Library Receives TZl3morial Books The Perquimans County Library ha received fifteen beautiful and useful books as memorial gifts recently. These are; International Fishing Encyclopedia in memory ' of ' JEUymond Wilson; Handmade' Rugs and Heriloom Quilts in Memory of Mrs, Sadie Bogue; Flower Arrangements, Book of rOlcl Clocks and Watches, and Bouquets From Beads, all three in memory of Nan Ward Win slow; 'History of -Jan in memory of John Broughton, Jr. The Last Survivors (in the animal world) and Basketball are in memory of John Lassiter ; The Illustrator in America 1900-1960 is in memory of Mrs. Tom White; The Home is in memory of Mrs. P.L. Stephens; and Complete Book of Home Repair is in memory of Mr. P.L.: Stephens; African Hunting is in memory of John Hertford Baptist Revival To Begin Sunday Rev. Billy Mobley, Pastor of , the First : Baptist Church in Ahoskje, North Carolina, will be , the guest , Evangelist in the Revival Services at : the Hert ford Baptist Church beginning at the? 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service and will, .continue each evening 22nd at 7!45 p.m. Sunday irniwnr' i mnnnnm iiil tm mi mum immune nmmal bvciuug oci vices win oegin ai 7:30 p.m. - : Rev. Mobley is a native of Rocky Mount, N.C. and a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Seminary. He has served as pastor of several thurches in N.C. and as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. He ' has v served in many denominational services in the West Chowan Association, State r Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention. Rev. Mobley has traveled In many foreign countries and is ; the author of a book entitled "Quiet Time". Featured through out' 'the week will be special singing by v choirs, groups and soloists. " Rev, Norman Harris, Pastor, , o : Ill I . . invites the public to attend these services. A provided. nursery will be Crossroads vGf Aging In-Home Services are needed in the community to enable the aged to remain in their' own homes or apartments as long a they choose. Many older people, including those living alone, wish to remain in familiar surroundings and in their own community. ', Efforts are under way by the North Carolina Governor's Coordujatl. ? CcuncU on A- 3, a!org with os"r st:te e-rr.cics,, to develop t. a resources of s-rvirg oldor r jla to!a f-.rrn to live at h me. la Nora Ctr:'.:na a lar-s ir.j-riy of r- e aza 5 ar.i ov:r live in L r own homes s Jr reCsn 13 p;r cent in te t 8 live U c' br r"l '3 "9 ti r: !rn r 1 i it i ' ii r It. , In- -:v . its :c 1j Brougjiton Jr. Fishing in Southern Waters and The American Sportsman Treasury are both in memory of Pete Bright The Book of the Dog is in memory of Raymond Wilson. i Other new books in the library are Non-fiction : .Memo from David 0. Selznick and a Novel The Diddakoi, by Rumer Godden are Literary Guild selections; Facts, Frauds, and Phantasims, by McHargue deals with the supernatural and ESP; Also along this line is a collection edited by Bernice Kelly Harris, Strange Things Happen; A New Song by Pat Boone; Faster, A Racer's Diary, by Stewart, a Sports Illustrated selection; On Being a Woman, hy Gifford-Jones; End Zone, by DeLillo, a Book of-lhc-Montb selection; and Eleanor The Year Alone, which is a companion volume to Eleanor and Franklin by Lash. Two books for young people: North Carolina, by Bell; and Bucan'ecrs and Pirates of our Coast, by Stockton complete this week's list. Tht library is now on it's winter schedule which means it is open all day Saturday for the benefit of students of the area. Birthdays And Civic Meetings SEPTEMBER 17 -Dee Boycc Beaulah Sawyer Wayne Riddick SEPTEMBER 18 . . Stella Fowler . , Myrtle Long Chamber Com. Bd. Dir. SEPTEMBER 19 ; ; . ' ", Tviark Symons 'a. Lee Humphlett Gary Winslow Jim Bass Hertford Rotary Club 6:15 Masonic Lodge 8:00 SEPTEMBER 20 Susan White Shelly White Durants Neck Ruritan SEPTEMBER 21 T.W. Hurdle Tony Lane "Cheese Burger" B.P.W. Club K'ELl" Wp . .VIMM SEPTEMBER 22, (None) SEPTEMBER 23 Mrs. Freeland Copeland Dr. I.A. Ward Wally Knight Happiness Is L-css for a five-year c'.l Jttn Vourj Is ror; !r j : a fac'.la:i on the same field as the Chowan College Craves. A'.'ri by a child's imasination. he breezes over the goal i: b for touchdowns for his oversized mates b the t-:f-rc-'l. John is r!l-.r.!r- to trsarsfer di!reci"y frea ki r--rten to Chowan. , ho neeis the first ' (nii' a.yfr"? (er cf;!?y wisn they don't have a h- ' ll t -:). 3 'i,t.e sm cf Mr. and Mrs. J.D. YounJ of I;rt f L: '"y 1'j franistiother, Mrs. "JZsv'i I 't' t r j f i V ; r : Ir.:!rn!ary. : ' h ' t. A. Cnuf? ioocmon Returns To Business r J ' Pi - y ir" ,,. . ,, ii i J! ii .. .1.1 . E.A. "Chub" Goodman returns to the business world' after eight years of confinement from seven heart attacks, five major operations and a severe stroke which paralyzed his left side. He is shown above with his wife, Audrey, as he makes his first delivery of Am way Laundry Compound to Mrs. Gill Underwood on his new motorized wheel chair. Many Hertford residents have been seeing "Chub" on. wheels . which he said made him hap pier than his first automobile: There were 'organizations and many individuals wnoreanie "uiuis uesire i be out among his friends and business associates. Among them were Mr. Anderson of Rehabilitation, the Rev. Nor- man Harris, the Rev. Howard Dawkins, Mrs. Lizzie Lee Cox, CHINOISERIE Chlnolserle, or the. Imitation of - anything Oriental, has caught on like wildfire. Chlnolserle . not only made its mark on fashion and food but also In house furnishings, says Wilms Scott, exten sion housing specialist, North : ' Carolina State University. Bamboo, gin ger jars and tire eating dragons are til back in .vogue. Mii;EWii;aWeMrtvS Congressman Walter B.,;: Jones and others who we may. hot be : aware of at- this, time, worked together ' on the- long range project ? of securing the motorized wheel chair. 'Chub'! was introduced to Am way Products, .by Bobby Keaton of Hertford. Being emnusiaaiicaoowiuiFprQauvit, oy teiepnonc, pum, ne vhs many customers, lake! orders and delivers 'the product. Goodman states that ti would appreciate ' Interested customers contacting him for orders. This Hew adventure ha j-jvew-enntrvi greater -sigj( vtq the 'worth tf humanity and : " made him feel eapbU of agaiii being' a part of the modern Mil century society as h maket a contribution to his family and friends, i . . , . Legion Auxiliary . Hoife Meeting , - The first megling the new year by the Americas' Legion , Auxiliary ; Unit m was held September 7. 1972 at the Legion 1 Post, with.thf ftew President. Mrs, L,.DtVMyerji presiding. : v " ,111 Pledge to- the ;Flag wa made and th; Star.' Spangled Banner; was sung, followed by the Preamble. Tiie Devotional was given by the Chaplain. Mr Charlie Skinner, Sr., with a Prayer "For, God and Country" ' Arter the Minutes were read. Report were made by Officers and Committee Chairmen. Due were collected. The Historian, Mr. Julian Powell displayed, the book completed for last year; She so rraoriml ' rim. municalions Chairmen that 4he iMov June Iftue of ,v North Carolina Americas , Region Auxiliary News Muded the from this VtiV on'f the In "Registrations for the 1972 Memorlam Jlst. ', n. Pau and Kick Com ' The Auxiliary v. ill cooperates V!ia?. .sponsored locally by with the Legion; in bringing AVinslow-Blanchard Motor clothes and other things that iCemWnjr continue to roll in. would be, needed '; f or home- ntest I for boys ages ruined bv fire. If mora is collected .than needed. some could be given to the.Salvatoa Army ok Red Cw if they needed it: ..'."'rW..v?. it was announced the First Division meeting will be ' is 7 NCAJXJpMpId iyhpM The annual Convention tt the. North Carolina Association ftfi Retarded' children will be held in Elizabeth City ''.' yearon Friday and .Sep-;1 lember IS 6-1 H at !r.el'-"'.ay Jzn, KmZeti 'ef'ji' fctfi ters , from"; treughst-; f'th. Care?;t?a'.w)H fct'e'tten; The. hiSitdC'c'vlf- -n wiil be.; Bfl, f.?.!;?.;i"ty 'ttutiot, ' '. : .: ' . (' ; . ... .1 r ' .-vvv In order te provide convenient storage and protection for the new vehicle i others in the community made plans to secure a 4ietal storage house. The' Mca'i Brotherhood of Hertford Baptist Church was in charge of assembling storage financed "by the Perquimans County Easter Seal Society. , eneei-t nnrclal :' pressed to Jake Che: ion is ex pressed to Jake Chesson, Willie Ainsley.' John Ward. Gill Un derwood, Carroll Holmes, W. 0. "Red" Elliott and other members of the . Baptist Brotherhood: also to Erie Haste who donated hand rail for back entrance. Z "v . , . ? vht. determination, will 'power,, faith in God and . courage to work, fight, and uccecd, makes efforts of this n,,ur'? Pleasure for those who become involved. Greenville; October 12 at (he Legion Homilp.-QO nan. with Luncheon at 1:00 p,m, A Special Program October S will be the Highlights of Girls State in 1972 at Greensboro by Frances ' White, a.- Senior at Perquimans ; High ' ; School , sponsored : by members of Auxiliary Unit 126. fv Members are reminded j to bring two or more gifts each for Veterans' Hospitals Christmas Gift Shops,. Delicious refreshments were served to Legion and Auxiliary members by the hostesses, Mrs. Dcssie Rountree, Mrs. Elizabeth Cherry, and . Mrs. Maude Jones. Pp&MrafionS For nn&V PrOA LOmpOtltlOn eight through 13 ana n winds up with final eliminations at the NFL Pro Bowl Game in Dallas, Tex- f.awary Zl- 773; cn kick, pas or punt a football and meet the age requirements. you will want to compete. , Participant compete only against boys their own age. Any boy. eight through 13 years of age may register to compete at Participating i Ford Dealer. - - ; N Ptial .equipmem .; js seeded and participation does not impair a boy's amateur standing. ..Scoring is based on accuracy and range .with one point added for every foot !ot .punting, passing . and ' kicking distance und a point subtracted for every foot oil a center line, . - toys,, accompanied by a psrent or " guardian, may r " 't for FriX at any i ' ' " 1 Fcrd Dealer. COA Offers Research In Local History ; for all persons interested in histbry and genealogy, the College of Tlia Albemarle will offer a course in Research in Local History and Biography! Taught - by local historian Raymond A. Winslow. Jr., (he course will outline the many !ypes of source material, their location and use. and will in clude instruction in practical research methods. History, genealogy and other research fields will be covered. The 'welve week course will meet Tuesday nights, 7 to 10 p.m. in room 334 at the ('OA Main Building on Riverside Avenue beginning September 12. Local history becomes in creasingly important as people search for their roots and lor an understanding of the relation between the past and the present. Historians of broader view constantly consult lodal histories for anecdotes and illus'rafions. The tourist in dustry 'hrives on vigorous local research programs. Anyone interested in the history of his locality or family frequently wonders how to go about finding certain; types of information. This course will try to meet that need. Board Of Directors To Meet Monday The Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will have its monthly meeting Monday night at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Building. ' There is a lot that must be done at (his important meeting, but it can be accomplished swiftly. Please be present. mk !t?xr nuoi uniup oireet aspnau lop- i riiiisvivannia avenue irom W vl'li'';t4i ping. Other streets in Hertford that have Charles Street and Covent I3ard!b-a ' X Ikh'ii resurfaced include: East Market, tlrubb to Market Street AvjfJ? Happiness Is t. - ii". in i.i,i i mmtmmmtmmi iii. WMj(..rMthMttMMMMMJ Happiness to Henry Stokes, Jr. is winning this new 1972; fhevy Nova. Stokes won the automobile Saturday at an auction .sale which was sponsored by the Chappell Hill-. Relvidere Fire Department. Pictured left to right is Wayne Sawyer, President of the Department, presenting Henry Stokes the kevslas Jimmy Chappell. Fire Chief; looks on, , . I John E. Tyler . .. ' .'.-4-'.. . a. S'i The Perquimans County Restoration,? Association, Inc. will have a banquet Thursday at ", p.m. at the Hertford Gram mar School, all proceeds going to the Newbold White Project, one of the most important ever undertaken in ihe county. Tickets are $5.00 per person and are available from any member of the association or at the office of the Chamber of Commerce. Guest speaker is John - E. fJack) Tyler of Ronald chairman of the Hope .Foun dation. a completed and sue cessful restoration project He was a leading force in that campaign, stealing lime from his antique business and farm ing to work on the project once considered a dream, not a reality. The association hopes the Rifes Held For Mrs. Alice Roach Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Simpson Roach. 73, of Roule 2, Hertford who died Tuesday in the Albemarle Hospital, jvere held Wed nesday at 2:00 in the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev. W. R. Pinner, pastor of the Cedar Grove United Methodist Church. "Whispering Hope" and "How Great Thou Art" were played during the service by Mrs. Preston Morgan, organist. Tlie casket pall was made of .white- chrysanthemums, lavender carnations and fern. Pallbeai errs were Aubrey Onley. Clyde Lane, William Ray Miller, Elsberry Wh'edbee, Joel Hollow ell , Jr. and Grover Hollowell. Burial was in the Cedar Church Cemetery. , Grove :., Resurface Streets ' jr -7 same wW hold true, Newho1d-Whit Prefect V when completed, vdll great import bo(bMsVgffty; mi si aaahaimU11ii .f J, A . anu vcviiwiiivcij! "jr-y . Tyler alten,et', military insiuuiCW W University 'fhrpMi v.napei niu, no ;.Jami founder of the Bertie "fCouj Historical ;SocJely.;aidSMvi as residen(.ror;)ii;JVMll Carolina SocittC. Preservation of AnJu,s i ',1 He is referred ;jv ii,A ,j Friend of Hiswy.;. sm association official urfklMwV- interesting ana cntertli eveniM. i . r Av aowmsm Charle' pHlM :;EJ Belvidcre; . )-gra4viwi? Perqulmsne :ftf'KlSl school,, has cnroiiea at twaihi College for the fall.nMtvl-J will iiiajor In. Ubaratartd?!5! rjS3$h The Board of PjariilHs 4 County CommiMlojveri:;; Tuesday : and' a46p)ed- Resolution requesting the rJ; Carolina State l?. yf-'f Commission tp add to th( t -k maintained RoadV'Sy leading to the new iYKjjt' ylt Jail located in Elizabeth C.f.'Vf William ThornaaWUikkW x j "Vi appointed to serve f "C '3fVrl Tax Supervisor fof f j expire juiy i, una. t. v . oj , The Board voted W'ent; J Kerry Jones 's A':''i-:t !'i Perquimans CountJ'Jy H Economics Agent,, efecve September t$. v Ivi v Forest .sie. r ' ' income ptoiuc' North CsjroUnlt.-v.O produce over 4"r cords oi puljwccir plus mllcrj (' feet ol tll;: producta. v , ,