r Pg 4 Th Perquimans County HS PERQUIMANS WEEKLY (Published fvty Thursday at rd-Itatfod,N.C. 27944 Virginia Whttt TiantMU ; . Editor (.: Court Hous Square HERTFORD, N. C. t fiitand u Hcond dan nutttt ;Ncambar 15th, 1934, t Port - Ofltoata Hertford, North Csro vita 1744. w- Advertising RatM Fumisjied By ' r- j Request; ;'V i ' f , SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' OaeYeu. $3.64 fln Pwauimaiu County) fesewhere $4-68 Editorial . . . pt. Valentine's Day . There were three Saint Valentines, all living in the Isecond half of the third century; lone ia thought to have a priest of Rome, another was a bishop and little is known of the other. But they were all martyrs and were connected in the popular mind jwith the people. ! Later, in Middle Ages Europe, ;the day known as St. Valentine's pay was associated with lovers !and it was said this was the day on which the birds mated. The fclrds-as Kenneth Clark has Ipolnted out in "Civilisation," Were then thought by many to be ia . special example of the Creator's beauty. I Hnawviir It came about, bovi and girls soon began exchanging Valentines. And hearts still beat faster when one's best girl, or best beau, sends an especially lovely Valentine. The custom has spread to husbands and wives and others, and is a nice one - even if over-commercialized, s It's good to be remembered and to be loved and Valentine's Da prompts such expressions. 2e world unquestionably needs we love, and less hatred, and that is, in part, the message of February 14th. The Heart Fund The performance record of the Heart Association in the fight -""t heart and Wood vessel . ha established it as i U-2 worthy of our community's ' fullest support. The facts speak for them selves. Since the onset of massive heart research programs in 1950, following the first Heart Fund Campaign in 1949, there has been a decline of about 20 per cent in the car diovascular death rate for Americans under 65. The improved mortality picture grows chiefly out of a dramatic reduction in the death rate from high blood pressure and the heart disease it causes, as well as in the death rate from stroke. It is an overall im provement. In heart attack, the number one killer of our time, the improvement has been only about 2 per cent since 1950. Yet let no one assume that .victory is close at hand. Heart and blood vessel disease, at all ages, is responsible for about 53 .per cent of all deaths in the United States. Those who read (this paper's obituaries will note continuing references to the death toll taken by cardiovascular diseases in this community. ' - Your Heart Association has . won the confidence, respect and Keep up on : current :r affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science .Monitor. Rarely more than ,20 pages, this easy-to-read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp , of 'national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91 of Congress reads. Pleas sendm th Monitor t the special Introductory rat for she months for only $8 . . . $ saving of $7. r ; Check or money order r enclosed .' Bill m EMnw ftrMt. - MM. . ilp- The Guustian Science Monitor Box 12S. Astor Station Bolton. JUaasacliuiatta ,02121 1. 'I - : . WMkly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday. gratitude not only of th medical profession but of the public at large. It haa become the world's largest non-governmental sponsor of research that la now paying of f. Its work In the field of education and community service is bringing the benefits of new knowledge to every dozen. So be generous. Give - so more will live. i Future Farmers. At one time farming consisted of "40 acres and a mule," and a man did well if he was able to feed himself and his family. In 1971. the story is far different. Farming ia a business, and agriculture is a highly advanced industry employing the best brains among many disciplines. A successful career in agriculture must start at an early age. That is why there are such organizations as the Future Farmers of America wmcn wui shortly be observing FFA WEEK, February 20-27. The theme of FFA WEEK tola year is, "Involved In America's Future." No theme could be more appropriate. Nothing is more closely involved with the future of the United States than the raising of the food and fiber for more than 200 million people. Some facts in connection with commemmoratlon of FFA WEEK have been released by The National Future Farmer, a publication of the FFA. The FFA is a national organization of 450,000 students studying vocational agriculture in 9,000 public schools. The foundation upon which it is built Includes leadership, community service, scholarship, improved agriculture, citizenship, patriotism, etc. Young people in local FFA chapters are developing into the agricultural leaders of tomorrow. Those engaged in agriculture are a declining percentage of the total population of the country. As the numbers of farmers shrink, the responsibilities of each agricultural producer become heavier. Today, on the average, every farmer feeds nearly 50 other people. Tomorrow, this figure will in crease, and the need for agricultural leadership and ability will grow. The FFA is to be commended for preparing young people for careers in the most fundamental of all en terprises - bringing forth the bounty of the land to supply the growing needs of our nation and the world. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their love and sympathy during the illness and death of our loved one, Rev. Paul M. Porter. For flowers, cards, food, visits, prayers and any other act of kindness. ' May God richly bless each of you. Wife, Mary Porter and Children A New Cadillac Cusiom Built Victoria Funeral Car Has Been Placed In Service By The Swindell Funeral Home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Swindell recently took delivery of the new unit at the Hess & Elsenhardt Company factory This is the same firm tha.has designed and built cars for kings, queens and presidents of the United. States and other notables all over the' world. The new Victoria employs a traditional formal styling with a simplicity and harmony of line that reflects its true quiet bnauty and elegance, in announcing the purchase of this new car, Mr. Swindell tdys "We ore proud to place this , unit In service for the people of our community; It Is our. way of saying thank you . for your confidence In us." The pew funeral car atn be seen at the Swindell Funeral Home, 509 Dobb Street, Hertford, N. C. Faoruary 11, 1971 Washington Repojt Walter The House continued the slow process of adopting rules and completing th organization the 92nd Congress. Most of you are aware of the seniority system as it relate to committee chairmanships and other positions of leadership in th Congress. During the week, a bitter fight took place regard ing Congressman John Mc Millan of South Carolina, long time chairman of the Committee on the District of Columbia. The liberal wing of the House in an almost unprecedented action, made an effort to divest Chairman McMillan of his position. They alleged that he had been ineffective and. had purposely refused to consider legislation which in the opinion of the Members would bv been to the benefit of the District of Columbia. On the other hand, the supporters of McMillan argued that under his Chairmanship, much important legislation had been enacted, to wit. The om nibus Crime Bill of 1970, the establishment of the Federal City College, and the proposed creation of a modern subway system. The committee also brought forth legislation which will permit the District of Columbia to have a non-voting delegate to the Congress as does Puerto Rico. On a secret ballot in the Democratic caucus, Chairman McMillan retained his position by a vote of 126 to 9. I cast my vote in favor of Congressman McMillan. Among other reasons, I feel that If a few disgruntled members of the Congress are permitted to oust the chairman, then the same action could be taken on all other committees creating a situation where a minority on either the Democratic or the Republican side of the House could dictate the procedures and keep the House in a state of uncertainty at all times. During the week I Joined with other members of Congress in introducting legislation which seeks to accomplish the following purposes: To provide for the equalization of the retired pay of members of SERVICES you can pgunt en I a Cagtpstij'-tfSisae' ajallaflcs MortaiMSS VAitaS cytlaSMS isf tasks a Cotiialttt gw sanHce tar Sana, tana satlafMtty . . MeartrtfM (or I a Ovtf Www at lisdstiala . aniaj a tMtt HARRELL'S Inc. Oak And Appliance Hertford, Next to Perq. High School Ph. 426-5556 Edenton 409 S. Broad St 482-S310 Elisabeth City 1019 N. Road St. 838-6994 your noma tor mod-n aai aaollancai toowma. ftaatm watar haatln i. Jones the uniformed services of equal grade and years of servica. To make It a federal crime to kin or assault s fireman or law., enforcement officer engaged in the performance of his official : duties... v.-, Jva'v . -v-,;; Freedom of Choice Act of 1971 C guarantees to all federal workers their right to join a federal employees union or to refrain from such activity. - . r : ' I am pleased to report that also during the week I was appointed chairman of the Subcommittee on Oilseeds and Rice of the House Agriculture Committee. I am particularly pleased to see this assignment for this aub committee will have Jurisdiction, over all legislation - affecting soybeans, peanuts and the genetic: quality of agricultural seeds. ' I hop through this ' medium to be of additional assistance to the farmers of the First District as well as the entire nation. . Attend Dedication Services Of Bob Bast Care Center Mr. and Mrs, C.L. Brewer and Mrs. Robert Newton of Hertford and Miss Mattle Butler of, Elizabeth Cite spent teat week end in Gary as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mulholland and family.- . They attended the dedication services of the Bob Bass Care Center of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Green sboro on Saturday.. On Sunday they attended Sunday morning services at Morrisvillo Baptist , Church of which the Mulholland art members, Among other visitor at the church services were Governor Bob Scott and his family.,--' They Do Teacher-Now, can any boy give me a sentence using the word "diadem." Pupit-People who drive care lessly across railroad tracks diadem sight quicker than those who top,look and listen. M hw of (s tluM in QnclnnatlOhlo. THESE RELJGIOUS MESSAGES ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS... J. F. HOLLOWELL & SON, INC. LIVESTOCK AND FARM PRODUCE WINFALL. N. C. PITT HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 426-5531 HERTFORD, N. C. tWINSLOW-BLANCHARC MOTOR COMPANY YOUR FORD DEALER W.M.MORGAN FURNITURE CO. HOME FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLIANCES CANNON CLEANERS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phone 426-5491 J. C. BLANCHARD & CO., INC. "BLANCH ARD'S" SINCE 1832 BLANCHARD'S BARBER SHOP Gerald W. Blanchard and Ward Blanchard Proprietors KEITH'S GROCERY PHONE 426-7767 HERTFORD, N. C. ONE STOP SERVICE STATION BILL COX, Owner Tires - Greasing Accessories CALL 426-7986 HERTFORD. N. C. LANE'S WOODWORK SHOP "Custom Built Kitchen . Cabinets" PHONE 426-7225 Route 3, Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Road) WINFALL SERVICE STATION GAS -OIL -TIRES AND REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES Tomas E. Morgan, Winfall CALL 426-5843 PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY Member F.D.I.C. HERTFORD, N. C. BYRUM FURNITURE . COMPANY Phone 426-5262 HERTFORD, N.C. let's Go To Make Church Going A Habit These are the wonderful years, when there is so much to learn and hours enough in which to learn it. Youth has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge; also the desire, the capacity and the energy to absorb if given oven a little encourage ment. But today, perhaps more than; ever before In history, youth does need guidance. ,.. Be sure the young people in your life have the opportunity to ex amine the whole picture. But in their search for the stars, don't let them forget the miracle of this planet upon which they live and its Creator. Let them know their church. Copyright 1971 Ktister Advertising Service, jtiffij Sunday Monday Tutiday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday WfffW Matthew John John John John John John ti!njp U:2J-30 m-J 1:2934 3:14-17 4iM4 S:27-37 6:63-66;' tmuja.. ...v m- w :-" X- ... .X.v. Mt.J DIXIE AUTO SUPPLY Distributor of Goodyear Tires Automotive Parts Phone 426-7118 HERTFORD, N. C. REED OIL COMPANY ESSO PRODUCTS Hertford, N. C. HOLLOWELL OIL CO. -SUPPLIES OF -OIL PRODUCTS GOOD YEAR TIRES PHONE 426-5544 DOZIER'S FLORIST Harris Shopping Center PHONE 426-5410 Nights Sundays & Holidays 426-7592 or 426-7287 Member F.T.D. ALBEMARLE CHEMICAL CO. Phone 426-5587 HERTFORD, N. C. ROBERTSON'S CLEANERS & LAUNDRY, INC. QUALITY WORK COURTEOUS SERVICE PHONE -426-5235 HERTFORD, N. C. , Church Sunday Inc., Strafburg, Virginia HUMILITY BEFORE GOD International Sunday School Lesson for Feb. 14, 1971 MEMORY SELECTION: "Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." -(Luke 14:11) . LESSON TEXT; Luke 14:7-11; 18:9-14. In our lesson for today we are brought face to face with the fact that humility is one of the greatest attributes man can have in the sight of God. Christ, Himself, was a shining example of the best in human nature, and . He practices humility of spirit assiduously. ; Alas, it is not an easy pattern to follow, for man is naturally prideful, and therefore naturally sinful. God, however, (and we must never lose sight of this) requires, approves, and then rewards truly Christian living - a life based on humility of character and of thoughts. He can, however, (and we must be mindful of this) differentiate between true humility of spirit and the prideful kind! As our lesson opens, we find Christ a guest in the home of a well-known Pharisee. And as He taught the assemblage, there were those who were genuinely interested in learning, and there were still others who sought to discredit Him under the guise of Interested questions. ' In this particular instance, Christ's instructions were very " clear as he spoke the words contained in our Memory Selection. The vehicle of His teaching was the substance of a wedding feast; everybody who felt himself important naturally gravitated to the place of honor - the table closest to the host and to the wedding party. But supposing a favored person arrived late? One who was close to the family, and therefore treasured in its eyes? Was he to be forced to sit at the end of the feast room? Such a thing would not necessarily be countenanced by the host -and someone would have to exchange places! In such an event, price would surely be humbled! , ! i How much more desirable would it be for the man who was content to take a back seat to be invited to a place of honor! . And in this simple story we find a spiritual principle in volved ... if self-assertiveness is not welcome in the sight of men, how much less welcome it is In the sight of God! Through a situation taken from the everyday life of His. times, Christ gave emphasis to a spiritual truth. This was again repeated in the parable of the attitudes in which the Pharisee and the publican went into the Temple to pray. Which do you think found favor in God's eyes? The smug Pharisee, self-righteous and self-praising, or the publican who appraised himself and his estate, and admitted himself wanting in God's estimation? : In the practice of our faith, which are. we ... the Pharisee or1 the publican? Are we satisfied with our Christian estate-or are we self-examining, aa was the publican?. We must ever remember that humility before God involves a proper view of sin; it involves a proper view of service; and - most importantly - it is essential that we have a proper perspective in regard to that most fertile ground for temp tations to win out - SELF) So, let us resolve never to set ourselves to claiming that to which we are not entitled; let usk rattier,' lay claim to a true and sincere humility of spirit! (These comments ar based on outlines of th International Sunday School Lessons, copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission). , Scriptures selected by the American Bible Society J fu-. ... . i , .iA".!-'.