?Local briefs jBi&6 tuft scheduled Horse dub slates market Cancer Society to meet The PHfiMM CMtty |C??r Society wttl mm Monday, No*. M at I ml * Microwave class set A Microwave Ceokery Workshop it mMM at the Ptrqiians Ctuty Bi teatkw Office m TWrjiaj. Dec. 4. hrfi? if at N a.a. aadcadj^atl^i. % ThemUnpviDbtla^kl Optimists pUn carnival The Chowu-Efeatoa Op timist CM it 9iMh| a kiddie caraival 1Mb N a.m. to 5 p.m. oo Saturday, Nov. Bio front of the National Goard ArawyeEeeetoe Attraction ?l hcMt a trackks trait, a space vafc for Ml tkiMm ai4 *1 he art for ^?tk-rdaM Home economists meet "Coping With Inflation" was the theme for the North Carolina Hone Economics Association in Fayettevflte, held Oct. 30- Nov. 1. Mrs. na Grey White, area .home economics extension ?agent, of Hertford, was in stalled as NCHKA chairman elect for 1M1. She will be working with the six regional chairmen of NCHEA. Keynote speaker for the SSrd annual meeting was Caroline Bird, author and authority on economic problems and opportunities i for women Rufus L Edmisten, At t , 1 * ? lorncy mmtii for North Carolina, spoke on North Carolina's economic outlook for the Si's. R.G. Chikott, Senior Vice President of Nationwide Insurance Company, spoke on the free enterpnse system. Jo Ann Thompson, Home ? Service Director of Texas Power and Light Company discussed how home economists meet the There ?tn M special kuwm itltM to iaflatioa ?4 u tMwkt remnk. FiyAt &?y. City, tMgfct a SwrinT. Mrs. Gray is Kk chairnaa of Caasaaer Edacatioa Sectiaa far NCHKA Dr. Etaw Cater. Assistaal Director af vice, was ri r again < as it of the Year Other special ewts to to^ate eqaipaeat aaf Asm ?f Gates Ciutf, represeated the NMtknst KtgM at the Mrs. White is i Ike Agricakwal fa- .ij. m ^ 19 piwwWR tniM( fir the EjyuM FmIs ail Natritiaa Pragma ? 15 y*r tttct is ia itai she resMes ? is a kHM (TMB the Miss . Mary Suatr has This ?week THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 ? Akokoiics kmmywmm tad Al-Aaoo ? p.a. Bert. United Metk. Cbarcfc; Bat Lion CM ?:?; Bert. Ffre Dept.; Htlti Gaitker Homemakers Clak. BRA Debate, T:?, Cowtkwne, Hertford. * MONDAY, NOVEMBER M ? Perq. Co. Bescve S*. , TUESDAY. NOVEMBERS ? Hert. Rotary l:M, Behrtdere Bawuaakm Ckfc; WoodmeaoftkeWorM. WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER IS ? Jaytettes Dir. Meettac. Wreath workshop JMi Bafey. (i*M) Mp i nli> i| hater Ckris Kor hcv tie tacctkcr a kagth