1 STA3DAITD P3i:;ri"J3 CO XXX 1 LOUISVILLE, KS.NTlJCiY-4000 7ME PERQUIMANS WEEKLY ie33,N0.14 , Walking f Volume 33, No. 14 - llrrtfnrrl r t r i n r ti i 1 . - . . vviawiiwwwltVaIIIUI dUO W PLJI . M . ITf f :,. . . ... ...... ; ' -' ' m 15 CENTS P 2 Campaign vf, LMiflMfr 1 1 V V 'lTFr -4 Kit , "'.v V ' v ;i October... ' Ik , , Underway "-. DAVE MCKNIGHT MANTEO - Dave Mc Knight of Fayettevffle, a Democratic candidate for the. U.S. Senate in 1978, began a six-month cam- walking, campaign"' on weekday! while leaving weekends free for other campaign commitments around the state. He plans to arrive in Murphy at the western end of the state by October.. , .:, "I'm going to spend the next six months walking a lot of country roads and ask ing folks to tell me what's on their minds," he said. "And they'll be able to question me . directly at - hip j places of business so they won't have any doubts as to wnat Wis campaign is all about." ' Though the route is east to west, McKnight actually: will begin from Hanteo by heading east to the Outer Banks and north to Cur- LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL LEADERS Leaders in education take time out during the North Carolina Breakfast for a picture while attending the NSBA Convention in Houston. Pic tured above are Clifford Winslow, chair man of thi Perquimans County Board of Education; Rev. George W. Smith, outgoing NSBA president; and Harold Maxwell, president of the North , Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA). WITH A CAST OF THOUSANDS - Well over 16,000 people involved in some area of education were in attendance when the 37th Annual Convention of the National School Boards Association met March 26-29 in Houston, Texas. Pictured above is the Albert Thomas Convention Center and a sample of the crowd which could be spotted daily, attending a variety of convention events. paign walk here Saturtay, "'5aM,n n" -to : Cur April 2, that he says wUl ck County before turning take him on a criss-crLin, V to emU City, Hert- path across North Carolini "ff"1- , from Manteo to Murphy. . A?61 WF some loP McKnight. 29, who an- P ls fnd pIenty of nounced his candidacy for fiftiS? ! "lon the Senate in January, will butlt UalleventuaUyleadto meet with local resident at "ZZt ft 8aw me tiare county Courthouse here at noon Saturday oeiore taxing the first steps of his planned coast-to-mountains walk. -.i "The exciting thing about this campaign tour is that it will take me to many of the smaller towns and cities in our state, and it will be a chance for me to learn first hand what folks are con cerned about," McKnight I laid. "And inn It. audM "r- 7.i . 1 tCge,t m iniireltf-good uape ior me rest oi ine campaign." ,. McKnight resigned his editorial writing position at the Fayetteville Observer to make the race. The Charlotte native had worked in newspaper for seven years in Durham, Raleigh, and Fayetteville. He plans to conduct his 11 L - . ak- me democratic - senatorial candidate had made "revitalising the smaller businesses in the economy today" a key issue in his campaign. He has also strongly en- , dorsed President Carter's efforts to achieve a balanced economic re covery, reduce inflation and unemployment forge a na tional enerffv nnliov streamline the bureaucracy 41 if! lt:U r4 :'iniT 'fp u s t t.....Jt I i., ;n I I r ! .. i. a. iuv i I ii I . .... ... . NEW NSBA OFFICERS Some of hudffrt ;,; it 'ho wme leading NSBA a vke pmldenti Margaret S- Buvinger, newly-elected NSBA president: tie org budget McKnight has cam paigned on a theme of "do ing more with less" in an age of increasingly scarce supplies of energy and natural resouces. ., The campaign walk in cludes a. visit to Hertford and Winfall on the way from Elizabeth City and Edenton. titivies in the coming year are pictured aoove. in to ngnt, new officers are Dr. Robert V. Haderlein, secretary- LOCAL BOARD MEMBERS -Members of the Perquimans County Board of Education and local School Superintendent Pat . Han-elf discuss some of the convention activities Pi. tured left to right are Clifford Winslow, Emmett Long, Ralph Harrell, Preston Stevenson, and Harrell. Also attending from Perquimans County were Commis sioners R.S. Monds and Waldo Winslow. (Staff photos by Kathy Newbern) Convention Focuses On All Aspects Of Education anizatwn Is Possible A Following a joint session with the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners, the Perquimans County Board of Education met in regular session Monday morning. All members were in attendance, h . Board members were advised that some board funds have been placed in short-time investment programs. . In personnel matters, the board approved a job descrip tion for the position of elementary school principal. - a In the area of programs, it was announced that William rKFPi Principal of Perquimans High School, tad Pat Har rell, School Superintendent, will be visiting Gaddsen, Ala. to observe an education program there whereby basic skills, attitudes, concepts, etc. hi terms of students have been identified. The program also includes an up-to-date ntflnA O Afnont CVfitAin that lr aat. a mm -J i ' aent progress toward mastering these identified skills and , The possibility of school reorganization was also discussed at the Monday morning meeting. Meetings are still being scheduled with faculty members to discuss this possibility and board members agreed to hold two such meetings in the community. The dates of April 25 and 26 were agreed, on for the meetings in the community, the place and time to be announced later. Superintendent Har rell emphasized that the reorganization question is being considered in an attempt to strengthen and improve the in structional program in the county's schools. The proposal would place students in grades kingergarten through se cond at Perquimans Central School; grades three through five at Hertford Grammar School; and grades six through ight at Perquimans Union School. The proposal would also leave Perquimans High as it is. housing grades nine through twelve. .. ; In the area of administrative operations, board members teard status reports on the following matters: renovation of -the high school lunchroom ; acquisition of property adjacent To the high school; and installment of gates at Perquimans Union School. Eids on school insurance were also discussed and it was determined that termite and roach treatment in school buildings is needed. . - "A review of proposed legislation effecting education was discussed and closed out the meeting. . :, ' ' no ter Holidays By KATHY M. NEWBERN HOUSTONTEXAS -Perquimans County representatives of the Coun ty Commissioners and Board of Education joined the 93-member group from northeastern North Carolina (attending) the 37th Annual Convention of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) held here March 26-29. Those from Perquimans County attending with the six-county Alliance for Pro gress (AFP) participants in cluded: R.S. Monds, AFP chairman and County Com missioner; Waldo Winslow, County Commissioner; Pat Harrell, Superintendent of Perquimans County Schools; Clifford Winslow, Board of Education Chair man; and Board of Educa tion members Ralph Har rell, Emmett' Long and Preston Stevenson. All of the above were ac. companied on the trip by their wives. ; : The four-day convention' included sessions of general educational interest held daily and 95 individual clinic sessions covering such topics as federal legislation, small school district budgeting, curriculum, ' citizen committees, and career education to mention a few. ' Also, delegates representing state school boards associations met dai ly at delegate assemblies to discuss proposed policies and regulations for 1977. Ex hibitors representing the en tire spectrum of educational products and services were also present at the conven tion with booths disnlavinff their wares opened daily to It.t A ..... on ' Educational Cover nance: My Changing Perspectives;" author Alex Haley on "Roots One Man's Search for His Own Identity;" Wilbur Cohen, Dean of the University of Michigan's School of Educa tion, on the topic, "America's Social Policy: Experience and Pro spects;" and David . Halberstam, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, on "The Rise of Two Empires: Presidential and Jour nalistic." v ; The final closing session on March 29 proved to be a highlight of the four-day na tional event. After days of discussion and considera tion, the delegate assembly made up of 131 delegates from each of NSBA's 50 state school boards associa tions plus those in the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands, approved the 1977 Policies and . Resolu tions of NSBA which totaled more than 130 pages. Serv ing as an alternate delegate from the North Carolina School Boards Association was Clifford Winslow of Belvidere, .chairman of the Perquimans County Board ; of Education and secretary treasurer of the NCSBA. The beliefs and policies of NSBA are broken down into four articles with a number of sub-divisions. The ar ticles deal with the folio wing four areas: state and local governance of education; the federal role in education and federal grants in aid program; local board responsibility and employe relations; student oriented curriculum. and the public school as a community ser vice, uesoiuuons adopted at Darticioanti. Exhihitor. the final convention session eager with demonstrations expand on these four basic T:: -3 c v 1 '.. - 4 Itw-. i ri-icsient Pat '3 tv:t schools and information repre sented 163- companies, firms, organizations and 'agencies... ."';-!".-.'v Held at the Albert Thomas Convention Center and Sam Houston Coliseum, the con vention included four keynote addresses, one held each day at each general S"-' -n. f -----rs i-A ' "r t 3 1 .': C. L. . ( ) ' areas and Include positions : on such items as community education. Right to Read programs, accountability, students' and parental rights, and equality of employment. In presenting a synopsis of the newly adopted policies and regulations, outgoing NSBA president Rev. C?or?e W. Smith em phasized the national organization's recognition of a need to "push for more local planning and decision making In education." He also added that NSBA is urg- ; ing a "reduction of un- - necessary state and federal bureaucracy and providing direct funds to local school districts." Following the adoption of the policies and resolutions, new NSBA officers were in stalled including: Will D. Davis of Austin, Tex. as president; Margarets. Buv inger of Enid, Okla. as first vice-president; Hiroshi Yamashita of Honolulu, Hawaii as second vice president; and Dr. Robert V. Haderlein of Girard, Kan. as secretary-treasurer. Special remarks were presented by David , Halberstam, a graduate of Harvard University. His list of accomplishments in cludes foreign correspon dent of The -New York Times, 1964 winner of the Pulitzer Prize, co-editor of Harper's magazine, and author of several books. Halberstam' explained his observations on the ever increasing , power of the United States President and the American media which, he said, are in constant op position. Halberstam stated, "The President has an enor mous capacity ,to manage the news, but you cannot manage events." The jour nalist also tagged both elec- , tronic and print media as the "watchdog" of the Presidency but urged press people and the public to beware of increasing manipulation. He told citizens to also be aware of the increasing technology in society and closed by say ing, "Television and machines will be even more t powerful In the future. We' must learn to deal with them and master them so that they don't swallow us up.", ' Of special interest to the North Carolina delegation attending the convention was a North Carolina Breakfast held March 27 at , the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Convention Headquarters. A larse crowd attended to hear remarks from Harold Maxwell of Fayetteville. president of the North Carolina School Boards Association, and comments from Rev. George W. Smith, qutgoing NSBA president. Several social functions were also provided for par ticipants including concerts and performances by Bob Hope, Andy Williams and Patti Page. Special spouse's programs were also ranged, the highlight which was a luncheon dressed by columnist Ann Landers. The NSBA was organized in 1940 as the National Coun cil of State School Boards Associations. The name was ar- of ad- shortened to National Schonl Boards Association in 1948 and is now headquartered in Georgetown area of Washington, D.C. with a professional and ad ministrative staff of 75 per sons supervised by the ex ecutive director, Dr. Harold V. Webb. Active members in NSBA represent 80,000 of the na tion's 95,000 school board members who, in turn, represent more than 97 per cent of all public school children in the United States. The organization has three basic objectives: to advance the quality of education in the nation's public schools, to provide up-to-date information on educational issues and training in school ad ministration, and to strengthen citizen control of schools. A variety of programs and srvices are provided by NSBA to its members in cluding training workshops and seminars, school board policy development, a Federal Relations Network, a research department, a minority affairs program, and nine NSBA-sponsored publications for school members, school ad ministrators, and education people. PCHS Proposed Plan Reviewed By Boards The Perquimans County, Board of Commissioners met Monday morning in regular session. A highlight of the meeting was discussion with Board of Education members concerning the pro posed renovation and construction at Perquimans High School. After lengthy discussion, the commissioners informed Board of Education members that they could, request a bond referendum for the proposal in order to let the citizens decide. No action was taken and Board of Education members agreed that a decision on their part will soon be reached as to further action. Commis sioners said they would not speak out un favorably if a bond -referendum does ; result. - , . . In other business, three citizens ap- peared before the board concerning the : county wide water system. They ex pressed concern that no pipe was being t included on a county road adjacent to the turnpike road. The commissioners in r. formed them that it was not at present included in the system plans but would. . be considered. ' . v , Earl Britton representing Blue Cross, Blue Shield presented a proposal for a hospitalization plan for" count employes. No action was taken. . The board adopted a resolution en dorsing the proceedings to validate the " Chowan County Drainage District No. 3 following a request for the action from Achie T.Lane Sr. Jeff Willett and Erie Haste Jr. were present with information concerning 13 proposed categories f areas of en- . vironmental concern in connection with the Coastal Resources Commission. Related permit-letting was also discussed. The board went on record supporting these provisions. It was also announced that a film featuring these topics will be presented for community viewing at 8 p.m. on April 25. The board discussed creating a posi tion to handle permit-letting for both the county and town but no action was taken. It was pointed out that this position could also possibly be shared with a neighbor ing county. Blanche Campen, Director of the Department of Social Services, presented a proposed budget for the next fiscal year which was tentatively adopted by the board. r The board also approved a budget amendment in the amount of $2,035 for soil survey. The funds were transferred to that area from invested surplus. , Russ Chappell was named by the board ,to the position of supervisor for the county water system and discussion 1 was heard concerning the acquisition of a truck to be used in the position. No fur ther action was taken, v . ' Joe W. Nowell Jr. was appointed by . the board to represent both the county and town on the newly-activated joint highway committee of the Albemarle Area Development Association (AADA) and the Albemarle Association of Coun ' ties and Towns (AACT). Before adjourning, the commissioner! heard discussion on the need to hire a director of recreation in the county. While no action was taken, the matter , will be further considered in the future. 7

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