fSntlng Co. jq. LouistiUe, Kiv 40200 THE QU.IMANS WEEKLY ii F Volume 28-044 . Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 2, 1972 IQCentiPer Copy Royal Ambassador Week Set For Hertford Baptist The Brotherhood of the Hertford Baptist Church will conduct a Royal Ambassador Week, November 5-12, 1972. The week will kickoff Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. with a Prayer Breakfast with ac tivities planned for each day. of the week. Boys and young men 6 through 17 years of age will participate in all services during the entire week. : ;On Saturday, November 11, Harvest Festival planned By PTA ! "! The PTA of the Hertford Grammar School is sponsoring another Harvest Festival this I year. Last years festival was a . big success and the PTA is hoping for a bigger one this year. The Festival will be held Saturday, November 11 bet ween 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. There will be new activities as well as some of the old ones, such as the duck pond, ring tossing, the cake walk, bingo, fishing, pony rides, car bach and pitching pennies. There will also be plenty to eat. The Chuck Wagon and the Sugar Shack will be open all day-come get lunch. Anyone wishing to help make the Festival a success by , donating itmes for the Country -Store please call 426-5641 or 426 5060. All items must be in by Friday, November 10th. All large itmes can be picked-up for you. I The Festival is for everyone young and old. Come out and have a day of fun. All proceeds will go to Improve the school. Tattle Tale f "What's Caroline so mad about?" ; j "She stepped on one of ; those scales with a loud speaker and it called out, . "One at a time, please." Health Deportment Opens Nurse PAP Smear Screening ; l I ! V, co, , - - " ' ' '; -sJ Mrs. Flora Carter interviews Mrs. Wanda I clinic to be held Thursday. November 9 Twine for the first pap. smear screening from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. ; A new nurse pap smear screening program has been established at the Per Perquimans County Health Department and a more in tensive drive to help stamp out cervical cancer has been initiated. The new program, which will be conducted on the second and : fourm Thursdays, will replace : the once-a-month Cancer Clinic, f Sponsoring the program which will stress health education along with cancer detection and other associated problems are the local medical society, the Perquimans Cancer Society, and e health department. The State Board of Health is providing financial support. The Nurse Training Program wr.s sponsored by the North CrrcMna Regional ' Medical I . ti in cooperation with ; e Board of Health and the annual Royal Ambassador Banquet will be held at the Hertford Baptist Church. The guest speaker will be Jim "Catfish" Hunter. The week will climax with a recognition service on Sounday, November 12. 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church building in which ser vice awards will be presented to the young men and boys. The public is invited to attend the morning and evening worship services. The church especially invites you to attend the mid-week prayer service on Wednesday, November 8 at 7:30 p.m. Birthdays And Civic Meetings NOVEMBER 5 Paul M. Byrum Dawn Dozier Nina B. White NOVEMBER 6 Ray Winslow Dora T. Riddick Marian Nixon Terry L. Keel Dorothy Elliott Winfall Town Council Perquimans Co. Comm. W.S.C.S. First Meth. Ch NOVEMBER 7 Bobbie J. Keaton Georgia Kaye Winslow Deborah Owens Hertford Rotary Club 6:15 Masonic Lodge 8:00 Parksville Ruritan Club Bethel Fire Dept. NOVEMBER 8 Frank Roberts Kit White NOVEMBER 9 Luther. Chesson Willie Jean White Suzanne Bea Winslow Ben Berry Hertford Grammar P.T.A. NOVEMBER 10 Susan Jayne Bunch NOVEMBER 11 Zeb Daneker East Carolina University. The Public Health Nurses have been trained under physicians in the techniques of taking cervical pap smears and in teaching breast self examinations. Dr. Bernie Baker is consultant for the program. , 1 Health officials have pointed out that any woman who has a pap smear once a year stands a chance of almost 100 per cent recovery because cervical cancer la curable when found in the early stages. s When any condition other than ; routine pathological function is noted, the patient will be referred to her regualr physician. When needed, money is available for ad ditional . diagnostic work through the Chronic Disease Section of the State Board of Health. v Howard Campbell,, health Time To Mark Timber The North Carolina Forest Service provides timber marking services to land owners interested in managing their woodlands. A inital examination of the area is made by N.C. Forest Service Forester and County Ranger. Recommendations for the woodland are made after the examination free to the land owners. If thinning is needed, marking services are provided at the cost of $1 per thousand board feet or 20 cents per standard cord. The charge is to cover the cost of paint and marking. If you have need of this ser vice, please call the County Ranger, Luke Stallings, at 297 2557 or the N.C. Forest Service, Elizabeth City, at 335-4373. Services Held For Mrs. Windley Mrs. Maude Windley of Portsmouth, Va., sister of Jack Burbage, died suddenly Saturday night in Belhaven while visiting her sister. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Norfolk, Virginia. Board Of Directors To Hold Special Meeting There will be a snecial meeting of the Perquimans i ounty Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, to be held Monday night. November 6 at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Building. This will be in addition to the board's regular meeting later this month. There are a number of im portant items up for discussion, but nothing that should take up a great deal of time. Everyone on the board is urged to attend this important meeting. department director, said with earlv detection of cervical cancer can be eliminated almost entirely. "With our nurse screening program, we will be able to see many people each month. We will be able to trinle our screening in one year." The former Cancer Clinic was limited to 30 persons with three physicians seeing 10 patients each. Mrs. Flora Carter, Public Health Nurse, suggested that women wishing to visit the Thursday clinics call and make an appointment. "This is not necessary but may eliminate long periods of waiting". The clinical tests are made between 9 and 11 a.m. the second and fourth Thursdays. A clerk has geen assigned to the clime. There la no charge for the pap smear. ... ..- ,.- Appointed To Board By Peoples Bank yA.-, STUART M. ANDERSON Peoples Bank & Trust Company, announced today the appointment of two additional members to the Hertford Branch Advisory Board. They are Stuart M. Anderson and Charles E. Woodard. Stuart M. Anderson is Vice President of Operations for Don .Juan Manufacturing Cor poration (a subsidary of Marubeni-America) and is active Manager of the Hertford Plant. He gradudated from F.veleth Junior College. Eveleth. Minh. in 1946 and has a Methods Time Measurement Certificate from the Maynard Engineering Council. Anderson has been active in church and civic affairs. He is a Lutheran, a former Sunday School Superintendent and member of the Church Council. Civic and business awards and aff Nations are as follows: National Award. Junior Chamber of Commerce. 1948; I'nited Fund Award. 1963: Rotary. Society for Ad vancement of Management; Business & Professional Men's Club; Master. Boy Scouts of America: Trustee. Massachusetts Savings and Loan Association. 1964-66; American Apparel Manufac turing Association (member National Affairs Committee 1967); Board Member. Leominster. Mass. Hospital Board: Vice President and a. n y 1 J A Delivery Of Absentee Ballots Top Priority The United States Postal Service will give top priority to the delivery of absentee ballots from members of the armed forces around the world as well as to those civilians within the continental United States who will be voting through the mail. "We will get the ballots to the polls on time," was the word .from John J. Wise, Greensboro District Manager USPS, Wise said that he had been in communication with both the North and South Carolina, would make a special effort to see to it that the absentee ballots would reach their proper destination on time. Marching Unit Has Busy Fall The Perquimans County Marching Unit has been quite busy this fall. On Saturday, October 14 the unit traveled to Windsor and performed in their 250th. Anniversary parade. The unit performed in Murf reesboro October 21 for the Chowan College Homecoming parade. Saturday, October 28 the Marching Unit performed in the Oyster Bowl Parade in Norfolk, Virginia. The unit has also been performing at all the football! games of the Perquimans Pirates. Ladies Nighi Perquimans Lodge No. 106 will have it's Annual Ladies Night Friday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, Elizabeth City. Reservations must be made by November 7. Anyone desiring tickets please contact James G. White at 264-2592. CHARLES E. WOODARD member of Board, Apparel Research Foundation, Inc. He is married to the former Dorothy Mae Tamminen and they have four children. Scott Marshall. Elizabeth Marie, Sheldon Mark and Tami Marie. Charles E. Woodard is the owner and operator of Woodard's Pharmacy. He graduated from the Perquimans County High School in 1964. Woodard at tended the College of the Albemarle and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. where he graduated with a HS in Pharmacy in 1969. He has been active in church, business and civic affairs. Currently, he is President of the Hertford Lions Club, a member of the Northeastern North Carolina Pharmaceutical Assoc. and a member of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association. Woodard is a member of the Hertford Baptist Church, a Crusader Counselor and member of the Young Adult Choir. He is a native of Perquimans County and married to the former Harriett Williams. Other members of the Hertford Advisory Board are Robert L. Hollowell. Chairman. Thomas P. Byrum. Johnnie W. Gregory, Charles E. Johnson. R. Marion Riddick. III. Robert L. Stevenson. Clifford S. Winslow. Harry W. Winslow and Julian E. Winslow. The deadline in North and South Carolina State Board of Elections and as a result, postal employees under his jurisdiction in all of North Carolina and part of South Carolina, would make a special effort to see to it that the ab sentee ballots would reach their proper destination on time. The deadline in North Carolina for the delivery of the ballots is November 4, 12 noon, for civilian ballots; military ballots , 12 noon, November 7, according to Alex Brock, Executive Secretary to the State Board of Elections. In South Carolina the ballots must be at their destination by November 7, 7:00 p.m.; ac cording to James Ellisor, Director of State Electors. However, Wise stated, "We can't deliver the ballots unless they are mailed early enough to reach our domestic postal system. Although most are being airlifted by the Armed Services from around the globe, we hope they will get to the states in time for the postal service to make prompt delivery." Old Newspapers Needed By Marching Unit Don't forget that the Perquimans County Marching Unit is collecting old newspapers. The papers are best stored in corrucrated cardboard boxes. , For pick-up of your papers, contact any member of the unit or call 426-5668 or 426-7686. 2er In spite of the foul weather, Jim "Catfish" Hunter Day was a huge success. No doubt, the Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, Tom Brown and the Town of Hertford scored a home run in their efforts. No low balls, curves or sliders were thrown and "Catfish" was put on first with a key to the Town. Charlie Skinner, jr.'s parade was a hit, band and all, in spite of wet ground. The stands were packed, the bleachers filled to capacity and the fish fry a complete sell-out. Mayor Bill Cox had only praise for those that promoted the event as well as those who participated. He was quoted as saying that, "I appreciate all the efforts by all persons con cerned that really put their hearts into making Jim "Catfish" Hunter Day a real success." Services Held For Mrs. Baker Irma Glaus Baker, 78, died October 19 in a Gates County Nursing Home. A native of Nansemond County, she was the widow of Charles T. Baker and daughter of Frank A and Mary Elizabeth Glaus. She was a member of Bethlehem Christian Church, the Ladies Star Sunday School School class and the W W. Staley Circle of the Woman's Fellowship. She is survived by a son, Donald S. Baker of Hertford, N.C; three brothers, H.A. Glaus of Richmond, Robley W. Glaus of Norfo.k and Andrew B. Gluas of Chester, Penn. and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday. October 22 at Sidney F. Harrell Funeral Home in Suffolk. Services were con ducted by Ministers, Keith Stiltner, Richie E. Brittle, John Wilder and David Jarvis. "Sunrise Tomorrow" was sung by Richard Canon. Pallbearers were Junious Davidson, Jodie March, Frank Williams, Cecil Williams, Rodney Goode, L.D. Willard and Herbert Davis. Internment was in Cedar Hill Cemetary in Suffolk. FFA Team Places Second In Woodland Contest Ml 1 ''-f-' In the above photo from left to right is Joe L. Tiinnell. Vocational Agriculture leiichcr, and Marvin Riddick, David Phillips. Clyde Elliott and Vance Godfrey, The eleventh annual Albemarle FFA Woodland Clinic was held Tuesday, Oc tober 24, 1972 at Camp Cale in Perquimans County. The event is sponsored an nually by the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District, with the cooperation of the Vocational Agricultural teachers, the North Carolina Forest Service, Union Camp Corporation and Jones Lumber Company. The North Carolina Forest Service sets up the contest and supervises the event. The prize money is More Funds Needed To Reach Goal R. L. Stevenson. Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Perquimans County Restoration Association, an nounced todav that an ad ditional $5754.00 is needed to successfully complete Perquimans County's drive to raise $17,500. The drive ends at 6 P.M. on November 15 and if the total subscription, is not raised, Perquimans County stands to lose a $25,000 erant from the North Carolina Legislature, a $7,500 grant from the National Park Service and $5,000 from the Smith-Richardson Found ation. Currently, 202 pledges have Campaign Headquarters To Open Perquimans County Democratic Party Chairman Howard Williams, Jr. today announced that a Democratic Campaign Headquarters would be opened in the old Hertford Bank Building. The Headquar ters is scheduled to open on Wed., Nov. 1st at 12 noon and will remain open on this basis through elec tion day. The hours will be from 12 until 5 p.m. with the exception of election day and the Saturday prior to election. On both of these days the Headquarters will open at 10 a.m. The Headquarters will be staffed by local Democratic volunteers. Chairman Williams states, "Our purpose in opening this headquarters is to get the peo ple to go out and vote and to acquaint the local people with the Democrtic candidates for office." members of Perquimans High School F.F.A. team, Jerry Frazier of North Carolina Forest Service, and Henry Cunningham of Jones Lumber Company. donated by Union Camp Cor poration and Jones Lumber Company. The purpose of the contest it to stimulate interest in Forestry as an integral part of a course in Vocational Agriculture apd as a profession; to : develop reasonable abilities necessary in managing forests; to develop reasonable skills needed in the application of principles of managing, measuring and marketing forest products. There are four items covered in the contest; saw timber estimation; pulpwood estimation; timber marking; been received from various businesses and individuals. This includes a great number of Memorial Gifts. Thirty per cent of the funds totaling $3,4 have come from outside the County and seventy per cent totaling $8,250 have been raised locally, making a total to date of $11,746. Stevenson stated that pledges of $100 each from 57 addition families would make this campaign a success. The funds will be used on the Newbold White House Project to preserve, for future generations, North Carolina's oldest house. Those desiring to make pledges, in any amount, may do so by sending the pledge to Mr. Stevenson at Peoples Bank or to any member of the Perquimans County Restoration Association. If the total goal of $17,500 is pledged prior to 6 P.M. November 15, 1972, those who pledge will be asked to make payment to the Restoration Association on or before December 15, 1972. Notice To Voters W.L. Tilley, Chairman of the rerquimans uouniy tsoara oi Elections, announced today that the ballots were printed prior the death of Representative W.L. Culpepper, Jr. of Elizabeth City, who was seeking re-election on the Democratic ticket. This means that Culpepper's name will appear on the ballot instead of Stanford White of Mann's Harbor, who was appointed to finish the un expired term of Culpepper. A vote for CULPEPPER will be a vote for WHITE. California warned to curb electricity use. and tree identification. The F.F.A. team from , Northeastern High School. Instructed by M.H. Oliver, won first place and received a prize ' of $20.00. Perquimans County High ' School F.F.A. team instructed ' by Joe L. Tunnel, placed , second and received $15.00. : ' foam InatniMaA Kir V G 117V. fA placed third and received' $10.00. Michael Hare of Chowan High School received ts.oo for making the highest score In the ; contest. i: Sb. - .iff- &: -ji'i.

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