Standard Printing Co. xx LouistiUe, Ky. W200 THE RQUIMANS WEEECLY .1 J wl r Volume 28-No. 17 Bethel Ruritan Club 25th Anniversary Richard J. Klyne of Huron, Ohio, National Ruritan President, will be the main speaker when the Bethel Ruritan Club observes their 25th. Anniversary Saturday, April 29 at 7:00 at the Hertford Grammar School. J.T. Biggers is president of the club. Among the special guests will be wives of the members, members and wives of the Durants Neck and the Parkville Ruritan Clubs and widows of former members. Organized April 12, 1947 with 21 members, the Bethel Ruritan - Club had C.R. Ward as its first ' president. Serving with him were C.W. Phillips-Vice President; Emmett Long Secretary; J.L. Evans Treasurer; I.C. Long-Sgt. At Arms; R.S. Chappell, Sr. Chaplain; and J.J. Phillips, T.R. Kirby and T. Julian Long as Directors. The aim of the Ruritan Clubs is to promote a better un derstanding between people and communities and in doing this, to make the rural community a better place in which to live and work. There are sixteen clubs in Brother Of Mrs. Madre Dies Frank L. Davenport a North Carolina state trooper, a native of Elizabeth City but stationed in Fayetteville, a brother of Mrs. Nancy Madre of Hertford, drowned Thursday morning when the car he was driving ran off the right side of westbound US 158 4 miles from Barco, and overturned in a canal. Davenport, 24, was returning : from a fishing trip at Nags Head X visit his father, Howard 1 avenport of Elizabeth City A highway patrolman for three years, he graduated in 1965 from Elizabeth City High School. He spent three years in the Army and was stationed in Germany prior to joining the highway patrol. The father of one son, Thomas Blake Davenport, he is survived by his parents, Howard F. and Mrs. Wilma Godfrey Daven- ... port; his widow, Pamela Vann Davenport of Fayetteville; three sisters, Mrs. Nancy Madre of Hertford, Mrs. Bar bara Wrenn of Richmond, Va. and Miss Mary Davenport of Elizabeth City; five brothers, James T. Davenportof Ft. Mom mouth, N. J., William H. Davenport of Baltimore, Md., : Phillip C Davenport of Raleigh, and Stephen C. Davenport of Elizabeth City, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Gohagain of Myrtle Beach, S.C. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. in Berry Funeral Home ' by Rev. Allen Rash of St. Charles Catholic Church, Ahoskle. Burial was in West .Lawn Cemetery. mm Earlv Rebellion - v..? . -rtf.- I II--, Mkhael ..Kerry' Williams, 2, son of photographer Jack WUUams of t4; ' -i)Clty;look puziled p his Dad's bine .ribbon lUustrtvtidy, "Early Rebellion," which features his Christening, frown annU. Michael's ofily aversion to water la when it is poured on his head. Anyway, Michael says there have been a Tot of "changes'" made since then. The direct color print was displayed at a Williamsburg convention pi the Virginia Professional Photographers Association. Shown assisting Fr. John O'Brien are Mr. and Mrs. Norm Cossaboom, who sub ' stituted for the godparents, Gen. and Mrs. Billy Ellis. USAF. " r . - ' the Albemarle Area with 433 members. There are currently 20 members in the Bethel Club. Officers serving with Mr. Biggers are Thomas Ed Chappell-Vlce President; R.S. Chappell, Jr. -Secretary; Marion Riddick-Treasurer; Donald Madre-Sgt, at Arms; R.S. Chappell, Sr. -Chaplain; and Elliott Layden, R.S. Chappell, Sr. and Dewey Perry, Jr .-Directors. Chamber Urges Support Of Clean Water Bond Vote At its recent Board of Directors meeting, the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce agreed that the issue of the clean water bond vote referendum, scheduled for May 6, was important enough for he Chamber to continue its campaign to ask people to vote affirmatively. Chamber Manager Frank Roberts pointed out that both Democratic and Republican nominees, during their cam paign swings around the state, have urged Tarheels to vote in favor of the issue. When it comes up for a vote it will mean we all have the op portunity to take an active part in improving our environment because the money will be used to construct needed water supply and sanitary sewer facilities. Much of the money for that work will come from the sale of bonds by the state there will be no increase locally or statewide so far as taxes are . concerned. This money will be vitally necessary to Perquimans and all counties in North Carolina because none can foot the bill alone. As a 'bonus' we will also be eligible for additional federal grants for water pollution control projects but only if the vote is approved. For those reasons, the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce is urging you to support the cause of clean water and a better environment. Presents Recital Five senior high students of Mrs. Robert Gray will be presented in a piano recital Sunday afternoon, April 30 at 4:00 in the Edenton Baptist Church. Among the participants is Linda Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloud Evans of Route 1, Hertford. She will be playing selections from Bach, Clenetl, Chopin and Rachmaminoff. The public is cordially invited to attend. ' """" - - V.T...........1..- Emergency Communication System To Cost $216,000 A group of mayors and county commission chairmen from various parts of Northeastern North Carolina were told in Edenton Tuesday afternoon that ; a proposed emergency communication system for the 10-county area would cost in the neighborhood of $216,000. The study and estimate was made by Motorola Corporation at the request of the Communications Committee of Albemarle Area Development Association. Mike Worthington, a specialist in emergency service communication, said the proposal included continued use of existing equipment. "For an average of $21,600 per county you would have one of the most effective and efficient systems anywhere," he said. At the heart of the Motorola plan is a central dispatcher for each county. Now as many as five dispatchers are at work in a county. He said this alone would result in considerable savings. The plan also calls for base and mobile encoding equipment as well as a communication channel for Region "R" the 10 county Northeastern area. Developing the Albemarle Firemen's Association's slogan of "Unity Through Mutual Aid", the engineer said the fireman's 2,500 Expected To Attend Countywide Church Services About 2,500 people are ex pected to attend the countywide church services being put on by the ..Quaker Meetings in Perquimans County and the area's Chamber of Commerce. The C Of C's Board of Directors decided to hold the celebration, which com memorates the 300th. an niversary of organized religion in North Carolina, at the high school ballpark to make parking easier and because accomodations will be more convenient and comfortable. The date remains May 7 and services will start at 11:30 a.m. Immediately following, there will be a dinner-on-the-ground. Each family will bring their own provisions. Speakers for the occasion will be the Rev. Pat Robertson, well- known locally for his work in behalf of Christian Broad casting on WYAH-TV and WXRI-radio, and Dr. Grimsley Hobbs, president of Guilford College of Greensboro, one of the nation's oldest and largest Quaker Institutions. Also on hand will be 1st. District Representative Walter B. Jones and Sen. J.J. "Monk" Harrington. Music will be supplied by a choir of 30 men and women representing the host chur chesUp River and Piney Woods. Invitations have been issued during the last month through .the pages of area newspapers. i Representatives of churches contact the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce. A number of people from other areas of the state will also be in attendance. Phelps Point, site of the first services and originally chosen lication Filed For Drive-In Office By Peoples Bank R.L. Stevenson, Executive Vice President of Peoples Bank k Trust Company, Hertford has announced that application has been filed with the North Carolina State Banking Com mission for a Drive-Iri office in the Western section of Hertford. The facility will provide drive in window, night depositor)', safe deposit boxes, and other banking services. ' Stevenson said we have watched the expansion of .(this area and feel that the time has come to provide our customers with this banking convenience. Appl Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, April 27, 7 V V Rinunia Left to right: C.T. Skinner. Jr., of Hertford; Jesse Moore of Motorola Corp.; Macon Johnson of Camden County; andMike Worthington of Motorola. worst enemy is time. The alarm is received, the firemen are directed, the fire is located and then the call for mutual aid. He said the most efficient operation is through coor dinating of efforts. "Com munication provides the nuculus for success," he stated. Charles T. Skinner, Jr., of Hertford, explained in as site of the commemorative event, was bypassed because of what the Chamber's Board felt was insurmountable parking problems. '" '.''!'- ; Mimeographed sheets of music will be handed out to the congregation. Marion Swindell, chairman of the C of C committee in charge of arrangements, is taking care to see that a proper amount of tables and chairs, and the necessary loudspeaker systems, will be brought out. to the ballpark, as well as a piano. Final note : It will be a time of togetherness, unity and a show of Christian strength. Annual 4-H Church Sunday To Convene Perquimans County Annual 4 H Church Sunday Services will convene Sunday, May 7, 1972, at 2:30 p.m. in the New Haven Baptist Church, Route 1, Hertford, N.C. Rev. Don Morgan of Elizabeth City, N.C. will give the Annual Message. The theme for the service is "And Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free": John 8:32." The hostesses for the service will be Wyanoke 4-H Club. The purposes of 4-H Church Sunday are as follows: To enable 4-H members to think together about home, community, and world events in spiritual terms. To provide 4-H members an opportunity to participate in a service that develops the HEART H. To help 4-H members to demonstrate their loyalty and to realize their own respon sibilities to the Church of their choice. To show 4-H members how their Church can provide Christian fellowship, help fulness, better understanding, a religious outlook, courage, and harmonious living. Mrs. William Modlin, President of the 4-H Leaders Organization urges the 4-H Leaders, 4-H members, and parents to begin now making plans to participate in the service, She further stated today that 4-H members are asked to wear their 4-H uniforms, the 4-H Leaders and the Extension Homemakers are asked to be dressed in white for this service. The men leaders will wear the same type of uniform recommended for the 4-H Club boys. A special meeting for 4-H wm w Perquimans County alone there are five departments, none of which can communicate with each other. In Gates three such departments exist. Skinner, chairman of the AADA committee, conducted the meeting in the absence of Phil Godwin of Gates, chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee of AADA. 'FU,yd Barnes Graduates From Academy At Calif. Master Sergeant Floyd M. Barnes, son of Mrs. Essie M. Barnes of 500 Willow St., Hertford, N.C., has graduated from the U.S. Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Norton AFB, Calif. Sergeant Barnes, who received advanced military leadership and management training, is a medical materiel supervisor at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, Calif. The sergeant, who has served in Vietnam, is a 1954 graduate of Perquimans County High School. His wife, Rose, is the daughter of Oris W. Jefferson of 171 North Third East, Brigham City, Utah. Leaders is scheduled for Thursday night, at 7:30 p.m. in the Perquimans County Office Building. The purpose of this meeting is to complete the plans for 4-H Church Sunday service. All 4-H Leaders are urged to attend. County Democratic Convention May 27 Robert Sutton, Chairman of the Perquimans County Democratic Executive Com mittee announced this week that the County Democratic Convention will convene at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on Saturday May 27, 1972 in the Court room of the County Courthouse in Hertford, N.C. .. . The purpose of the Convention is to elect officers for the coming term, election of delegates to the State Con vention, Election of members of the various committees and such other business as may properly come before the Convention. The Chairman also an nounced that the various Precinct Meetings will be held on Tuesday May 9, 1972 at 8 o'clock P.M. In each Precinct the Precinct Meeting will be held at the regular polling place in that precinct. The present Precinct Chairman are as follows; East Hertford, S.M. Whedbee; West Hertford, Tom Brown, Bethel R.S. Chappell Jr.; Belvidere; George Hollo well; Nlcanor, Mrs. Annie Mae Baker; Park ville, Claude Williams and New Hope, Ben Chambers. The Chairman urges a large turnout at all of the meetings. i :. 1972 Judge Walker Presides At District Court Judge Wilton Walker presided at the Wednesday session of Perquimans County District Court and heard the following cases: William F. Holley, charged with non-support of illegal child, was found guilty and was given a 6 months sentence which was suspended for 5 years, and 1. ordered to pay costs - 2. pay or cause to be paid the unpaid balance of hospital bill ($71.00) and beginning April 21 to pay $15.00 and like amount every Friday thereafter. An appeal was noted. Bond to continue. James White, charged with assault, was given 30 days suspended for 12 .months, and ordered 1. to pay $25.00 fine and costs 2. remain on good behavior, not violate any State or Federal laws - not to con sume any narcotic drugs or alcoholic beverages for a period of 12 months. Emanuel Miller, charged with public drunkenness, received a 30 day sentence which was suspended upon payment of a fine of $20.00 and costs. Galvin Terry Spellman, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, was given a 90 day sentence which was suspended for 12 months, and given a fine of $125.00 and costs, and ordered not to operate a motor vehicle in the state of North Carolina for a period of 12 months. Joshua Walter Lilly, Jr., charged with speeding, received a 30 day sentence which was suspended upon payment of a fine of $25.00 and costs. Rabies Inspector Schedule W. Ray White, Dog Warden, Rabies Inspector for Perquimans County reminds all dog owners that the State Law requires every dog owner in North Carolina to have his or her animal vaccinated against Rabies. As County Dog Warden and Rabies Inspector Mr. White will vaccinate dogs during the period appearing in an ad vertisement in this issue of The Perquimans Weekly. During the clinic the vac cination price is $1.25 from April 29th until May 15. After May 15 there will be an ad ditional charge. The Dog Warden-Rabies Inspector has the authority to cite into court anyone not complying with this law. Local Girl Ghana Ambassador k?' ,v f; . His Excellency E.M. Debrah, center. Ambassador from Ghana is surrounded by officials of Salisbury and Livingstone College following his address in observance of International Day at the college recently. On his left are Salisbury-Mayer E.L. (Sonny) Allen, who presented him with keys to the city, and Mrs. Abna Aggrey Lancaster of the English faculty, who presided at the special con vocation. To his right are Miss Jerryl Zachary of Hertford, student , representative who brought greetings, and President F. George Shipman, chief executive of the college who introduced the speaker. 2,570 Registered Voters Ready For May 6 Primary The Perquimans County Board of Elections now has 2,570 registered Voters, 200 of which are in the 18-20 year-old bracket. In 1968 when a new county wide registeration was held there were 2129 voters registered, since that time 441 new voters have been added to the books. Abreakdown of the registered Ask Financial Support To C0A The Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce voted, at its last meeting, to write a letter of support in behalf of the College of the Albemarle, to the Chowan County Com missioners. That is the only county, of those served by the junior college, that has balked at giving financial support to COA. But if Chowan does not, none can, except for Pasquotank. The commissioners there have already said they could not afford to foot the bill by themselves. Each county is being asked to contribute solely on tne basis of population. COA President, Dr. S. Bruce Petteway said that under the circumstances, it was feasible that the area could lose the two year institution, described bv Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Marion Swindell as. "one of the greatest assets this area has ever had." The Chamber's Board of Directors also went on record as asking other organizations and individuals to write to Chowan officials, as Edenton 's own Chamber of Commerce, and the Jaycees there, have already done. Annual WMU Meeting Set The Perquimans County annual WMU meeting is scheduled for May 3 at the Bethel Baptist Church at 10:30 A.M. The Rev. Ralph Knight, pastor of Chappell Hill and Whiteville Grove Baptist Churches will be the guest speaker. Special music will be fur nished by Kathy Sawyer, Barry and Debbie Lane. After the benediction, dinner will be served by the ladies of the church. Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr., county WMU president, extends a cordial invitation to the members and visitors are welcome. Greets 10 Cents Per Copy Voters, 2,461 are registered with the Democratic party, 90 with the Republican, and 19 in dependents. There are 1,741 whites registered, and 929 Negroes. The registeration for the May Primary closed April 7, anyone not registered by that date will be unable to vote in the May Primary, however they may register at anytime before the General Election. W.L. (Buddy) Tilley, is Chairman of the Perquimans Elections Board, Mrs. Elton Hurdle is the Perquimans County Registrar. Head Start Taking Applications Applications are now being accepted for four and five year old children to enter the 1972-73 Head Start Program. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please contact the Perquimans Head Start Center at Perquimans Union School in Winfall, or the Economic Resource Center in Hertford. The deadline for applications is May 26, 1972. Birthdays And Civic Meetings APRIL 30 Julia L. Tillett Clark Winslow MAY 1 Bobby Lane Paul Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts Anniversary Winfall Town Council Perq. Co. Commissioners W.S.C.S. First Meth. Ch. MAY 2 Jerry Mansfield Jane Swindell William O. Creecy, Jr. Hertford Rotary Club 6:15 Masonic Lodge 8:00 Parksville Ruritan Club Bethel Fire Dept. MAY 3 Kelli Lynne White Ed "Nickie" Nixon. Jr. MAY 4 Mr. & Mrs. L.B. Sitterson Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Walton Lane An niversary Rubell Byrum American Legion Aux. American Legion Post 126 Lions Club MAY 5 Chris Mansfield Dorothy Perry Steve Morgan MAY 6 Sarah C. White John Eure Rites Held For Thomas S.White Thomas Skinner White, Jr., 61, of Route 1, died Thursday morning at 12:30 in his home following a long illness. A native of Perquimans County, he was the son of the late Thomas Skinner and Mrs. Jennie Blanchard White. Before his retirement, he was a sales representative for The Linen Thread Company of Blue Mountain, Alabama. During World War II, he served as a Staff Sgt. in the U.S. Air Force. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Virginia Transeau of Route 3; and two brothers, Walter White and Julian (Showboat) White of Route 1. Funeral services were held Friday at 11:00 in Cedarwood Cemetery by the Rev. Gordon " Shaw, pastor " of the Bethel Baptist Church. The casket pall was made of red carnations and fern, v Pallbearers were Jake Chesson, Herbert Nixon, Louis Proctor, Seymour Chappell, W.H. Oakey and W. Ray White. Swindell Funeral Home was In charge of arrangements.

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