LO'JISVILLS, KEMTUCXJ 402CO 41 nrTDTTC1. raw WEEKLY ill V Volume 33, No. 15 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C, Thursday, Apr. 14, 1977 15 CENTS District Educators ation .ROIL MAM Particip ifH" ,li IsPlanned The' following Albemarle Academy elementary students have been chosen to represent the academy in the Virginia Academics, ' Elementary Forensic Meet to be held at Brunswick. Academy: in ' the area of , public 1 speaking Donna -' ; Frazier and Erie Grossman ' ' (5th grade), Sarah Benton ; (6th grade), Donna Winslow and Van Booth (7th grade);" , in the area of prose reading : Melody Jones and Patrick Cline (5th grade), Hope Hin ton and Kent Winslow (6th grade), Patsy Liverman (7th grade) yT and in the area of poetry reading Amy Hastings and Chris Banks (5th grade), -Dawn Elliott and Ray Meads (6th grade); Michele White and Neal Cartwright (7th grade). In the area of dramatic monologue, the following ' will represent the academy: Gretchen Spivey and Sonny Larabee (5th grade), Susair Temple and Sean Robey -(6th grade); in the area of spelling Lori Anne Har rell (5th grade), Denise Allo(tion Announced RALEIGH The North Carolina Board of Transporta tion has allocated nearly $6.1 million for repairs to primary, ; secondary and urban roads across the state damaged by this year's severe winter weather conditions. 1, . Rnari in Pornutmana rAilvi) an estimated ilimin nf 112.000. and the county's wtoter damage sltocatiott.totaiedr? in - ' " , 1963 as S ; tercentenary The funds had been previously earmarked for "emergen cies, unforeseen events and public, access roads" and Held in "reserve" as maintenance contingency funds for the State Primary System, and the State Secondary Stystem. - ' The Board, at its April meeting, allocated $2.4 million of these available funds for repairs to winter damage to the Primary System: $3 million to repair damage to the Secon- . dary System; and $37,510 to ways on the Urban System. The Perquimans County alloca1- tion fell under the division oi Lecture Scheduled .The Agricultural Exten sion Service of Perquimans County will sponsor Fur niture Refinishing by Frank Broadnax of Athens, Ga. on Wednesday, April 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Perquimans County Office Building in Hertford. ' Broadnax, antique re finisher and restorer, will conduct a program showing how to remove' cigarette Library . ' By WAYNE HENRITZE i-'j. -('. ; ... . . ; - t ' - :- -..'. -'-, 1 . - ' Story Hour ; The library's usual story hour for preschoolers will be held Friday morning from 10-11 a.m. Children 3 to 5 years 'old ire invited. ' , ' t . , Memorials ." The following memorial J&ooks have been placed in the library recently: Farm Tools in memory of Adrien Smith Jr., Great American Shooting Prints In memory of Rolac Webb and The Living Earth in memory of Mrs. Idlia M. LKIey, - . i." - New Books ' , ' : The Masada flan by Leonard Harris tells a story of what might happen if Israel ever loses a war, -. .Running the GoodRaceby Anita Bryant and Bob Green is a Chris in family's guide to health and fitness, r-' The 1 rail of Tears by Gloria Jahoda tells the true story of the American Indian removals and forced migrations. Begins by Clare Darcy is a novel of regency England and a young widow. . h . , - 1 ; Felicia by George Alec Effinger is a novel about murder set in a Louisiana bayou during a hurricane. .-., ;' innocent Bystander by George. Eesby is a mystery about nearly murdered people who deny anything happened. . 1 ' Wraths oi Time by Andre Norton is an occult science fic tion novei about an archaeologist taken back in time. , - A Dangerous Funeral by Mary McMullen is a mystery abort wealth, inheritance, and murder. Fllz:t, Filmi. Inspector Ghote by H.R. Keating is a myEt'ryatr'-tmnrderia India's film ir-' A-y, . Cva L;:rJ I - ;.a--,r earls -i's search ' -al j v. "2 ' - l'e Face cf 1 ry J. t rsw; 'A'-' r c I 1 ( .r Banks and Mark Johnston (6th grade), and Don Lee Keaton (7th grade). In addi tion to these scheduled events, the academy will have representatives com peting in the fine arts divi sions in art, creative writing and handwriting to be held late in April. In the art divi sion of fine arts competition, some 25 classes of work may be submitted ranging from textile works to sculptured productions, i u ; While individual awards and trophies are given to students, the intent of each school Involved is to com pete for one of five memorial trophies pre sented by the Association of Virginia Academies: the Robert B. Crawford Memorial, the B. Blanton Hanbury Memorial, the Ray R. Pearson Memorial, the James N. Savedge Jr. Memorial and the J. Barrye Wall Jr. Memorial. In each ease the memorial honors the contribution of a citizen to the cause of education. repair winter damage to road the Secondary System burns, water rings, surface scratches and the new one step method of restoring old' finishes on furniture. Also, he will show how to fill dents . and nf ars easily and simply, how to stain and finish woods to get a hand-rubbed finish, and what polishes to use and not to use. - All citizens are invited to attend this free demonstra tion and lecture on April 20. Update is a yacL 1 1 ryots hus- swept over. ;ri. Keezan is a r' iy of why .t. " rflPo"l.;ty David c;crtionate i. jact of !4 jm "x. zffi MUSEUM ON WHEELS - The North Carolina Mobile Museum of History is currently featuring an exhibit entitled, "Celebration, 1776-1976." Perquimans Mobile Museum Albemarle Area The North Carolina Mobile Museum of History will be in Elizabeth City on May 14 and will be open to visitors through May 17. Featuring a Bicentennial exhibit entitled, "Celebra tion, 1776-1976," the Mobile Museum is an extension ser vice of the Museum of History in Raleigh. While in Elizabeth City it will be parked at the Museum of the Albemarle. There will be no charge for admission. Since the Mobile Museum celebration project, there have been exhibits il lustrating: "The First One Hundred Years in North Carolina," "North Carolina and the Civil War," "Rural Life in Early North Carolina, 1820-1860," "A Whole New World, ummqio "The storv nf Ar- Cbaeology," and the current exhibit " The exhibit is housed in a self-contained tractor trailer unit which visitors enter and exit through sliding glass doors. Since the exhibit area is small, no more than 15 visitors can comfortably view the displays at one time. "Celebration, 1776-1976" highlights why North Caroli nians and all Americans commemorate the nation's birthday, the day in 1776 when the President of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of In dependence formally ! an nouncing the American col onies free of British rule. TO ES FEATURED - Melissa Lewis, who is often billed as Li""; T'iss Country Music, will be featured when the Lewis U C Expedition puts on a country and western show at Pt. "is I"h School auditorium on Saturday night, A: time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 for children, $l.i.. ?3 for adults, or $5 for adult couples. The pro eecis fv,.i t.a show will benefit tie Hertford American I-'-ti. i:;. s Lewis and tbe group recer. y performed on ' y C- C" ' v rtr -rr' nCr" - ..-n having been ; ..;ati . u.u.city WCLI3r&io. 5 " -rr-" ""v ,"11 7 Some of the displays in the exhibit include: The Mora vian Independence Day the first documented In dependence Day celebration in North Carolina and one of the first in America; the three North Carolina signers of the Declaration Joseph Hews, John Penn, and William Hooper; reproduction documents of freedom the Halifax and Mecklenburg Resolves and the North Carolina Constitu tion. Authentic Revolu tionary Ws,r weapons and other artifacts are displayed as well. Also included is a display on the American Centennial of 1876 illustrated with souvenir artifacts from the Philadelphia Exposition and pictures. Visitors will also Phone Companies Testify ELIZABETH CITY -The nation's independent telephone companies returned to Congress in March to testify a Senate hearings on an issue which the telephone industry con siders a major threat to the low cost basic phone service now being provided to; consumers. "Hearings on the future of telecommunications, in cluding the - impact of Federal. Communications Commission policies foster ing so-called competition, were set by the Senate com munications subcommittee Kr. 4 1 residents will have the opportunity to visit the museum on wheels when it is featured at the Museum of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City May 14-17. To Visit In May discover what native North Carolinian headed up and was president of that great celebration. An authentic smaller replica of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell, a gift from McDonald's Restaurants in North Carolina, is also featured. Another feature of the Mobile Museum is Richard Wagner's "Centennial March" on tape along with an audiovisual slide presen tation on why and how Americans celebrate the Fourth oi Jtilj; -i J A visit to the North Carolina Mobile Museum of History, which will be located at the Museum of the Albemarle May 14-17, will allow for continued celebration of this nation's 200 years of freedom. in late March," Terry F. Daniels, Vice-President, Norfolk Carolina Telephone Company, said. j Wilson B. Garnett, Presi dent of the U.S. Independent Telephone Association, testified March 28 on behalf of Independent phone com panies ' and . customers. Other witnesses included Paul H. Henson, Chairman of United Telecommunica tions, Inc., one of the largest non-Bell ' System holding companies, and R.G. Nehr ing, President of Arizona Telephone Company, a small company serving less than 1,000 phones. USITA is a national trade Svup which represents the terests of the 1,600 non-1 Bell Systemompanies. Independent (non-Bell) telephone companies serve over 28 million telephones in more than half of the na tion's "telephone territory," and Norfolk Carolina Telephone Company serves approximately 53,324 in northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. The Senate testimony follows three days of House hearing last September into the issue of so-called com petition in communications. ': - The industry states that recent" decisions . by the Federal Communications Commission will cause higher rates for residential and small business users, and therefore are not in the public interest. The FCC has 5 emitted customers to own, lelr own telephone equip ment, and has allowed non telephone companies to pro vide intercity communica tions services to business firms. v "Last year the whole telephone industry - sup - ported the principles behind the Consumer Communica tions Reform Act, which , nearly 200 Representatives and Senators co-sponsored, to encourage Congress to review - national com irviic"ona policy, Daniels said, '"i&e same legislation To Hold Meeting RALEIGH - School board members' and educa tional officials from nine northeastern North Carolina school systems will gather on Wednesday, April 20 for the annual meeting of District 1 of the North Carolina School Boards Association. According to Ashby Tark ington, Superintendent of the' Gates County Schools, who will host the annual event, the meeting will begin at 4 p.m. and will be held at the Sunbury School. Harlan Boyles, State Treasurer of North Carolina, will speak at the banquet session of the meeting, set to begin at about 6:20 p.m. Prior to the banquet a Joins In a move calculated to enhance the academic pro gram at Albemarle Academy, the Board of Directors recently announc dd that the academy has joined the prestigious Association of Virginia Academies. The decision of affiliate with the A.V.A. for the pursuit of various academic programs came after James T. Davidson, president of the association, contacted Board President Calvin Chappell and the Chairman of the Curriculum Committee, Attorney E. Ray Etheridge, to confirm that a vote of A.V.A. members had supported the academy's application. V Explaining the reasons for the academy's move, Head master Donald J. Parrotte said, "Our geographic loca tion enables us to enjoy the advantages of participating in both the A.V.A., a group which emphasizes academic pursuits, and in the Tarheel has been reintroduced in this Congress and already has over 50 sponsors more than at the comparable time in the last session." Objective outside studies done for USITA indicate the FCC policies will cause rate increases up to 60 per cent (excluding inflation) by 1985 for basic residential, rural and small business ser vice," he said. "That is why we are particularly pleased to see the Senate joining the House in reviewing this issue." "The telephone com panies could successfully meet competition, but to do so we would have to change our pricing structure so that each type of customer would be charged according to the costs of providing this type of service. This inevitably would mean higher rates for residential comsumers, whose rates purposely have been kept low to meet the objectives of the Com munications Act of 1934," Daniels said. That legisla v tion called for low cost, widespread telephone ser vice for all Americans. . fy v m v . t H rv . A OUTSTANDING WORK RECOGNIZED Pictured above are a few ceramic pieces on display at J-Dees Ceramics ft Gifts in Hertford that recently won rib- series of presentations and discussions are planned, focusing on issues of interest to the participants. Among those issues to be discussed will be implemen tation of the 1975 School Budget and Fiscal Control Act, current legislation in the North Carolina General Assembly and the report of the "Renfrow" Commission of Recodification of the Public School Laws. District 1 of the North Carolina School Boards Association includes school systems in Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pas and Perquimans quotank counties. Va. Association Independent Conference, a North Carolina association emphasizing athletics. Un fortunately, an overzealous effort at maintaining the local control concept has prevented North Caro lina's private schools from establishing such an academically oriented association." Among the programs and services offered by the association are a clearing house for available teaching personnel, an inter-library loan program for books and audio-visual aids in conjunc tion with the Gilmer Audio Visual Center, a well organized teachers' associa tion.and an fowervice train ing conference for member schools. VOLUNTEER WEEK This year the State of North Carolina and those of the Na tional level are planning to celebrate Volunteer Week at the same time. April 24-30 is the time for Volunteer recognition, appreciation, parties and other activities to celebrate the spirit and energy of our 4-H leaders. Again this year the North Carolina Office of Citizen Par ticipation is planning to recognize four volunteers of the year at a Recognition Event in Raleigh. Forms are available at the Home Economics Extension Office from Mrs. M.B. Taylor, Home Economics Extension Agent. Telephone: 426-7697. Civic Calendar MONDAY, APRIL 18 The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session at 7:30 p.m. . ; The Marching Unit Parents' Club meets. The Memory Lane Senior Citizens' Club will meet at the Holiday Inn in Elizabeth City at 11:30 a.m. for a luncheon. TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Hertford Rotary Club meets. The Belvidere-Chappell Hill Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will meet. A meeting of Perquimans Masonic Lodge is planned. The Snow Hill Whitehat Homemakers Club will meet at 7:30p.m. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20 The Durants Neck Ruritan Club meets. THURSDAY, APRIL 21 The Hertford BPW Club meets. .' The Hertford Lions Club will meet. -v. : ; ; The Hertford Fire Department meets. . ' The Helen Gaither Home Extension Club will meet at 8 p.m. f. , f& TO SPEAK - Harlan Boyles, State Treasurer, will be the featured speaker when educators in District 1 meet April 20 in Sunbury. Perquimans County will be among those represented. Further, the association sponsors annual Forensic competition, encompassing the areas of spelling, speak ing, monologue, poetry reading, prose reading, creative writing, hand writing, yearbook and newspaper, art competi tions, a one-act drama festival, music competitions and science fair activities for grades one through 12. Among the more promi nent Virginia academies who presently participate in the A.V.A. are Isle of Wight Academy, Kenston Forest School, Blackstone t Day School, Kecbridge Academy, and Woodlawn Academy. bons in a Richmond, Va. show. A feature story including additional pictures ap pears on page eight in this issue. . (Newbern photo) . V