Introducing A New Member of The Potato Family ??? The New, Golden Fleshed Buttery Tasting Potato. Exclusively at Be-Lo Markets! 3& $139 A Natural Potato From The Red River Valley It's Revolutionary! In Flavor & Texture Be-Lo is proud to bring you this extraordinary, new, butter flavored potato. It was developed by the SoFresh Produce Company after 3 years of research and 2 more years of test marketing. By crossing several strains of European potatoes, SoFresh developed the Golden Delite arid Crimson Gold, hybrid potatoes that are white-skinned and red-skinned respectively. It's Easy! To Prepare & Serve trSJf ^JESSsSSSS* It's A Natural! For Nutrition & Weight Control Golden Delite and Crimson Gold are grown naturally in the Red River Valley. But this special plant yields a potato that tastes like you've added butter. Yet you don't need butter (or extra calories) to enjoy a rich, buttery-tasting flavor. And you get all the nutritional value of ordinary potatoes! A Solid Gold Recipe ? M CRIMSON (iOLD BBQ WEDGES 4 Crimson Gold Potatoes Your Favorite BBQ Sauce 1/4 Cup Dried Bread Crumbs Quarter each potato lengthwise. Slit each wedge crosswise at 1/4" intervals-do not cut through skin. Place wedges skin side down on cookie sjiett. Brush with BBQ sauce. Bake 25 minutes in preheated 426 oven, brushing potatoes occasionally with more BBQ sauce. Sprinkle potatoes with bread crumbs. Return to oven for 10 minutes. Serves 4. A colorful addition to the dinner plate!