toward Printica Co. xx 1 Volumi28-No.10 Hartford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, March 9, 1972 10 Cants Par Copy Robertson's Launderette To Open March 13 Jim and Linda Robertson will open Robertson's Launderette In Harris Shopping Center on 'Monday, March 13th. Jim and Linda the owneri will operate the builneii. The new launderette will be located In the building next to the new Super Dollar Store, It will open at 7 o'clock daily and remain open until 11:00 p.m. , Grand Opening of the "Ye Ole VA Joined Phy$idans,Nurses, Health Workers 5 The Veteram Administration trained more than 63,000 physicians, nurses, and other health workeri during fiscal 1971, toward the President's goal of expanding the number of health personnel for VA hospitals and the nation, This was an Increase of 4,000 trainees over fiscal 1970, and the agency estimates that the number training In Its hospitals and clinics during the current fiscal year will exceod 1)6,000. The 1971 total indudus 10.731 resident physicians and Interns who received all or part of their postgraduate medical education In VA hospitals, according to Stanley B, Morse, Director of the Durham VA Hospital, tin addition, about 12,500 medical students were provided a significant portion of their clinical training In VA hospitals. This figure includes some 9,100 students In clinical training in their last two years of medical school, Mr. Morse said. ? (Continued on Pipe 6) Workshop Courses At GOAi Genealogy Workshop A "Genealogy Workshop" coordinated by the Adult Education Division of College of The Albemarle, will be offered Monday at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. from March 6 through May IS In Room 327, A registration fee of 12.00 will be charged. Registration will be at the first class meeting on a first-come, first-served basis, Extrasensory Parcaptlon A course in "Extrasensory perception" (ESP), coor dinated by the adult education Division of College of The Albemarle, will be offered Tuesday at 7 p,m. to 9 p,m, from March 7 through April 11 In Room 228. Instructor and coordinator for the course is Mrs, Shirley Winston of Virginia Beach, Virginia. In teresting speakers will be making presentations on the subject, A registration fee of 12.00 will be charged. Registration will be St the first class meeting on a rst-come, first-served basis. PTA Will Meet Tonight 'The Hertford Grammar School PTA will meet Thursday night, March 9 at 8 p.m. - Miss Thelma Elliott will show slides on the "RISE" Program, President Frank Roberts urges all members to be present. DA Meeting Hc!d Thursday . The regular monthly meeting of Albemarle . Area Develop ment Association was held Thursday (March 9) at Edenton restaurant. The dutch dinner was served at 7 p.m. r George W. Lewis, chairman of the Housing Committee, : presented a planned program baling with the forthcoming' 'HjuslRi Fair to be held at. edenton Municipal Airport, "This project has been In the planning. stage for several r --.hs and Is expected to be a ' .:';ht of the year for AADA. Wash Hole", will be held Monday, March 13, Everyone's Invited. There will be free clothes baskets, detergents, bleach, softners and plastic bags given away is long as they last,- An attendant will be on duty at all times. The new laun derette Is air conditioned and is equlppod with T,V. to help make your wash day pleasant, Tray Of Stencils Left Off By Error; Many Miss Paper If you failed to get your Perquimans Weekly last Issue It was not duo to the fault of your editor, but due to tho two young mon that stamp the papers each week. A tray of stencils was overlooked In the stamping of the names on the mailing list. We are Indeed sorry this hap pened and have cautioned the two young men stamping the papers to be more careful. Week before last, the two, dropped a tray full of mixed stencils, stencils of names of subscribers that go out of North Carolina to other states. So, in placing thorn back in the tray some names may not have gotten back In the slot they were supposed to be placed-thls was due to tho fact that a new mailing list was supposed to havo been pulled a number of weeks ago-we still haven't received that, Wc hopo that we have had all the mishaps In the mailing department that we are going to havo, and that your paper is In your mall box early next Thursday morning, Home Qardtning. A "Home Gardening Program" coordinated by tho Adult Education Division of College of The Albemarle, will be offered Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. to to p.m. from March 8 through April 12 In Room 236, Instructor for the program is Mr. Swindell Lowry. Chairman of Pasquotank County Ex tension Service. Topics to be covered include: Soli ' and Fertilisers, Planting and cars of Evergreens, The Making or a Beautiful Lawn, Landscaping, and Annuals and perennials Instant Beauty, A registration fee of 82.00 will be charged, Registration will be at the first class meeting on a first-come, first-served basis. Legion Post And Auxiliary Have Meeting The William Paul Slalllngs American Legion Post and Legion Auxiliary Unit 126 met at the Legion Post Thursday night March 2, 1972. Each met separately for a short business session after the regular Ceremony, with Commander Lloyd Slalllngs presiding over the Legion Post, and President Geneva Sawyer presiding over the Auxiliary Unit. A most Interesting Color Film of scenes and industries in the United States from the Atlantio to the Pacific including Perquimans County and North Carolina In particular, was uniquely and cleverly presented by Charlie Skinner, Jr. Announcements Included the First District meeting of the Auxiliary to be at Columbia Wednesday, Aprils. The Legion Birthday cane was cut and served by Mrs. Loul Del Myers, and the Punch was served by Mrs, Julian Powell, The cake was decorated with miniature flags. The room was decorated with patriotlo colors including a centerpiece of poppy arrangement, and other spring flowers. ' Bloodmobile The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be In Hertford today, (Thursday, March 9), from 2 until 8:00 p,m at the First United Methodist Church, according to Mrs, Nathan Perq. Man Named Top Hydraulics repairman, Sgt. Charles R. Barnes, from the hydraulics shop a( 335th Tac tical Fighter Squadron was recently chosen as Airman of the month at Myrtle Beach AFB, In a letter from Col. Frederick D, Ellis commander 354th Combat Support Group, Sgt, Barnes was cited for "high standards of efficiency devotion to duty, and military decorum," When asked of his reaction to Perquimans Savings Bond Sales $7,689 Sales in Perquimans County for January were $7,889,00, This represents 10,2 per cent of Perquimans County's 1072 goal of $75,285,00, according to R,L, Stevenson. Perquimans County Volunteer Chairman, Series E Savings Bond Sales In North Carolina during January were $7,493,020, an increase of more than 16 per cent over sales In January a year ago, Combined sales of both Scries E and H Bonds were $7,662,529, an Increase of more than 18 per cent over sales In January of last year, and the largest volume sold for any monijs-slisse Jwiwry m This.- represents 10,7 per cent 01 me state's 1972 dollar goal of $71,700,000, Nationally, the cash value of Series E and H Bonds and Freedom Shares outstanding on January 31 topped $55 billion for the first time, Cash sales of E and H Bonds amounted to $521 million, 21,3 per cent above January a year ago, Interest earned and added to the value of outstanding E Bonds was $213 million, compared to $192 million a year ago, Total January redemptions of E and II Bonds at cost price of $411 million were 2,4 per cent below last year's . $421 million redemptions (at cost price), and were the lowest for any January in 7 years, : Changed Address? If you have moved recently or are contemplating moving, we urgently request that when you notify us of your address change that you Include both your OLD as well as your new address, Both addresses are necessary to Insure receiving The Perquimans Weekly without interuption, Coach WUilamston's girls basketball team, under Coach Susan Cox, compiled one of the best records In the school's history this past season when ' they won 24 straight games before losing to Manteo In the District Tour nament last Thursday. They - t L 7 Sawyer. Blood Chairman for the Perquimans County Chapter of the American Red Cross, The Bloodmoblle's visit Is again sponsored by the Perquimans County Rescue Squad, A spokesman for the : 111 illlfc feSr mm' viii; m r March Is Enrollment Month At Academy Chowan Academy is In its fourth year of operation, Each year enrollment has Increased, The foremost purpose of the Academy is to provide quality education within a Christian atmosphere, Chowan joins with other private schools in stressing prayer, patriotism, discipline, and quality education. The school is located in the heart of Chowan County ap proximately 10 miles from Edenton, The building, which was formerly a school.has been completely renovated, providing an auditorium, llbarary, office and a new wing, housing classrooms that are completely modern In every respect, Situated on two acres of wooded land with a large play area and ball field, the Academy provides a well planned and supervised athletic program as part of its complete educational program, The rural Susan Cox's Basketeers mm f ' won both the Albemarle Con ference regular ; season and tournament trophies and ad vances to the semifinals In District play at Edenton. The Wllllamston High School Coach Susan Cox. Is a native of Hertford. She Is the daughter of Here Today ! Rescue Squad, says, they'll be striking for 100 pints f of badly needed BLOOD Mrj, Sawyer urges full support oiv j his visit, She reminds thos'who are 18 to 21 location of the school and ac cessibility of streams and woods provide opportunity for intensivenature study, This year, 1971-72, the school added a kindergarten and the ninth grade, The school organized a student government this year for the first time. Grades six, seven and eight boasted winners in the D.A.R, Essay contest this spring, The Chief Rockahock History Club continues to win honors on the state level, By limiting the enrollment, each student has an opportunity to excel in some program, All grades have a planned physical education program, This year scheduled games were played with other schools in football and basketball (boys and girls). The scheduled baseball and softball Rames will start this month, For next year Chowan (Continued on Pig 6) - Mayor and Mrs. W.D. (Bill) Cox,- Members of the Williamston team are, front row. left to right. Jenny Thlgpen, Audrey Copeland, Glorlsteen Hardy, Llbby Warren, Janet Thlgpen, Kathy Davenport. Pam and not married who wish to plve blood to be sure to bring written permission from a parent, Blood donors are needed, please give that someone may live! Airman king selected as Airman of the Month the 22 year old Sergenal replied, "It is an honor as an Individual to receive the award, lam enjoying the benefits that I received from It, Personally , 1 wouldn't mind making it again." Sergeant Barnes calls Rocky Mount, N.C. his home town. He graduated from Perquimans High School In 1968. He is brother to Mrs, Harold fopeland of Wlnfall. Presently Sgt, Barnes is taking night courses on base with the University of South Carolina, To dale, he has ae cumllated over a year of credits which he plans to use toward a Bachelor Degree in Education. On his time off the Airman of the Month enj.dys photography and sports, especially football. He presently resides with his wife Sylvia In Garden City, As Airman of the Month Sgt. Barnes was awarded $10. in shares by the base credit union. If a member, and a $25. U.S. Savings bond. From NCO Open Mess he was provided with a dinner for two, The Airman of the Month was also entitled to free privileges for the month at the following activities: Theatre, golfing privileges for one month provided play is with a four some on Saturday mornings, marina dock which includes five gallons of gasoline and an equivalent of oil, auto hobby shop and three games per week at the bowling lanes. Stallings Escapes Injury In Hit & Run Accident Mr, and Mrs, Wayne Stallings escaped injury Sunday at 12:45 a m, when they were traveling on the Turnpike Road in their 1969 Dodge headed toward Belvldere and were struck by a hit and run vehicle. Mrs. Stallings was driving, the im pact from the hit and run vehicle caused the Stallings car to go into the ditch, and suffer damages approximately $1500. State Highway Patrolman Charles H, Mims investigated the accident, he found the other car and driver Sunday, Driver was Bernice (Jack) T, White of Rt, 1, Belvldere. He was driving a 1961 Cadllac, The vehicle had suffered $500, damages but was driven home from the wreck. White was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road, hit and run and property damage, t0W'"r Warren. Paula Godsrd; 2nd row, Karen Mears, manager, Fran Hardlson, Bettle Brown, Sherry Roberion, Joanle Rogerson, Danielle Stalls, Mable Brown, Debbie Warren, Coach Susan Cox, and Kathy Tew, manager, - Otfl c3 I . I Revival Services To Begin March 13 REV. D. J. WOOTEN Mary Harrell On UNCG Dean's List Mary S, (Susan) Harrell. a student at the .University of North Carolina at Greensboro, attained the dean's list at the University during the first semester which ended recently, Susan, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Harrell, Jr., 100 N. Railroad St., Hert ford. The dean's list at UNC-G is composed of students whose semester grades are in the upper eight per cent of the freshman class, the upper 10 percent of the sophomore class and the upper 12 per cent of the junior and senior classes. Altogether, 573 students out of a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,145 attained the dean's list during this semester, UNC G also has over 1.8(H) graduate students. A total of 155 un dergraduates at UNC-G made all A's during the grading period. Rescue Squad Monthly Report Captain Elliott Layden of the Perquimans County Rescue Squad, released this week the monthly report of the Squads activities for February. Twenty four calls were made, the ambulances were driven a total of 1.072 miles. New Maps Of N.C. Highways The new official North Carolina highway maps for 1972-73 have been received by the State Highway in Raleigh. The maps are distributed free to motorists to provide travel information with the provision that they are not to bo used for commercial, promotional or political purposes, the Com mission announced. On the back of the new maps, as usual, are color photographs of scenes depicting life in North Carolina from the coastal region to the mountains. The maps also contain lists of points of interest in various sections of the states. The maps are distributed by the Highway Commission and by the Travel and Promotion Division of the State Depart ment of Natural Resources. H. Boyce Midgette, state locating engineer, said that the press run on the new maps is 850,000. Perquimans-Chowan District U.M.Y.F. Meeting Held The Chowan-Perquimans Sub-District U.M.Y.F, met Sunday, March 5, at the New Hope Methodist Church at 4:30 p.m. v.- The president, Gail Eure called the meeting to order and theM L'.M.Y.F, covenant was repeated, i In yhe business session, the March IB Bake Sale was discussed, It Is to be held in the Southgate Mall, Applications were given to Interested students wanting to apply for a scholarship given by the Sub District, - The program led by Jenny White, was Fellowship, The meeting was closed by the repeating of the U.M.Y.F. benediction, A light supper snack followed, Revival services will begin In the Bagley Swamp Wesleyan Church Monday evening, March 13 at 7:30 o'clock and continue through Sunday evening March 19, it Is announced by the pastor the Rev, W,F, Page. Rev, D,J, Wooten and family are the engaged workers. Rev, Wooten will be bringing the messages and singing with his wife and two sons in a quartet. The Wooten family is from Cambridge. Maryland and are heard there each Sunday morning over Radio Station WC'EM and seen on Cable Television. The public Is cordially Invited to hear this outstanding family each evening Monday through Sunday night. N.C. Ostomy Club Meets R.E. A. Building Sunday, March 12th Mrs. Thurmun Whedbee, RN will be in charge of the program for the March 12th meeting of the Northeastern North Carolina Ostomy Club. The meeting will be held In the Albemarle Rural Elec trification Ruilding, Hertford, N.C, nt 2:1)0 p.m. Mrs. Whedbee was employed as Assistant Head Nurse of the Surgical Floor of Albemarle Hospital, Inc. for a number of years and Is now working with the Health Department of Perquimans Countv, Ostomates, family members, medical personnel and other interested persons are cordially invited to attend. A social hour will follow the program Completes Training Airman Percell Felton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Felton of Rt, 1, Hertford, N.C, has completed his U.S. Air Force basic training at the Air Training Command's. Larklpnd AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for training In the civil engineering mechanical and electrical field. Airman Felton attended Perquimans County High School. Birthdays And Civic Meetings Birthday and civic meetings from the Community Birthday Calendur sponsored by the Perquimans County Marching Unit. MARCH 12 Lisa Copeland MARCH 13 Timothy Corprew Meetings: Belvi-Ch. Hill Firemen Anderson Meth. Men Wesleyan Unit Parents Hertford Town Council MARCH 14 Randy Perry Louise Barber Martin Owens Meetings; Hertford Rotary Club 6:15 Masonic Lodge 8:00 Per. Horse & Pony Club Whiteston H.D. Club MARCH 15 Dawn Whedbee Brenda Smith Gary Byrum Judy Heath Charles E, Johnson Meetings: Durants Neck Rurjtan MARCH 16 Charlie Harrell, ill Melissa Corprew Mrs, Charlie T. Skinner Christine Saunders Meetings: B.P.W, Club Hertford Fire Dept. Lions Club MARCH 17 ST, PATRICK'S DAY ' Reginald Lanty White Cindy Harrell Jack White MARCH 18 Ella Sue Chappell j