THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 39, No. 43 USPS 428-080 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, October 27, 1M3 25 CEN" ? ? ? 1 11 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - Emergency loan applications being accepted By JANE WILLIAMS On September 23 Perquimans County was declared a crop disaster area because of drought conditions and extremely high temperatures that persisted throughout the sum mer months. Farmers in the county then became eligible for Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) loans. In general this will provide for farmers that have lost at least 30 percent of their production due to the drought. Proceeds from crop in surance and the PIK program will be taken into account when determining eligibility. Applications for emergency farm loans for losses are being accepted at the local FmHA office in Hertford. FmHA County Supervisor. Melvtr. E. Howell urges farmers who are interested in receiving an emergency loan to get their applications into his The pictures above present the changes that have oc cured in the farming industry during the past 40 years. The Then and now ... top photo shows the peanut harvesting procedure in 1M1. The bottom picture depicts the harvest today. (The 1941 picture was loaned by Leigh Winslow. Staff photo by Ken Castelloe.) Island residents look for ? county water hookup soon By JACK GROVE Holiday Island property owners have been told to expect to have county water service to the com munity in December. p Property Owners received this information at their annual meeting on October 16. "I have talked to the county engineers (Rivers and Associates, Inc. a Qreenvilie consulting firm on the county water system) twice in the pait week about the county waer and how it will effect Holiday Island and when we could expect to have service -from the county, " General Manager forest Myers reported. "December 1, 1963 is th? target date," he said. Holiday island has its own water week.,. that Sunday bring! to a close Savings Time for . Don't forget to docks back one hour retiring on Saturday system including wells, processing plant and water lines throughout the development. On September 14, 1980, a special meeting of property owners was held to consider looking into the new county water system and disestablishment of the community water plant. The reported benefits would include deletion of plant maintenance costs, future capital expenditures for replacement of plant equipment and new well sites and improved water quality. At this meeting a resolution was approved for the county water hookup and to raise $100,000 for the connection. Myers said, "From this date, September 14, 1980, we have -been obligated to raise the money for this project." He reported that the latest estimated cost is $42,211. According to a letter from Ronald H. Sessoms of Rivers and Associates, the coat factors include Insulation at 8,700 linear feet of six inch pvc pipe; 80 linear feet of 12 inch steel casing; a six inch valve; a six inch hydrant and valve; and a six inch compound meter. The pipe will bring water to a bulk meter at Holiday Island from Harvey Point Road. The property owners association pay a bulk water rate to the Ultiate water users will be I by the asaodattoo. The corn water plant will disposition of proceeds -yet determined. A motion was made at the meeting for a $25 per lot one-time special assesment to cover the $42,261 cost. This motion was passed unanimously by the approximately 300 property owners present. Myers also gave an accounting of the associations's financial status. "In the past twelve months we collected (82,280 in back assessments that have been put into the Reserve Fund. We have received 20 lots in lieu of back assessments. Thirteen of these have been sold for a total of 131,200. All of this money goes into the building fund. All of your 1983-84 assessments have gone into the General Operating Fund and as of Septembe 30 we still have $88,878 to lait until May 1, 1984," he reported. In other business: ?Twenty-four past and present member* of the Board of Governors were honored with certificates of appreciation in commemoration of the association's tenth anniversary. ?The membership elected Clyde Merritt and Helen Moore (an In cumbent) to three-year terms on the Board of Governors Both are per manent Island residents. ?At a board meeting efter the membership meeting, the following _ mat mama -i ? a. ? J , |>waal|i?sif omcers wwt weewo. rrviNvnvi Claude J Rogers; vice-president. Hasel Mile*; treasurer, Rufus C?U?d and ..creUry, Clyde office as soon as possible after they have completed harvesting. Howell said, "We hope farmers will get their applications in early rather than waiting until near the deadline which is March 23, 1964. The longer they wait, the more chance there is for long delays in getting their checks. If the applications come in early we can avoid backlogs and speed up the process. Howell said farmers may be eligible for loans of up to 80 percent of their actual losses, or the operating loan needed to continue in business, or $500,000, whichever is less. For farmers unable to obtain credit from private commercial lenders, the interest rate on the first $100,000 borrowed is five percent; the interest rate is eight percent on the balance borrowed over that amount. For farmers who can obtain commercial credit but who choose to borrow from FmHA, the interest rate is 13.75 percent Howell said. As a general rule, a farmer must have suffered at least a 30 percent loss of production to be eligible for an FmHA emergency loan, Howell said. Farmers participating in the PIK or federal crop insurance programs will have to figure in proceeds from those programs in determining their losses. FmHA is a credit agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. It is authorized to provide disaster emergency loans to recognized farmers who work at and rely on farming for a substantial part of their living. Eligibility is extended to individual farmers who are United States Citizens, and to farming part nerships, corporations or cooperatives in which U.S. citizens hold a majority interest. The local Farmers Home Ad ministration office is located in the ARPDC Building in Hertford. Their office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The telephone number is 426-5733. Applications for emergency loans can be picked up at the county office. School handicapped program given award By SUSAN HARRIS The Perquimans County School system was honored last month with a Governor's Program of Excellence Award given (or an outstanding program for the county's Trainable Mentally Handicapped students enrolled this year. Of the 30 Programs of Excellence Awards presented, Perquimans County received two; for both the Level I and Level II program divisions. Jeanie Umphlett, co-ordinator of the county programs for exceptional children, gave an audio-visual presentation at the awards banquet fn Raleigh depicting m3ny aspects of the program. Umphlett was accompanied to Raleigh by student Gayline Walker, who will be the. program's first graduate in May. Alma Banks teaches the students at Perquimans Central School, while Kathy Ansink instructs students at Perquimans High. The main objective of the program in Perquimans County is to integrate the Trainable Mentally Handicapped student into society, according to a program outline compiled by Um phlett. This objective pursued through the use of the Elsmere Project, a vocationally oriented prgram for the mentally retarded. County children from ages five to 21 are served in a Level I or Level II setting, determined not by the student's age, but rather by his/her functioning level. In times past the trainable men tally retarded were provided with little or no education. These in dividuals often grew into adults without a feeling of self -worth, and unfortunately, most never reached their full potential. A new social awareness has developed over the past decade, and there has been increased emphasis placed on educating the handicapped student. Perquimans County Schools initiated its Trainable Mentally Handicapped Program in the 1981-82 school year. The program curriculum prepares students to function in the com munity. Vocational skills and attitudes necessary to perform in a work at mosphere are emphasized. The trainable mentally han dicapped students- are offered basic skills in six subject areas : ?Functional Academics - This area focuses on the development of skills which enable the individual to reocgnize and respond to as many signs and symbols in the en vironment as his/her abilities allow. Such concepts as size, amount, time and money are developed; concepts which will later assist the student in living in the community. ?Socialization - This curriculum helps students learn to get along with others, develop a positive self-image and show appropriate expressions of feelings and emotions. ?Independent Living - Con centration is on development of skills and attitudes which enable the student to do as many things as possible for himself/herself. ?Pre-Vocation - Often utilizing a work table to afford maximum student interacton in comopleting assembly-type assignments, this area stresses the development of proper work behavior and attitudes. ?Vocation - the objective of this curriculum is to help students attain and reinforce skills appropriate to employment. ?Personal Family Life - The goal of this aspect of the program is to have the student accept and understand their physical and emotional maturation process. The trainable mentally han dicapped program is individualized to conform to the needs of each student. The teacher makes available to the student those ac tivities which will produce the desired learning when the pupil appears ready to learn on that level. The students participate in the Special Olympics, a highlight of their year. Some of the students are given jobs around the school. Umphlett expressed her satisfaction that the students enrolled in the regular curriculum responded so positively to the trainable mentally handicapped participants. Their support and acceptance provides a vital link in the chain of the Trainable Mentally Handicapped program. Hertford receives award for Community of Excellence By JANE WILLIAMS Hertford, Perquimans County was presented with the Governor's Community of Excellence Award at a banquet held in Raleigh on October 10. This is the fifth consecutive year that Hertford has been the recipient of this prestigious award that is given to communities that have made themselves attractive to possible industrial interests. The award program is sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Commerce and Governor James B. Hunt. Jr. The purpose of the program is to encourage communities to upgrade their area so that it will become attractive to industrial prospects. In preparation for the awards program Hertford Mayor Bill Cox Mid that the committee comprised of Tim Brinn, Roy Reed, Joel HoiloweU, Chris Christensen, Joe Nowell and himself emphasized the need for a ?lean community. Other criteria 'nvolved in preparation for the program in cluded gathering site daU and identification for industrial development potential, a slide presentation depleting the area, originating an industrial develop ment team to talk and work with uM^gbn^Derau^nd tod tries** * * while trying to assist them in present situations and future development. Communities are required to document labor statistics, identify the work force, and identify resources such as railways, high ways, availability to airports, etc. All of the information that is gathered in preparation for the awards program is on record in Raleigh at the Commerce Depart ment. A complete file on Perquimans County is available to industries that might be interested in locating in Northeastern North Carolina. Cox stated that the local committee was aided by the Perquimans County Industrial Development Commission as well as by the Perquimans County Committee of 100. Hertford rteilvii thi '? Community of Award botni *Mayor BUI I Cox on October 11 at tbc Annual Community of Ex cellence Award* Banquet held tn Raleigh.