W" Co. xx uJ.an..u.e Ky. 40200 T HE PI JM U IM A MS WEEKLY Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, March 30, 1972 Hollowell Awarded James M. Johnston Distinguished Scholarship At UNOChapel Hill '' ' j 'I ' ' .;! v. Robert Perry Hollowell, Jr. of ; Hertford has been awarded a James M. Johnston Scholarship fjMjW Undergraduate study at the fCoiyeriity of North Carolina at iit tfchaRel Hill. : The announcement was made v today by the University's Committee on Scholarships. ; UNC's new Johnston Scholars V will visit the campus here March 26-28 as special guests of 1 the University. , : Hollowell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry Hollowell of Route 1, Box 212. I First in his class at I Perquimans County High School, Hollowell Is a member of the Beta Club and has at tended the Governor's School. The James M. Johnston .wards were established in nliWv They are awarded to Urges Passage Of Clean Water Bond 1 May 6 is a primary election i day and most of the people of Perquimans County, like other f : Norm Carolinians, will be going jf ,to'! ' ' oils to vote for the men iuld like to represent t; thjwT party. But a vote of even more finality will be cast. It's the Clean Water Bond Referendum which, unlike some other issues, : is one that everyone can vote for - without question. I It will mean, If approved, 1 issuance of $150 million in State ! bonds to assist local govern ments in meeting the growing demands of our citizens for safe, clean water. It will mean state support of efforts in our county to build and maintain water pollution control and water supply systems, with no increase in local taxes repeat - no increase I ! in. local taxes. IPthe referendum passes it means our area can receive a grant from the state equal to 25 per cent of a local project cost. Perquimans County, and the Tresj of the state, will be able to launch into a new era of con struction and improvements FFA Team jn Land Judging Meet J - . . F.T. Rlddick'a FFA Team second place district honors In I x on the Milton vm, Jr. farm in Perquimans on March 23. yv-' fahey Byrum is shown presenting a check of $10.00 to IjiT-f ; Williams; others shown are Donald Ayscue, poulas Stallmgs. Biu Newborn and Mr. Rtddick, vo-Ag ' teacher. Mr. Byrum was chairman of the event, sponsored . by the Albemarle Soil & Water Conservation District, with the ail of technical assistance from, Soil Conservation ,i . The Chowan FFA Team placed first in the Meet, with Glenn Rogerson taking individual honors; and Knapp High School FFA Team placing third. students of exceptional academic ability by the University Scholarship Com mittee on the recommendation of their high school faculty. Leadership qualifications are also taken into account. Both women and men are eligible to compete for Johnston Awards. The late James M. Johnston, who died in 1967, was born near Chapel Hill and attended UNC here before going to Washington, D.C. where he became a successful in vestment banker. The Trustees of the James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and educational purposes have established the annual half a million dollar scholarship program under the terms of his will. Mr. Norman B. Frost a distinguished Washington attorney, is chairman of the trustees. The Johnston Awards for undergraduates range up to $2,200 annually for North Carolina residents and up to $3,000 for out-of-state residents. The stipends are fixed on a sliding scale according to the individual circumstances of each award winner. They are renewable for four years of successful undergraduate study. Any highly qualified student who is admitted to UN&CJiapel HilLor to the specialized curricula of N.C.' State University or UNC-Greensboro is eligible for consideration as a Johnston Scholar on application to the Student Aid Office at UNC-Chapel Hill. that can assure all of us an adequate, safe supply of clean water. Too often we read about pollution, express our disgust with it but then - we're never sure what to do. We ask, "What can I do about it?" Now there is something -something concrete. On May 6, vote in favor of the Clean Water Bond Referendum. It will mean adequate, clean water for all in this county. Don't be an apathetic voter. Don't vote negatively simply because you don't know what this is all about. You'll have no excuse to come away from your voting headquarters and say the Clean Water Bond was on the ballot but, "I didn't know anything about it. I never heard of it." Now pou Juiow. 'Arwftdrrith this knowledge you'U'.want to vote in favor. And you'll want to urge your family and friends to do the same. It may be non-controversial, but it is important. Your Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce urges you to vote wisely. . Places See. r of Land Judgers captured the Land Judging Meet heist . 7 ' Good Friday Services The First United Methodist Church and the Church of (he Holy Trinity of Hertford will combine for Good Friday Services, March 31, and together they invite all people to worship with them on this most Holy Day in the Saga of the Son of God. From 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. a service of Meditations on the words of Jesus Christ from the Cross will be conducted in the Church of the Holy Trinity. The Meditations will be fifteen minutes periods with hymns between to allow those who wish to leave. The Organ Prelude at 7:30 p.m. will begin the Worship Service in First United Methodist Church where the hour will be spent in a reverent consideration of the Influence of the Crucifixion. The Rev. Chester J. Andrews, pastor of First United Methodist Church and the Rev. Edwin T. Williams, rector of the 'Church of the Holy Trinity will par ticipate in both services. Birthdays And Civic Meetings APRIL 2 Easter Sunday Charles E. Appleton APRILS Charla Ann Eley Karole Lane Mrs. Willie G. Harvey Winfall Town Council Perquimans County Com missioners W.S.C.S. First Methodist Church APRIL 4 Dana Paige Stallings Mrs. Curtis Leo Walton Miss Harriett N. Rouse Hertford Rotary Club 6:15 Masonic Lodge 8:00 Parksville Run tan Club Bethel Fire Dept. APRIL 5 Dawn Boyce Calvin Whedbee APRIL 6 Dor Brewer Karl Eure American Legion Aux. PCHS PTA 7:30 p.m. . American Legion Post 126 Lions Club APRIL 7 (None) APRIL 8 Thomas A. Dail Odus Mansfield Phil Woodell Zachery Makes Dean's List Jeryl Zachery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Zachery, of 106 Railroad St., Hertford, has qualified for the first semester at Livingstone College. Dean J.C. Simpson an nounced that 165 students made the List for the period. Heart Fund Big Success A profit of $228.60 was made on the Heart Fund Variety Show held Saturday night in Perquimans High School Auditorium. In giving her report, Mrs. Billie Miller, co-chairman of the show, said she would like to thank each person who par ticipated in any way in the show for their help in making it such a success. The varied acts and the professional way in which they were presented was proof that Perquimans County does not lack for talent. Co-chairman was Mrs. Billy Cherry; background music was provided by Kim Rose and his group; lighting was under-the direction of Hillary Scaff and : H.B. Miller; flowers were compliments of Dozier's . Florist; stage properties were handled by Howard Williams and Bobby Heath; hairstyles and make-up , were by Ann Young, Judy Heath and Margaret Ann Williams. Baptist Men And Boys Attend State Conventions In 1 jjr yy Some of the Baptist Men and the Royal Ambassador Boys (members of the men's and boys' mission organizations of the Hertford Baptist Church) attended the State .Baptist Men's Convention and the State R.A. Convention in Raleigh last week-end (March 24th and 25th). The men and boys heard many outstanding Christians speak, among whom were; Albert Long (the last four letter athlete at U.N.C.), Bill Brafford (U.N.C. defensive Football star), Sam Jamps (Missionary : Farms Numbe 492 U.S. Census Bureau Reports Perquimans county showed a total of 492 farms in the 1969 Census of Agriculture, ac cording to figures released by the U.S. Department of Com merce's Bureau of the Census, a part of the Department's Social and Economic Statistics Ad ministration (SESA). In the last previous Census of Agriculture (1964) the number of farms reported in the county was 603. Two Attend Conference Miss Elaine Pritchard and James S. Midgette, guidance counselors at Perquimans Co. High School, attended a recent conference for counselors at Chowan College. The program, sponsored by Chowan's department of student per sonnel, included morning and afternoon sessions. The welcome was presented by President Bruce E.. Whitaker and the program freatured an overview of the college from various staff member's. . A student noint-of-view wa"t presented by a panel of students with Clayton Lewis, dean of students, serving as moderator. More than thirty -five coun selors from North Carolina and Virginia were present. " They were guests of the college for lunch. A tour of the campus concluded the activities. Chowan is a private, church related, two-year institution with an enrollment of ap proximately 1,300 for the spring semester. Skipper Bowles t At Courthouse On Thursday, March 30th at 3:00 p.m. Hargrove "Skipper" Bowles, a candidate for governor in the Democratic Primary on May 6th, will be at the Perquimans County Court House to the people of this county concerning his plans for a better government for all North Carolinians. Among the topics discussed by Bowles will be Career Education, Taxes and Budget, Highways an Trans portation, and No-Fault In surance. Interested citizens are urged to attend this important occasion, which will include a question and answer period at the conclusion of the discussion. to Viet-Nam) and Governor Bob Scott. An added thrill to the trip was a personal tour of the Gover nor's Mansion for the Baptist Men and Boys of Hertford which was conducted by Governor Bob Scott himself. The men and boys also enjoyed meeting and talking with Mrs. Scott. They were ..very impressed and pleased by the graciousness of both the Governor and Mrs. Scott. Thotorwho attended were: R.A. Btttrft-Phil Woodell, Brian Harris i Tommy Harreil, tt Of th county's total farms in 1969, 353 are reported as selling $2,500 or more of agricultural i pijefyJi in the, year, as ccm pare&jrtth 363 in 1964. MTh report also shows ge farm size in the county 165.5 acres, and average valine of these farms (land and buildings) was $54,878. Other figures from the report are; J, JvJue of all farm products d in 1969, $6,153,846; in 1964, $4,849,450. f.' Vilue of all crops sold in 1969$4,119,689; in 1964, $J,440,01. 3, Balue of all livestock, poultry, and their products sold in J,969, $1,964,992; in 1964, $1387,328. Reported for the first time in an agricultural census is in formation pn the extent to which the corporate structure is being used by operators of farms from which agricultural products totaling $2,500 and over were sold. Including family farms using this type of business structure, 4 of the county's $2,500-and-over farms are in corporated. LibraryNews The Perquimans County Library will be closed for the Easter Holidays on Good Friday, Mar' $1 and Saturday April 1, It will be open on Easter Monday. The following memorials have been given to the library recently. Baseball (2 Vols.) The Early Years, and The Golden Years both are in memory of Ronnie Butler. 'A copy of Eleanor and Franklin, by Lash is in memory of the Rev. Ed mund T. Jillson; Gold, it's History, Power, and Allure is in memory of Royce Vickers; and Who's Who in the New Testament is in memory of Mrs. Blanche DeLaney. Other new titles in the library are: The Conquerors, by Eckard; To Sir With Love, by Braithewaite; I Know Why the Caged Bird Singd, by Angelou; The Boys of Summer, by Kahan (the current Book-of-the-Month selection) Bring Me a Unicorn, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh; I Am Third, by Gail Sayers; Complete Poems of Paul Lawrence Dunbar; What's Ecology, by Humphrey; Ex plorers Into Africa, by Kamm, and Pioneer Breed, by Vernam. Raleigh Wallace Phillips, Jerry Chappell, Carlyle Sawyer, Mark Symons, Tim Gregory, Scott Tilley, Jeff Broughton, Wayne Tarkenton, David White, Dennis Symons, Jimmy Woodell, Danny Gregory, David Trueblood and Bill Berry: Baptist Men Pete Perry, Jake Chesson, Johnie Gregory, W.F. Ainsley, Gov. Bob Scott, Carroll Williams, George Winslow, Buddy Tilley, and Noah Gregory: Warner Madre, Donald Madre and Norman B. Harris are not shown in pic ture. Forest Fire Danger Increases Perquimans County Forest Ranger Lewis Stallings of the N.C. Forest Service reminds everyone that the time of year for the highest fire occurs in the spring during the months of March, April, May, and June. During this time of year, we have a combination of warm temperatures, windy days, low relative humidities, and sometimes erratic rainfall. All these weather factors combine to make the spring of the year the busiest time for forest fire control personnel. During this period last year in Perquimans County forest fires destroyed some 189 acres. Of the fires that burned this acreage 75 per cent were caused by people doing some kind of debris burning. When burning windrows or 'clearing fields, County Ranger Stallings reminds everyone that there is a right way and a wrong way. To just stick a match to a pile Of brush or a field without first planning how to control the fire is the wrong way to handle fire. This wrong way can destroy your property and the property of your neighbors. The right way is to follow these six steps: 1. Clear a fire break around the material you are burning. 2. Pick a day when the wind is low and it will not cause your fire to jump the fire break or other wise get out of control. 3. Light the fire on the downwind side first. 4. Stay with the fire until it is out. 5. Get a burning permit ......j u.. m .u law, if you start burning before 4:00p.m. 6. If your fire gets out p.m. 6. If your fire gets of control, phone the N.C. i uicai oci vice at uuc ui uic following numbers: Winfall Tower, 426-5551, or Elizabeth Forest Service at one of the City, 335-4373, at night 297-2557. Remember to be careful when burning and don't be like the 75 per cent that burned last year. Commissioners Will Meet Tuesday, April 4 The Board of Perquimans County Commissioners will not meet on Monday, April 3, due to the Easter Holiday. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 4, Gvil War J S- The Perquimans Countv Historical Society has recently issued its 1971 Yearbook. It tells the story of "Perquimans County and the Civil War", contains a roster of Perquimans' Confederate and Union soldiers and gives military histories of the Perquimans Beauregards, John Harvey Guards, Perquimans Partisan Rangers and other units. It records events in the County, murders, im prisonments, smuggling, raids, guerrilla activities, bridge destruction, horse stealing and even the Battle of Hertford. It presents the most information on Perquimans' part in the Civil War ever assembled. Copies of the book are obtainable from the Society's secretary, Mrs. R.A. Winslow, Sr., Box 285, Hertford 27944 for three dollars and twenty-five cents each (this includes postage and handling). Savings Bonds Sales of U.S. Series E and Series H Savings Bonds in Perquimans County for February were $4,603.00. January-February sales totaled $12,292.00. This represents 16.3 per cent of Perquimans County's goal of $75,285.00, according to R.L. Stevenson, Perquimans County Volunteer Chairman. February sales of U.S. Savings Bonds in North Carolina were $7,154,588, reflecting an increase of 7.4 per cent over sales of February a year ago. Sales of Series E. and , H Savings Bonds for the year amounted to $14,817,117, an increase of 12.8 per cent over sales for the same period last year. ..and the highest sales for the comparable period since 1945. Nationally, total February sales of over one-half billion dollars were the highest sales for 'he first two months of !9"S exceed one billion dollars. E and H Sales exceeded redemp tions at cost price by $187 million in February. The cash value of Series E and H Bonds andFreedom Shares outstanding on February 29 attained a new peak of $55.3 billion. Bond holdings in the past 12 months have had a net investment growth of over $2'- billion. Stevenson In Poster Mark Stevenson, Melanie errv- a"u,r " ,1 ,1 awarded first prizes in the Elixabeth City Chamber of Commerce sponsored Albemarle Area Conservation Poster Contest held last . , . ., t Thursday at the Holiday Inn Stevenson, a student at ferquimans tcnui tv.n, won first place for the fourth grade; Melanie Perry from Chowan Academy was first place winner for 5th grade; and Lora Jean Capehart, a student at Swain Elementary School, Edenton, N.C, won first prize for the sixth grade. Second place winners were: Cathy Sawyer, sixth grade, Griggs Elementary School; Steve Evans, fifth grade, Chowan Academy ; and Craig Williams, fourth grade, Weeksville Elementary School. AH of these students were puests of the Elizabeth City Airman Britt Completes Training tJL f C v Mi j Airman James R. Britt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Britt of Rt. 2, Edenton,. N.C, has completed his U.S. Air Force basic training at the Air Training Command's Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for training in the wire main tenance field. Airman Britt is a 1971 graduate of John A. Holmes High School. His wife, Leonora, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Forehand of Hertford, N.C. Sunrise Union Service A Sunrise Union Service on Easter Sunday will com memorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This service will begin at 5:40 a.m., and will be held on the river back of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brinn, 208 N. Front Street, Hertford, N.C. In the event of rain, the service will be held in the First United Methodist Church. The Ft. Edwin T. Williams, the Rev; Norman B. Harris and the Rev. Chester J. Andrews will participate in the service. Following the service everyone is invited to the fellowship hour at the Methodist Church. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the entire community to be present for this significant service. Wins Contest Chamber of Commerce. Teachers and other guests were guests of the respective county soil and water committees, as the contest is sponsored in cooperation with the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District, composed of Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Pasquotank and Perquimans. The judges were: John B. Litchfield, district con servationist of Jackson; Robert Spake, extension chairman for Dare County; and John Deyton, assistant regional forester of Kinston. - John Lively, a forester with the State Forest Service, was the principal speaker. Thirteen adults accompanied the Perquimans contestants. Pictured above, front row (1 to r): Mark Stevenson, Craig Williams; back row: Kathy Sawyer, Lora Capehart, Steve Evans, and Melanie Perry.