I t Pap 8-Tha Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Thursday, February 17, 1972 ABOUT YOUR . What are the ingredients which cause tornadoes? Do they sometimes occur in clear weather, in a cloud less sky? Does dry or moist air prove more conducive to tornado development? ,' If the day Is clear, espe cially clear with dry air. you need worry little about tor nadoesas long as this con dition holds. Even without the dry air, a clear day in dicates the danger of torna does is nil. Don't butcheryour shrubs with pruning shears. A good many well-meaning garden ers do Just this. To prune correctly it's necessary to know some thing of the growth habits of shrubs. They may be di vided roughly into two groups. The larger includes the early spring bloomers. In this group the flower buds were formed last fall and are ready to burst into bloom as warm weather ap proaches. Thoughtless pruning at this time of year BAYSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in the yellow house oh Route 148, and growing! Come and grow with us! . Sunday 10:00 - Bible Study Sunday- 11:00 -Worship Sunday 6:00 Wortfilp Wednesday- 7:30 Bible Study Dl AL-A-DEVOT ION AL 3354400 iiM.r JLJ BUI Mead, Evmgtlitt Phone: 335-4109 HOME may remove many of the flower buds. Since spring flowering shrubs renew tnemselves from new shoots arising at the base, it's necessary to remove enough old growth each year to assure proper development of new growth. In the second group are the late bloqmers. In this type the f 1 o w e r buds are produced on shoots of the present season's growth. Pruning these shrubs in early spring does not re move flower buds because they have not yet formed. Clip off the faded flower clusters ot French hybrids. The production of seed is an unnecessary drain on the plant. Has A Point Inflation has one good point. Your kids can't get sick on a nickel's worth of candy. -Democrat, Davenport. t MH i mMM MM U W V ' ISP- ...SAVE ON ALL MODELS 71 Pdrd LTD, 4 dr. 73 Fed Gal K0 4 Dr. 73tTp4pr. & Dods Monaco, 2 dr H.Top OOfV.M.40r. O Fiir ECO 2-Dr. eSFord7Litri2Dr. C7 Chttf. son 63 Ford Ql. 600 4 Dr. aChtv.ChtvtlltSS 70 Mivwiak C7 Plymouth Conv. fl ford Gal. E89 4 dr. H.T. gg Mwtinj 68F0rflUIU,or. .. myt J i). K7 T9nim wri C3 Mercury, 4 dr. (7 Ford 011.800 2 Dr. C3 Ford Cat K3 Dr. 9 Torino QT, 2 dr. O LTD 4 Dr. M. Top C3Chtv.4Dr. TRUCM Chtv.CIOWoHup 71 Ford F800 Tractor 70 Ford Sport Custom 87 GMC Pickup 07 Cntv. Pickup 70FordF100 71 Ford F100 LT e9FordF100 48,CO Mitle, P. 8. 63 Ford 760 Tractor Q Ford OT, 2Dr H.Top 68 Chtv. C10 automatlo 68 Mustang QT, 2 dr., 88 Ford FlOOCust. Cab H. Top ViriSLOVV-BLANCHARD MOTOR CO.. INC. Phone 428-5248 or 426-6654 U.S. 17, North Hartford, N. C. I T I ill I 1 1 M I II I II ' V i ' "I Ptb. 14th thru Fb.J0th I 'JCtrpv Evary Woman Longi OPEN THE DOOR I MJlll forAromitit ON SAVINGS yC ffli jjjjjj5" it I I I III 18 If If Now you con afford it, I J u 1 'i I I 7 f a iftAV you ton Imtoll it, easily, in irmnioR doors t::p TILE 2" 30- 32" J"M ..... zxmW '9 T E-4 i BOARD , . ' Mainttnonct Irtt. Mr Mdt point- . W 710 55.1 $895 : 1 ' -in 1 JHWI't" 1 r 1 VttI PATIO DOORS tempered safety glass. Screen Included. CiTxCC- '139s f8"x4'x8' PEG BOARD Handittt hlpr vtr, Hand kMchtn uttmili, poH, sont. Mty ta hv CEILING TILE Wid ttltellan tl aatterM, MitwrM, leund obwrbonf, taty to doo, imMl wMi odhtilvH or Mopki. AtU . As 12 ft. SHINGTQN -TT? - USSR Now Ahead Ten or fifteen years ago the Russians boasted they M)uld overtake the United States in steel production. Nikita Khrushchev made confident predictions Doth about steel and other production goals in the early sixties. Many Americans said at this time the Communists would never achieve their aim. But in 1971. late figures show, Russia surpassed the United States, and all the world, in steel production. U.S. production last year, an off year, was approximately 120, 01)0,000 tons. Russian production was an estimated 133. 000.000 tons. The Russians expect to produce more this year: total USSR outputhasbeen rising steadily in recent years. Their 1972 goal is 139 million tons. U.S. experts believe 1972's expanding economy will push U.S. production close to or above the all-time U.S. record of 141 millions tons, the 1969 total. Thus the United States might produce more steel this year than Russia. But if so, and if Russian pro duction continues to increase, this may be the last year the U.S. outproduces Russia in this vital industrial cate gory. Accomplishments such as this, in Russia, must be frank ly faced by all Americans, including leaders in Washington. The stiff competition should be an inducement to us to improve the free enterprise system. TV COMMENTARY HAVING SPENT several' years commenting on TV, one wonders what the eye would say about viewers if it were not force fed from some broadcast inn station and had a mouth of Its own. Surely, from its point of view, things would take u different slant. ONE SUSPKCTS the TV eommt'iiU could be nome thlnii like thi'se: "Hy Jove, ludy, do put ymir knees to nether! You embarrusH mol" "FOR THE LOVE OF MEN WANTED CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK BUYERS Wn wint mtn In this irt. Trsin to buy esttlo, shssp I snd hogi. I Ws will train qusllfltd msn with soma llvattock sxpsrl nes. For local Intarvlaw, writs today with your back ground. Includs your full addrsis and phons number. CATTLE BUYERS, INC. 4420 MsdliMi Kansas City, Ms. 641 11 By John Smiley MIKE, mister, tell me you're not K"inn to watch another bowl game! I've got fatigue and heart bum from the last two. Turn me off and give a set u rest." "THE TROUBLE iYITH this old world is luck of coiniiuuilciitloii. When I've uii Mniu'thlnn worth suylntt, you turn me oil', You henr unci see only what you wunt to hour and see. You don't iinderhtuntl me ut till." "DON'T YOU HKALIZE you'll wux hit If you raid the refrigerator every time I show 11 commercial. Thorn aren't muny old ful people, you know." "I'M REALLY NOT elf centered. If you folks would like to carry on a conversa tion for a chun go, I'll be happy 1 hibernate for an hour or two while you got to know each other." "YOU KNOW what I see when the late, late nhow goes off-a reclining chair, soles with holes In thorn, a mountain of a tummy with a nose peeking over It emitting a roaring snoring." "THERE JUST aren't many Interesting people who 1 watch me any more!" TAYLOR, EDENTON 7 Big Days, Wednesday, Feb. 16 thru Tuesday, Feb. 22 Detective Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases. He smashes them, Clint Eashfi Dirty Harry blsHMsTVr VsW rjiEP PANAVISION Warner Bros , A Kinney Company TECHNICOLOR Coming Feb. 23rd - "North Country" Chowan Academy APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR 8th, 9th & 10th GRADES Connally's Role There is speculation in Washington Treasury Secretary John Conn ally will soon take his leave of the Nixon Ad ministration. The report is that Connally has his sights on the Democratic presidential nomination in 1976 and thinks the only way he can get it is to go home soon and work in Texas as a Democrat Connally is welt liked by the President, who very much ' desires that he stay on. But as the stock of Vice President Agnew rises-as the likely presidential running mate in 1972--the role of Connally with Republicanism diminishes. And there are some who feel he had his eye on a second place spot with President Nixon in 1972. Mr. Nixon's re cent high praise of Agnew seemed to close the door some what to a Nixon-Connally possibility; Like Senator Edward Kennedy, Connally apparently sus pects President Nixon will be reelected this year, and is looking ahead to 1976. Other reports are that he fears the economy latrr in the year will not be all its expected to be-and that he doesn't wish to have the responsibility for U.S. economic troubles much longer. Whatever the truth about Connally's feelings, he is an ambitious politician and a vigorous national figure of po tential. He may accept another post in the Nixon Adminis tration, an even more imposing one. Rut he recently told a questioner he was still a Democrat and if he has his eye on 1976, as reported, he may well head for the Lone Star State before the 1972 political campaign. It just could be Connally versus Kennedy at the Democratic convention in 1976, if a Democrat doesn't unseat President Nixon this year. Liberalism & Nonsense Under the pretext of liberalism, abnormalities in U. S. society today are often presented as normal, admirable or equally-desirable traits. Under this heading falls the ef fort of so many in New York in recent years to normalize homosexualism. While modem knowledge makes it clear that homos are to be pitied rather than prosecuted, the fact remains that the foundation of society and stable progress today lies in the normal boy-girl relationship. Thus society, and individuals, are obligated to do what can be done to discourage homosexuality. Any glamoriza tion, favorable publicity treatment or so-called complete legitimacy, is misplaced because this nation's future de pends, to a largo degree, on a continuance of the normal, male-female reliitioimhip and structure. HEALTH AND BEAUTY If you were not fortunate enough to have been born with a love for the out-doors, you must cultivate it. It will bring joy in your life that can be rouna in no otner wftv. Walking is the very best all-around exercise, It's exhilarating and delight ful to swine alone with an easy stride and, at the same time, observing the many beautiful growing things. How lovely the sky, the birds and myriads of other interesting and beautiful ob jects. It makes you glad to be alive. In spring new life comes to all the world. You sense it in your own soul. Sap rises in the plants and trees and nature rejoices that winter is past. To be useful and success ful, you must possess at least a fair degree of vigor. You cannot grow strong without exercise. If you're weak and sickly, goto work and remake yourself; you can do this unless you are chronically and hopelessly ill. KICKS LAUNDRY & CLKA1NEKS SERVING HERTFORD AND Perquimans County TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Sill crummey, Routtmu Truck Ridlo Dispatched PHONE EDENTON 482 2148 . Oyster Roast At Elizabeth City Shrine Club The Elizabeth City Shrine Club will have an oyter roast at the club on Friday, February tilth, beginning at 7:00 P.M. President D.J. White Invites all Shrlnors, ladles and guests. All you can eat for $3.00. So all you good Shrlnors from Perquimans County let'i show up at the Elizabeth City Shrine Club and show those folks how much we can eat!!! ANNOUNCING I THE OPENING OF J pig Rod Solf-Sorvlco SEE OUR MONEY SAVING SALE AD IN THIS ISSUE DIVERS & SON JEWELERS at D & H SERVICE CENTER (formerly J.O. Perry1) ROUTI 2 - US 17 NORTH EDENTON, N. C. 27932 Reg u la r Gac 29.9 Lb. BEST GRADE FRYERS------ FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF f 1 79 lb. Gwaltney's Sliced Bacon Ends 4 lbs. '1.39 Dusk's Fully Cooked Chltteflfngf 79 lb. O'Sago Peaches In heavy Syrup gn 3no.2Vicans 'lAlU EATWELL MACKEREL 23 can Alts. I .1 1 FRESH BEEF LIVER 73 lb. OYSTERS STANDARDS......$1.59Pint SELECTS............$1.69nnt FISH STICKS 69 lb. COUNTRY SMOKED BONELESS JOWLS 33lb. EXTRA LARGE GRADE A FRESH EGGS 2 doz. 09V SIGNAL ALL PORK V SAUSAGE MEAT 59Mb. GWALTNEY'S SIGNAL BRAND FRANKS 59' lb. MORTON OR PETRFTZ . . CHERRY PCS 3 for r I ' COUNTY TOWELS 2 LARGE ROLLS 73 ! '.fi!5?Qe fii::.-::.:. zic:::v. ::iT7ViiAv;t: j.c. DLWJinaD CO., it 221-4277 cla: c::..r.D'G c:nce k22 - HinTFcr.o, n.c. -in r f'.n. K'TY HK NC 7 1 TT 1 GAEL J U