PS 2-Th Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Thursday, May 11, 1972 Announce Engagement WINSTON-SALF.M GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hauser and sons of Winston-Salem were Mrs Charles Skinner, Jr. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. J.H.Ward have returned home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ward in Winston-Salem. Nixon's Moscow trip is J The Weekly Society N evvs week-end guests of Mr announced for May 22. ' Hampton guest Mrs. Nate Going of Hampton, Va. was a guest of Mrs. J.E. a Everett on Sunday. "WEEK-END HERE , ., , Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Kirby Xand R.b; Kirby of Norfolk, Va. '; spept the week-end here. -'RETURNS HOME V m r rt u ivus. i.d. sumner nas returned home from Raleigh, whereshe was a guest of her son .; ' and daughter-in-law, Mr. and . .Mrs. T.B. Sumner, Jr. , CHARLOTTE GUESTS .., Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor s'6f Charlotte were week-end vjuests of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. '.SUllivan. ;' IN HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose H. Chappell are patients in j'Chowan Hospital. Both have buffered hip fractures. IN HOSPITAL Hilton White is a patient in the Albemarle Hospital. WEEK-END IN GARNER Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Britt spent the week-end in Garner and attended the wedding of Mrs. Britt's nephew, Lt. Craton Stephens. FROM WINSTON-SALEM Price Monds of Winston Salem spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Monds. DURHAM GUEST Carfyle White of Durham was an overrate guest of his grand mother. Mrs. T.S. White, on Monday. WEEK-END IN GREENVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stallings spent the week-end in Green ville with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Stallings. FROM E. CITY Mr. and Mrs. Parker Chesson and family of Elizabeth City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Chesson on Sunday. v y. I 1 1 3 3 MAKE A NOTE! Dixie Auto Supply has moved to their new location on U.S. Bypass South of Hertford. DIXIE AUTO SUPPLY U.S. 17 BY PASS SO. PRE SCHOOL CLINIC FOR HERTFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAY 12 FROM 3:00 - 5:00 and MAY 13d FROM 11:001:30 Pre school clinic will be held at Hertford Grammar School on Friday, May 12 (3:00-5:00) and Satur day, May 13 (11 :00-1 :30). You may come any time during these hours. Please bring BIRTH CER THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Appreciates the interest and help given by lo cal interested citizens in helping to make the celebration of the 300th Anniversary of or ganized religion in North Carolina a success. THE PERQUIMANS COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Modernize with AUTOMATIC LP-Gas iances! appl l ' M1";Z . Ranges, hot water heaters, space p ' neaters, rerngerators, wasners, j dryers, incinerators all offer new ,-ititomatic features for easier liv- king. And you're sure to find the size price that's, right for ryou- I At your fSSOtant Dealer's V . ' J- .. - ' 1 ft ' . REED OIL CO. VA. BEACH GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyce of Virginia Beach. Va. and their granddaughter. Miss Linda Jo Simmers of Perryville, Md.. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Winslow. Mrs. Annie White, and Mrs. William Boyce. MD. GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Buel Carson and son. Steve, of Frederick, Md. were week-end guests of Mrs. Maude Lane. E. CITY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Morris of Elizabeth City were guests of Mrs. Mary Moore at Morgan's Rest Home on Sunday. WEEK-END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ward and family of Winston-Salem were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ward. HOLIDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. T.S. White. .Jr. and Miss Mary White of Durham will spend Mother's Day week-end with Mr. White's mother. Mrs. White. Sr. MICH. GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mat 1 thews of Detroit, Mich, were guests of Mrs. Maude Godwin last week. FROM FAYETTEVILLE ; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White of Fayetteville were week-end guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin White, in Belvidere. NORFOLK GUESTS Mrs. D.A. Carver and daughter. Angela, of Norfolk. 'Va. were week-end guests of Mrs. W.M. Divers. WEEK-END IN ASHEBORO Mr. and Mrs. Leroy White spent the week-end in Asheboro with Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon Winslow and daughter, Kim berley Anne. While there they toured Puegotory Mountain, the site chosen for the Zoological Park of Nerth Carolina. UNC STUDENTS HOME FOR SUMMER UNC students, who are home for the summer are Walter Edwards. Jr. Michael Miller, Doug Haskett, Jim White. Wayne Riddick, Brant Murray, Johnny Caddy, and Archie Blanchard. DURHAM GUESTS Mr. arJ Mrs. W.L. Mc Clamtoch of Durham were week-end guests of V.N. Dar den. FROM WOODLAND Mrs, Anna Parker and Miss Mary Outland of Woodland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ward on Sunday. FROM WILLIAMSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Philip Corwin of Williamsburg, Va. spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Azalea Winslow, and attended the Tercentenary Celebration of the First Religious Service held in the State of North Carolina. KICKS LAUINDKY CLEAINERS SERVING HERTFORD AND , j ' Perquimans County TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BILL CRUMMEY, Routemao Truck Radio Dispatched PHONE EDENTON 482-2148 HERTFORD, N. C.-DUL 426-5458 TAYLOR THEATRE . Edenton, N. C. Thursday, Friday & Saturday May 11-12-13-Rating (GP) PAT BOONE as Rev. David Wilkerson in "The Cross and The Switchblade" Sunday, Monday & Tuesday May 14-15-16Rating (R) They taught more than they learned. Ball after ball after ball. "The Class of 74" COMING FOR SEVEN DAYS Wednesday, May 17 thru Tuesday, May 23 CECIL B. DeMILLE'S , "The Jen Commandments" Evenings 8:00 p.m.-Saturdsy and Sunday Matinees Z:45 '..: ffV O l I ' j I 71 FORD LTD 680LDS 4dr.,H.Top 65 FORD Cust. 500, 4 dr. I A 2in!5,C.K- 68CHEV. Chevelle,S.S. 64 FORD Gal. 500, 4 dr., f (6DO2dr., !8"Y 4dr. 64 CHEV. Impala fconw. ) t V I H.T. 67 MERCURY Comet TDiirire 1 f 1 69 CHEVELLE 2 dr. 67 PLYMOUTH Cbnv. IKUtRi I CHEV. B. A., 4 dr. 67 FORD Gal. 500, 4 dr. 71 FORD F800 Tractor 1 v t J 69 FORD Cust. 500, 4 dr. 67 FORD Gal. 500, H.Top 71F100XLT I k y 'V SSSft?! BUICK J -X s-S 1 1 69 FORD GT, 2 dr., H. Top 66 F0RD Gal- 500 4dr- 65 Ford F10 PickuP f X J C 68 FORD Gal. 500, 4 dr. 66 MUSTANG 64 CHEV;C10 Pickup 1 . . I WINSLOW-DLANCHARD MOTOR CO.. Inc. 1 J ' OE425245oM25 mi:mmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmi in i il ,;m. , .,: . ,.ai Secretarial Ad- , , mi j4, immsX Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Sutton announce the engagement of their daughter, Pamela Jean, to James Robert Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P. Barnes of Fremont, N.C. Miss Sutton will graduate in June from the College of The Albemarle with Associate Arts Degree in ministration. Mr. Barnes attended College of the Albemarle for two years. He will complete his education at UNC-Wilmington. An August 13 wedding is planned. Card Of Thanks Commander Lloyd Stalling of Post 126, American Legion wishes to thank each and every individual or business who gave donations to the recent Bar-B-Que Chicken benefit supper. Card Of Thanks We would like to thank the Hertford Fire Department in answer to our recent call. Thanks to the efficiency of the department our damage was light. Also we would like to thank the Perquimans County Rescue Squad for their assistance. Mrs. Osie Cooper and family In Memoriam In memory of Archie E. Layden who passed away May 11, 1963. May brings sad memories of a loved one gone to rest You will never be forgotten by the ones who loved you best We think of you in silence and none can see me weep But many a silent tear is shed when others are asleep. Loving Wife Loyal . A conceited person has one good point. He doesn't talk about other people. -Grit.- Mother's heart will always go out to gifts of flowers. Tell us her very favorite flower and we'll make it up her very favorite way in a special bouquet ... a lav ish centerpiece ... a lovely corsage. Let flowers be the fragrant messengers of your love on her day. DOZIER'S FLORIST Call Us Today! - We Deliver Promptly! HARRIS SHOPPING CENTER Phone 426-5721 Hertford, N. C. A U80A CHOICE:. . . FRESH DRESSED (ISM GSADE'A" OUR PRIDE f q(I)cb (t:3 (( QIMpf ii. A lb & SS r tu--ju ii ' JL..S JLmS J I L - S y I L'MTONE WITHS OK MORE PURCHASE jf J . Priweffetiyethrat, SMOKED 6-8 LB. AVG. yPf,lllllmi'l'mmmmmi CV A . V - ' Tm.. I DIPNirC OSMCMOCEFUUCOTWNCLESS I" A (f grade A -.NU1IL5 f narao CTCAK I SJy large i 49 i OOiiijdIioast I J ii uu i- tw nio J II W 0 i SEMI BONELESS (WHOLE OR HALF) I h 1 I mmr'.' jf V M F l5 fi 5 R SMOKED HAMS lb 69 'a--:'-M,: J A vi W scotch treat sliceo wmmmmmmmmmmmt . I I I n.... n 1 At ARMOUR'S ALL MEAT J I ma )Ct I)8" .HZ'iIl u 69' hoiooos 69' 1 " I .. -Zj-J!m 49 OAWtHIWS 59 l f- 7 fulS SLICES Mf U-RRc 1 1 l8Sfi2P J) STRAWBERRIES ZWM-&&)) I CTN. J M I d ) m. II J) AVAIL 8U THURSDAY. U PKfcVy I f im' WIPAY 4 SATUBPAY l''IBBSSSggSSZZSr. mmmmmm'g - ly SAVE '161 y larob "trse ripened" (f PAn S 'jniiinppc aip couroN,tLOW ftrniJDt 1 lr-r:v Tl S&y i-a .h I V v J wax R I vc.m.sAT.M.v . m- j MONEY ORDERS J jj C)y I TUS J mtmX&l AT ALL COLONIAL STORE s . TOffeDCMUMS..,f?.2 ' INSTANT NESCAFE K Off " '?5iSsS jMOtDlOMD ' IV COLD VohdI K ONE4.I01.TIM OtTM STAMPS 'I (EXTRA STAMPS t v' v - COFFEE head t shoulders shampoo I ,:'; 1' Ti7ZZ i -" MA. tA ! VOID AFTH5T., MAY H.H71 ! i WU c) RACTINE 1 .tMi ; tOTATOES US. tf. I i ' M 11,111 . . Witt. "1 4 I UUII IIIUIUI IUUI" I 1 hMi.a.kaicd.uml f f LAR&E &OLOEM RIPE 1 fc'" 1I111I"",""M i """"' IP f mh ,njmj tCHIQUlTA or DOLE , I n iukpuimhh . .yi l j IT---- -j "i rirn m ri i-i i oven krispvaniua & w m w,TI"HETH,i?1stsN D ! coldionp so cqldmnd i U If inr H wafers g ssljzh. stL : r II l0lQAl) g VOID AFTFK SATMAV IV lJ Ii ! ll.DSDi ! I I I 1 te " j f ?r 1 VViT i I V M -?" I TENDER SPRING C80P j " " y ;--.' -vvo-' J.-r, v r.;.T. .v " 1 Aammmmaam KCs GREEN PEAS i ""tT i sksst- N -ffisaaBar- ;. IXTVv y A V"., GRAPE DRINK " CANNED HAM f """ 1 VDIDAFTtAT.,llYH, IW t i ; OM. M kul CMia km II ON M w ll Cd ha I' il tiX " I Jf M'T.l-T?.f1:!,.M!!!!.