Standard Printing Co. xx LouifltiUe, Ky.' W200 F EHQ U I MA N THE Volume 28-No. 39 .Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 28, 1972 10 Cent Per Copy WEE r Teen-Agers Invited To Enter North Carolina feen-Age Pageant Young ladies of this area are Invited to enter the Miss North Carolina Teen-ager Pageant to be held at the White House Inn, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 6, 7 and 8, 1973. The Miss North Carolina Teen-ager Pageant is the Official State Preliminary to the Miss National Teen-ager Pageant to be held in Atlanta, Georgia on September 1, 1973. The invitation was issued this week by Mrs. Sybil Shaffer, ) Executive Director oi me miss vi .North Carolina Teen-ager i; Pageant. The reigning Miss North Carolina Teen-ager Is Teresa Rivera of Havelock. Birthdays And Civic Meetings OCTOBER 1 Janice Burner Eddie Fowler . Betena Lamb OCTOBER 2 Frances Baker Herbie Cartwright Mrs. W. O. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tice An niversary Winfall Town Council Perq. Co. Commissioners W.S.C.S. First Meth. Ch. i OCTOBER 3 i Kay S. Dail Hertford Rotary Club 6: 15 i Masonic Lodge 8:00 '.Parksville Ruritan Club Bethel Fire Dept. ' !Mrs. Lane's Dolls On "Display At Craftsman's Fair t ,i .4 h f - i' . : Mrs. John D. Lane, known as the "doll Lady" of Perquimans County Is still one of the leading craftsmen of the Albemarle area. She stays busy year around making dolls and filling orders through the Home In dustries program of the North Carolina Extension Service. Mrs, Lane's dolls will be on display during the shop owners showing on Thursday Sep lember 28 at the Albemarle Craftsmen's Fair; but Mrs. Lane will be unable to par ticipate in The four day event this year. . ; 'There will be fourteen dif ferent or new crafts and several r ;w craftsmen in the fourteenth r-nual fair to be held at the Monal Guard Armory In libetn : City Sept. 27-SO. Contestants will be judged on scholastic achievement leadership, poise-personality, and beauty. There is no swimsuit or talent competition. The winner of the Miss North Carolina Teen-ager Pageant will receive a scholarship, other prizes, and an all-expense paid trip to compete in the Miss National Teen-ager ' Pageant. Any teen-ager interested in entering the Miss North Carolina Teen-ager Pageant may write for further in formation to Mrs. Sybil Shaffer. 215 Piedmont Ave. NE, Atlanta, Ga. 30312; or call area code 404-659-4610 or 404-659-8964. OCTOBER 4 Robin Perry OCTOBER 5 Bertha Lane Jimmy V. Lane Kathy Nelson P.C.H.S. PTA 7:30 American Legion Aux. Lions Club Am. Legion Post 126 OCTOBER 6 Juanita Elliott Irene Broughton John Robert Danchise Sybil Bateman Anita Lorraine Rouse OCTOBER I Sarah Sparks Three crafts and craftsmen will represent three generations demonstrating at the fair. They are Mrs. John Hale-Quilted Pillows, Mrs. Frankie Barnett Chair Caning and Miss Judy Baraett-ToteBags. All are from Belcross, N.C. . Twp new out-of-state crafts men will come from South Carolina and Virginia; Mrs. Jackie Nieland of Laurel Bay, S C. will ' demonstrate hand painted china and lamps. Mrs. Nieland has participated in Trade Shows in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, New York, Virginia Beach and Williams burg. She belongs to Tidewater China Painters Club. Mrs. Nancy Hardee of Chesapeake, Va: will demonstrate rue Ihooklng. Mrs. Hardee teaches tea M i Belvidere Woman 'I' 1 ' . ? ; '"tv : f. ,..V , " 9 A 49 year old woman of Route 1, Belvidere, was killed Friday morning when the pickup truck she was driving ran into the path of a dump truck. The victim, Miss Victoria Armstrong Billups, was killed instantly in the ac cident which occurcd on Hughes Boulevard near Cedar Street in Elizabeth City. Police Chief, W.C. Owens said a wit ness. Lee Otis Brooks of 709 Cale Street, Elizabeth City and the driver of the dump U.M.Y.F: To Meet The Chowan-Perquimans Sub-District U.M.Y.F. will meet at Edenton United Methodist Church at 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 1. It will be a fellowship meeting. her skiiVs to others as she in structs aamt recreation classes in the cities of Norfolk, Ports mouth, and Chesapeake. Five new Crafts and crafts men are from Elizabeth City; Antique Reproduction shorebird decoys by Mr. J.E.B. Stuart, ; Needlepoint by Mrs. L.H. Saywer, Ship's Chandler by Mr. CD. Rapef , Candles by Mrs. Marshall F." Tillct, Jr.,-Woodcarving-Ducks and Geese by Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sawyer Other new members are as follows: ' ' ' Macrame - Mrs. Clinton James of Sunbury, N.C.; Italian - Hemstitching by Mrs. G.W. Ward and Mrs. Clinton James both of Sunbury; and decoupage by Mrs. Roger Bracy of Ahoskie, N.C. -TP!Sri -,'V- truck, William Aaron Umphlett, Jr., 17 of 215 E. King Street, Edenton, agreed that Miss Billups pulled into the path of Umphlett's 1967 dump truck. Brooks, employed by Allstate Building Supply was halted on Hughes Boulevard to make a left turn into Allstate's driveway. Owens said that Miss Billups had also stopped, but pulled in front of the truck just when it got to the driveway. Owens said no charges would be filed. Chamber Of Commerce News New members for the Board of Directors, renewal of mem berships, plans for the Christmas parade, and the banquet are all on the calendar. ut there's more going on at the Chamber - plans are coming along that are mqving us a few steps closer to getting that park in Winfall going. Right now the Tourist and Recreation Com mittee, which met earlier this month, is waiting word from 1st District Highway Engineer, Roy West. The Restoration Association meeting held earlier this month was a success, with about 150 tickets sold at five bucks per. It all goes toward making the Newbold-White House Project a reality. It's important historically and economically. Incidentally, support from out of town has been quite good. There was $110 from Mr., and Mrs, W.J.P. Earnhardt, Sr. of Edenton - $100 from, a Rocky Mount man and $200 from a I gentleman in Raleigh. t Mark this date on the calendar; Friday, December 1. The time: 4 p.m. The event: The annual Christmas parade. In 1 . , . ;-i . - ... " Elected Systems Planning Officer C. David Burton of Charlotte has been elected a systems planning officer by directors of North Carolina National Bank, effective Oct. 1. He joined the bank in the fall of 1971 - and has been a programmer-analyst in the systems planning department here. He is a 1959 graduate of Perquimans Central High School in Hertford and a 1964 graduate of N.C. State University. He was with Fieldcrest Mills Inc. in Fieldale, Va., for two years and with Riegel Paper Corp. in Riegelwood and Charlotte for three years. His mothei, Mrs. Oscar C. Burton, lives in Bolivia. His wife is the former Ann Eggleston, daughter of Mrs. E. S. Eggleston of 339 Chestnut Ave. in Waynesboro, Va.-They have two children, Charles D. Jr., 9, and Susan, 6. , American Legion Auxiliary Meets The American Legion Auxiliary of Wm. Paul Stallings Post 12A will meet at the Legion Home on Thursday, October 5,, at 8 P.M. ' .'.'. All members are asked to bring 2 Christmas gifts for the Veterans Hospitals. Killed if charge this year are Walter Humphlett and Jimmy Stallings of Farm Bureau Insurance - to give us 'insurance' the parade will be a success, as suual. Now another episode in the continuing series of messages from your Chamber designed to prevent someone from making a sucker of you. And if it does happen, don't say the C of C didn't warn you. The messages are capsules of information emanating from the Consumer Protection Division of the State Attorney General's office. They got money back for a family whose son enrolled in a railroad training school. Seems the salesman said one thing, the small print on the contract, another. Some phony weight reducing salons were checked. Main complaint: offering a special low-cost plan, then telling customers more extensive programs were needed. Seems they were trying to thin out the pocketbook and the customer. If you get a 'dear friend' letter from the Marco Co. of Chicago (they have mailed many to North Carolina) forget it. They want you to you to sell chances to win some luggage. That's a lottery, and that's like a sick bird: ill eagle! And if you're buying a used car, watch out for water damaged vehicles that came down from the flooded states. Seems they're flooding the market. Moral: buy your car in the County from Hollowell, Winslow-Blanchard or Towe. WSCS And WSG Meeting Schedule On October.2nd. at 8 p.m. the General Meeting is scheduled. The Helen Bame Circle will be in charge of the program and the Delia Shamburger Circle hostess for the social hour following the business meeting. The executive committee will meet as usual at 7:15. The Minnie Wilson Circle will meet October 3rd. at 9:45 a.m. with Mrs. Harry Winslow. Mrs. Jesse Harris will host The Delia Shamburger Circle on October 9th. at 8 p.m. On October 9th, the Helen Bame Circle will meet with Mrs. Gene Appleton at 8 p.m. The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet with Mrs. J. Wilosn Dillon at 8 p.m. on October th The Mary Towe Circle will meet with Mrs. Elizabeth Cherry r n kt r !tr 11th at 3 p.t On OcWuer 26 at 10 a.m. lh: District Annual Meeting will be at Parkers Church, Gates Charge. Registration Books Will Close Oct. 9 W.L. Tilley, Chairman of the Perquimans County Board of Flections announced today that the registration books will close on October 9. Tilley stated that all prospective voters who wish to vote in the General Election on November 7th must register between now and October 9th if they have not already done so. Perquimans residents may register in the Soil Conservation Office located in the Agriculture Building on Monday. Wed nesday and Friday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. 15 Arrests Made During Month Of August The following monthly report for August was given by Chief. Ben L. Gibbs at the regular meeting of the Town Council. ARRESTS MADE: Drunk on the Street 2; Speeders 4; Assaults 4; Operating In toxicated 1; Careless and Reckless Driving 1; Miscellaneous Traffic Arrests 2; Miscellaneous Arrests 1; ACTIVITIES: Calls Answered and Investigated 102; Accidents Investigated 3; Funerals Worked 8; Courtesies Extended 117; Doors Found Unlocked 4; Fire Calls Answered 2; Radio Calls 212; Citations Issued for Improper Pa. king 3; Lights Reported Out 3. Volunteers Needed For Perq. Cancer Crusade "People really believe health is beautiful and that's why we urgently need volunteers for the American Cancer Society's 1972 educational and fund raising Crusade said Mrs. Warner Madre, one of the Perquimans County chairmen. "We believe that people-to-people contact, folks alerting their relatives, neighbors and friends to cancer's warning signals and helping to raise fighting funds is part of the combination that will in creasingly turn the tide against these dread diseases called cancer," declared Mrs. Madre. "The other part is the dedication and skill of thousands of physicians and researchers searching for causes and better treatments. "Those who give their time and talent this year will join hands with the more than 2 million other volunteers in thousands of American com munities whose dedication has already helped save increasing numbers of lives," said Mrs. Madre. There is an even greater challenge this year, for we must reach out to people never contacted before. Every house, every ' apartment in Perquimans County must be visited in Crusade 1972. beginning October 1. Every one with even a few hours to spare can help. Families must get the facts about cancer. One key part of the Crusade, is distributing life-saving leaflets telling how you can protect yourself against cancer. "Many cancer deaths are needless since the chances of a cure are good with early diagnosis," Mrs. Madre said. She pointed out that more than 1.500.000 Americans are alive Pharmacy Changes Name Oct. 1 Charles Woodard, owner of Harmon's Pharmacy, an nounced today that the name of the Pharmacy will be changed to Woodard's Pharmacy Oc tober 1. Woodard purchased the business from J.E. Sparks and took over the management January 1 of this year. He is graduate of the 'Urnvrtaity -of North Caroling " V Fdarmn - ".iapol uary he .v . , .! i'lUii'jy in Iiueaion and Harmon's Pharmacy in Hertford. - Episcopal Bishop To Visit Here The Rt. Rev. Hunley A. Elebash. D.D., Bishop Coad jutor of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, will make his annual visitation to the congregation of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Hertford on Sunday. October 1. at 11 :00 a.m. Bishop Elebash will ad minister the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation, whereby the power of the Holy Ghost is received through the laying on of hands as set forth in the eighth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles verses 14-17 and deliver the sermon. Born in Pensacola. Florida and finishing High School there the Bishop then went on to receive a BS from the University of the South. Sewanee. Tenn. He did graduate study at the University of Wisconsin, and 1 Sales Tax Shows Increase The 1 per cent Sales and Use Tax collection in Perquimans County for I he month of August amounted o $7,071.36 it was announced by (i. A. Jones. Jr.. Commissioner of The Slate of North Carolina Department of Revenue. This is an increase of $4fi8.10 over the month of July, when ax collections amounted to $0,603.20. today who were cured of can cer. "We want to wipe out cancer in your lifetime and it s up to us to tell everyone we can reach that the' regular health checkups and early diagnosis can save lives," she said. Everyone who believes health is beautiful is needed by the Perquimans County American Cancer Society Unit. Perq. Game Ends In 14-14 Tie The Perquimans Pirates and the Northampton Rams fought to a 14 to 14. tie Friday night, September 22 at Northampton High School. Perquimans received the kick on its own 32 yard line. John Long carried the ball off tackle for the first Pirate penetration into the Northampton Ram's territory. A penalty ' against Northampton and John tang's sweep around his left end ad vanced the ball to the Ram's 16 yard line. On the next play the Rams tackled the Pirate ball carrier on the 20 yard line. Glen I.ightfoot went off tackle to move the ball back up to the 16 yard line. A fifteen yard pass from Barry Ford to Jerry Hayes carried the ball to the one yard line. Ford passed to James Modlin for the Pirate touch down. Ford and Modlin again teamed up on a pass to score the extra points. The Northampton Rams returned the kick off to their own 40 yard line, tarry Harris and Marty Martin repeatedly ran the ball through the Perquimans line to the one yard line. Marty Martin ran around left end for the touchdown, tarry Harris swept around right end for the extra point. In the second quarter, Perquimans received the Ram kick on their 40 yard line. Glen Lightfoot charged through the Ram line several times to move the ball to the opponent's 44. The Pirates scored on a 44 yard pass play from Barry Ford to John Long. The point attempt failed. In the fourth quarter the Rams moved the ball upfleld on several passes from Jon Ed ward to tarry Harris. Marty Martin drove'.' .'through the middle for the touchdown. The 'tempt to kick for the point was bi iked. . . The Pirates play Scotland Neck on Friday, September 29 at O'clock in Hertford. returned to the School of Theology of the University of the South from which he received BD degree in 1950. Since that time he . was or dained as a Der.con and then a Priest in the Diocese of Florida where he served as Assistant Rector of St. Mark's, Vicar of St. Catherine's and then Rector of St. Catherine's In Jackson ville. From 1954 to 1956 he served as Secretary . of the Diocese of Florida .and then accepted a call as Rector of St, John's. Wilmington, N.C. which he served until 1965 at which time he became the Executive Secretary of the Diocese of East : Carolina. In 1968, October 2, he became Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese and received the degree of Doctor of Divinity (rom the University of the South in June of 1969. The Bishop has been a delegate to the Provincial Synods of 1956, 1962 and a deputy to the General Con ventions of 1961, 1964 and 1967. Miss Maurine Ashton and Bishop Elebash were married in November of 1946 and now have two children. Funeral Services Held Saturday for Mrs. Edna Wirislaw Mrs. Edna Maa Fields Winslow, 64, of 323 W. Grubb St., Hertford died in Albemarle Hospital in Elisabeth City Thursday at 3:40 P.M. She was a retired bookkeeper and a native of Pungo, Va. She was the widow of the F. Cook Winslow and the daughter of the late George E. Fields and the late Claude Symons Fields. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Hertford. Surviving are: Two brothers, Edgar M. Fields and George E. Fields both of Hertford; two sisters Mrs. Vincent T Hill of Chesapeake, Va. and Mrs. Guy Pitts of Memphis, Tenn. Funeral services were held ' Saturday at 2:30 from Swindell Funeral Chapel. The 'Rev. Milton Mann of the First United Methodist Church officiated. Mrs. Ray Kirby sang "Beyond The Sunset". "When' Day Is Done," was played by Miss Caroline Wright, the organist. The pallbearers were: Keith Haskett, Edgar Fields; :j., Ervin Fields Brad Fields, Kevin Fields and Jeff Haskett.-; : The pall was made of pink roses, pink carnations, xwhlte chrysanthemums and fern.:-:- Burial was in the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery, Hertford. Miss Howell ReceivesCortiflcato Diplomas for 1,410 summer graduates of the University of ulinois now are being prepared. The total Includes S4 un- . dergraduates and 896 advanced degrees..' As there is no summer commencement ceremony, preparation of diplomas -Is begun only after all grades are reported tad verified. -The d.pitii ia.n be mailed about October W. Anion?; those to receive degrees is Carolyn G. Howell 4f Route 2, Hertford. Miss HoweU will receive an Advanced. Certificate in Education, - . V