Peg J-Th Perquimans Weekly. Htrtford. N.C., Thursday. September 29, 1977 ; Classifieds & Legals HELP WANTED: Part time take inventory in local stores. Car nacMsary. Wrltt phone number, experience to: ICCI09, Box 304, Paramus, N.J. 07652. t-n.m Nurses Lab Techs ' MedicaidMedicare Specialists Registered X-Ray Tech - WANTED Davalopino new private rural pree- -Ilea syitem. Opportunities for qualified health professional. Good hourscompetitive salary. ' Contact Dr. C. Lucas, P.O. Box J, Edenton. Phone 412-2116 - Day; 412-4273-Night WILL DO SEWING In my home. Call Mrs. Richard Lane 426-7543. MATERIALS, sewing t, altera tions, handmade articles on sale now. Available at Marie's Variety l Gift Shop at small trailer in yard on Center Hill Highway. 174 TERRY TRAVEL TRAILER 25 sleeps I, air conditioned, can be seen at lot 36H Holiday Island or calif 19-471 3589. 9-29,10-6 YARD SALE Oct. 1. Sat. Harris Shopping Center 9 until. 3 families. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION . Having qualified as Executrix of the astate of Ernest J. Banks, deceased, late of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Route 14, Box 144 Hertford, N.C. on or before the 17th day of February 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in . bar of their recovery. All persons Civic Calendar SATURDAY, OCT. 1 Perquimans County Horse and Pony Club Show at 6 p.m. SUNDAY, OCT. 2 Holiday Island Civic League at 11 a.m. at the Club House. MONDAY, OCT. 3 Hertford Town Council meets at 7:30 p.m. '. Perquimans County Commissioners meet at 10 a.m. "Winfall Town Council will meet. .. . Winfall Fire Department meets. -' ; Perquimans County Board of Education will meet. TUESDAY, OCT. 4 Whiteston Homem akers will meet. Hertford Rotary Club meets at 6:30 p.m. . Perquimans County Masonic Lodge meets. - ' Parksville Ruritans meet. : The Perquimans County Rescue Squad would like for all people that missed registration on Sept. 27 to please be at the rescue squad on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. to register for the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) course. .a WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5 : : Jaycettes will meet. UP COMING EVENTS :.- 0CT.8 - The Junior and Primary Class of Cedar Grove Methodist Church will have a rummage, and bake sale on Sat., Oct. S at the Winfall Community Building, begining at 9 a.m. 'They will be making money for the carpet in their class room. . Rx dollars Difficult to swallow, but it's true. Prescription drugs remain one of the most reasonably priced things you can buy even as just about every thing else in the nation continues to sky rocket in price. While medical costs as a whole have risen nearly 100 in the past ten years, prescription drugs increased only Woodard's Pharmacy Dial 426-5527 EN'S IVOI PANTS ;SS:it7i3 1 Indebted to said estate will pleas : make immediate payment. This 26th day of August 1977 . Norma Marie Banks, Executrix Executrix of Ernest . J. Banks, Dec'd Sept.1,1122,29,77 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ibble Perry Copeland, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decreased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route No. 1, Hertford, N.C. on or before the 31st day of March 1971 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 22nd day of September 1977. Barbara T. Copeland. Administratrix Administratrix oflbbi Perry Copeland, Dec'd. Sept.29;Oct.a,l3,20,77 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF HERTFORD SUPPLY COMPANY . Notice is hereby given that the . partnership formerly existing be tween Joseph R. Rogerson and Broughton T. Dail under the firm name of Hertford Supply Company has been dissolved by the death of Joseph R. Rogerson on the 13th day of August 1977. Notice Is also given that all per sons having claims against the partnership which were m ex istence at the time of the death of the deceased partner are required to exhibit the same to the under signed surviving partner on or before the 14th day of March, 1971. Your Pharmacist Charles Woodard Says1 Wmrfard' l'hv), llll N. f'Anfr HMfeni. N C M 4M-MV still bargain 1796. All consumer items shot up 70 over the same period. Few professionals in America have been as nice to your wallets and pocketbooks as we have. As your Pharmacist, I just thought you'd like to know! PrMeftptiaa KptriaUau Hertford. N.C CHURCH I MARKET ST. HERTFORD This 12th day of September,-1977. Broughton T. Dail Surviving Partner ' Sept.l5,22,Oct.,1977 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Edna C Stalling, deceased, late of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned at 113 Johnston St., Edenton, N.C. on or before the 17th day of March 1978 or this notice will be pleided in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pleas make Immediate payment. This 19th day of September 1977 Thurston Stalling, Executor Executor of Edna C. Stalling, Dec'd. Sept.22,29,Oct.o,13'77 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL . COURT OF JUSTICE v SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 77-SP". NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY WOODMAN L. SADLER and Wife MARY WARD SADLER, Petitioners . GEORGE ARTHUR DOUGLAS, J TO: GEORGE ARTHUR DOUGLAS, SK. TAKE NOTICE I CETnaf-flfeading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. . The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: a special pro ceeding for determination of aban donment by , you of your minor child. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 2nd day of November 1977, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will ap ply to the Court for the relief sought. You are further notified that there will be a hearing on the ques tion of abandonment on the 4th day of November, 1977, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Per quimans County, Hertford, North Carolina, at I0:30o'ciock a.m. This the 20 day of September, 1977. William J. Bentley, Sr. Attorney for Petitioners 100 South Front Street Hertford, NC 27944 Telephone: (919)426-5327 Sept.22,29;Oct.6,13 NOTICE OF STATE ELECTION to be held on Tuesday, November 1, 1977 in the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA on the question of amendments to the Constitution of North Carolina NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters of Perquimans County that the General Assembly of North Carolina has called a State election to be held in each County of the State of North Carolina on Tuesday, November 1, 1977 at which the questions of amending the Constitution of North Carolina will be submitted as follows: QUESTION ft FOR or AGAINST constitutional amendment extending to a married man (as a married woman now has) the right to receive the . homestead exemption, so that the homestead exemption is available to the surviving spouse of the owner of a homestead, if the owner dies BEST FOOD BUYS Some of the best con vience food buys include: frozen and canned orange juice, instant coffee, frozen lima beans, canned spaghetti, chicken chow mein and devil's food cake mix. The . Perquimans Weekly Court House Square HERTFORD, N.C. 27944 Entered at second class matter November 15, 1934 at Post Office in Hertford, N.C. RAY WARD General Manager .... KATHY NEWBERN News Editor OFFICE HOURS fA.M.toSP.M. Monday-Thursday PHONE 426-3728 News end advertisinf deadline: 11 a.. Tuts, prior to Than, pub Ucition. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR 7.50 "ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAT ABU IN AOVANCI" Published By Advance Publications nc. Blizabeth City. N.C. KOOJPS HOUSE PAMT r: :::r;:-::- VWJF.CAL J leaving no minor children and the surviving spouse does not own a separate homestead. QUESTION 12 FOR or AGAINST constitutional! amendment allowing every person the right to insure his or her life for the benefit of his or her spouse or children or both, free from all claims of the representatives or creditors of the insured or his or her estate. QUESTION 13 FOR or AGAINST constitutional amendment empowering the qualified voters of the State to elect the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to a second successive ' term of the same office. -QUESTION 14 FOR or AGAINST Constitutional amendment to permit munici palities owning or operating elec tric generation, transmission or distribution facilities and foint agencies composed of such municipalities to own, operate and maintain generation and transmis-' ston facilities with any person, firm, association or corporation, public or private, engaged in the generation, transmission or distribution of electric power and energy for resale (each, respective-'-. ly, 'a co-owner') within this State or any state contiguous to this State, and to issue electric revenue bonds to finance the cost of the ownership share of such municipalities or joint agencies, such bonds to be secured bv and payable only from the elec tric fevenues of such municipalities Toim agencies ana providing mat money or property of such municipalities or joint agencies shall be credited or applied to the account of any such co-owner. QUESTION IS FOR or AGAINST constitutional ; amendment requiring that the total expenditures of the State for the fiscal period covered by the State budget shall not exceed the total of revenues raised during that fiscal period and any surplus remaining In the State Treasury at the begin ning of the period, and requiring the Governor to effect the necessary economies in State expenditures whenever he determines that a deficit is threatened. The submission of the Constitu tional Amendments have been authorized by Chapters M, 115, 363, 528 and 690, respectively, of the 1977 Session Laws of North Carolina, subject to a favorable vote of a ma jority of the qualified voters of the State who shall vote on each ques tion (amendment) in said election. The polls for said election will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; provided, however, that at voting places at which voting machines are used the County Board of Elec tions may permit the polls to re main open until 1:30p.m. Absentee ballots will be allowed ; in said election. In accordance with the general laws of the State of North Carolina, the times and places for registra tion and the names of the elections officials will be determined by the authorized officers of the County and information with reference thereto and as to the location of me voting places may be obtained from the County Board of Elections. Qualified voters who are not certain whether they are registered for this election should contact the County Board of Elections. Dated this 12th day of September, 1977 .' William L.THley Chairman, - County Board of Elections Sept.15,22,29;Oct.6 NOTICE OF STATE ELECTION to be held on Tuesday, November, 1977 ,. in the v - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA on issuance of $300,000,000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' HIGHWAY BONDS and on the Issuance of $230,000,000 ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CLEAN WATER BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters of Perquimans County that, pursuant to the pro clamation issued by - Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., dated August 2, 1977 and pursuant to the provisions contained in Chapters 10, 115. 363, 521 and 690, Session Laws of 1977, the General Assembly of North Carolina has called a State election to be held in each County of the State of North Carolina on Tuesday, Novembers, 1977 at which the question of the Is suance of -.- $300,000,000 State of North Carolina Highway Bonds and at which the question of the Is suance of - $230,000,000 State of North Carolina Clean Water Bonds will be submitted to the qualified voters of the State of North Carolina, which questions shall be voted on. ' The issuance of the State of North WE CLEAN AND REPAIR RADIATORS. TURN BRAKE DRUMS. ' DIXIE AUTO SUPPLY -. HERTFORD, N.C PHONE 426-5716 r feifc3i 5t5v &y&S. G&Qrh 6?V wiCJy lew lou f lOu 5f f3rj X52 fcr X&gST: I'DLj Carolina Highway Bonds has been authorized by Chapter 643 of the 1977 Session Laws of North Carolina; the issuance of the State of North Carolina Clean Water Bonds has been authorized by Chapter 677 of the 1977 Session Laws, both subject to a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the State who shall vote on . the questions in said election. The polls for said election will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; provided, however,' that at voting places at which voting machines are used the County Board of Elec tions may permit the polls to re- main open until 8:30p.m. . Absentee ballots will be allowed In said election. In accordance with the general laws of the State of North Carolina, the times and places for registra tion and the names of the elections officials will be determined by the authorized officers of the County and Information with reference thereto and as to the location of the voting places may be obtained from the County Board of Elections. Qualified voters who are not certain whether they are registered for this election should contact the County Board of Elections. Dated this 12th day of September, 1977 - William L.Tilley Chairman, County Board of Elections Sept.l5,22,29;0ct.6 mi What else but your telephone gives you so much service for so little cost. a ! Taking A Look Backward SEPT. 1939 By VIRGINIA WHITE - TRANSEAU THE STREET PARADE WAS A VERY FEATIVE SPECTACLE: A mile-long parade.' the largest ever . seen in Hertford, and highlighted by four visiting bands, floats, and comic , sketches, carnival figures and approximately 1,200 marching school children, officially opened the first Perquimans County Fair Tuesday as approximately 2,500 spectators jammed the downtown streets to view the parade, ' 8C NAMES OFFICERS: MINNIE ELLIOTT VOTED CHOICE TO HEAD CLASS: Class 8C at the Perquimans High' School elected officers last Wednesday morning and named Minnie Elliott class president. Audrey Chappell was elected vice president, James Trueblpod, sec- CALL cretary, and Irene Mansfield, treasurer. For die Feilds was elected Stu dent Council representative for the class, and Elizabeth Ward, his substitute. BIRTH ANNOUNCE-, MENT: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams, of Whiteston, a - daughter, AleneJeannette. MISS EAVES RE TURNS: Adelaide Eaves; returned to Hertford Wedensday, after spending the past three months at Big Indian, New York, where she worked in a mer chandising business. - ; - FALL ARRIVED IN A HURRY SOMETIME LAST SUNDAY NIGHT: Riding on a fast-moving cold wave and concealed in a downpour of rain, fall ar rived in Hertford all of a sudden sometime between midnight Sunday and daylight Monday after 3 M 7 ' ' i three of the hottest days of the year. vf 10-A SELECTS OF FICERS: CLARKE STOKES TO HEAD HALF JUNIOR CLASS: Class. ' 10-A, half of the Junior,. 1 Class of the Perquimans ' County High School held its , first meeting of the school year Thursday morning . ' and during the session elected officers of the v ' school year 1939-40. Clarke , Stokes, was named presi-.t dent of the class. Frank , . Dillard was elected vice president, and Mildred! Gault was elected , secretary, Billy Blanchard, was named treasurer for the class, and Virginia ; Wilson was elected report er to handle the class publicity. VISIT " ' Mr. and Mrs.' Dick Brewer spent the weekend in Greensboro and Raleigh. D)

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