Standard Printing Co. xx LoulstLlle, Ky. WJ200 THE UIMAM weeec: PEJM LY i Volume 28-No. 18 . " Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thuwday, May 4, 1972 10 Centi Per Copy Ruritan Club Richard J. Klyne, of Huron Ohio, President of Ruritan National, was speaker Saturday night at tie 25th. Anniversary celebration of the Bethel Ruritan Qub held at the Hert ford Grammar School. Celebrating with the Bethel members and their wives were members and wives of the Durante Neck Ruritan Club and the Parksville Ruritan Club. Klyne who was introduced by C.L. , "Dick" Brewer, past Ruritan National Director, spoke on the chaotic times in which we are living and what -we, as individuals, should be doing about them. He named the four types of people in this world as those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; those to whom things happen; and those who don't know things are happening. He then challenged each person to become a concerned Individual as to what is happening and asked each person to think of what he is going to do to make this a better world. The welcome was given by T. rJylian Long, Zone Governor, and the response was made by R.L. Spivey, past National Director. . -J.T. Biggers, Bethel Qub president who presided, in troduced C.H. Mims, District Ruritan Governor, who recognized Charles Ward, the first president of the Bethel Ruritan Club, the charter members of the club, and Mrs. M.T. Griffen and Mrs. Irving .. Long, widows of two charter , .members. I. Governor Mims then in troduced the following special Comm'Bsicncrs Governor's Award The Board of Perquimans County Commissioners en dorsed the Governor's Clean sweep 1972 Award Monday at their monthly session. In other business, they voted to increase the District Health Department Board by members who will come from the minority group. Also, the Board adopted joint Resolution supporting the application for designation as a Lead Regional Organization of the Albemarle Regional Planning and Developing Commission. Mrs. White Seeks Commissioners Seat Running for a seat on the Board of County Com mlssioners . in Perquimans " County is Mi's. Becky D. White of Route 1, Belvidere. She is seeking representative for District 2 which includes Belvidere and Parkville. She is a native of Perquimans County and the mother of two children, James R. White of Gloucester, . Virginia and Sara Milllcent, a senior at , Perquimans High . Mrs. White, V member of Bethany Methodist Church Is a past Sunday School teacher and a past president and secretary of the WSCS. She has served as vice chairman of Nicanor precinct and she is county vice chairman at the present time. She is presently employed as secretary-treasurer of .Perquimans County High ; School; she is also serving as county treasurer. V Becky's genuine interest in Jones Approves; LoarV'To Hertford housing Authority Congressman Walter B. Jones announced approval today of a $17,600 preliminary loan to the Hertford Housing Authority by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Development of 44 low rent public housing units. i According to congressman Jones " of the units will be designed specifically for the elderly. " ."7 Celebration guests: National Treasurer R.E. Thompson of Virginia Beach; National Director Dillard Riddick and Mrs. Riddick of Como, N.C.; Past National President, Swindell Lowery and Mrs. Lowery of Elizabeth City; Chesapeake District Governor and Mrs. Bud Johnson of Westpoint, Va.; Holland, Va. District Governor and Mrs. Mac Hobbs; Holland, Va. District Lt. Gov. and Mrs. J.J Carr; Past National Directors R.L. Spivey and C.L. Brewer and their wives; Albemarle Cabinet members, Ed Self, Lloyd Pierce, and Julian Long and their wives. Entertainment during the evening was given by The Stephenson Brothers from Roanoke Bible College. The meeting closed with the pledging of allegiance to the flag led by Klyny. Democratic Meeting Robert Sutton, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Perquimans County today again urges all Democrats - to attend the Precinct Meetings which are to be held at 8 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday May 9th, 1972. The Precinct Meetings will be held at the polling place in each precinct. The seven precincts in Perquimans County are, East Hertford, West Hertford, Belvidere; Bethel; Parksville, New Hope and Nicanor. The purposes of the Precinct Meetings are to elect the Precinct Chairman, various other precinct officers and members of the precinct executive, committee and" to elect delegates to the County Democratic Convention which will be held at 2 o'clock P.M. on Saturday May 27, 1972 at the Courthouse in Hertford, N.C. Each precinct is entitled to one vote at the County Con vention for every 50 votes that it cast for Governor Scott in the November 1968 General Election. PTA To Meet ' The Perquimans County High School P.T.A. will meet Thursday night at 7:30. This is the last meeting of the year and all members are urged to at tend. county government probably goes back to the time when her own grandfather, James C, Baker, was a county com missioner. She states that because of her wholehearted 'interest and concern for the advancement of all of Perquimans County, she is seeking an opportunity! to participate in the progressive kind of leadership and planning so urgently needed to help Perquimans move forwt d. WSCS May Calendar "The Delia Shamburger Circle will meet with Mrs. Kelly White on May 8 at 8:00 p.m. Wesleyan Service Guild will meet May 8 at 8:00 pEnvwith Miss Mary Elliott Brian. Mrs. Grover Sloop .will host the Helen Bame Circle May 8 at 8:00 p.m. The Mary Tow Circle will meet with Miss Gladys Felton May 10 at 3:00 p.m.: Be Sure To Vote In May 6 Primary The Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce has been campaigning recently for a favorable vote on the $150 million clean water bond issue that will be up for a vote on Saturday. It has been asking for support of the referendum, just as political opponents have Democrats and Republicans. It is a non-partisan issue-unless you go for pollution or want to Hobbsville Bank Has Approval Given For Establishing Branch Initial steps have been finalized for a merger of the 61-year-old Bank of Hobbsville into the Bank of North Carolina, N.A., it was revealed in a joint announcement released here today. L.W. Hathaway, president and chairman of the board for the $5-million Gates County bank, and J. Hugh Rich, president of the statewide Bank of North Carolina, N.A. with headquarters in Jacksonville, said boards of directors for both institutions now have approved the merger arrangement. Stockholders of the two banks are expected to 'meet simultaneously in the hear future to formally ratify the merger arrangement before requesting final approval from the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency in Washington. Hobbsville is located some 15 miles from Edenton, where Bank of North Carolina has maintained a successful branch operation for the past five years. The Hobbsville bank already has received approval for establishing a branch at nearby Hertford. Following the joint merger announcement, BNC's President Rich commented: "The Bank of Hobbsville has since 1911 succeeded in earning widespread and enviable recognition throughout the North Carolina banking com munity as an example of how a community bank can work hand-in-hand with its customers. "The Bank of Hobbsville has -f-done much through these past (1 yean to further the growth and prosperity of the people in the area it serves, and we at Bank of North Carolina are honored and proud that this good bank's board of directors has elected to join our banking system. President Hathaway of the Hobbsville bank, in com menting on the merger, pointed to the exceptionally rapid growth of BNC since lt was founded less than 20 years ago. He also emphasized that greater financial strength will be made available to Bank of Meeting Set To Organize ACC v Association In Area An organizational dinner meeting for the Albemarle Area Chapter of the Atlantic Christian College Alumni Association has been set for Friday night. May 5. at the Cosmopolitan Club in Elizabeth City at 6:30 p.m. Speakers for the meeting will be William E. Smith. Alumni Director, for Atlantic Christian College in Wilson, and Tom Riley, of Fayetteville. vice president of the, ACC Alumni Association. The purpose of the meeting will be to formerly organize an Albemarle Area chapter, elect officers, and discuss ways in ' which the chapter can be an asset to future growth of the College. A committee is working to contact all alumni living in the area. i spend more of your own. tax money for improving your local water and sewerage system. Approval of the bond issue will mean state support of local efforts to build and maintain water pollution control and water supply systems by providing grants equal to 25 per-cent of the local project cost. It will enable Perquimans County and the entire state to launch into a new era of con- Hobbsville's customers and the entire community through merger into the larger bank. Dates for the two simultaneous stockholder meetings will be announced within the next several weeks, the announcement said. Local Firemen ObserveVolunteer Firemen's Week The Perquimans County Volunteer Fire Departments are recognizing the Volunteer Firemen's week from May 7th thru May 13th as proclaimed by Governor Scott. This is also a National observance by fire departments thru out the United States. Chief F.B. Nixon, Hertford Fire Department, Chief Wayne Winslow, Winfall Fire Department, Chief Bradley Jennings, Intercounty Fire Department, Chief Jimmy Chappell, Belvidere-Chappell Hill Fire Department, Chief E.J. Proctor, Bethel Fire Department, and the fire fighters of the various depart ments wish to express their appreciation to all citizens of Perquimans County during this week for their co-operation in making our county fire safe and for their assistance in fire prevention activities. The volunteer firemen give unlimited hours of community service in answering fire calls, training to become more proficient, and sponsoring projects. The one outstanding need in Perquimans County Fire Departments is a radio communication system whereby one department may assist another or respond to an emergency without delay Horse And Pony Show Saturday Perquimans County Horse and Pony Club would like to Invite you to attend their second show to be held Saturday afternoon May 6. 1972 1:30 at their ring on Preston Nixon's farm two miles west of Hertford. 1 x The program consists of classes for adults and children including Halter. Roadster. Western and English Pleasure and Speed. Spectators wll be entertained by all of the events plus the concession provides good food to keep everyone well fed. .V- iv; v'' The rain date for the show will be Saturday, May 13, l72. Re sure and go out and enjoy the horse show! struction and improvements that can assure for everyone an adequate, safe supply of clean water. To do it is very simple. Just vote in favor of the $150 million clean water bond referendum this Saturday. It will be one of the most important votes you will ever have the opportunity to cast because it will greatly influence the health and welfare of your family and its future generations. 100PCHS Studentd On Honor Roll William E. Byrum, principal of Perquimans County High School released the A and A-B honor rolls this week that lists 100 students, The students and the grades that they are in follow: 9th Grade A-HonorRoll Earl Lane. Carolyn Felton. Bonnie Parker. Mh Grade A-B Honor Roll Cedric Burke, Shirley Lightfoot, Marvin Riddick, Cathy Evans, June Jordan, Rita Byrum, Jacqueline Overton, Teresa Cobb, Homeria Jennett, Terry Chappell. 10th Grade A-HonorRoll Wade Winslow, Bettie Bryant, Joyce Hollowell, Roger White, Janet Bunch, Diane Eure, Anita Rouse, Glenn Phillips. 10th Grade A-B Honor Roll Donald Jacocks, Phyllis Blanchard, Sarah Bowser, Jonna Skinner, Linda Thomas, Wilma White, Wilson White, Stan Winslow, Gloria Banks, Sandra Welch, Dona White, Kay White, Steve Dail, Frederick Overton, Donna Wilkins, Dollie Walton, Trena Terry. 10th Grade A-B Honor Roll Thomas Sawyer, Debra Nixon, Linda Phillips, Susan (Continued on Pag 6) Legion Meets ' Post 126 American Legion will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Post home. Commander Stallings has requested that members take notice and be present. There are several important matters on the agenda. A progam Is also planned. Commander Stallings wishes to thank the Horse and Pony Qub, Lions Club, Marching Unit, Rescue Squad and all other Individuals who helped make the Chicken supper the success that It was. . 1 Jurats Drawn For Court The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors, at the District Civil Term of Court, for Perquimans County, which convenes on Monday. May 8. 1972. Oliver D. Layden. Jr.. Route 2 Hertford. N.C. George E. Cartwright. Route 2. Hertford. N.C. Allen Trent Graham. 100 Hyde Park. Hertford. N.C. William H. Felton. Route 1. Box 24. Hertford. N.C. Mattie Lee Felton. Route 1. Box 343. Hertford. N.C. Clinton Ray Winslow. Route 1- Box 251. Hertford. N.C. James Everett. 100 Edenton Rd. St.. Hertford. N.C. Joseph Campbell. 319 N. Church St.. Hertford. N.C. W.L. Jessup. 131 Market Street. Hertford. N.C. Thomas Martin Sawver. Route 3. Hertford. N.C. James Oscar Holley. Route 3. Box 289C4. Hertford. N.C. Lawrence Perry, Route 2. Hertford. N.C. Hazel Windsor Saunders. Route 3. Hertford. N.C. Paul M. Colson. Sr. Route 3. Herford. N.C. Hurley Hoffler. 712 Grubb St.. Hertford. N.C. Whichard Davis, Route 2, Box 78, Hertford, N.C. Carson Lightfoot, Star Route, Winfall. N.C. W. W. Cartwright, Route 3. Hertford. N.C. Charlie L. Dail, Route 1, Hertford. N.C. T. R. Kirby, Route 2. Eden ton. N. C. Lucille Willey, Route 3. Hertford. N.C. Wilbur Owens, Route 1, Box 268. Hertford. N.C. Estella White, Route 1, Box 205, Belvidere, N.C. Helen Prince Burner, 504 Penn. Ave., Hertford, N.C. Elizabeth Dozier Cherry, 213 S. Church St. Hertford, N.C. William R. Proctor, Route 3, Hertford, N.C. Jack Burbage, Route 3, Hertford, N.C. Joseph E. Harrell, Route 2, Box 67, Edenton, N. C. Rupert E. Swayne, Route 3, Hertford. N.C. Eugene Boyce, Route 3, Box 5C. Hertford, N.C. Joseph Lawrence Winslow, Star Route, Winfall, N.C. Glenn M. Benton, Route 3, Hertford. N.C. R. E. Matthews, Church Street. Hertford, N.C. Henry C. Hurdle, Route 2, Hertford. N.C. Charles E. Arnold, Belvidere, N.C. Robert Hollowell, Route 1, Box 212. Hertford, N. C. Charlie F. Wlnbourne, Woodland Circle, Hertford, N.C. Claude William Russell, Route 3, Box 25, Hertford, N.C. Beatrice Vaughn, Route 1, Hertford. N.C. Mrs. Mary Barber, Route 2, Hertford. N.C. John Elton Hurdle, Jr. Route 1. Hertford, N.C. Nathan W. Zachary. Route 3 Box 27, Hertford, N. C. John C. Bundy. Jr., Route 3. Hertford. N.C. Charles M. Williford. 808 Dobb St.. Hertford. N.C. George Riley WHidbee. Route 3. Hertford. N.C. MONDAY MAY 8. 1972 10:00 A.M. NON-JURY Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. vs- J. M. Spruill. Ind. & T-A Community Gas & Coal Service Mid-Year Conference At Up The United Society of Friends Women of North Carolina Friend Yearly Meeting will hold its annual Mid-Year Conference at Up River Friends Meeting. Whiteston. on Saturday. May 6.1972. with the four Friends Meetings In Eastern Quarter as Hosts. Plney Woods and Up River In Perquimans County. Corinth Friends Meeting of Ivor. Va. and Somerton Friends Meeting of Holland. Va. who have joined Eastern Quarter of North Carolina Yearly Meeting In the last few years. ' Registration at 9:30 and the Morning program will begin at 10:00a.m. with Linda M. Trent. President of N.C. United Society of Friends Women presiding. Miss Johnnie White. Organist, will give the Organ Harrellson Rubber Co. -vs-J. M. Spruill. Ind. & T-A Community Gas & Coal Ser. Norfolk General Hospital -v-s Zack D. Robertson. Sr. J. C. Blanchard & Co. Inc. -v-s Lathan Felton. Adm. DBN G. D. Towe -v-s- Willie Price Leslie H. Perry -vs- Viola J. Foster Keech & Sutton. Inc. -vs-David Parker J. C. Price -vs- C. D. Mallory. et ux. Winslow Oil Company, Inc. -vs- Josiah Proctor Albemarle Hospital -vs- Lee Stepney, et al. Bank of Hobbsville -vs- Lessie Jordan JURY Henry Harrell -vs- Bryant Merritt Miller Esther G. Rowe -vs- Curtis A. Rowe Katie Phelps Halsey -vs-William C. Halsey Perquimans Co. Drainage -vs- Roy S. Chappell. et ux J. C. Price -vs- C. L. Mallory. et ux Virginia English Wiggins -vs-Moses Wiggins (Divorce) John Lankford Ward -vs-Brenda H. Ward i Contested Divorce) Mildred Elliott Ward -vs-James Ward (Divorce) J. E. Winslow. T-A Hertford Hardware Co. -vs- LeRoy Ligh foot Jesse Harris -vs- Don Juan I Mfg. Co. I Lucille White -vs- W. J. Stanton, et ux , Danford Lee Perry -vs- Curt is I Gary Eure & George v Curtis ! Eure i Betty Brown Hurdle -vs- Ernest Lindwood Hurdle I (Contested Divorce) John Franklin, et uz -vs- J. Bristol Rush All cases are set for Monday May 8, 1972 in order for the Court to determine which cases are to be tried and heard during this Session. All attorneys and interested parties are requested to be present at 10:00 a.m. Monday. May 8th. H.L. HolioweU Appointed Chairman Of Taylor Gnmiittee R.L. "Bob" Hollowell has been appointed chairman of the Perquimans County "Pat Taylor for Governor" com mittee. The announcement was made in Raleigh by Lindsay Warren, Jr., who is serving as statewide campaign manager. Hollowell is president of Hollowell Chevrolet Company In Winfall, and vice-president of Crown Point Development Corporation in Jacksonville, North Carolina. He is past vice-president of the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce, and past president of the Albemarle Area Development Association. Hollowell is a former Hertford city councilman. Presently, he is chairman of the local board of managers of the People's Bank and Trust Company of Hertford, and is a director of People's Bank and Trust Company in Rocky Mount. Hollowell is a member of the Hertford Rotary Club. He is married to the former Polly Cely of Easley, South Carolina, and they are the parents of two grown children. Prelude followed by the Opening Hymn. "Faith of Our Fathers." Eunice Winslow, President of the Senior Missionary Circle of Up River will give the Welcome. The Devotion and Special music is to come from the guest Meetings. To be shown are Friends Historical slides and some of the older "Quaker" Meeting Houses in N.C. On the program will be reports by the Depart mental Secretaries. All the four Meetings will join in serving a free lunch to the 250-300 women who olan to come. ( The afternoon Session will begin at 1:13 with Mrs. Irene Harrell of Wilson, N.C. as Guest Speaker. Mrs. Harrell is author of several books, the latest is "Pravables" which Is on the Promoted To Lt. Commander M. Shirley Wiggins, daughter of Mrs. Mary L. Wiggins of Winfall, was recently promoted to Lt. Commander. Miss Wiggins is a graduate of Perquimans Union School in Winfall and Saint Agnes School of Nursing. Raleigh. N.C Miss Wiggins came on active duty in the Navy January 2. 1!)!7. During her tour she has been stationed at U.S. Naval Hospital. Portsmouth. Nil. USS Sanctuary off the coast of Vietnam. U.S. Naval Hospital Bethesda Maryland. She is presently stationed at U.S. Naval Hospital (iiiantonanio Bay, Cuba. Birthdays And Civic Meetings MAY 7 Amy Van Winslow MAY 8 Belv.-Ch. Hill Firemen Wesleyan Service Guild Anderson Methodist Men Marching Unit Parents Hertford Town Council MAY 9 Mrs. Joel H. Perry, Sr. W.A. "Billy" White Wayne Layden Hertford Rotary Club :15 Masonic Lodge K:(H) Perq. Horse & Pony Club Whiteston II. I). Club MAY 10 Diane Winslow Mary Dunchisc Michael Goodwin Kevin Ma I thews MAY 11 Muchacl Byrum Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Duil Anniversury Denney Winslow MAY 12 Eddie Winslow Wendy C. Walton Richard Skinner Mr. and Mrs. George James Anniversary Rufus Hudson Rob Turner MAY 13 Sylvia Winslow Elizabeth Hogerson Evelyn Layden River Friends USFW Reading list for 1972. The Conference Offering is for Quaker Lake Conference Center . near High Point, where four more new all-weather, redwood cabins are being finished before Summer Camps begin in June. The November Mid-Year of fering amounted to $6,502.62. Ruth Layden of Piney Woods Friends Meeting will pronounce the Benediction. All women of Eastern Quarter , are asked to wear the( traditional three cornered' shawl and apron for . Idea-, tification as hostesses. - . The Missionary Circles are; grateful to the Chamber of Commerce and the Perqulmana County establishments for the favors they contributed and extend thanks to each. ' . ;