-1 l 4 AND LEGALS FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO f , Wanted, responsible party to take over a spinet piano. Easy terms available. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 35, Cort land, Ohio 44410. - Mar.I8-25;April l-8c TREE SERVICE: Topping pruning-trimming surgery removing. For free estimate call Joe Towe White, Jr. 426 5873 after 6 p.m. April 1-8-15-22-29 C FOR SALE: Formal Yellow Evening Gown, size 5, like new. Call 426-7135. Pinball Game For Sale (Baseball). Good Condition. Call 426-7404. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Emma Perry Winslow, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the .estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Box 59, Hertford, N.C. on or before the 20th day of October 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make payment. This 5th day of April 1971. Oras Warren Winslow Administrator of Emma Perry Winslow, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Joseph Dewey! Yeates , deceased, late on Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 130 Brickhouse Rd. Elizabeth City, N.C. on or before the 20th day of October 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of April 1971 Allene Yeates Thompson, Executrix Executrix Joseph Dewey Yeates, Deceased April8,15,22,29-c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of C.C. Hunter, deceased, late of Perquimans ft AMERICAN CLASSIC HOMES, B. A. TALLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR BUILDER OF NEW HOMES FROM $9,000 AND UP (yALL AFTER 6:00 'PLM. 126.7081 TOTAL 'FINANCE' AVAILABLE County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1, Box 128C, Hertford, N.C. on qr before the 30th day of September 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will olease make immediate payment. This 16th day of March 1971. Dewey S.Newby March 25; April 1-8-15 C. ANNOUNCING White's Welding Service NOW OPEN LOCATED AT HfcuTFORDf ARMERS EXCHANGE GRUBB STREET EXTENDED HERTFORD, N.C. j G Shoo and Portable WeldlW . i. . V Equipment PLEASE CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR BURNING AND WELDING NEEDS SHOP PHONE 426-7541 HOME PHONE 426-5641 EUGENE WHITE NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Willie M. Taylor, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 3, Hert ford, North Carolina on or before the 19th day of September 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make ' immediate payment. This 9th day of March 1971. Richard Taylor, Executor Executor of Willie M. Taylor, Deceased Mar.l8-25;Aprill-8-c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Martha Ann West Ainsley, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Box 22, Hertford, N.C. on or before the 20th day of August 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery' All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of March 1971. W.F. Ainsley, Administrator Administrator of Martha Ann Ainsley, Dec'd. Mar.l8,25;Aprill.8-c Build with KAISER ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING THE RUST-BUSTER! Puts more years into your buildings Belvin Named V.P. Of Norfolk Div. Of Colonial Stores R. L. Belvin has been named vice president of the Norfolk Division of Colonial Stores In corporated succeeding E. B. Rowe, who is retiring after 45 years with the retail food chain. Mr. Belvin has been vice president of Colonial's Raleigh Division since 1966 and prior to that headed the firm's Jacksonville (Fla.) Division. He is a native of Norfolk where he became associated with Colonial in 1932. Both men were honored at a dinner tonight at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club, at tended by more than 100 Norfolk civic and business leaders. Ernest F. Boyce, president of Colonial and principal speaker at the dinner, paid tribute to Mr. Rowe for his "unusual ability to develop the talents of those who were responsible to him. Mr. Rowe was presented with a special citation from stockholders of Colonial for meritorious service which said: "His leadership qualities, coupled with his great professional ability, a driving energy and a reputation for honesty and integrity among his fellows, won him a respect which few have achieved, Mr. Rowe became associated with Colonial in 1926. He became Colonial vice prsident in Norfolk, with responsibility for operation of the company's 79 super markets in Virginia, Maryland and parts of North Carolina, in 1960. Prior to that, he managed Colonial's Raleigh Division. Mr. Rowe is a past president of the Virginia Retail Council and the Tidewater Better Business Bureau. He has been a director of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce and the Norfolk Retail Merchants Association and is a member of Rotary Mr. Belvin served as a director! , The Perquimans County Weekly, Hertford, N C, Thursday, April 8, 1971 Page 5 Hog Cholera Surveillance Ends and member of the Board ofl animal health officials at one of Trustees of the United Fund of Wake County in Raleigh and was a director of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association, Mr. Belvin will continue td have responsibility for Colonial's Raleigh Division. Social Security Administration Federal Coordination of hog cholera surveillance in south eastern Virginia and north eastern North Carolina will terminate (April 1) with the departure of U.S. Department of Agriculture's Task Force Coordinator, Dr. Clinton P. Hughes. Dr. Hughes assumed his coordinating responsbilities when the main Task Force operation was concluded last November. Assisting him as Virginia Coordinator has been Dr. G.H. Frye of Nebraska. Dr. Frye will remain at Ivor, Va., for several weeks in a liaison capacity. Dr. L.A. Hill was North Carolina Coordinator until recently returning to his home station in Illinois. Coordinating responsibilities for hog cholera surveillance in the two-State area, previously carried out under the Task Force structure, will now revert to normal State-Federal cognizance within the individual States of Virginia and North Carolina. Dr. C.W. Griffin, State Area Veterinarian at Ivor, Va., will assume full coordinating responsibility in southeastern Virginia, Dr. H.C. Jackson, Federal District Veterinarian at Eden ton, N.C, will assume full coordinating responsibility in northeastern North Carolina. USDA's Animal Health Division offices at Ivor, Va., and Elizabeth City, N.C, will remain open until about May 1. State and Federal veterinarians especially trained in hog cholera diagnosis will continue to be available, indefinitely. Virginia and North Carolina swine producers are encouraged to call their county extension agents concerning any suspicious of hog cholera; or they may call State-Federal With few exceptions, every social security beneficiary who) Virginia earned over $1,680.00 in 19701 must file an annual report oft were placed under quarantine a:H... ll . I i linr"-""" I, I .J iM ill ALUMINUM I Build with solid aluminum sheet that won't turn rusty. Won't ever need painting for pro tection. Cuts costly maintenance. Has best weight-strength ratio. Top farm operators and builders select Kaiser Aluminum. It's up to 15 cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Peo ple like it. Animals like it. Build now at best prices. OUL. i nnn X' X -Xv- X if X.; , XX" 'v':X'XXXX'.X. vX'X: XX-'., ''X; Hartford Farmers Eiictang earnings with social security before April 15. Failure to make this report on time could result in financial loss to the beneficiary. Although this requirement is highly publicized and a personal explanation is given every ap-l plicant for social security, some fail to make the report and wind up losing money. Several rules have been outlined concerning the annual report and anyone unsure about it should get expert help by calling the social security office for more information. Nearly all beneficiaries who received social security payments in 1970 and earned over $1,680.00 must make the report. This included widows, wives, and children as well as the retired beneficiary. However, beneficiaries who were 72 years old during all of 1970 need not report. Many types of income received by beneficiaries do not count as earned income and need not be reported. Some of these are private retirement benefits, the following telephone num bers: (703) 859-4411 at Ivor, Va., and (919) 335-5473 at Elizabeth City, N.C. The State Diagnostic Laboratories at Ivor, Va., and Edenton, N.C, can also be of assistance. An intensified State-Federal eradication campaign began last September when an area en compassing five counties and four "cities of southeastern and six counties of northeastern North Carolina for hog cholera. This was after State authorities 'requested special assistance from USDA's Agricultural Research Service. By late November, all counties and cities were cleared of in fection and the last Federal and State quarantine was lifted. The main operation was terminated, but a scaled-down surveillance force has remained until now to guard against latent hog cholera flareups. Surveillance proved valuable in the first few months of this year when five more infected herds were disclosed. A portion of Isle of Wight County, Va., remains under quarantine for hog cholera in the vicinity of the last case found in the county, March 8. The infected herd was destroyed, however; and there is no apparent danger of the disease spreading from that location. Hog cholera is a contagious viral disease that affects swine only. Before the National Eradication Program began in late 1962, hog cholera was C n Selective Herbicide dtejir ccnlrcio itutarcsG mnr. cnnudfcpcoGOG end Earocdbcv ivocdo Mix Tillam in the soil before you transplant your, burley tobacco and get the sure weed control you need. You don't gamble on rain to put your herbicide to work. Tillam is in the soil destroying weeds as soon as they sprout... nutgrass, crab grass, pigweeds, lambsquarters, barnyardgrass and many others. For better tobacco yields in clean f ields, see us now for Tillam. Available From Your USS IqHSisraiKb Donlcr Tlllarn uitiiH Him"1 costing the American swine industry about $40 million an nually for vaccination plus another $10 million annually in herd losses. Target date for a "hog cholera free" United States is December 1972. ROLLS-ROYCE ROLLS London The receiver ap pointed for Rolls-Royce an nounced the formation of a new company that will continue pro duction of the luxury cars. The new company, known as Rolls Royce Motors Ltd., will re ceive all assets of the old motor and diesel engine divi sions of the financially troubled firm, said the receiver. you can count on! Company-trained appliance servicemen W Jend cylinders and tanks Complete in service lor home, farm and industry t Quality controlled for better performence end economy Over 45 years of leadership ... Now serving 21 states Call us today for details rxr Cyiinetf Semes thtnarmofthtfkitm it. Dvra u nix tofWDM Mf Item HARRELL'S Inc. Gas And Appliance Hertford, Next to Perq. High School Ph. 426-5556 Edenton 409 S. Broad St. - 482-3310 , Elizabeth City 1019 N. Road St. 338-6994 your home for modern gas appliances - cooking heating - water heating N-O-T-l-C-E Take Notice that The Board Of Adjustment of the Town of Hertford North Carolina Will hold a Public Hearing. April 13. 1971 at 7:30 O'clock at the Municipal Building in the Town Of Hertford. North Carolina on the Question of a justing Property located at 405 King Street, and owned by Washington Lyons Jr. This the 30th Day of March, 7977. Board of Ajustment, Town of Hertford By A. MARVIN HUNTER (Clerk). 69 Ford Cust. 500 4 Dr 70 Ford, 4 dr. Gal. 500 69 Chev. B.A.. 4 Dr. 66 T Bird ACond. 67 Fairlane GT. 2 dr. 67 Chev. II. 4 dr. W Chev. Impala, 2 dr., H.T. 64 Chev. Impala. 2 dr 66 Mustang i z 66 Ford Gal. 500. 2 d wiuiu,zar.,H.T. H.T. 66 Ford Gal. 500 4-dr. H.T. 66 Ford Wagon IX 63 Ford 4 Dr. 65 Chev. Impala 2 Dr 68 Dodge Cuv. 67 Mustang Cony. 67 Ctiev. Wagon 67 Ford Gal. 500, 4 dr. 65 Buick, 4 dr.. H.T. H.T. 65 Grand Prix 2 Dr. 65 Ford Gal. 500, 2 dr. 64 Dodge Wagon 64 Ford Gal. 500, 2 dr., H.T. Dealer for General Tires - Special on "G78xl5 Tires, $25.00 Each WINSLOW-BUNCHARD MOTOR CO., INC Phone 426-5245.-426-S654 U.S. 17 North Hertford. N. C. TRUCKS: 69 Ranaer F10Q 67 Chevy Van 69 International Pickup 68 Chev. C10 Pickup 68 Fbrd F100 67 Chev. Pickup 68 Chev. C10 Custom 67 Ford F100 Pickup 66 Ford FIOOPickuD 64 Cnev. Pickup 69 Dodge Pickup 65 Econoline Vann MEETING of BOARD off EQUMIZATION AMD REVIEW Tho Board Of County Commissioners of Per-' qulmans County, will meet as a Board of Equalization & Review in the Courthouse, Hortford, N.C, on Monday, April 26, 1971, at I(W)0 o'clock AM for the purpose of hearing complaints and the equalization property valuos. Tho Board expects to complete Its business and adjourn on Monday, April 26, 1971. In the event of later adjournment, notice to that effect will be published In this nowspapor. JyDDOin) Go PtR7 CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS H dV J fW iir. fCaV a an fat, fit At'.i 9 f !' -Va t-t, it 1! e Si not is if. t tin? OQJ .! .V. - 4- - t cri : t - j -..!: ! '.-.s t '- i 6o : i . ' x.1 mi - - 1 it xi , 1 1. rvrrCi d