Extension F orum ' , By MRS. H.B. TAYLOR, Home Economics Extension Agent THE TOTAL EXTENSION ."; Homemaker I It takes more than string to fly a kite. It takes more than food to make a meaL It takes more than bricks to build a house. And it takes more than a home to make a homemaker. All of the following items help make the total homemaker. - - " ':';,'v';;'"V;'"Cttlxeiishlp''t"-'?:-; : '' 'The extension homemakers, young homemakers, senior citizens, and 4-H members have become actively involved in citizenship activities. Ten clubs participated in the Flag Day observance; 17 clubs participated in the Bicentennial Celebration; five homemakers served as jurors for superior court; 2,800 leaflets including a citizenship quiz were distributed in the county by citizenship leaders; 75 homemakers are members of civic organizations;' one member is on the county school advisory board; 17 clubs en courage participation in the land use programs and county water project; nve ciuds participated in Farm City Week activities; and ten clubs assisted in recruiting participants tor the nutrition program for senior citizens. Homemaking is citizenship.. . v - ' Education The main extension homemakers objective is to make v' the public more aware of the varied opportunities available v to them through the Extension Homemakers Association i ppd its many special Interest meetings and projects. This v year, 17 clubs participated in the National Extension pomemakers week Celebration; ten clubs participated in window displays; 15 members gave demonstrations in keeping with the Bicentennial Celebration; 35 "I Can Do It" booklets were " explained and distributed to young homemakers; ten nonreaders were recruited and recom mended to participate in Adult ' Education . Classes, werkships, etc.; eight clubs participated in the bookmobile project; 15 homemakers volunteered to assist with transportation problems of the senior citizens; 15 clubs par ticipated in the Lap Reading Program ; and ten educational tours were planned and carried out. In addition to these in- . yolvements, monthly newsletters were planned and published and homemaking information was publicized through local newspapers and radio. K". Family Life and Youth 7: There were many outstanding accomplishments made in family relations this year: ten clubs promoted classes in fchild development; ten clubs assisted other agencies in determining the needs of the aging; six members served on Die Area Advisory Board for that group; two homemakers purchased the Parent Effectiveness Training Book; 15 jclubs assumed a 4-H leadership role; five members at tended a meeting of the family life council; five clubs par ticipated in the marriage enrichment program; five clubs participated in the telephone reassurance project; ten clubs (Observed Senior Citizens Month; 15 window displays were xarried out; three exhibits by senior citizens were Included ' a-the six-county fair; many participated in . the senior Citizen show and sale project; four educational tours were teld by senior citizens; four family nights and cookouts were held; one annual day of fun was sponsored for family jtfembers; 63 attended the state fair and 93 attended the Tsenior citizen banquet The Reach One and Help One Pro- . 4ect was also emphasized. . ' Health. .Many clubs and homemakers participated in realistic ac tion health programs for the benefit of the individuals and Ihe community. As a result, the following accomplishments jwere made: four club women reported having eye examina- 4)ons; 17 clubs participated in the Red, Crossi March of,.' ,uimes, cancer r una, easier aeais, Heart imve, cystic ' ;F(brosis, and Blood Bank programs; many supported the girls' Haven project; 175 women had physical examina tions; 1500 pamphlets on drug abuse were distributed throughout the county; eight clubs conducted a clean-up and rat control campaign. Other activities included the en couragement of health projects through 4-H clubs and em- hasis on dental health. V iJ Home Economics ;Tamilies and individuals were encouraged to develop and ' sniake use of family living resources and educational op portunities offered through Extension Home Economics program. As a result, the following accomplishments were S u (See Extension Forum, page 7) " ' The Perquimans Wwfcly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday, AprlH4, 1977-Paqg s Ki mm mm mtm T G) ' rl)jllIl)tfM - ... k : .' -mkk r.Jf, (. raPPPrPMO OOMINO v FRESH CRISP ICEBERG J iimmAm pSTEElGECJT,S i SUGAR lEHUCr SAUSAGE S V . .ITH EACH FILLEO GOLD BONO f f WITH EACH FILLED GOLD BOND l WITH EACH HuLEO GOLD BOND V I WITH EACH FILLED GOLD BOND 1 FARM CHARM OR SHERBET $mm VKivacoME fts i iESriaiA 1 4 1 II A n 1 ujoa .ooo ( I F-nrWtif Ufcl 1 1 V r IvjJ I FOOD STAMPS mill m Sill it i ui" r v . " 1 ?fl J l' 4 ...IMt,.m , ll'--'" mmvu ... y RW1ITNFVS 1ST OIIAI ITY SI IP.FD .... I ncrao uivcd ucit no rccc smm ritM ttAN suarj 4 io;m iC Q(ZD FREE Gold Bond STAMPS WITH $10 - OR WORE PURCHASE as :j.on-. iron APRIL Ife, ipyy ' -s jJ-r w n 1 " Food SiVTp. or C.ih "WMtlj MOTHERS nTtlli .7! m l M wruA una UflMMV AODll. i init People On The Move . Mr. and Mrs. James r Wilder spent the weekend in Nashville with their son and Idaughter-in-la w, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Toney, i Ur. and sons, Jamie and 'Chris, of Newport News, Va. 'Jt-ere weekend guests of Mr. " .and Mrs. W.C. Dozier. :Mr. and Mrs. Haywood pi vers spent several days this week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ' Mrs. Gary Ross, in Raleigh. If Roy Vickers, Jr. of ; Virginia Beach, Va. was a r'weekend guest - of his Xtiother, Mrs. Royce ; hackers, Sr. a Miss Doris Newton of Henderson spent' the -weekend with her parents, Mr and - Mrs. Robert Newton in Winf all.. ' , t,'-Mrs. Edgar White and j daughter, Miss Eva White, t. were weekend guests of r'lrs. Shelton White in I r.aleigh. J .; . r -Mr. and Mrs. Tred Oregory and family of r Raleigh spent the weekend , ith Mrs. Royce Vickers. , "Wayne Tarkenton, student ;t N.C. State University, r Raleigh, spent the Holidays ' ith Mr. and Mrs. W.F. arkenton. ? - .Carroll Berry, Jr. of , lanta, Ga. spent a few ys last week with his -.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Car 1 lorry, Sr. r ir:a Tucrr ana s r lizateth Tucker : i t s d relatives in r. r (C . a it REGAIN MOORE'S REGAL fillSatta: Moore's Regal Wall Satin Interior latex paint . . . at your service. Truly fine oaint that puts decorat ing magic into every stroke of your roller or brush. It's the paint that works wonders In one - , coat. Dries in less than one hoar to a smooth fin ish without lap marks. Regal Wall Satin can be washed repeatedly and , tools clean easily In . 1 soapy water. No doubt v about It... truly the . crowding touch for beautiful rooms. - ' , Karris FLmtinj: r .-t i i . -i 3 PEPSI COLA - OR .I" . MOUNTAIN DEW SELECT SLICED BEEF 6 1PT. BTLS. PLUS DEPOSIT BACON JV 59 $149 LIVER GORTON'S FR01 OCEAN PERCH FILLETS OSCAR MAYER CHUBS Braunschweiger r-A J3 1 LB. PKG. JL 8 07. PKG. OSCAR MAYER MEAT OR BEEF ism tf mi m i?n7 DU LUU 11 H PKG. 99 PKG. MRS PAUL'S FROZ. LT. BATTER FISH MINIATURES 90Z. PKG. BANQUET FROZ. fried CHICKEN 2 LB. .PKG. 1" 69 99 1" juwii of Cih COUMM Mt tUHS L f uiimkav ' APUIt lb ID7T m it I Food Umpi or chl PILLSBURV FLOUR void urn utwo4T flPRL 16.1977' SVU-.i m 4 'as -L-; to M 111 iiiiiiiifiPi 111 fiiyii BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES SHASTA DIET DRINKS STA-PUFF FABRIC SOFTENER MORTON'S FROZ. DINNERS... MINUTE MAID FROZ. ORANGE JUICE OUR PRIDE BROWN & SERVE HARD ROLLS... "fflff" 1 LB. '2 OZ, ...PKG. 15 01 PKG. 0IR05 cyg CANS Jja . . 1 GAL JUG w w 2100Z.$ PKGS. 360Z.$1 CANS J J I 'II J V2 SEALTEST ICE CREAM GAL CTN SWIFTS V ENNA SAUSAGE SWIFTS PREMIUM LUNCHEON MEAT MORTON'S FROZ. POT PIES HEINZ FROZ. SELF-SIZZLING CRINKLE CUT POTATOES . 1 LB. 8 02. PKG. 4 $11 29 5 OZ. CANS 12 OZ. CAN 8 OZ. PKGS. OUR PRIDE BUTTERMILK 1 LB. 8 OZ LOAVES 1 Fjrrr it, r vw:;Mf:A;:::: FARM BEST ICE CREAM SANDWICH , 99' FARM CHARM msA BLUE BONNET SOUR CREAM ffi 69 MARGARINE -2tl CUP PILLSBURV BUTTERMILK OR V- COUNTRY STYLE BISCUITS 4 A KRAFT SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE.., 12 OZ. PKG. 49 99 r KEEBLER COOKIES 12 OZ. YOUR FUDGE. choic? STRIPS DFIIIXF GRAHAMS: 09' r, .V- f A- J v. .-.y, .v.-. j, i. .i jjj 1 ::lliS:i-.-.vSI,. ; r" a; '1 00( $1 79 7- If-' I V 7 J