I . - i . d samara Printing Co. xx .1" t V-r f ICLY ft-!'. :Vc!umt XXVII-No. 33 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, August 26, 1971 10 Cents Per Copv 1 TMEFE ET7"J fa nSoiroirnor S Jo Hertford And r Governor Bob Scott paid Perquimans County an honor :.ftth a visit and presented the own of Hertford the Governor's .Award here last Friday night at a fish-fry held at the American legion quarters on Academy Street.' . The Governor arrived at the ; Legion Hut at 8:30 p.m. This was his first visit to Hertford since his campaign visit in 1968. The Gov. paid this visit to present the Governor's Award to the Town of Hertford. . Originated by Scott on recommendation of the Con servation ' and Development Department at the beginning of : hls term, 75 Governor's Awards ; have been given to towns with exceptional prospects for In dustrial development. : ''Remarks by Governor Scott for the presentation: ."It's good to be with you in 'Perquimans County for this tribute of the wildlife resources of North Carolina. '. What else but these tasty fish, pan fried before our very eyes, would bring so many of you here from so many places? Com " missloner Joe Nowell hasn't run Into anybody yet who wants to talk about highways. Nobody has even mentioned politics, or the General Assembly, or who's running for what office Yes, this is a great tribute to the wildlife resources of our State. j I did have a Governor's Award to present but I noticed that It bad a little gold trim on it, so I sent it to President Nixon to help pay the bills. I'm not necessarly endorsing ' his "New Economics," but he does deserve some recognition for finally facta un (a ha fact that fi be country is in a real fix. rnriustinr,oiMe, I kept that award for you. You the : people of Hertford and Perquimans have earned it, and it is yours tonight. The Governor's Award Program is one of the in novations of the Department of ' Conservation and Development which has been accomplished during my administration. It is an excellent program in that k gets to the heart of total com munity development, even (hough it is carried out In the name of industrial development. ' t am nappy to present It to Hertford. . The significance of the award goes far beyond industrial development. To achieve this designation, the people thfoughtout your community - joined together to work toward a cbmmon goal, a-;,-: Your efforts have hinged on pride in your hometown and In your county. And when people in a community Join together on U this basis, all aspects of com- munity life are enhanced. ; In today's world, we need , more - understanding ana ' Cooperation between people, and -if we have helped achieve this teroufih the Governor's Award frost-am, we have more than accomplished our purpose, , '.Because of your work, Hert ford is in a much better position Vrattract industry. You have " &sted off your stars and placed them' a little higher to, the tisvens. Ana now you are anxious to show off your ac- ii.v,.rr. i..T.i complisbments to industrial 'Prospects. ':' would like to share one more fought, and If you will Indulge pie, give you some advice. I jrpuld urge you to be selective in f e kind of industry you go after. J 'atrial development for the rke of merely adding : a i anufacturtcg plant or two in r 'rtford and Perquimans U tf no longer has any merit . f r:jri Carolina. .f.C! each of you would a t -t tlSie quality of your i -4y L'e wfil not be , " I by low-paying, "s, or uroncerned : -s. it is my .t. ?: - 'jofour . .fcfcfcr; . ." ;t we 3 Ccse c: . --J.aerve r rr?-,"s t it" 1 ty t i I ' n fee sSia'- ;li vi4f !" 1 -I :".L.i y;j v. J r : j t, IJj es cott Gov. Cox. Bob Scott presents Firstlady Mrs. Scott "Lizzie" Harrell looks on. that in North Carolina we do not want Industry that looks at its labor force as ' expendable commodities or as labor statistics or as robots capable of being manipulated. Instead we want ndustry that feels a sense of c Kern for its employees as human beings. We want industry that is cheerfully willing to pay wages deserved by its employees and not those industries that want to pay Just what they can get by with. State government, through the Department of C&D, has in tensified its efforts to attract industries that would also be quality citizens of our State. We trust and hope that you share with us our intersest in being selective in who we invite to North Carolina. . Your efforts to improve Hertford and Perquimans have already paid off. I m told that an industrial ground-breaking ceremony will be taking place hara v..r .r. here soon. Your dividends are starting to come in, and I congratulate you. Roy Sowers at C&D also tells me that there are a few other announcements' in the works for other communities here in Northeastern North Carolina. It's great news to me and all the people in this region of our State.,..-4.-vi':-:'-'.v You here tonight are to be commenisd for your work. This award is actually a symbol of scadlng far more important and that is your love for this place, and for all North Carina. Pee?le like you, all across this State-pacple who are proud but to berJ over to lift up a town; p::;"8 who understand the vtl t of history-but are not Ced to tLs f cot-pere Lie you mthe ms rrc l, and humble loo, to ce your uavemor. Agatn, i i in ii i win ii fr111-'--- riiiatiM , j. Presents Etijoys w "Governor's Award to Hertford Mayor VVJ). "BUI" ch ats with Perquimans "Future Citizens". Mrs. Tom my congratulations and best wishes to you all. Mayor of Hertford W.D. (Bill) Cox welcomed the Gov. saying "I think it's really fine, just great to have the governor here tonight. And it certainly is an honor to receive the award." The Governor's wife Jessie Raye and daughter. Janet, speaker of the House of Representatives, Phil Godwin fromGatesville, Representative Bill Culpepper of Elizabeth City, and House Sergeant-at-Arms Archie Lane, Sr. were also in town for the presentation and the fish fry prepared by the American Legion and Ladies of the Legion Auxiliary.' In remarks made to ap proximately 200 people foDosVing a fish fry at the American Legion Building last Friday night. Governor Bob Scott had the highest praise for efforts that have been made in Hertford and Perquimans County toward economic and industrial development. Governor Scott closed his remarks with the presentation of an award designating Hert ford as a Governor's Award Community based on the fin dings of a Judging team from the Division of Commerce and Industry. He emphasized that, while he was not aware of the actual number of communities that have recieved this award. (he number was tar from being large and the award was not lSWJl.h?,7 hunters on a state level Mayor W.D. (Bill) Cox canted the Governnr'a Award In behalf of the Town of Hertford. the County of Perquimans, the Industrial Development, the Chamber of Commerce and the many individuals that made the Si tt'e thr0Ugh thelr mutual efforts. Award Fish Fry Mayor Cox thanked Gov. Scott' for personally presenting the award, and expressed his ap preciation for bringing Mrs. Scott and their daughter to the community. The Governor's limousine, "Number 1", was parked in front of the Legion Building and several local children rode in it at the Governor's invitation. On a tour that he termed "a chance to get out and meet the people in the areas that the Governor does not often get the time or the opportunity to visit", the Sovernor also made stops in .Belvidere and Winfall. Industrial Development Director Tom Brown acted as Master of Ceremonies for the presentaton and took the op portunity to introduce several state and local officials who were on hand for the event. Lions To Play Host Tha UarttnrA I Inn. Pink will piay host Thursday, September 2nd to the Mayor of Hertford and the Town Commissioners, the Mayor of Winfall and Town Commissioners, the Perquimans v Board of Education, The Perquimans County i Board ; of Com-, missioners, Chairman of the Industrial Development and Perquimans Chamber of Commerce Director. The officials will each present a short talk presenting In formation in which involves with present and future plans or proposals. Other invited guests are the presidents of the Rurltan Clubs, Rotary Club, and the BP.W. The program is designed to help the public better un derstand the efforts and time rendered the people of Perquimans County by the elected officials. Perquimans Recreation Day Big Success Perquimans County Recreation Day, held Saturday. August 21, 1971, at the Southern Shores Beach, was a big success stated to day by Mrs. M B. Taylor, Home Economics Ex tension Agent and W.C. Strowd, Agricultural Extension Agent for Perquimans County, Ap proximately 550 or more 4-H members, youth, parents, Extension homemakers, Rural Resource Development members, and friends attended the activities. The success pf this day was the result of the excellent cooperative spirit existed between the Extension Service, the Economic Improvement Resourse Center, 4-H Leaders, parents, and the Southern Shores Manager, Mr. Isaac W. Lowe, the local radio station, WCNC- Elizabeth City, N.C., WCDJ-Edenton, N.C., the Perquimans Weekly, and Mrs. Mary Foreman. f The Extension agents feel Coud of you and "Thanks" for lping to make the day a success. - The activities included soft ball games, by both boys and girls, dodge ball, tract, swim- ; ming, and many other games for .smaller boys and girls. The results of the softball games were as follows: A tie between Hertford 4-H boys and Winfall boys. The Winfall girls won over Chapanoke girls and Bethel girls. Everyone enjoyed the games very much. This is an annual affair and we are beginning to plan for 1972 County Recreation Day to be a bigger and a better one than this 'year.' . A gold cup will be awarded to the top girls' softball team and the top boys' softball team during Recreation Day in 1972. Who is going to win the cup in 1973. This is the big question iwlno aakad hv Mri Tavlnr and Mr. Strowd Let us start plan- ring now for that Big Day. Hold Open House Open House will be heloVatthe Inter-County Fire Department in Woodville Sunday, August 29th between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. Receives Invitation From Pres. Nixon Mrs. M. B. Taylor, Home Economics Extension Agent, received a n invitation from the White House today from the President of the United States. The President Invited Mrs. Taylor to attend the meetings of the White House Conference on Aging to be held November 28 to December 2, 1971 in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Taylor is one of the invited delegates from the state of North, Carolina. President Nixon and the Congress have asked that the White House Conference on Aging be held November 28 December 2, 1971 to recommend a set of National policies for improving life for all older Americans. If you have any questions, recommendations or suggestions please feel free to contact Mrs. Taylor at her office - 426-7697( Perquimans County Office Building, Hertford, North Carolina 27944. Seven Graduate At C0A In Practical Nurse Education Graduation exercises were held at the College" of The Albemarle on Friday, August 20, 1971 and the following shown in the picture received their cer tificates in Practical Nurse Educaton. Anna Partin Bass, Olive Forbes Bateman, Catherine White Beattv, Patricia Kellam Membership Drive Underway "Membership in Farm urBu '" that! afttfM KfiWA " Alkafta IPllMA than ever before," Albert Euro, president of the Perquimans County Farm Bureau, said recently. He pointed out that Farm Bureau voting delegates from thoughout the state earlier this year overwhelmingly approved a program which will expand and improve services to members. Areas covered in the expanded program include: ecology and environmental control, marketing, and field services. "This is a giant step for Farm Bureau, " Eure said, " and Is all the more reason why farmers would benefit by Joining the county organization." The Perquimans County Farm Vureau's annual mem bership campaign is now un derway, he reported. The organization is aiming for a membership goal of 450 Farm families this year. Eure said that because farmers constitute a minority and are not sufficiently organized to speak with one voice, they are too often "short changed" in the market place. "Our expanding marketing programs are designed to eliminate many of the inequities that the farmer faces in his marketing efforts." In noting that Farm Bureau is working on many fronts in behalf of agriculture, Eure said that "unity of effort through their general farm organization is the main avenue of progress for farmers." "An improved and more valuable Farm Bureau is the modern farmer's best tool for carving out a better future for himself," the Perquimans County Farm Vureau leader stated. He said that farmers are going to find their strength in numbers. White Receives Degree Hubert White Burden of Winfall son of Mrs. Ruth H. Burden of Winfall and Jackson M. Burden of Lewiston, received a doctor of philosophy in anatomy degree here Saturday, August 21, during the annual summer graduation exercises of Tulane University. . The degree was conferred by Dr. Herbert E. Longenecker, Tulane president. From Perquimans Bowden, Frances Beverly Carter, Sandra Leigh Dowdy, Rebecca Evelyn Elliott (Hert ford), LaVonne Stockwill Getchell, Vickie Diane Goodwin, Dottie Griffin, Rose Mercer Harris, Roberts Anne Hughes, Perlie Mae Jernigan, Rosalie Doxey Jones, Jane Couldbourne Jordan, Betty Tillett Long Method Water And iii.i'iiii.miiiniiii win iiisJipiliiiiJ,ijiylia rs !:,lf 1 V The above picture shows F. A. McGoogan, District Con servationist SCS, examining soybeans on farm of Floyd Mathews that were planted following oats with no land preparation. This method of planting eliminates air and water pollution as there is no burning of straw and the residue prevents soil from washing into streams. Mathews is Chairman of the Perquimans County Soil Conservation Committee. Library Receives Gift Books The Perquimans County Library has received eight gift books recently. These are: Ten Paths to Peace and Power in memory of Tom By rum; Learning to Live from the Acts; Historical Needlework; and Book of Garden Flowers all three in memory of Mrs. Mary Wood Hunter; Illustrated History of the Jews in memory of Mrs. Ruth Haskett Shoffeitt; Super Athletes in memory of Jack Brinn; Secrets of the Forest in memory of Clifford E. Prichard; and Dwight Eisenhower, a biography is Perquimans Native Joins CP&L Grant K. ChappeU has Joined Carolina Power & Light Co. in Raleigh as a Junior engineer in the nuclear design section. A native of Perquimans County, ChappeU was graduated from Perquimans County High School in Hertford and from North Carolina State University with a degree in nuclear engineering. He is married to the former Amy Meads of Elizabeth City and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie G. ChappeU of Winfall. 9. -1 SIH'S'liti W t-.M (Hertford), Deborah Adean Long (Hertford) Carol Ann Ober, Joyce Donald Outlaw, Sarah Ownley Perry (Hertford), Evelyn LaWanda Russell (Hertford), Virl Sutton Stokely (Hertford), Gladys Irene Watson, Carol Russell Wheeler. Deborah Kay Whltefield and Joan Lucille Yohn (Hertford). Eliminates Air Pollution wwiHtij;.. gTTy wiy -A. given in honor of the Perquimans County boys who have served their country in the Armed Forces. Other new books in the library are: Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee, by Brown; The Name) Above the Title, a biography of Frank Capra, An autobiography . of John Stuart Mill; Love Is Not Enough, by Bettlehebn; One Little Boy, by Baruch; The Wild Boy of Aveyron, by Itard; and Reincarnation, by Hall. New fiction titles are: Fiona, by Gasklns; The Day of the Jackal, by Forsyth; Night Fall, : by Alkin; and Theirs was the ' Kingdom, by Delderfield. Penjuimans Share In July Local Sales And Use Tax Perquimans County will receive $4,408.29 and from more than S3 million to be distributed by the state from one-cent local sales taxes collected for May and June. Perquimans County win receive a total of $4,406 with $3,358 going to county, $813.50 to theTown of Hertford and$233.M to the Town of Winfall. t , 7

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