's concern with providing the textile industry in the Southeast with individualized service. He stated that "by having someone in the bank with special expertise in textiles who is in constant.. touch with the industry, we have a better feel for its problems, and are able to offer satisfying sojtions." Students Earn Place On Dean's List At A.C.C. Two hundred and fifty-eight Atlantic Christian College students earned places on the Dean's List for academic achievement during the spring semester of the current academic year, according to Dr. Lewis H. Swindell Jr., dean of the college. To earn places on the Dean's List students must achieve at least a 3.20 (B-plus) grade average for the semester while carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours. Students named from Perquimans County were: Richard Riley Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Gibbs, 233 Woodland Circle, Hertford, N.C. Paul Douglas Umphlett, son of Mrs. Charlie J. Umphlett, 801 Grub St., Hertford, N.C. Joyce Ann Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Copeland, Rt. 2, Box 69, Hert ford, N.C. Women's Softball League Fund Drive Is Successful The Women's Softball League has been delighted with the response of the local businesses in their support this year and would like to thank the following donors: Glenn's Place, Farmers Feed and Seed, Hertford Hard ware, Byrum Furniture Co., Baker Oil Co., Harris Plumbing and Supply, Darden Dept. Store, Dick's Drive In, Hollowell Chevrolet, Gregory's 5 & 10, Pitt Hardware, One Stop Service Station, W. M. Divers and Sons, Blanchard Dept. Store, Towe Motor Co., Winslow- Blanchard Motor Co., and Viv's Gulf -Station, Morgan Furniture, -Hertford Livestock, Rogerson's Chemical Co., Hertford Farmers Exchange, and Hertford Motor Co. , The club had a fine showing last week when they defeated Edenton twice and Elizabeth. City once. The scores against Edenton were 284 and 13-ft. . Elizabeth City was defeated by a score of 14-6.