wuiriili, Kjv 40200 UIMAMS WEEKLY j Volume 28-No. 47 Hertford. Perquimans County, North Carolina. Thursday, November 23, 1972 10 Cents Per Copy THE PER A Look Backwards By Virginia White Transeau This is a column that I heean Vr'iting when I purchased the rerquimans weekly. Due to pace cramps many times the VlSlt: fro Lodge District Deoutv Grand nasier uid Kight will make his Official visit to Perquimans -odge no. 106 on Tuesday, lovember 28th. at 8 p.m. All Masons are urged to at jnd this meeting. Refreshment 'ill be served. :! (Parade Units Seeded For (mas Parade rhe annual Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade is scheduled or December 1. A number of nquiries sent out have yet to be -eturned to the Chamber office ind to make this as successful is past parades, - the rganization is hoping to hear rpm churches, schools, clubs ind so on about participation. Please keep in mind this is for he benefit and fun of old and roung, particularly the latter. That is why we would like as nuch participation as possible. We hear so much about Christmas being a time of both worship and fun-and par icipation in the parade is a lappy combination of both. Please contact the Chamber iffice as soon as possible. Mtends Fall Zonvention p Ridgecrest Kathy Keel, a Chowan olldge student, recently at inded the annual fall con tention of the Baptist Student inion-Campus Christian fellowship in Ridgecrest, North arolina. BSU groups from all Iver the state gathered for a leekend of fun, fellowship, and aspiration. Dr. Bodie of the merican Baptist Seminary las the guest speaker. An active organization at howan, the BSU-CCF hinisters to a small rest home n Ahoskie, conducts weekend e treats, holds a prayer- reakfast each Wednesday horning in Thomas Cafeteria at : 15, and sponsors panel Iscussions on various topics lith members of the faculty r om the department of religion and Philosophy. tegular meetings of the BUS- !CF are held at 7:00 each londay night in the Askew tudent Union. Miss Keel is the daughter of At. & Mrs. Lester T. Keel and jraduated from Perquimans County High School. At Chowan he is enrolled in the pre nur- ingycurriculum. Town Erects Billboard Sign In Honor Of Jim "Catfish" Hunter ; SIGN One s!n is up and another the way. The attractive billboards o t -en put on U.S. 17 by the town of i to shew travelers the pride the column had to be left out of the paper and therefore did not appear each week as planned. Now that the paper is owned by Dear Publication & Radio Inc. I will continue to be a part of The Perquimans Weekly with my column "A Look Back wards", which will appear each week. ; This column has been one of pie most inquired about items our country paper earned to residents of the county. Because of my interest in it, and due to the many requests from residents who have written in when the column had to be deleted due to space, "I'm happy to announce that I will remain with our Perquimans Weekly writing "A Look Back ward"! column each week, as well as assisting in any other way mat I can be of service. Beginning with the first issue in December and each week thereafter, you will be assured of my column "A Look Back ward." . 1 Sales Tax Totals $8,147.86 Perquimans County 1 per cent sales and use tax for the month of October amounted to $8,147.86 it was announced today by G.A. Jones, Jr., Commissioner of North Carolina Department of Revenue. Your Blood The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Hertford on Monday, November 27th' at the Hertford Methodist Church from 12:30 until 6 p.m. Mrs. Nathan Sawyer, chairman of the Perquimans County Bloodmobile, stated that blood is badly needed at this time. As most American have never given any blood at all, the record of Mr. Alfred Ross of New York, 135 pints-nearly 17 gallons-is remarkable. The white-haired musician has passed his 66th birthday, the cutoff for blood donation of both the American Association of Blood Banks and the American Red Cores. He can give no more, but he hopes that more younger men and women will continue to do so. "Anybody who knows the need for blood will give it," says Ross, who plays the drums with the touring "Disney on Parade" show. "In every city", he adds, "there are children, sometimes whole hospital wards of them, whose lives depend upon regular blood transfusions. They have Cooley's anemia, leukemia, hemophilia and other afflictions." -, If four million people between 18 and 66 and in good health, give Just two pints year, all foreseeable blood needs can be homjef.Ji;.r,',7-f HUNTER : :;t left -cd 4 clocks E imn INDJiTRY - tXCtlllHX SITES AVAILABLE area has In its hometown hero. (Perquimans County Chamber of Com merce photo). Rites Held For Mrs. G.C Buck Mrs. Henrietta Tucker Buck, 81, of 211 W. Market St., died Saturday at 4:50 a.m. in the Albemarle Hospital following a long illness. ; A native of Pitt County, she was the daughter of the late Wyatt B. and Mrs. Henrietta Brooks Tucker. ? She was a member of the Hertford Baptist Church, the Women's Missionary Union of the church and the Hertford Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are her husband, Georse Cleveland Buck: a son. Cleveland Pershing Buck of Hertford and a daughter, Mrs. Herbert Johnson of Norfolk. Funeral services were held Monday at 2:00 in the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev, Norman Harris and the Rev. Charles Duling. : , "Rock of Ages" and "Precious Lord" were sung by the Men's Chorus of the Hert ford Baptist Church. They were accompanied by Mrs. Chester Winslow, organist. The casket pall was made of pink carnations, pink roses, cymbidium orchids and fern. Pallbearers were John Mc Donald, Robert Ryalor, William O. Elliott, Robert Newton, Willie Ainsley and Wesley Nelson. Burial was in Cedarwood Cemetery with graveside rites being conducted by the Order of the Eastern Star. Is Needed met, says Dr. William G. Battaile, president of the American Association of Blood Banks. Can you spare two? They may save a life. Crafts On Display At County Office Crafts from the Albemarle Area will be on display and sale at the County Office Building Wednesday, November 29, starting at 10:00 A.M. This will offer an opportunity for you to see quality crafts locally and at the same time secure special items for your Christmas gift list, states Mrs. Paige Un derwood, Home Economics Extension Agent The County Office Building will become the scene of an Annual Christmas Open House on December 6 and 7, sponsored by several Extension Homemaker's clubs. The public is invited to attend either Wednesday or Thursday nights, December 6 and 7, betweent he hours of 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. at which time refreshments will be served by 1 Belvidere Homemakers. The exhibits and displays will be open to the public all day Thursday, December 7 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Also on Friday, December 8, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. Dear Publication Buys Perq. The Perquimans Weekly which has been published for 38 years at Hertford, N.C., is being sold to Dear Publication and Attend University Days On Wheels Mrs. T.T. Harrell and Mrs. Ray Godfrey are among 450 Tar Heel women, all members of Extension Homemakers Clubs, participating in University Days on Wheels. According to Mrs. Paige Underwood, extension home economics agent, Perquimans county, ' the educational program, conducted the second week in November, combined tours with lectures and cultural events in the New York City, Washington, D C. and Lan caster, Pennsylvania areas. In the area of family relations, those on the tour visited Rossmcor, Maryland, to see a new concept in retirement living; stopped at Columbia, Maryland to evaluate a planned city and went to Lancaster, Pennsylvania too to see the development of American in terior decoration, architecture and furniture over a 200 year span. The National Gallery of Art in Washington did a special program on "family living through the ages" using famous painting as the visuals. Clothing and foods were combined with consumer education as homemakers toured the Good Housekeeping Institute, J.C, Penney testing facilities, Burlington House and Riverdale Fabrics and heard lectures by representatives of Standard Brands, Consumers Union and Coats and Clark. Heading the list of cultural events were visits to Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts and the National Theatre in Washington and the Cloisters in New York City. The five-day study tour was coordinated by the Agri cultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University. State Funds Used In Schools $929,088. 14 North Carolina school units received nearly $487 million dollars from the state nine months school fund for the 1971 72 fiscal year. That's an in crease of slightly more than 6 per cent over the previous year. The figures are based on an audit of the fund by the State Board of Education, released today by Controller A.C. Davis. The nine months school fund includes the bulk of the state money allocated for public education. Most of the state money in the fund is earmarked to pay teachers, principals, super visors, and school superin tendents. Durjng 1971-72, classroom teachers and prin cipals received a total of $367,093,383. Another $3,420,109 went to supervisors, and $4,281,074 was paid to superintendents and assistant, superintendents. The average classroom teacher in North Carolina earned $8,054 last year, $442 more than the previous year. State funds totaling $4,591,326 were used to purchase replacement buses and service vehicles. The unallotted equipment plus the purchases of additional equipment, provided a total of $4,615, 749 for allocation to the counties in 1971-72. The nine months school fund also includes $451,707 for the child health program. .State funds totaling $929,088.14 were used in Perquimans County School units during the 1971-72 school year. A unit by unit breakdown of the state nine months school fund expenditures -for Perquimans is as follows: General Control; which In cludes such items as salaries for superintendents, assistant superintendents, travel and office expense and the salaries for clerical assistance in superintendents offices totaled Weekly Radio, Inc. The sale is to become effective December 1. 1972. Virginia Transeau, owner of the long established weekly, announced today that she is selling the newspaper because health problems make it inadvisable for her to continue to serve as editor and publisher. "I have maintained a long a pleasant relationship with the owners and management of the Daily Advance and I know they have a keen interest in serving Perquimans County and all the Albemarle," Mrs. Transeau said. "At my doctor's insistence, I plan to take it easy until my health improves. I know of the area expansion plans of Dear Publication and Radio, Inc. and I feel the organization will improve the news coverage of the Perquimans Weekly and make it a stronger paper for Perquimans County," she continued. David R. Dear, president of Dear Publication and Radio, Inc. said the acquisition of the Hertford paper would enable his firm to further expand publishing facilities to better serve the region. "We have worked closely with Mrs. Transeau since 1944 when she served as Perquimans representative for the Daily Advance. We hope her health improves rapidly and that she can again work with the Perquimans Weekly even if only part time," Dear com mented. W.G. Sheldon, general manager of the Daily Advance said the Perquimans Weekly would continue to be strictly a Perquimans County publication with its own office and per sonnel in Hertford. "We have retained the ser vices of Juanita Divers and Mrs. Elizabeth Thatch," he said. The Perquimans Weekly was founded in 1934 by J.E. Bufflap and Hector Lupton. $28,268.49. Instructional Services; under this heading are wages for teachers, principals and supervisors as well as in structional supplies and clerical assistance in schools for a total of $681,303.66. Operation of Plant; includes, telephones, fuel, water, etc. and the wages of janitors for a total of $36,809.72. Compensation; this heading includes such things as tort claims, reimbursement to in jured school children, em ployer's retirement cost and empoyer's social security cost, totaled $100,147.06. Auxiliary agencies; these include wages of bus drivers and mechanics operation of the school buses, library supplies, child health programs and kindergartens at a cost of $82,559.21, Total expenditures amounting to $929,088.14. These figures include only state money and local supplements are not included. Open House At Don Juan Charlie K. Shneer, manager of Don Juan, announces that they : will have open house November 30 from 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. ;V::':;'V.;-K' While this open house is primarily for employees and their families all interested friends from Perquimans County are cordially invited to visit them at this time also. The employees committee is in charge of the arrangements. They are as follows:; Raleigh Ashley, Aubrey Smith, Richard Byrum, Frances Biggs, Dorothy Moore, Lucille White, Viola Winslow, Daisy Lane, Josiphine Copeland, Evelyn Sawyer, Virginia 'Winslow. Ester Freeman, Faye Casper, Nancy . Harrell and Mildred Byrum. Newbold- White Restoration Project Now A Reality jUUUi Lit iVv I ST ' W . y iw, fir t A J TT-1 rT miiiiTM im n mi i m i nM m l-juJ Rev. Edwin T. Williams, Executive Director of the Perquimans County Restoration Association; A. L. Honeycutt, Site Supervisor with the State Office of Archives and History and Allen Outlaw, Staff Archeologist with the State of Virginia Land Marks Commission are on The 60 day drive to raise $17,500 for the Newbold-White Restoration Project, which ended Nov. 15th, was an out standing success according to R. L. Stevenson, Finance Committee Chairman, for the Perquimans County Restoration Association. Pledges were received from 272 businesses and individuals which totaled $20,953.00. Sup port came from twelve states, namely: Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington. The success of this drive assures The Perquimans County Restoration Association of three matching grants totaling $37,500. The North Memorial Books Received At Library The Perquimans County Library has recently received the following books as memorials. America's Last chance is in Memory of Trim Wilson; Lincoln, His Words and His World in memory of Ernest J. Symons; Glass for Collectors in memory of Clifford E. Pritchard; The Book of Roses is in memory of Mrs. W.M. Harrell; and American An tqiues, 1800 to 1900 is in memory of Mrs. Nan Ward Winslow. Other new books in the librarv are: The 1972 Grolier Science Supplement; Victoria and Her Daughters, by Epton; Yes, Married, by Vioret; The World of Birds by Fisher; and Stories to Make you Feel Better, by Bennet Cerf. New Fiction titles are: Speak to Me of Love, Eden; Lady of Quality, by Georgette Hyer; American Family, by Baldwin; Aloha Means Goodby, by Hintze; TheGreatDandelion, by Cooper; ' Greygallows, by Michaels; The Doctor's Reputation, by Seifert; The Spirit of Cove Island, by Sears; The Winning Play, by Glasner; Cotillian, by Georgette Heyer; and Entering Ephusus, by Ethas. This last is a story with a Norm Carolina setting. Marching Unit Continues Drive The Perquimans County High School Marching Unit is con tinuing its paper drive. The unit is attempting to collect a load each month. Papers will be collected the first Saturday of every month. For pick-up of your papers contact any member of the Marching Unit, or phone 426-7354 or 426-7782. The unit has had good response thus far, and would like to ex tend its sincere thanks to all contributors. 1 -rr it iTJi. Carolina Legislature authorized a $25,000 grant, The National Park Service authorized a $7,500 grant and The Smith Richardson Foundation authorized a $5,000 grant, all of which were contingent upon the local community raising $17,500. Stevenson said the response was very gratifying and that the Restoration Association planned to complete the Newbold-White House Project by 1976, the 200th birthday of JudgeHornerPresides At District Court Judge Fentress Horner presided at the Wednesday session of Perquimans County District Court and heard the following cases: The Civil Court calendar included divorces granted -George Baker vs Ruth Lister Baker, and Betty Brown Hurdle vs Linwood Hurdle; Sentences and fines were' Donnie Johnson, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, 90 days suspended for 12 months upon payment of a fine of $125.00 and costs, and ordered to surrender his driver's license for 12 months (subject to driver's privileges); . John Harris Overman, Birthdays And Civic Meetings NOVEMBER 26 Ben Thach, 111 E.Y. Berry NOVEMBER 27 Kitty Brown David Roberts Kim Kepchar Evangeline Downing Belv.-Ch. Hill. Firemen Perq. Co. Rescue Squad NOVEMBER 28 Eddie Baker Shirley Matthews Audrey Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Perry Anniversary Mrs. Mattie Berry Hertford Rotary Club Masonic Lodge Belv. Homemakers Club NOVEMBER 29 Claudia White Martha White NOVEMBER 30 Paul Whedbee E.A. Turner W. JarviB Ward Lorrie Newberry Osie Cooper . DECEMBER 1 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Roberson Anniversary Selma Lane DECEMBER 2 Pamela Benton Edith Butt . Billy Tarkenton I r avitsv . OODD! : Tin iH hand when Joe Nowell, President of the Perquimans County Restoration Association receives pledges of $20,953.00 from R. L. Stevenson, Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Perquimans County Restoration Association. our nation. Pledges came in all sizes from $1.00 to $1,500.00. There were 183 pledges from $1.00 to $50.00; there were 71 pledges from $51.00 to $100.00; there were 13 pledges from $101.00 to $500.00 and 5 pledges from $501.00 to $1500.00. Pledges are payable to the Perquimans County Restoration Association prior to December 16, 1972, as per an announcement made when the drive began on Sep tember 15th. charged with driving under the influence of intoxication liquor, and driving with license revoked, (charges consolidated for judgment), received a sentence of 12 months suspended upon payment of a fine of $400.00 and costs, and ordered to surrender his driver's license for a period of 2 years; Annie Mae White was found not guilty of assault with a deadly weapon; Melvin Roosevelt Lilly, charged with driving under the influence of intoxication liquor, (2nd) was given a 6 months sentence suspended upon payment of a fine of $400.00 and costs and ordered to surrender his driver's license for a period of 12 months; Edward Jackson, charged with simple assault by Iris Lee, was taxed with costs; Rufus Mason Rouse, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, was given a 90 day sentence suspended upon payment of a fine of $125.00 and costs, and ordered to surrender his driver's license for 12 months (limited driving privilege from 5:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. in connection with em ployment); Eddie Sylvester Winforne, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, was given a 90 day sentence suspended upon payment of a fine of $125.00 and costs; Nollie Augustus Griffin, charged with driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (2nd), received a 6 months sentence suspended upon payment of a fine of $200.00 and costs; Edgar A. Harvey was found guilty of reckless driving and given a fine of $100.00 and costs, and ordered to pay $15.00 Lab Fee; Michael Lee Saunders, charged with reckless driving, was given a fine of $25.00 and costs; , . Speeding cases were Frank Eason, $100.00 and costs; John Thomas Campbell, Jr., $10.00 and costs; an appeal was noted and Bond was set at $50.00.

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