pn Th BWnulmaiie WMkly. HarMwd. N.C. Taking ,A" itoftfe :Ja-sieiiwaF(Dl FEB. 1831 By VIRGINIA WHITE TRANSEAU DISASTROUS "TWIS TER" WRECKS WOOD HOME AT WOODVTLLE FRIDAY: Of the hundreds of Sunday visitors who viewed the ruins of Wtllace Wood's home after a tor nado demolished it last Friday evening, many were heard ot repeat over and over again, "I don't see how anyone came out of that house alive." Following a blustery day, tie blast struck at 1:55 p.m., wfcEe Mrs. Wood was prtparicg supper in the kitchen annex and while Mr. Wood was listening to the radio m the sitting room. Their grand daughter, fifteen month old Pauline Wood, was in the kitchen with Mrs. Wood. How any one of the three escaped death from falling timbers and tumbling pieces of household furniture is still mystery. ISrs. Wood suf fered a gash in the forehead and little Pauline was burned subtly about the less. All three suffered minor lacerations and bruises. With the-aid of three passersby, Wilse Bateman with his son Ken neth, and Rufus Jeans, Mr. Wood and the Batemans and Jeans, extinguished the fire and Mrs. Wood and the child were sped to the home of Dr. W.A.! Horgard, half a awayinWoodviUe. mile Lunch Menus For Feb. 14-18 COMPLETES CETA COURSE Ida Rouse of Perquimans County (right) receives her certificate of achievement from Joan Hatcher, instructor, for the successful completion of a seven-month Stenographers' Program conducted by Col lege of the Albemarle and the Employment Security Com mission under the Comprehensive Employment Training . Act (CETA). The award was made recently during gradua tion exercises held at the Technical Center in Elizabeth City. Of the 15 students who participated in the program, 11 were employed prior to their graduation. (COA Photo) Letters From Our Readers: Editors Mailbag For A Fire Chief TO THE EDITOR: Enclosed is a poem written for and about Jimmy Chappell of Belvidere. He is the founder and Chief of the Belvidere Chappell Hill Volunteer Fire Department. ' Dedicated to Chief, Jimmy Chappell of the Belvidere Chappell Hill Volunteer Fire loving ap preciation for his devotion, strength and courage. May God be with him in his efforts to protect and defend his com munity against the evil and merciless forces of an unpredic table enemy. Citizens, be proud, and support him and his men as they battle so desperately to maintain your safety! LITTLE COWBOYS He was just a little boy of two, busy at play, 8ut, he can still remember what happened that day. He had no toy guns, he used a stick instead. For a cowboy hat, he wore a bucket on his head. He was fighting the Indians that were all about, With a make believe gun, and a little boy shout. Imagine this scene, it was several years past (Before modern society began moving so fast). -Over a fire in the yard was an old black wash pot, Filled with water that was boiling hot. And the cowboy shooting Indians had killed about three, Before his "hat" slipped down, and he couldn't see. Head first, into the hot liquid he goes Both arms badly burned, up past his elbows ! Luckily, the bucket had stayed in place, And his too big "hat" had saved his face. He faced long years of hospitals and waitin' For skin grafting scars and fingers he can't straighten. But, with a will power that only a few have known, He faced the hardships and now he's grown. Today he's a fireman a volunteer, Chief of the department in Belvidere. He fought the Indians now he fights fire ! With deep dedication, and a genuine desire He risks his life and gives his all, To answer a neighbor's desperate call. Not for reward, and not for pay... But for little cowboys busy at play. (Anonymous Author) The following are the lunch menus for Per quimans County Schools for the week of Feb; 14-18: HERTFORD GRAMMAR PERQUIMANS CENTRAL PERQUIMANS UNION Mon.Feb.14 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Bowl of Beans Green Salad Fruit Cup Valentine Cake Milk Tues.Feb.15 Chili Dog on Roll French Fries Orange Juice Rice & Raisin Pudding Milk Wed. Feb. 16 Ham Biscuit Macron! & Cheese Turnip Greens Pear Halves ' Milk Thurs. Feb. 17 Country Style Steak Rice & Gravy String Beans Congealed Salad School Baked Rolls Milk FrL Feb. 18 Sea Dog on Roll French Fries Orange Juice Dessert Milk PERQUIMANS HIGH. Mon.Feb,14 Grilled Cheese Sandwich or Hamburger on Bun Bowlof Beans Green Salad Fruit Cup Valentine Cake Milk Tuei Feb. 15 Chilli Dog on Roll or Pizza French Fries Garden Peas Orange Juice Rice & Raisin Pudding Milk Wed. Feb. II Ham Biscuit or Sloppy Joe Turnip Greens or Recipe Comer The following recipe was submitted by Mrs. Marie. White of Rt 1, Belvidere. Readers are invited to sub mit favorite recipes for this column. CARROT CAKE 2 c. sugar 1 Vic. salad oil 4 eggs well beaten 2 1 soda 2 call-purpose flour 2 1. baking powder 2 1 ground cinnamon It salt lc. chopped pecans Sc. grated carrots Mix sugar and salad oil together. Add well beaten eggs and mix well Combine dry ingredients and stir in. Mix until smooth. Add chop ped pecans and grated ear rots. Bake In three greased 9-in. cake pans, Bake 30 minutes at 325F. ICING FOR CARROT CAKE 1 box powdered sugar 8 os. pkg. cream cheese Vi stick margarine It lemon extract Mix all ingredients together until smooth and spread on cake. Potato Salad Raisin Cup Milk, Thurs. Feb. 17 Country Style Steak Smoked Sausage Rice It Gravy String Beans Congealed Salad Buttered Corn Hot Rolls Milk Fri.Feb.18 Batter Fried Fish or Taco Tumbles . French Fries Lettuce A Dressing Orange Juice Bread Milk Perqsissr.sV.'ssUy . Court House Square HERTFORD. N.C. 27944 Entered as second class matter November J 5, 1934 at Post Office in Hertford, N.C. RAY WARD General Manager K ATHY NEW BERN News Editor FREDA NELSON A Circulation Manager OFFICE HOURS 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday-Thursday PHONE 426-5728 News and tdwrtisinf deadline: 11 a.m. Tuet prior to Thais, pub lication. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR 7.50 " aia tuasammoNS : - M VAILS IN ADVANCt" Published By Advance Publications Inc. Elizabeth City. N.C GAS STOVE HARKYICK r, irE6.si7i SALE156" 3TS2S125 SAiE'2338 30" $22145 . SALE '1998 RANGE 38" 30" MODEL SKL4S32 MODEL SKLSS32 s -..II S-Jl is iivvunnJ 0 riir..,.riVl KERTFCnD.N.C Pharm&cicto likened to basketball heroes In some respects the pharmacist is like the bas ketball player who plays the whole game unno ticed, but who scores a last second goal ' that wins the game. It only takes a second, but perhaps the most . important obligation that a pharmacist naa to his "team" of health officials is to insure a correct, safe prescription. We are the last ones on your health team to take a "shot" at catching a possible error in your medicine. So. like the basketball player, your Sharmacist stands ready "score" when yon need the points! It is an awesome re sponsibility, day in and day out But 24-hours a day, we stand ready to serve you instantly. SALE ELECTRIC RANGE REG.S402.4S t9OO50 AUCTION SALE OF VAIUAKE FARM EQUIPMENT V Saturday, FEB. 12, 1977 -1O00 AJA. SALS LOCATSDl Dl C BUTLBB FABM, Cumm Bm4 I tUm mttk SrfIA tt. Bwj, II mi H. tOLLOW AUCTION HONS. i MIMv-miM-MhM lilim Dm-IS ' MTtM-MIW - awfcLkaaamr UK . . B HoMt hit IMI r.TJH MB W" W" mwmm LnDh II ft t-VtmlMlm hpn TUimlw 4 Urn Vim Ommr withGaa BaxUrt t-Ott) Hafput Col. HMMm wm OMUlfHl- Urf, VMFaall Ull Vto - 4ln ' ' XOUrJ LH.C. EoOInf CultinM -tin futaUt Om Tuk wttk Pyap McdnaqrCiMnMr 4 turn 1M GaL Flttibvif OMmm with Qmm ' . RtOrwd hA. Hy4noSe jMk WtMk-Amw Uita Vl, Ouit BiWn, PX Fnlr8lrkr I To 4WkMb v Wmka : Tor Chid Plow -MFllft Hhe ciwla Ml To fw4 BettoM Ffaw t BattMi II taMh Etatik Wiwt vHk TmI Su . FUp-Tjrpi MMk-Dtdar Oftadv Wootft Hjrdm-Boeit Tmmt hat a gm bw Qnmt Omt, Vmt TUw ronl Tmctor BU4,- it ; Wrtw P ("). S" Fori RoUr,Ortlm--8 FV . " lin-TIiaMB mi mM HkltabirkHl(Na.n)) -L D- ' H(t. PtoI No FUp-Tjp, -1 Sam Wim U SmI Urn FiiHiM rwnut Din" l" TBVC1 -IirBkt-eOJ.lMk- Met Ckw. 1 T -ttmOHNNIS toiT ' ORBOORTOnlBrfr-Mlt UfPi.olDlfnr-SSw BTftrl)f NEW HOURS 8:30 HI. 5:30 P.M: OPCR . NIGHTLY AND SATURDAYS IT APPOimeEIIT RUSTY JACOBS, Accountant TAX PREPARATION I CONSULTATION . BOOKKEEPING StPtn Ytm Expirinct Ultnul RnnM Agtm ELIZABETH CITY, N. C 27909 Phm: But. 338-2490 Home 338-3454 P. O. Boh ISM V 604 E. horlns Strait 5b-A P lantnn Hertford Hw. f Edenton Hertford Hwy. HERTFORD, N.C MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION ; TKSMIl CASH Oa GOOD CHECKS - NOT RKSPONSIBL1 FOR A0C3DKNTS - . 8b AaUnriiMl ti aCIUTLEB , Ta. HAROLD WIMLOW rbMI S14SI I N. C. (Unniuati iHniuQE SPECIAL v FRIED HERRING ALL VOU CANEAT 4.50 iiucjiVJAts i::qi dcilsu:icsstki to savjii::cAsajnt Belvidere Highlights Mrs. Amy Van Winslow had charge of the devotional at the County Council Meeting in Hertford. Her theme was "love and understanding" and she read some lovely poems of Helen Steiner Rice. She read several passages from the Bible that gave inspiration to all. Look at your attitude toward aging. Change your cooktop to match your menu JENN-AIR GRILL-RANGE H Jenn-Air's Incredibly vtrsstile model selection lets you creste s range to meet your every need! In oooktops, choose tne beauty of smooth whits glass-ceramic or the electric conventional-element Simply lift out either cartridge to convert your range to a Chsr-Flsvor grill in TV seconds! Convected of Cortven--ti'r tlonal radiant heat in your oven at !! the flip of a switch! The Conven ts2' tlonal cooks your present rec'pes -.mithmit chanc Convected. I your Jonn-AIr cooks P"' - v cooler and fester. H V;.,.J (Turkeys, rorsts and . . hams cook at 50 lower tomperature. reducing cooking time as much ss 31 VM our $howman ot phon lor tt bmctwr dMCribmy Jmm-Alr compltt hot ol nny mf cooMopt. Ttw pound wmtilation fyttwn k built wtltilnltw nngt. ciptunns noM and odon mom effKfcntty. I-, . i 1 . k .1 $ ; ". rooiiimiiin D OosMf If you really want to save energy and keep your bills down start with the tilings that use the most As the chart shows, more than half of the energy yfju use m your home goes to neat it, , ; whether your home uses gas, oil or electricity. So the more of this energy you save, the more you can save on your heating costs. . .. Begin by puttingyour finger on 5. those heating costs. You can do this by keepiryourrJiermostatsetat65C!egrees ' or less during the day-and turning it back five or ten degrees at night (Heat pump users should not set back their therr)stateatnightastiien3nMng recovery period will offset the efficiency of continuous operation.) .Anothertip? . ""''.. Make sure you have plenty of insulation. Six inches meetings and three inches in floors and walls are the minimum you should have-nine inches in ceilings and six inches under floors are desirable. (If you are planning to build a home, look into the new coretruction teclimquesthatwinpenrdt youtoput six inches of insulation in outer walls.) : ' -y - V . . Storm windows and doors pay for themsdvesmerfflWaymgs.Weatner stripping and caulking are also grM inexpensive ways to keep in the heat And if you're building a new home or changing your heating system, consider the heat pump-one of the most efficient ways available to heat your home. tcin irrrxr-rco tz:z t::2 ci Since water heating is the next biggest winter energy consumer, look at . these ideas. v Setyourhcwatorieaternohiferthanl40rF.Do washing machine and dishwasher. When you're doing the laundry, use cold water to do the job whenever possible. And to save even more, take a quick shower instead of a tub bath. Surprisingly enough. youU use a lot less water. Also, fix those leaky hot water faucets. One drop per secoikd adds tip to 200 gallons a month. And that's a of hot water and money dew the drain. r-' ' " And when it comes to cooking in the oven, try cooking in double quantities." What you don't use right awzy, you cm freeze for later use. Use countertop cooldrs an ars or a microwave oven if you have them instead of your electric rasre. TL y usually use lesB ekxfrkaty . . . . Keep refrigerator door opemng to a minimum. And when you do open it, 3hutitassoonaspr ibie. v Be sure to avoid over.l'.'.ir.T, 43 drsrees is recommended for reftigerators, 0 desrecs for freezers. . ve, a k your nearest Vepco office for our book of ' For more good wcs to energy savir? s' . . .s.,3. It's fi ee, t Jin l: to y "J. ' energy is viul to A.T.: L'Jzl ' you conserve ew-7. E xare ck Y.acanhc'.pbyc!- jyrjf t :rving Get off your rcclicr. Don't tZ- 2 Old C2 - r w f