Agriculture i r * . . 4 Ginger Inspiration from the start t t ' My friend, L. P. read somewhere ,? that wild ginger from his back yard could be used as a substitute for the real thing. It can, but only after some preparation. Wild ginger is officially Asaruiq, part of the Birthwort family. A canadense is a six-inch-high plant that grows in woods as south as North t Carolina and north to Quebec. ' '' Its underground stem has a pungent odor when broken. Asarum forms a dense ground cover in shady areas during the summer. Besides having a number of medicinal uses, its aromatic rootstock makes a good substitute for real ginger (Zingebar). L. P. sliced it up in a salad, but it didn't taste right. What he should have done, the book says, is use it dried or cooked with sugar. We see a lot of A. shuttle worthii, or Mottled Wild Ginger in Zone t. You can pretty well figure out what it looks like, so I won't bother with a description. BEYOND WEEI by Jean Win A common evergreen variety is A. virginicum, very prevelant in dry woods of Virginia and North Carolina. You see its small flowers blooming from March to May. Zingebar officianale, or Common Ginger, is a native of the East Indies. This is the commercial ginger. Called "coated" ginger if the rhizome retains its rind, "scraped" ginger is the name for the rhizome with its rind scraped off. This singularly beautiful plant is considered tropical; I've grown it in protected spots, but it is not long 'ived. Commerce comes from the fleshy rhizomes or underground stems, often so curiously lobed or fingered that they are commonly called "hands" in the trade. Fresh greenrhizomes are cleaned, shaped Peanut crop late in county The cool, crisp mornings of Oc tober reminds us that fall is here. The soybeans are turning yellow, many fields have started their leaf drop indicating that the beans are nearing maturity. Some of the earlier varieties will be ready to pick next week. Farming The Flatlands north Carolina AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE By Bill JeVer Ei tern ion Chairman One of the sights that has been missing from late September and early October, has been the presence of peanut diggers in the field. All but a few fields are late. Fields that have been dug are mostly fields in which disease has run its course and, by waiting for the peanuts to mature, the grower would risk losing his entire crop. Several growers have asked me ; about estimating yields. A good rule ; ; of thumb for Florigiants is for five ' ? pods per foot equals 274 pounds of ? peanuts ; for NC7's, five pods per foot -- equals 303 pounds of peanuts; for 6K 3's and NC6's use the same figure as forNCT's. Rember this is only an estimate and that it may be off by a con siderable amount. Some of the ghings that may throw this estimate off I would be if peanuts were dug im . ' mature or too late, diseased or smaller or larger than average in pod size. It appears that peanut buyers are offering some premiums. Therefore, the decision to place your peanuts under loan or put them on farm storage is much more difficult. For example, if the grower is of fered a premium he must expect his loan peanuts to eventually bring him more than the premium per pound over support that the buyer if of fering. There is a probability if one refuses this premium that the price could come back down once the available supply of peanuts becomes more concrete. Only the grower can decide whether or not he can afford to speculate on the price going up. I think it is safe to say that the peanut prices will be above the $550 per ton support price this year, but ' ' all indications seem to point towards a price that is considerably less than ? the $1100 per ton that we saw in 1980. ? Part of the reason for this is that ? there are considerable number of 'J, last years peanuts in cold storage. I ~ would not recommend any particular 7, marketing strategy at this time. I think that growers should try to learn 2 as much as they can about the K marketing situation and the -j possibilities of higher prices and then ?| play their own "best hunch." I recently received the race determinations back on some ? soybean cyst nematode samples I ~ sent In to Dr. Don Schmitt. Extension ? Soybean Nematologist in Raleigh. " These came back as race two and race five of the soybean cyst nematode. % Neither of these cyst nematode ? races has a resistant variety which 2 we can use in the field, nor is there ? any resistance on the horizon. 2 The break-down of resistant varieties is now quite common it ;; Perquimans Conaty. My recom 2 inundation is to grow corn either for ? mm or two years and follow it with a Yon may or may not have to Mac a ?matic)de. A soil assay for will determine this. Do resistant varieties. Now is a good time to take your nematode and soil samples. Pick up the kit at the extension office. and boiled to make delicious aweetmeati. These are candled, crystallized or preserved in syrup. We are all familiar with the dried or powdered product that has so many culinary uses. Essential oil of the fresh root has many medicinal uses and also imparts an oriental aroma to certain perfumes. Ginger was one of the first spices known in the Old World. It was mentioned by Confucious (551 B.C.) and preseumably reached Europe by the camel trains of Arab traders. Even before the Norman Conquest (1066 A.D.) ginger was included in Anglo-Saxon medicinal works. As a spice it was second in importance only to pepper. In the 16th century Henry VIII recommended ginger as a specific against the plague. Consequently, gingerbread men became popular at court. His daughter Elizabeth I was wild about them. So was Sir Walter Raleigh: "Sir Walter, we seem to be inef fectual this afternoon. Our discussion is getting us nowhere, and this Eastern Trade question simply must be resolved." "Your majesty, that cartel out of Cathay has offered OSEC (Organization of Spice Exporting Countries) everything but the Em peror's concubines for the southern spice route license. If they corner Cape Horn we shall be forced to pay the Arabs a sad guinea for the tiniest pinch of ginger, by Jove." "Life without ginger? Egad, man, I'd sooner my peruker flee the country with every wig he ever made me. If we only had something they needed. After all, we cannot pay Bedouins with sea-going vessels, and that's our best product." "Besides, frigates don't fold well. Why, oh why, doesn't someone go ahead and invent air conditioning? They'd be in the palms of our hands then." "My Queen, what you just said ? that gives me an idea ? listen to this: how about a little time-sahring? We could offer each sheik two weeks on the misty moor* of Scotland. We'll hype the humidity and promiae steam heat in the harem." "In turn he allowi us a one-galleon run into the port at Alexandria for pepper pick-up. I know it will work. ( They have a lot of sheiks and Lord knows we got the rain." "Sir W? you've done it again. I like it. really do. 1 authorise you to negotiate." "And now, do you know what your grateful sovereign is going to do for you? Here, have some Oolong and gingerbread man. Go on, take the biggest one ? you deserve it." A "Umramm. I shall, I can't resist these little raisin buttons. I always eat them first. Oh, they're all gone. Now the little spun-sugar belt buckle. Ooh, heaven on a trencher!" "One thousand thanks, Madam. This surely beats a Moon-Pie any day. I leave now to do your bidding. I feel so fortified." "Singin' in the rain, just singin' in g~ the rain..." T^fo^ instead of buying certificates X ^^withrutes,terms and amounts set by Federal regulations, you can pick the amounts and terms that work for you So, in effect, from now onyoullbe making your own rules, not the regulators. 7-31 days 2-3 mos. For years, Federal regulations determinedthe way we did business with savings customers. Asaresult,on most certificates, $1000 deposits would earn the same rate as $10,000 deposits. Often, short-term plans were permitted higher rates than longer I term investments. ; I Finally, the regulators, not the savers, fixed the timeframes for deposits. None of this made much sensetous. But itis all over now. After October 1, the Depository Institutk>ns Deregulation Committee (DIDC) has said that we can set -Fi certificates up any way we like. And we're making it very simple: l.The more money you invest, the higher your rata Substantial penalty required earl), Qhethk^^hasrftchangedWrihSIO.OOOina certificate, you get all the advantages of Deluxe Ban fori# ' On maturities of 31 days or less, you have to invest $2,500 or more, but on maturities over 32 days, you '"an start with as little as $1,000. In short, the system is flexible enough to pay you a good rate on your money for the time that works 4-11 mos. 12-23 mos. 2. The longer you leave your money with us, the higher your rate. 3. You pick the maturity, from 7 days to 36 months or longer, or any 24-35 mos. over36mos. We compound interest daily, so you earn the maximum yield. Whafs more, if you have some emergency and need your money early, we've reduced the penalty to the minimum the law allows. The chart shows you the basic idea Now, the specific rates will change from time to time, but the idea won't change: your bucks can now build up a lot faster with us. So, whether you have money to invest or a CD maturing with us or someplace else, ask for the details, along with our current rates. Now you don't have to leave the neighborhood for the latest way to put more muscle in your money Xctuol rates may