Outstanding All-American Roses are named , Don't forget there'* a hill moon on the21*t. All-America Rote selection* are out, and thi* trio is truly outstanding. 'Intrique' has large blooms for a 1 Qoribunda, but the breakthrough is its color, a rich plum, the first of it* -type. BEYOND THE WEEDS Vr Jean Winslow 'Impatient' is a vibrant orange-red floribunda producing masses of 'blooms throughout the summer. 'Olympiad' is the first red hybrid -tea to win All America since 'Mister .Lincoln' 19 years ago. A brilliant, > .'clear crimson, this rose is long lasting, whether in the garden or in a vase. ? Roses are apparantly originated in central Asia, spreading to the nor thern hemisphere. For some, however, roses never crossed the equator, and none are found in the southern hemisphere. Roses were cultivated in China 5000 f years ago. Roses are a tremendously big family which includes over 2,500 species, many of which don't look likes roses at all. They really resemble apple or plum blossoms. Centuries of cross-breeding has brought the rose into its present form, and All-America Rose ^Selections, a non-profit research \ Corporation, says that there are more than 13,000 identifiable varieties "tested at this time. An old Christian legend, the ^researchers say, tells of Eve in the garden of Eden kissing a white rose i^hich blushed so that it has been pink jgver since. The legend goes on to say that the rose at first was thornless, ;but grew them at the time Adam and ?Eve were expelled from the garden. ? A A R S has more down-to-earth fcformation for you through it ) publications. Write for their leaflet m extensive care, placement, cut 6ower handling, just about Everything concerning roses. A copy frill be sent to you at no charge. J. Send a self-addressed stamped ?Qvelope to All America Rose flections, POB 218, Shenandoah, Iowa 51601. Seaside Beauty w *?The Chinese were the first to " recognize the natural beauty and great usefulness of the rugosa rose, a plant that is a must in any seaside |arden. Rugosa in Latin means "wrinkled," and that's what the leaves look like. Those same leaves K(rn a bright cheerful yellow in the {<(11 when most roses look the worst 6* wear. ! -The Chinese not only included the I (ligosa in art, as evidenced in I paintings on silkscreen as early as 1Q00 A. D., but cooks in the Celestial fiptpire gathered it to their collective Sreasts, thorns and all. I ^Thomas Christopher in Hor ticulture Magazine writes that they Qkixed the dried leaves with tea to ?ficit a fragrant perfume. Fresh pfetals were made into a relish by pushing them with sugar and water. | 5*Rugosas were believed to have tigh curative qualities, thought to K b surveys issued t IRALEIGH ? The Department of * Community Colleges is looking (or all tUe information it can get about community college graduates. -More than 12,000 former students were mailed surveys on October 17. The recipients include those persons itfio graduated from a technical or vocational program in 1981 - >2. The former students were asked, aaioog other things, to evaluate the i courses they took and bow the training they received prepared tUem tar their present Jobs. .The information gathered in the statewide follow-up survey should sged light on what happens to the naduates and also aid the 58-campus college system In job-training programs, know how successful oar ?f President aooth the liver and spleen and promote circulation. HI pa or fruit of rugoaa are im portant becauae of their nutritioua value and aweet, apple-Uke taate. Notice sometime on the label of jars of Vitamin C tablets Often the label will include roae hips as an Ingredient. Christopher says that one hundred grams of rugoaa hipa will yield an average of three thousand milligrams of vitamin C, twenty times more than a comparable amount of orange juice. After frost, roae hips that have not been sprayed with insecticides may be made into delicious jam by cooking the hipa in a small amount of water until tender. The pulp is matched pound for pound with sugar and simmered until thick. Because of its ability to withstand strong winds and temperatures of -20 degrees it is invaluable as hedging in dry sand soil situations where it may be constantly sprayed with ocean salt. It is Quite pest-resistant and rarely needs pruning. Needless to say, good loam and easier weather conditions would permit it to attain more height and fullness. And, needless to say, it does not take the place of hybrid teas and floribundas in your garden. Soundaide Beauty Dorothy Grandy'a rosea are In a claaa by themselves. In the spring and (all her garden at Poplar Branch haa the look of a Jewel caaket turned on its aide, gema of every hue spilling out to be made even more dazzling by a bright and appreciative sun. I aaked her how she does it. Without hesitation ahe enumerated the "musts" of rose culture. Start with having your soil analyzed by the local county ex tension agent. Roses like neutral soil, and he will give you advice on how to effect it. Make sure you have good air circulation. Start with top quality bushes. It takea aa much care for a low quality plant and you'll end up with less yield. Dorothy digs her ground deep, deep, deep. She then preapres the hole with a mound in the bottom. On this she sets the roots, covers and waters alternately until the roots are buried and the graft is visible about ground. When plants are active she maintains a monthly feeding schedule with a good balanced fer tilizer. Watering thoroughly is one of the secrets to sucess. Light sprinkling is injurious to the root system. Her spray program U baaed on Ortho'a Funginex and Dorthene. which are compatible and may be applied In the same mixture. When foraythis blooms, Dorothy prunes, and heavily at that ? down to (our good canea, leaving the center of the plant open for air circulation. She completely removes old mulch and aprays the ground with lime sulphur dormant apray for Japanese beetle grub and other insect control. Her mulch is pine needles, because, she says, "they're here all around me and other mulches would have to be purchased." After the plants leaf out she sprinkles a tablespoon of Epsom Salts around the base of each bush. This application of magnesium sulfate will correct any buildup of salts in the gound. It is very important to cut away dead wood and spent blooms. Always cut above the stems with five leaflets. Did you know it takes an average of forty days to make another rose? It depends on the number of petals in a particular variety. For instance, 'Peace' has 60 or more petals and requires 45 or 46 days to bloom. 'Queen Elizabeth' contains 40 or less, and is hence more prolific. You should try to keep up with rote culture through publications and seminars, the ?ayi. Buy plant* from reputable houses. Her favorite at this time is "Roses by Fred Edmund," Wilson ville, Oregon. You may write for the catalog at that address. Sure, she has favorites, she says, but sometimes its hard to make a choice. One of her criteria for a favorite rose is its ability to grow in her particular area, and takes trial and error ? and a lot of deter mination. Yellow and white roses are the hardest to grow. Here's five she thought of: 'Garden Party,' an old favorite, cream colored with pink edge*; 'Tropicana,' eaay to grow and a popular roae with men, as it ia a strong tangerine color that makes a good show. 'Mr. Lincoln' has stamina and is a brilliant red; 'Double Delight' is bi colored cream and red; 'First Prise' is a beautiful soft pink. Follow the directions of this dedicated gardener and you'll have blooms from mid-lfay to November 1. Oh, you'll have to work for it. "Hoses require more from you," says Dorothy Grandy, "but they give more in return." NCNB donates to Campaign NCNB Corp. has contributed $9,000 to the North Carolina Opera's Funding Campaign for the 1983-84 season. The gift, the largest to date for the North Carolina Opera cam paign, will help underwrite NCO expenses of week-long residencies in Asheville and Wilmington. "With the gift, NCNB hope to stimulate local interest and support of the NCO Funding Campaign," said O. Darwin Smith, NCNB executive vice president. "We're certainly proud to be a part of it." Smith is serving as head of the New Prospects Division of the NCO Funding Campaign. The NCO intends to raise $100,000 with its statewide campaign to support its efforts, such as the residencies in Asheville and Wilmington. In each city the Opera will give ten performances in local schools of CINDERELLA and E DEVIL'S TALE, as well as community per formances of EXTRAVAGANZA, a collection of Broadway and opera works. instead of buying certificates X ^^withrates,terms and amounts set by Federal regulations, you can pick the amounts and terms that work for you. Sq in effect, from now on you II be making your own rules , not the regulators. 7-31 days 2-3 mos. Foryears, Federal regulations determinedthe way we didbusiness with savings customers. Asa result, on most certificates, $UXX) deposits would earn the same rate as SO, 000 deposits. Often, short-term plans were permitted higher rates than longer term investments. Finally, the regulators, not the savers, fixed the timeframes for deposits. None of this made much sense to us. But ifs all over now. After Octoberl, the Depository Institutk)nsI)eiegulationCommittee (DIDC) has said that we can set certificates up any way we like. And we're making It very simple: l.The more money you invest, the higher your rate. 4-11 mos. 12-23 mos. 2. The longer you leave your money with us, the higher your rate. 3. You pick the maturity, from 7 days to 36 months or longer, or any time in between. E OneihingMhasn1changed.WilhSIOi,OOOina certtfkme.you get all lheadt>anksfes of Deluxe Hanbrsi ' On maturities of 3 1 days br less, ou have to invest $2,500 or more, ut on maturities over 32 days, you can start with as little as $1,000. Inshort, the system is flexible enough to pay you a good rate on your money for the time that works best for you. 24-35 mos. over36mos. We compound interest daily, so you earn the maximum yield. Whafs more, if you have some emergency and need your money early, weVe reduced the penalty to the minimum the law allows. The chart shows you the basic idea. Now, the specific rates will change from time to time, but the idea won't change: your bucks can now build up a lot faster with us. So, whether you have money to invest or a CD maturing with us or someplace else, ask for the details, along with our current rates. Now you don't have to leave the neighborhood for the latest way to put more muscle in your money. Substantial penally required for earfy withdrawal of time deposits. Interest rates dtspkrytxl are used for illustration. Actual rales may change. Contact NCNB for current rates.