1 11- I n if f. i j:ave for n j Mr.', and Mrs lfC MA -Mrs. ,T.I-SJessup, . ami Mo. Gladys FeltbA ilt4 1 UU Christmas llQliduCSTiT I Hill, N JJ8hoOrTIu2t 11, Karl Wetaeftianit- FROM BECKWI ri Mrs. RaitrCT'.'fliai.f - -'from Belhaven spent a few d;i ),! week With Mrs. W.d. Wiu.nt E.CITY GUESTS Mrs. Bennie HalsUwl. Mr L,M. Simpson, and Mi.-.s Mjiv Louise White of l:ii.;iboth t ilv were guests of Mrs ,1.1) lwiktT on Saturday. HOLIDAYS H K R K Dr. ' and Mrs. Karl Sit es til Wilmington will sjm hu iiu Holidays with Mrs. T ! N'ni Jr. and Miss Helwio N ::o.i XMAS IN PETKRSBl'Iti '. . Mrs. J.E. Morris u ii,r :-,,.-n.i the Christmas lloli.i.n in Petersburg. Virgiiuii v ith n and Mrs. George Clarke. SUNDAY -GUESTS Mr.- and Mrs '1 v,r ,ih Stalling of F.deniuii Mrs. Bill Bussntl i .mil oik. Ion i 1 . on Va.-, and Mrs. Gilberi 'i .!( antl children of 1 M iii-hh l . . guests of Mrs. C.U. .Nbilnv,. Sunday. , XMAS IN GOLDSl;"!' .'Mr. and Mrs. J.ie I',e. Nancy aiid Lee. TukjhjI spend the Holidavs im .ol i -i with relatives. WEEK-END 1IKIM .Chris Toney oi Ncv m : i Va. spent the wi-el. ru.l ; with his grandparein- i , Ml. W.C. Do.ier HOLIDAYS IN GERM ' Miss Janet Buni'li 1th ! . to spend the ');. n Holidays in Munich i .'" i With Sgt. and Mi Wheeler. ; DURHAM GUES IS . Mr. and Mrs. l!i i i n and family of .piiilnr.i ' guests of his. mother Futrell. on V$ mi. . ' VISIT WILSON ; Mrs. T.B. Sumner. Vn. riewbold, and Mrs In. G'rifin were overnite ;;ui Mr.' and Mrs. Bill .lesfe Thursday in Wilson VISITS HERE 'Miss Liz Watkin-. of rhf.t I I, I U on in- CourtHouse. Va. vie- I m,:knd. Mrs. W G ano Walter Edwards few davs this week. FROM VA. '''.: I! (i.-. If. iOI II Rickie Schofield of I m-b burg, Va. will spend the Holidays with his pai, ills Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schofield Dr. and Mrs. RJS, Maillu us, Jr. and family of Durham weie week-end guesU of Mr and Mrs. Matthews, Sr. HOLIDAYS IN DURHAM Mrs. J.R. Futrell will -,,( nd the Holidays in Durham villi her son and daughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Riehard-i-aiUtdl. NEWPORT NEWS GUESTS iMr. and Mrs. S I'. Tones III. and son, Jamie, of Newport News, Va. were gnesN of Mrs. Toney's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.C. Dozier, on Sundav They were accompanied - home by wiwgmi:iiaaMiiMMW mm ' circus bKiocMbid MOTPt; VVf also carr YAPiD CAKTS AND GO CARTS JUU1U k.lL(tei N.O., rtiursday, December !y Society ( hns loni'V. who spent the v .( i (;,! here. . WE EK EM IN WILSON -Mis .hiimnv Broughloii and Mis Kiiilieruuv Ward were ui(,4ctvl idiists of Mr. and ) !i Hiliv Wmslow in Wilson. lii.AlK EOU THE HOLIDAYS Thunuis Gregorv. student at C.irson Newman College, .ii Mi i son Cilv, Tenn.. is K'lidnii Hie Holidays with Ins r u'liis. Mr. and Mis. Noah (.U'l'ory MiliM .)A( KSON Mis. Udell Hobbs and Lidi iitl VVilliford of Jaekson were tuiests of relatives and fi ii iuls here on Saturday. HITIYA. Mr ami Mrs Edgiir White .l.iiK'jiler, Eva, were inite (.'nests of Cmdr. and Vi 'Inn V;i Iker at Virginia :, i- li on ''riday. 'A i .ml il. AND GUESTS ' Am s Anna Parker and Miss In'. Holland of Woodland v'rk eiid guests of Mr. Mix J W. Ward, i M IN WILLIAMSBURG Mr :iml Mrs Jack Symons, i;.ii!.h.i mil Mark Symons, and i: n,l Mrs. Dan Berry and : i Hi, s( iil Sunday in ill, ip i n 1 1' Va. . ! -i 1 'I l. li- A M, Divers is a pntient i ih AlluMiiarle Hospital. aiiiK;)l,K GUEST, iir- I'lunn Taylor of Nor- ,1, ,-. w.is a guest of Mrs. 1 1 HiC r on Saturday. , t i UMV GUESTS Air. ;in.l Mrs. John Morris and ... ily in iieidsville and Mr. ii.l Mi George Clarke and i ill;, hi Petersburg, Va. will , tj.'ilMliiy guests of Mrs. .I.E. ; . l'-.. ll.I.E GUESTS Mi .mil Mis John Stallings .mi d;iii',l'ler of Greenville - j h 1 1 1 the week. end with their ivmi'.m- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy :rvi-i ;md Mr. and Mrs. iiimiiv Stallings. mi llll. I. GUESTS lr ,ni'l Mrs. Reed Matthew's i,l .snow Hill spent the week end ,. illi hi.-, parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,1 r Matthews. v. 'li 1ST Miss Sue White of Virginia Bcfifli. Va will spend the Mnliil ivs with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian White. HUME KOU XMAS ,n,KHCW. HILLIPS COMPANY WILL BE OPEN NIGHTS TIL 9 O'CLOCK TIL XMAS. OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED DEC 25 -m nu truu nr noriu ln!U CVUl. Iit-urtn CKEo, : W A nl V A . & mm u. m u mji . mstv bmb mm mm m m. w wH.ru. 21. 1972 .1 Price Mouds. student at JVC State Uiuversilv. Raleigh, is six-nding the Holidays w,ith his parents. Mr. and Mrs". R S. Monds. VA CUES I Mrs. Nate Going of Hamplofi. Va was a guest ot Mrs. J.E. Everett on Sundav. ATTEND XMAS SUUEl .li Mr. and Mrs. Pete I'eny and fiimilv and Mr and Mrs. Paul Gregory were guests nt Mr, and Mrs. Tim Gregory a I. a Christmas Supper Sunday at their home in Chesapeake, Va Hertford BPW Club Has Christmas Party Mrs. Anne Young and Miss llulda Wood hosted the I lei Ifoid BPW Club Christmas party at the home of Mrs Vnimg on Thin sday nighl AH rue live Vnl.tidi decorations were featured throughout the parly rooms with a large Christmas Uee in the den where baeke.ruund music was soltly played Club members and pilosis arrived at V p. in and, a Her I he invocation by Mrs. Waller J. Kanoy. all enjoyed a bountiful supper prepared a nil brought by club members After the supper. Mrs Dora Riddick entertained the group with some o hei anuising poems - mostly ol the World War II period when rationing was the order of the dav. These poems, inlerspa'A'd wnh her witty remarks, gave food for thought as well as fur en tertainment She ended villi an inspirational inr-ssn',- ap propria te to the season Guests, other than husbands of club members, weie M' and Mrs. Eldon Wmslow. ru of Miss Thelnia Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kanoy. cmsls of Mrs. Walter J. Katun : Mis Marion Riddtek. y,wA "l Mr. Dora Riddiek and Mr- Hubv Batcman. guest of Miss llulda Wood. Goodbyes weie. said in Mr. and Mrs. Young and thanks were expressed -HTh lor open i ng tnVifalt nfi.Ti fT. "iU'wIy decorated home lor I his en joyable occasion. FURNITU E enn iDnAV riFP 7Sh oniununi, dwui.i MiiiiinMj iV fsi,n A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD TIL XMAS 4 T ..u. 'a . l"-i-g v ...... . Mr PHONE 426-5211 I '(lotion, lhuly itC.ni on product .ion u cM t led to tulal v.to.M bales this season, according to the . M.C. Crop Reporting Service . Tlte December. 1 expectations. ate the same as was estimated on November t. Par Heel far mers exited to harvest 175.000 acres ..of cotton, .this fall. Acreage' harvested should average abonl ;!57 pounds ol lint . I ei aete Uisl e.u s (i op was also harvested from I7f.00tl ;icres. but averaged :i I toundft'"i i -I lint. Bv DeeemlM'r 1 alxxit 75 liercent ol the crop had been picked compared lo about' 00 percent normally picken bv this date 'i The Nation s eotlon crop did not fare well during ivovomner and the December 1 estimate of 5 million bales is :i percent below November 1; however, Ibis year's el-op is still 20 per eeui above last year. The Slate's hurley tobacco . outlook remained unchanged:. I roil' the nearly lit million' ' pounds indii aled the mm iwmmmiimwtswmii'' We are continuing our tradition of s: TVin refreshments " a "? ChristniM Seiison .... slaff lor this fitive Peoples 4 IVlt MBER F.D.I.C. il. HTFORD.N.C. Sr a M x. a in OUR PRIDE , CLOVER LEAF BUTTERFLAKE BROWN 'N' SERVE .rill sU W Jf' HARVEST V? .tf BRAND IHW .-ViliflWs. I V .iv SLICED I 1 n. m f. .. W. 1 m W:J. m 5.1 iw - 89 ROLLS. .3 1211Z. PKOS. HAPPY H01.IDAV Stock up patS - " IIAPTY HOLIUAV rfJilFRUIT BAR : , u. 69 COLON IAL HEAIKHfAO"- K ALL. YM lbitfcI prospects Suible .Noveiiibcr 1 lorecast. This is a i' iefcent' increase over last year The U.S. Burley estimate -increased I percent to 581 -Jnillion iKMinds. The N.C. Crop Reporting Service did not re evaluate flue-cured tobacco production on December 1. Tar Heel flue-cured 'farmers produced about i5l million pounds of tabacco this year. X No new soybean estimate was made on December 1, but the previous soybean estimate made November 1 indicates a record 27.375.00(1 bushels of soybeans grown on North Carolina (arms. The final soybean estimate will be Released January 15. About 00 percent of the soybeans were combined by December 1. The Crop ;. Reporting Board in Washington stilted that crop harvesting was slowed during November by wet. cold weather over most of the Nation. About toiie-fourth of Hie Nation's corn, ..cotton and soybeans remain for 'harvest in early Deceirilier. occasion, on l4TWTii), Bank rust Co, Pwi .--.-i-rtsWista . cuu niiBtt . .n , . 'i i.'iVT'1' ' 'L Z-mmmi SL. whole srn vAr, v. qitg fc..- TURKEYS I HI. IIS. li IP USDA GRADE T ,. avu.i TURKEY INIIO IDIIAI I.V IKlVlai ARMOUR'S MIRAtURE BACON OTLETON'STROZ. SHRIMP BntAi)K,, BANQUET FROZ. - BuiFti -r "?, SUPPERS . . . GREEN GIANT v;.. B. , " - Vfl HS 1 MTSrl DO rlk-J . inj y-. 'r """:r' IX. P" TH -Si- Ml - sr ....... ... :,- '!.-... SL' '1- ATiv: '4 r fJ'- er-? v : ; KEl SAFETY FC3 A The Christmas-New Year holiday season is the brightest and happiest of the yew but it frequently is one of the most dangerous as well. The Consumers Insurance Information Bureau says that for a safer holiday season, celebrants should think of the twin danger areas, Home and Highway. i Home decorations, partic ularly where real evergreen is used, are a po tential source for fire. Keep all decorations away from heat and flame. Use only lighting approved by the Underwriters Laboratory, shown by the EUL label. Du ll card any lights with worn wires and loose or broken sockets. Do not use flammable ornaments or dec orations on trees or mantel pieces. ; A live tree should be kept out-of-doors until needed. Then, it should be placed in a 14 ' -r v.J :.:,:.l-,;v-,:JDR'CEJit5U.Avv 1 f .. FLORAL ARRANGE !vl! 1 1- J WeCanFUlYourOd,r I I .IT ;, .- i no jidin-y? yjs.'in -. . 1 - ..IP . . 1 nSSui. nt ii HanniJ' m.,. B . ' W If HARRIS SHOPPING CENTER - PHONE 4 2! Il HERTFORD, N. C. : : 1 .- t r I f 41111 .H'J' -i. - . 11 : I I f IB. WW ,,. 3 . 1 X lR Kir.;. .hrt urw ii a - levmipmmmi S: IlkloJ 1 ..."N.V CANS) -rffis9- ax n in HAPPY KCLI3AY i I -stand containing water. Afresh diagonal cut on the trunk 'bout, one (jnqh .above the ( Original cut will help the tree brorb .water and. stay fresh P longer. The tree should be re amoved' soon 'after Christmas . and certainly as soon as it shows' signs Of drying. ' J " ''4 The country's highways are also particular danger over , jthe , holiday season. Weather j and-vUra partying contribute , to hjgh(frafpc tolls, during this period, In., W,7v,more,,jthan 1,400 people lost their lives dVVIng"tHe"ChrTst' lew1 TeBr 'holluBJr ' weekends. m ) hoU toplW atlewSQ, ' at a ineal beforehand' and, V '.,1a rafiJf Ihufttb set a Hniit hf - iwoirtnkWnduV.'i:-i,-.5 wix KSIIV atooaswieebyr. the - v - National, sAssooiatio ru of In t suraoe Agents, reeommerwis : ; exflreaautiofl at hpme and -,on,(Jht,Jiighways throughout, the year but especially during ; the holiday season. ' OCEAN GAUCI 1T ONI COUMN ft rAMIir VOID lfB PCC., i" :mmmmm r-T-r-Y"., : t.'i- UMItOIM CToroNM Vt5icmiOK.ii(i" (gQkOMIAtnMO tTTy,ti'.i 1 1 ' Jrn t"t r'HClWjGlMjM'MQif'Al r. FARAAXH ARM mm uil mibMu tffTlWllLY' WITH THIS COUPON.. ONE 10 Oi. AR INST. NESCAFE VOIB4HW IM4-71 SH51M1 -TUlDfilo " "31 ALL '.Iff B..V Senior Ikhrr Board Chrinm: Party The Senior Usher Board of iU The First baiitisl ( hurch in c Hertford ban their Christmas 'v Party on December 10th, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. James ., Lloyd, (id Is were exchanged. f,Mr..-- (-bai lie l.owther was crowned - as.- !' Outstanding Member ol the -Vtar. Delicious r; iieslimenls were sened and i n,.i I bv all Hastes'; 7b Bruhe Club Mi's .!-. liijisless la '.i.! liursii. a.' ; Davenport was hi r bridge club iiri noun at her ant -Street: Those Mi C.R. Holmes, :,; ;;), Mrs. T.W, Whedbee, iiiilev, Mrs. John l uiir e Chalk, and iiv Tucker.' ; J,' i on the high irMh pme on i ;i 'r ,;i Vile.'' ' re,. I ' il.son (S. I !'.i' - M oslon li Miss I' a die T,.e, Mis pi).- A t course was - 'i-dliliilii SPRAY -4 5NTTTAyiw ! .; HIT SAVIN.'. t,. MUST "AY 5AIES TAX : Willi UllSlOHWlN. d,NH I i:i I'M! iiMiM CJHIE ' vi -tii ii .M 11 f V J8 ! t ' .'.V i : M : ' i . :..h3!lllK ST with tiiiii, nn','N...- ; a ill'l. !H,K'. D li .A H 0 ..UHtlAi'llK IJ-I4-12 0RVT)f !'. DOZEN I 83 ' ;-A '.AlfS TAX " ' -'f-y. PR'cf -3 ,', i--'i,ii)viii)i)M 'I 3 i uY iMK TAX ,M' KAli. P ICf j '" .'y5tw;' mm 00 i

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