JV-t 2-Tba Perquimans Weekly, Hertford. ML C, Thwadigri DMti It. ST 1 '' 1 1 '-" ; ' -;: -; - S iTf u iT;ijj The Weekly Society fJevvs id')i0)1l,l,;l; 8': I "' , - ?i - '5 I i FROM DURHAM Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Miller of Durham, N.C., ipent a few days lait week with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Miller, Sr. From East Carolina University. Ronnie Baker atudent at East Carolina University spent the Weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Baker. . ' Weekend Home t Jarvts Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Miller, Sr. a student at: East Carolina University, spent the weekend -with his parents, r.'ZT" 'J;2Z SUNDAY IN JACKSON Joe Campbell visited Mr. and tots. Odell Hobbs and Richard WUliford in Jackson on Sunday. vjsttsinva. ::Mrs. Maude Jones spent several days last week in Chesapeake, Va. with her niece, Mrs. Ann Mercer. W RALEIGH :-Miss Elizabeth Tucker is Visiting friends in Raleigh. r " ETURNS HOME ;Mrs. F.T. Johnson has Ceturned home after spending Sometime in Sanford with relatives. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Vic Huggins and family have turned to their home in Blacksburg, Va. after a Report 2-On The White House , si a Conference Un AgUl Si . .. , TOie White House Conference oh;Aging which convened in Washington, D.C. November 28 December 2, 1971, had a more realistic and comprehensive pb'Dcy for older Americans. jrhe conference was planned asva continuous process- of growth, not a single event. It wis preceded by a series of forums, hearings, meetings and ofder White House . con ferences at community and state levels. In all these activities more than one million Americans have par ticipaiEdtlOdentifyJngthe needs jgfjthc aging. The par; ticipants " included: Older Americans and middle-aged Americans facing retirement, people in programs that provided direct services- for older people, specialists in ' planning, research or teaching or in the field of aging, and other interested and concerned Americans. The succeed the conference must be more than just another occasion to talk about older people. The first White House Conference on Aeine. a decade ago, stimulated a new national awareness of the needs ana rirrumstances of older people. It only marked an important beginning at meeting wese needs. This White House Conference held November 28 Decern ilier 2. 1971. charted new goals' new directions, and nlan of action for the 1970's. The Officers and Staff Directors for the White House Conference were as follows: Chairman, Arthur S. Flem ming; Vice Chairman, Bertha S. Adkins, Director, John B. Martin; Executive Director, Webster B. Todd, Jr.; Co Directors of Technical Ac tivities, Wilma Donohue and Clark Tibbitts; Director of Regional and State Relations, Ray Schwartz; Director of National Organizations, Dorothy McLeod; Director of Public Information and Public Affairs, John Edwards; Ad ministrative Officer, Florence Jones; Director of Logisties, jonn i;nrisunan; apeu i Assistant to the Chairman, Julie Erickson: and Special Assistant to the Executive Director, Tiny Forrester- There were 53 delegates from North Carolina. 33 of this number, were voting delegates. Mrs. Marjoie Donnelly, head, Frtmsion foods and Nutrition. and immediate past president oft the American Dietetic Association, headed the task force panel on Nutrition during thm National White House Conference on Aging. Dr. Eloise Cofer, Assistant Director, Home Economics, and myself (Mrs. M.B. Taylor, Home Economics Extension Agent) . were the three Home Economists from North Carolina Agricultural Ex tension Service. We k -were '"ned to the Nutrition Sec- tioa of the White House Con ference on Aging. Dr. Jean Mayer, Professor' of r -trition, School of Public "vh, Harvard University, Mass. was the Chalr the Nutrition Section. visit with Mrs. Muggtns'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Stokes. ' SUNDAY GUESTS W.H. Pitt, Jr. and Robert Francis of Charlotte were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pitt, Sr. on Sunday. WEEK-END GUESTS Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert White were Mrs. Thelma Peele of Winchester, Vs.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perry, Tommy Perry, Tlmmy Perry, and Greg Perry of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Wrenn and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall and daughter of Richmond, Va. They attended , the Wood-Layton Wedding on Sunday. FROM VA. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Gould and son of Virginia Beach. Va. were week-end guests of her father, G.L. Dail. FROM VA. BEACH . Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Eley of Virginia Beach, Va. spent the weekend with Mr. .and, Mrs. Sidney Eley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eley. ' RETURN TO MISS. i : Mrs. Cecil Harrington and children returned to their borne in Corinth, Miss, on Sunday after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Stokes. ;.-.;;'' .' . SUNDAY GUESTS Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Colon Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ellis of Newport. and Mrs. Bob Ellis of Newport News, Va.; Mr. and Mrs Robert Futrell of Rich Sauare Robert Futrell of Rich Square; Mrs. James Boone of Jackson: and Alvin Futrell of Woodland.; WEEK-END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pitt. Jr.. Mary Howard, Susan; Marian, and William H. Pitt, HI. of Charlotte were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pitt, Sr. FROM DURHAM. .' . . -jr ? T.S.White, Jr., Mary Frances White, and Cariyle 'White of Durham were week-end. guests of Mrs. TS. White, Sr. . . . , WEEK-END HERE ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. Zack T, White, Martha White, and Sack T, White, Jr. werei week-end guests of Mrs. T.S. White. . IN SICK LIST' Miss Sarah Winslow is con fined to ner home this week due to sickness. , , FROM N.Y. - - Mr, and Mrs. T.&. Whit: Til, Mary Carlyle ' White, and Thomas- Spencer White of Briarchff Manor, N.Y: were week-end guests ot Mrs. T.S. White and Mr. and Mrs WH, Pitt. ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. Al Kenton and Miss Terry Kenton of Elizabeth City attended the Wood-Layton Wedding on Sunday. Mra. White Honored On 88th Birthday Mrs. T.S. White, Sr, was honored on her 88th birthday at a dinner party on Friday. December 3. by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pitt, at their home on rtnhh Street. ': All of her children,. grand- rhildren. and sreat srand children were present, with the excention of Mrs. T.S. White, Jr. of Durham, who was absentl due to illness. Tn addition to the honoree. those attending were Miss Mary Frances White, T.5. wmte, jr., nnd Carlvle White of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Zack Toms White,! Miss Martha White, and Zack T. White. Jr. of Summitt N.J Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pitt Jr.. Miss Mariah Pitt, Miss Susan Pitt: Miss Marv Howard Pitt and William H.Pitt. HI. of Charlotte: Mr. and Mrs. TS. White, III, Miss Mary Carlylel White, and Thomas Spencer White, of Briarcliff, Manor J N.Y.; and Mrs. Undsey Pnvott Card Of ThsnU$ I would like to express myf sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me .wltb caldsJ flowers, visits, ' and all othei acts of kindness shown m wUU T was a natiimt In th Alhemarla Hospital and since rny1 return ; Wewcl3teto thji s3i sent cares to ur r c-.rr Lr. Wtaaow. it 4 patient at Altanserls I" VA GUESTS Mr. ind Mrs! v Charles Bradford of Norfolk, Va.1 were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ward on Sunday. VISITS IN RICHMOND Mrs. Martin Towe spent few days this weak in Richmond. Va, with her daughter. Miss Jo Davis Towe. VISITS IN RICHMOND , Mrs. Martin Towe spent a few days this week In Richmond, Va. with her daughter, Miss Jo Davis Towe. . Bowd-Long '-VI t J- ' I v s ' f ' 'til i - if fo:ftii,V 1 1 i Thii marriAse of Mist Linda Carol Long and John Timothy; Dowd was solemnized Sunday afternoon, November 28, at 3 o'elodt! in me Bethel Bantist Church In ;V 'setting- of, whit m xed: flowers. nalmS. and candteflght ' ' . V, :'. . v The Rev. Robert White, uncle 'of v the bride . and Pastor of flvds'a Chanel Bantist Church. Wendell, performed the double ring ceremony-, wtui tne . Kev. Gordon. B. Shaw assisting:. Wedding music was preserited by. Mrs. Jean Long ; WWtleyi organist. : and- Tommy Long. ' brother of the ..bride, sqlojsf, x?:':'- The bride U the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Julian Long, Sr. of Hertford;. The groom is the son of Mrs. Larry M. Dowd and the late Mr. Dowd of Edenton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a traditional gown of white satin. The slender emphre bodice, lavishly overlaid in Alencon lace re-embroidered with pearls and cystali, featured a high neckline and long slim sleeves ending in points over the hands. The "A" line skirt was highlighted with a detachable Chapel train adorned with the same lace as the dress. Her veil of imported English silk illusion was . arranged from a profile matching lace and pearl headpiece. She carried a white Bible covered In satin and lace, tnnned with a cascade of white roses. The brides' only Jewelry was a gold locket, a wedding gift from tne groom. ' Upon entering the church the bride presented her Mother with a roue taken from her boquet as a sy mbol of love and as shed departed from tne church she gave her Motner-in lawthe same token. 'Mrs. John Lavetto III of fcHiabeth Cltv. sister of the brjde was matron of honor. She .wore a floor length gown of peacock blue velvet with Vie - torian neckline and mutton sleeves. The empire waist and neckline accented with a pearl '.trim. Her headniaea waa blue silk lllusion.attached to a band of blue velvet and trimmed in 'pearls, &U& Georgia Wlnslow was maid of honor and her dress was identical to -that' of the matron of honor, They carried hurricane lamca circled with tcSow- mums aci bronze rib- ' bridesmaids Were- Mrs. -Tommy Uri, sttor-ln-UW' of -the Isi-s of Wlnsiofr- fcJertr Mrs,' Tljoaass Callcp'." of s'stef '' .fesn. trom r .jrt:av. V'.i 13 t..:: of QGGLiO Enloyina a moderate life with wine can prevent ulcers, . Af fording to Author Mitchell Spellbern. M.D., and Ted Bor land (Living V'ith Your Ulcer, St. Martin Press, 1971 ). For the person who has a healed ulcer, a little wine with dinner helpsbecause it acts as a natural ' tranquilizer. Wedding Kjf ' , 1 1 Greensboro; and. Miss Jane Evans of Raleigh. They wore. Identical dresses to the honor attendants and carried hurricane lamps with yellow mums and ribbons. v "Mike Dowa df Edenton was his brother's , best man, Groomsmen were Tim Dowd, brother of .the groom; Tommy Long. Johnny Nichols of Greenville; Randy Hollowell of Edenton; and John Lavezzo III, brother-in -aw of the bride, of Elizabeth aty; . ' ' Mrs. Larry Skinner of Edenton and Mrs. Edgar Long of Hertford were Mistresses of Ceremony. The bride's Mother wore a yellow afternoon dress of silk and worsted. The skimmer, designed with a Mandarin neckline and lone sleeves, was adorned with matching Venice lace. She wore matching ac cessories and a corsage of bronze orchids. The mother of the Broom wore a baby blue coat and dress ensemble of sild and worsted, trimmed in lace and net with matching accessories and a corsage of pink orchids. A reception was held im mediately following the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Pre-Nuptial Parties A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. Dalton Parker, Mrs. Larry Skinner, Mrs. Edcar Lontt. Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr. and Mrs. Wallace White at the Bethel Community building. Mrs. Thomas Gallop en tertained at the Whistling Pines, Elizabeth aty, with a bridal luncheon. Miss Susan Harrell and Mrs. Charles M. Harrell entertained with an Open House honoring the bride and groom. Mrs. Larry Dowd and Miss Kathy Dowd entertained the wedding party and friends at their home after the rehearsal, Mrs. Jack Habit was hostess to a miscellaneous shower given at her home at Cape Colony. Miss Georgia Winslow en tertained the bride at a party in Fletcher Hall, Greenville, N.C. 1 Out of Town Guest Mra Timothy Dowd. Springfield, Mass; Mrs. Eugene O'Shea Gene, Checopee, Mass.; Mr ft Mrs. Al Habit. Va. Beach V Tlr k Mrs. Thomas Craddock, Norfolk, Va.; Mr. & Mrs. W.G. Hart, High Piint, N.C; Mr. Ray Spoon, Debbie and Daryl, Ahoskie, N.C; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Perry, Mr. Barry Checson, Miss Marcia Miller, Cretnvllle, N.C; , Rex I!;:::ney, Steve Toler, V- ""jo, NC. Miss Vashti r " : f r. r-th, N.C. S3 U J J 4 jJ P if ; r-l r n JJ (JO liWuUB UJU 0 0 AUTOMATIC BALL RETURN POOL TABLE Only Q.QO 5 Gift Wrap Paper 3 ROLLS TO PACKAGE 40 SQ. FEET 8 8 PACKAGES 8 DOLLS - REG, $1.00 9 8 now 2for91.00 8 8 8 SIDEWALK DIKE FOR BOYS ; tOKOO 'AND GIRLS ; 3 8 8 8 1 SUPER f 8i 61 8 ARRID EXTRA DRY- VASELINE ssr... JERGENS LOTION . i 8 ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN 47 SUAVE HAIR SPRAY... 57 SUAVE SHAMPOO .? 57 LANDERS BABY . araFOO & LOTION. .77 f : fel'"' - 1.00 DADY SOFTINA LIFE-LIKE 6.00 SUPER 100 ROAD RACE SET 23" TEA SETS 07 to W 97 47 47 OPEN PLASTIC DAILY i i . 9 a.m. til 9 p.m. 12 nccn 0 6 p.m. REG. $1.00 . 2 FOR 3:33 m. n.C3 r REGISTER OFTEN! No Purchase Necessary! Drawing This Saturday 4:00 p.m. IM: lllir Vltr CHECK OUR WIDE, WIDE ASSORTMENT OF GAMES so to a77 XMAS BOWS V PACKAGES 1.00 25 BOWS ELECTRIC CORD ORGAN $gQ7 Value $64.80 SKO'.VERCAP.. HINDS LOTION . . MENNEN SKIN BRACER SCOPE 1PT.2 0Z. . HAI KARATE AFTER SHAVE -COLOGNE DUSTING FO'.VDER 47 GOLDEN TOUCH IL1IR HOLLERS $1.00 ,57' b 8p,n. . IS OZ. V I I BAG i TO PACKAGE ...47 2 U.00 97 :...97 J1.39 .$1.95

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