T 1 J ft i Commissioners Proceedings At a regular meeting of the Board of County Com Jnissloners of the County of Perquimans, North Carolina, held on the First Monday in November, November 6, 1972, t 10:00 a.m., at its regular meeting place in the courthouse ifr Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C. Present Lester H. Simpson, chairman presiding with commissioners Riley S. Monds, Jr., Thomas D. Nixon, Ellis Winslow, and Guy H. Webb. All commissioners were : present . Reports were received from the Agriculture Extension Service and Social Services Departments. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the Board appointed Carson D. Spivey, Sr.. Perauimana Countv Tax ' Supervisor, effective December 4. 1072 tn.Tlllu9 10?1 fnrthaun. expired term of Julian C. Powell. On motion by commissioner Monds, and seconded by vuMuuusiuiiCT nuun, uie Duaru authorized the general Jail budget to be amended in the mount of $7,300.00, to be funded from invested general fund money. On motion duly made, secon ded and passed, the Board ailthnrfojwt a rofiitvi tt Vannim "Beach Corp. in the amount of $40.20, for error in assessed value of a house in 1970 and 1971. On motion of commissioner Riley S. Monds, Jr., and seconded by commissioner Guy H. Webb, and dulv nassed Be it resolved; That the County Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to write the Department of Social Services, denying any liability on the part of the County in the matter of William C. Lassiter, and Lizzie D. Lassiter, brought before the Board by the County Auditor. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the following bills: ll'on J J Til. . . nn Hertford Bus Station 2.85 Mrs. Paige L. Underwood 18.00 Johnson, White & Company35.00 xi r t u.v. Bureau of Boiler Inspection J. Irving Barclift Landing Supply Co. Winslow Oil Company Reed Oil Company Robertson Cleaner & Laundry, Inc: -Hertford Hardware & Supply Co., Inc. The Standard Supply Co., Inc (Jase Blue Print Co., Inc. Gray & Creech Co., Inc. The Perquimans . Weekly Julian C. Powell Hertford Cafe SheriffDept. . Rill Small 4.00 16.00 52.19 104.53 45.05 4.67 15.24 28.64 4.32 158.53 105.70 16.00 71.50 26.50 40.00 40.00 47.54 8.47 40.00 108.95 7.50 58.18 24.13 219.59 77.22 154.44 86.31 Harry Overton Jordan Company J.C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. Keith's Grocery Belk Tyler Co. Dr. John A. Payne, III Perquimans County tieaitnuepi Jackson Wholesale Co., Inc. Galling 4 Gatling Mrs. Luther Godwin Mrs. William Chamblee C. Edgar White Edwards & Broughton Co. Owen G. Dunn Company 36.65 84.50 EasternOffice Equipment Co. 112.79 There being no further . UU9IIIC9B, UIQ IIVBIU QUJUU1IICU. Julian C. Powell Clerk to Board Lester H. Simpson Chairman Card Of Thanks I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the many cards, flowers and visits during my recent illness. I would also like to thank Steve Perry, Jr. fnd James Pierce for tVuilr nrnmnt and cmi-tama service. Perquimans County is fortunate to have such a dedicated and efficient Rescue Squad. John T. Biggers s APPLY HOW We Train Man to Work As LIVESTOCK BUYERS : If you have soma livestock experience we will train you to buy cattle , iheep and hogs. ' For a local Interview, write today with your background. Include your complete ad dress and phone number. CATTLE CUYEXS, INC -1 4420 Madison Kansas City. Me. 64111 Z-mf CmUk mmi tfmltttm tmftrt Local Resident Participates In GOA Field Trip , 1 ' ... -.. Ztl , j -s . . . ' f, . -.('-' . . ..... -m ' ' ' v -.. , - """"XML- - ' I I Ifb "What does a shark feel like?" "I've heard that plankton is important to life in both the sea and land-but what is plankton and what does it look like?" Some who live in the Albemarle area may never care to know the answer to the above questions about the nearby sea. And those who wondered usually have to do a lot of reading to answer their questions. Yet recently members of a Biology 103 course at the College of The Albemarle, while on a field trip and later in the laboratory, had a chance to have their curiosity satisfied first hand. Around eight o'clock on a FLOOR HEA1JHG1 a Hew 1 nmtnsiou I " IN I OOBHEMJ"6! I . ar-Banni - . ,.JJ,,.J . I 7''. "s ' -'Itumlly, ttsapaieiidl HOME HEATER ft rl 1 ""U Immt MAT TUMI Capture iMttMthMt- luilMn ILQWM Gwidet it ever flaen. sweetn' lowl KtaulsMflid PLUS I P"" SIEGLERMATIC DRAFT CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION ' GENUINE PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH ' SIIGLII OIVIS YOU MOII AND HOTTXS HIATO YOL1 FLOOXSI fat this ntw CONSOLE SIEGLER that Furnaco Repairs and Scrvko lb Today . , Pte42W211 Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ."r .y.:. - ' - i - - "Jf 1 . "V recent Monday morning, Assistant Professor Dan Sasser and about a half dozen mem bers of the class boarded the blue COA Club Wagon and headed for the coast About an hour later, they entered the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Park. Not many miles later, they stopped along the roadside to take a good look at the animal and plant life that were native to the seashore region. With binoculars they soon spotted several kinds of waterfowl, while only a few feet from the road they discovered several unique bushes, reeds, and shrubs. Further on down the highway, however, they visited a special 5Ei Big super heating performance in a COMPACT Q AQ I jy EJ , OUTUTI Jutt auH and (urn tetutaeme . 'lBJ - .'"" T.: tf . f 3 area that was maintained by the Park Service as a nature trail. -SM "When you trade in your old car for a new one, you won't get scalped in the process." "I don't know a carburetor from a cake pan but I do know my Ford Dealer's service department Is great." "When a Ford Dealer talks easy credit terms, he's talking everyone's language." YCO FORD TEAM Wiroslow-Blconchcard AAotfor Com HERTFORD, N.C MnutesOf Board Of Education The Perquimans County ooara of Education met in regular session on Monday, Novembers 1972 at8:00 p.m. in the Superintendent's office. All memDers were present The Chairman called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved, A report on the N.C School Boards Association Convention was given by the members who attended. On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the Board voted to release the assignment of Ernest Simmon The Board voted to offer for sale at public auction five (5) tredle sewing machines which are no longer needed for school purposes. A survey of needed additional school facilities as requested by thatStateBoardofEducationwas approved by the Board. In other business, the Board voted to employ Tom Bateman to repair the roof of the cafeteria and the gymnasium at Perquimans Union School. The Board voted to replace tools in the approximate amount of $380.00 which were stolen from the garage. There being no further business at this time, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman. Clifford S. Winslow, Chairman C.C. Walters, Secretary Card Of Thanks r. We wish to thank everyone for the many expressions of kind ness shown us while Kelly was a patient in the Albemarle Hospital and since his return home. Sarah and Kelly White NOTICE TO ALL QUALIFIED VOTERS IN PERQUIMANS COUNTY ELECTION OF SUPERVISORS FOR ALBEMARLE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT PlirSUftnt to Nnrfh P at-nil n a - w.u uvw mm uuniuni uy ,umpim OX9 OS Hie 1963 Session Laws, an election will be held in Perquimans County on December 7, lfTl to elect one supervisor for the ALBEMARLE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1973. All qualified votmrtstdlaf ? c.? wM a'Ma to voto ta election. Candidates for this offee p km. Agricultural Building Hartford Dick's Drive-In Winfall Dixie Auto Company Bethel , Towe and Pike'i Store Chapanoke Winslow Service Station , Whitttton Winslovs Grocery Belvidart R.W. Turner's Store New Hope Published by the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District "Going straight to your Ford Dealer means you don't have to hunt all over town to get a bargain." "There's plenty of headroom Inside all the Ford cars and trucks . . . even with the little Pinto." "With prices sky-high everywhere else, "Finding better Insurance than it'8 nice to know you can still get Ford Dealer Insurance Is harder than a good deal on a new Ford." tying files In a wind storm." WANTS TO The Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Card Of Thanks We the family of E. J. Symons, wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness extended to us at the death of our loved one. Your prayers, thoughts, and deeds helped us bear our grief. May God bless each of you. NOTICE FLOYD "Since owning my new Mustang Macb I, I've been Invited to 38 more parties." Easy-to-afford mean you only your money a MAKE YOU Thursday, November XI, lt7-tvVl EXPENSIVE EST & Wueppertal, OtrMny; man won 13.10 bet jVU' friend by tuoetf flly scaling a local church IoVm.' However." when hi eouldf not! get down from the UO-ftft ' nign spire, firemen ba tq : canea to rescue Urn tjui t cost me man fqey I. I : MATHEWS, Olisma monthly payments have to part with little at a time." o WCSZft. 1! 1 I .1. 1 IV I I.I :f i