Standartt Printing Co 40200 THE -PERQUIMANS WEEK: '' J - ' ft' V olume XXVII-No. 60 Super Dollar's Errand Opening i Wf I Mi l V i-.i. i I In last weeks issue of the jerjquimans Weekly ' the jtlines were lost for the picture f the Super Dollar store ribbon fitting, thus we are runing the ctune again this week with the irnes and also the statement ayof W. D. BiU Cox made phcerning both the Super ollar Grand Opening and the jhillips Furniture Co. opening ith which . occured last mrsday morning. nY'rtie above picture reading 9jnlef to right: Bill reeman. Supervisor, Hugh How, vice president; Mayor ill Cox, Super Dollar Store anager, Donald Crady, sistant manager Mrs. Velma bb; Cafeteria Manager, : . If Savings Bond Sales' In Perquimans les In Perquimans County ; November were $7,632.00. "aery-November sales tjid $84,484.00. This Jesents 128.5 per cent of nsiimans County's goal of 3,780.00, according to R.L. venson, Perquimans County 'nteer Chairman, avember . sales , of U.S. vings - Bonds in North rjolina ' were 16,548,797. acting an increase of 11.2 cent over sales of November year ago. Sales of Series E I H Savings Bonds for the i amounted to $S9,104,537, an rase of 13.7 per cent over :s lor the same period last r...and the test peacetime s in the history of the Bonds -am. .' ..ionally, total cash sales of ?ni H Bonds for the first n months of 1971 amounted ',:: million, 18 per cent V yeaP earlieri Ac Oiristmns Eve Community Service Ct closer to your deepest self and nearer to your God. the Christmas Eve Holy Communion and . Candle t Service at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Hertford, on y December 24th beginning at 11:00 p.m. Every :d Christian is welcome to take Communion at mis Christmas Day ; the Holy Communion will be " i at 11:00 a.m. . 1 1 J i "Hi n Dorothy Nixon und Super Dollar Supervisor Harold Lamb. After the opening, mayor, Bill Cox, had this to say: Today has been a very im portant day in ou town aijd area. The opening of Phillips, Brothers furniture store and the opening of the New Super Dollar store. Both of, these stores are a credit 'and an im portant step in the growth of our area. We need more of this. We need to improve our shopping facilities and have a greater variety. For I belive that one business compliments another, that competition is the life of all business. I hope that this is the beginning of continuing growth in our town and county. cumulation of interest, during 1971 on outstanding E Bonds amounted to $1,990 million, January-November . redemp tions, at cost price, at $3,867 million, were 18 per cent below last year's $4,718 million (at cost price). Accrued interest paid out on E Bonds (and un classified Freedom Shares) redeemed during 1971 totaled $941 million. " Mistletoe And Kisses ; Traditionally,, when a boy kisses a girl under the mistletoe, he must pluck a berry from the bough and give it to her. When all its berries are gone, the mistletoe loses its magic and the kissing stops. Tradition also held that a girl who wasn't kissed under the mistletoe would not marry in the coming year, the National Geographic Society says. i v Hertford BPW dub Christmas, Party Husbands of club members and other special guests were present for the Hertford BPW Club party which was held Thursday Night, Dec. 17th., at the Edenton Rstaurant. ' Mrs: Roxanna Jackson had charge of the program and, upon arrival, each lady was presented a Christmas corsage and each gentleman was presented a boutonniere. Hiss Hulda Wood gave the invocation after which a 1 delicious turkey and ham dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. Dora Riddick recited an I amusing, original poem en titled, Santa s pre-Christmas I visii . men miss ineima tl ml m ml 1 . Elliott gave a timely reading pertaining to the art of . gracefully receiving presents. In closing, all stood and sang Silent Night. - Winslotc Hurt In Accident Arba Winslow, 26, of Belvidere was injured in a one car accident last Friday morning on N.C, 27 in Perquimans County according to the N.C. Highway Patrol. i Winslow, ' driving a 1962 Renault, lost control while rounding a curve. He ran off the road, struck a tree broadside and totally damaged his automobile. He was treated for multiple -bruises and lacerations at Albemarle Hospital. Tofvn Liceh " PlaGopn Saleh HertfereV? motorists - 'are notified thai the town vehicle 'license piaies win t" m 0(110 Tuesday, Jan. 4th. . Plates may be pVchased at the City Clerk's Of Hoe i the Hertford Municiple BuiJtfng, and the license must be displayed by February 15th. While buying your town tags, you can pick up yaur state license right ' in the same building, in the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce office. Blootimobile Visit Being Sponsored By Rescue Squad The Bloodmobile will visit Hertford on Wednesday, December 29th and is being sponsored on this visit by the Perquimani Rescue Squad.' It will be at the First United Methodist Church from 12:00 until 6 P.M. 1 The ; Perquimans Rescue Squad urges donors as the quota of blood needed at this time for this county is 100 pints. Full support of this visit is asked by your Perquimans Rescue Squad. Perquimans 1 Sales Tax For - November $$,714.60 Local 1 per cent Sales and Use Tax collection in Perquimans County- - for : the month of November amounted to $6,714.60 It was announced by I.L. Clayton, Commissioner of the . State of North Carolina Department of Revenue. the amount collected this November shows an increacs above the lCTQ collection which was $5,803.53. . Hertford, Perquimans County, Make no bones about it, we wish you the merriest of holidays! I At this time of year, we'd OtW, our loyal friends and our consideration -and throughout the year. May you and your family XChristmas, and a bright New Year, with 1 fie thope that it will be rich osperity and enduring EE ird Fire Dept. This Christmas make" sure Santa andjiis.reitideernet the men irpn weste, eKmpraeni -arethfe dnjly orifes- .en "your r The very' things which make Christmas "a favorite holiday can reduce the seasotv to a time of tragedy '1 . fire- safety precautions are rtotpbserved," points out Fire Chief F. B. Nixon. According to National Fire Protection. Association records quoted by toe Chief, each year lives-are .lost la fires directly ' Throughout this Christmas issue of your Per quimans Weekly, the merchants and business con- AC cerns of Perquimans tnru in uyfirvuttnjn jui men uuvw- tion with you during the past year of 197 1! ' Please take time out to read each of these Greetings at they are sent to you most sincerely by your friendly businesses here in our own home town and county. i And when you shop in the new year 1972, re member these friendly folks, who took time out of their busy schedule ' to send you their Christmas Greetings and to express their thanks for your patronage during the past year. . North Carolina, December 23, Seasons Greetings like to thank subscribers, for patronage enjoy a happy in good health, happiness. as related to the Yuletide season, and last year holiday fires destroyed, or damaged homes and other property valued at guidelines from Chief Nixon for keeping the "merry" in "Merry Christmas" in your home: 1. Natural trees should be fresh-looking and firm-needled when you select them. Saw off the butt an inch above the original cut, stand the tree in water, and keep it in water until you dispose of it - soon after Christmas Day. Don't rely on do-it-yourself flameproofing County are sending you 4 Fire 1971 Virginia White Transeau, Editor (Centered in the wreath above is Phyllis Transeau. We have mentioned Phyllis in the paper and have had a lot of inquiries as to "Who" she is. Phyllis is your Editor's year old German Schnauzer dog.) Safety treatments, as none is truly effective. Set up the tree away from heat and where it won't block doorways or stairs. . . . Artificial trees should be clearly marked as made of slow-burning materials. Look for the Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) label on trees with built-in electrical systems. . . . With metal trees, use only indirect lighting to avoid the possibility of electric shock. 2. Check lighting strings for frayed wires, loose connections, broken sockets. Replace only with UL-labeled sets. Bulbs made in the U.S. generally are safest; imported bulbs may have dangerous hot spots. Electric cord sets with built-in fuses are strongly recom mended, -i Always turn off tree and Jther indoor holiday lighting when leaving the house or retiring for the night. . , . For outdoor lighting, use only sets UL-Iisted for this purpose. 3. Noncombustible materials such as metal, glass and asbestos should be used for decorations ' as much as possible. Make sure cotton batting, flock and decorating paper are , flameproofed. Natural evergreen decorations dry quickly, burn readily, so keep them well removed from candles, the fireplace and other heat. Don't use polystyrene foam for table or mantle ilAAAiatiAne inltAMk IUama mma lighted candles. Santa & Reindeers At Byrum Home 1 " w . Another pretty decoration is the Tommy Byrum lawn with Santa his sleigh and reindeer. Perquimans Chamber Had Typical Year The Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce had a typical year in 1971 - a very busy one. It has published in this newspaper and in. itr newsletters through the year lists of most of its major ac tivities, but there are still some" people who ask - "what does the Chamber do?,s At its December meeting the Board of Directors decided that a yerend report, similar to the managers report given at the annual banquet, would be another satisfactory way of explaining Chamber work. Speaking of the banquet, like its predecessors it was the most successful one yet. Very well attended, it lived up to past standards in providing an ex cellent speaker and en tertainment, and a bevy of gifts and prizes, plus an excellent meal provided by the Hertford Grammar School PTA. , A week earlier the Chamber's annual Christmas parade proved to be the best yet - with more floats and bands than ever. In spite of bad weather, there were plenty of people on hand to enjoy the fun. Suffice it to say, great preparation is always required to get both events ready. In December, 1970 another touch was added to the Christmas scene - a Chamber sponsored competition was held to help beautify the area. Prizes were given to the best decorated homes and the best decorated businesses. This will be repeated in 1972. The Chamber, through the year, continued to work with the Restoration Association, in helping to make the Newbold White House and the Theophilus White House eventually become major tourist attractions in the state. One of its most important tasks was taking slides of both buildings, putting them into a presentation - a presentation which has already been shown, To The Citizens Of Perquimans County What Have Christmas Seals done for you Lately? They've helped to fight Emphysema and T.B. Two dread diseases that can strike anyone at any time. That might not sound like a lot if those diseases have never touched you or anyone in your family so take a deep breath and read on . Christmas Seals are helping in the fight against air pollution, too. An that's everybody's problem, from teen-ager to old ager. So please, use Christmas Seals. Do it for yourself, your family, everyone. They do more for everyone. ; , If you have not already mailed your check for your T.B. ; Seals do so today. ... V Your Board Members of Eastern Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association Mrs. Marion Swindell Mrs. D.M. Jackson 10 Cents Per Copy n a mi and already resulted in a $300 incentive grant. The Chamber has also been instrumental in publicizing the work of the association. Publicity being one of it:, main jobs, the county has received lots of that in area newspapers - more than ever before. Many of the articles that appeared in the Daily Advance were based on suggestions made by the Chamber. In addition, many articles and pictures emanted from the Chamber office. It resulted not only in area newspaper coverage - but some fine coverage in both State and Wildlife magazines. Publicity of a quieter sort also emanated from the Chamber office. Through letters, support of projects important to the Albemarle area were shown. This method was used to show our backing of a medical school at East Carolina University (Chamber President Erie Haste Jr. also attended a meeting in Washington, N.C. on the sub ject.). Letters were used in support of the idea of making the Dismal Swamp Canal into a park (but not changing the area's ecology). The Chamber distributed to its members, and others, names of state representatives - and a suggested letter to write to them showing support. Of course the Chamber was also responsible, for the most part, in bringing a doctor into the area and in helping to build up the clinic now in use. It also worked with one of the nation's leading medical magazines Medical World News - in publicizing ths county via a story and a front page picture. It conducted a contest to promote July 4 sales it acted as mediator between member complainants and the telephone company - it is continuing its Continued on page 6)

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