THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 57, No. 27 USPS 428-080 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, July 2, 1987 30 CEMT$ LOCAL 4th of July schedule P?- 2 FEATURE Drum Majors attend camp (CC pg. 9 COMMUNITY Central School honor roll ??? p|. 10 photo by Gina Jepson r i _ The torch arrives! Pictured above Mary Harrell welcomes everyone to Hertford on Sunday during the short program held for the arrival of the Olympic festival torch. Pete Mansfield is seen holding the torch as the other Perquimans County runners including: Linda Raymond, Ben Roberts, George White, Tom Terra nova, Elmer Boyce, Lloyd "Fletch" Dail, and Jay Mansfield look on. Olympic festival torch visits Town of Hertford On Sunday, residents of Perqui mans County had an opportunity to glimpse history in the making as the Olympic Festival Torch passed through Perquimans County. The torch arrived at the Perqui mans County line shortly before 5:00 p m., carried by Ben Roberts, and made it's way towards Hertford car ried by Linda Raymond, Elmer Boyce, Jay Mansfield, and Mr. Pete Mansfield. As approximately 100 citizens looked on the torch arrived inside the city limits of Hertford carried by Mr. Pete Mansfield who was also accom panied by Mr. Ben Roberts and Mr. Lloyd "Fletch" Dail, and was car ried several blocks through town past Missing Mill Park before arriving ih front of the court house for a short program planned by the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Hertford, and Perquimans County. The program which began at 6:00 p.m. featured patriotic songs led by Mr. Jerry Elmore, Director of Youth and Music at Hertford Baptist Church, a welcome by Mrs. Mary Harrell, Executive Director of the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce, a few words by Mayor Bill Cox, and Mr. Paul Gregory, Per quimans County Manager, and few short comments by Mr. Jack Hughes, Torch Run Coordinator for the Olym pic Festival. Mr. Paul Gregory stated in his comments Sunday the historical sig nifance of the torch, and reminded everyone that we should keep that In mind as the torch passed through our area. "We should be reminded of the 400th anniversary of North Carolina on this occasion, and we should not forget the historical signifacance of this activity," said Gregory. Gregory was referring to fact that the torch will travel through 400 North Caro lina communities before it reaches it's destination in honor of North Car olina's 400th anniversary. Following the program members of the community had an opportunity to hold the torch before it began it's journey toward the county line. Mr. Ben Roberts carried the torch out of town accompanied by fellow runners George White, Tom Terra nova, Pete Mansfield, Elmer Boyce, and Lloyd "Fletch" Dail, who dropped out at Hardees to take their places further down the torch's path. The seven Perquimans County run ners carried the torch a total of ap proximately 16 miles, and according to Ben Roberts it was a very worth wild experience. "It's been an experience I'll never forget," said Roberts. "I really en joyed it." The Olympic Festival Torch began it's 26 day journey toward the trian gle area on Saturday, June 22nd in Wilmington, North Carolina. It will arrive in Raleigh on July 17th for the opening ceremonies of the festival having passed through 88 of the state's 100 counties, and traveling over 2,800 miles. Before the run is over almost 8000 people will have carried the torch, al though not all of them will be run ning, and according to Hughes every citizen of North Carolina will be within 150 miles of the torch's route during the 26 day run. Martin proclaims state hurricane awareness week RALEIGH? Governor Jim Martin has proclaimed the week of July 5-11 as "Hurricane Awareness Week" in North Carolina. Governor Martin said, "Since 1984, three hurricanes have crossed the state's coast, killing four people and causing more than $98 million in property damage. Despite the threat I posed by these weather occurrences, our coastal population has increased by 41 percent during the past 25 years. The challenge facing us is how to evacuate people from flood-prone areas in an orderly and timely fash ; __ *? ion. In response to this challenge, sta tye and federal officials have devel oped a hurricane evacuation study, liiis three-year planning effort by state and federal agencies will give local authorities in coastal counties the information they need to decide what areas to evacuate, when to be gin, how long the evacuation will take to complete, and where to put the evacuees. Longtime residents of North Caro lina remember the powerful hurri canes that struck the state in the fif ties when four hurricanes passed over North Carolina. The strongest of the storms was Hurricane Hazel in October of 1954. Next to Florida, NOrth Carolina Carolina has the highest incidence of hurricane land falls along the Atlantic Coast. How ever, during the 60s and 70s, hurri cane landfalls were most common along the Gulf of Mexico. In 1984, the long lull in hurricane activity ended for North Carolina with the passage of Hurricane Diana, followed by Goria in 1985 and Charley in 1986. Hurricane Charley was a mi nor storm ; however, it demonstrated how difficult it is to quickly evacuate some of the barrier islands during the tourist season. The hurricane evacuation study may not elimate traffic jams, but it will give local decision makers the information they need to deckide when to evacuate and where. The study includes extensive studies of coastal geography and population patterns. It identifies evacuation cor ridors and evacution clearence times, analyzes the behavior of coastal residents and vacationers, and describes the wind and storm surge that would occur with different intensity hurricanes. The evacuation study is the focus of "Hurricane Awareness Week," an annual effort by the N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety's Division of Marine Affairs, and the National Weather Service. Officially, hurricane season begins June 1 and continues through Novem ber 30. In North Carolina, most hurri canes occur during the months of Au gust, September, and October. Keith Haskett is the emergency management coordinator for the county. Anyone needing additional information may contact Mr. Has kett at 426-5564. ? Winf all adopts budget The Winfall Town Council met Mon day, June 29th, in a special session and adopted their FY 1987-88 budget as it was orginally proposed. Winfall's FY 1987-88 budget is broked down as follows: Revenue: Water, $34,000.00, Town Taxes, $23,000.00, Interest, $4,500.00, Miscel laneous, $2,000.00, Police Receipts, | $200.00, Town Tags, $400.00, Fran chise tax, $8,470.00, Sales and Use Tax, $39,263.00, Intangibles Tax, $940.00, Beer and Wine Tax, $3,290.00, Powell Bill Fund, $14,900.00, ind County Fund (Fire Department), $6,000.00 for a total revenue of $136,963.00. Expenditures: General Fund, $72,500.00, Water Department, $30,179.00, Police Department, $25,734.00, and Fire Department $8,500.00 for a total of $136,963.00. The FY 1987-88 budget reflects an $11,273.58 increase over last year's budget figures. Five injured in wreck Five people were injured Saturday morning as the result of an wreck in volving a tractor trailor and an auto mobile. The accident occurred on Harvey k Point Road at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday, June 27th. The trac tor trailor driven by Edward LeRoy Black well, a resident of Kenbridfce, Virginia, was attempting to turn around on the two lane road, but missed the driveway, and got stuck in the ditch. After several attempts to remove the truck from the ditch, Bfackwell went across U.S. 17 to Hardees to call police for assistance, and while he was on the phone a 1987 P Pontiac Grand Am, driven by Marvin Godfrey, Route 2, Hertford, ran into the truck Godfrey, who was traveling west on Harvey Point Road, hit the truck which was across his lane of travel he*<oa. Godfrey stated at the time of the accident that be did not see the truck because it had no flares or lights on tfe trailor. Blackwell, the driver of ^ the truck stated at the time of the ac P cident that several other vehicles had traveled past the truck without inci dent. Following an investigation of the accident on Monday, June 29th, Se nior Patrolman Tim Spence of the Hertford Police Department re ported that the investigation re vealed that the driver of the vehicle was traveling at approximately 55 miles an hour in a 55 mile an how zone, and that he attempted to stop approximately 32 feet from the truck as judged from the skid marks on the road at the scene of the incident. Spence also stated that the cause of the accident is not known for sure. According to Spence the driver of the car had consumed some alcohol, but was not impaired at the time of the accident. Upon conclusion of the investiga tion, Spence reported that no charges pertaining to the wreck will be filed. ' Damages to the car are estimated at approximately $13,000.00, there was no damage to the truck. All five passenger* traveling in the car were injured. They were taken to Albemarle Hospital for treatment. I V photo by Gina Jepson Pictured above the 1987 Pontiac Grand Am is seen shortly after running into the tractor trailer on Saturday morning on Harvey Point Road. WEATHER WEEKEND FORECAST ' , 1 Weather forecasters are predicting partly cloudy weather with a chance of showers or thunderstorms beginning to , day through Saturday, July 4th. Tempatures are expected to have highs in the mid to upper 80's throughout the weekend. Lows are expected to be in the middle 60's to lower 70's. Annual 4th of July celebration scheduled Come one, come all to Saturday in the Park.... A 4th of July Gala. This Saturday, the Perquimans County Jaycees will sponsor their an nual 4th of July celebration. Missing Mill Park will host this year's activities which will get un derway at 11 .00 a.m. Saturday morn ing. The Snug Harbor Combo will ap pear at the celebration from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon on Saturday, also at 11:00 a.m. the concession stand, the dunking booth and a boat show will open. The concession stand will feature hot dogs, hamburgers, barbecue, and cokes. Boats dis played at the boat show will be pro vided by local area boat dealers. At 12:00 noon, Clark Bateman, a lo cal disk jockey, will provide an af ternoon of music for everyone's lis tening pleasure. A children's fishing tournament, and a Coast Guard ready aircraft demonstration will begin at 1 :00 p.m. followed at 2:00 p.m. by games for the kids as well as the adults in the crowd. The games Saturday will include tricycle races ( bring your own tricy cle), balloon shaving for the teen agers, and horseshoes for the adults. Prizes will be awarded for the win ners. At 3:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon a tug of war will be held. The Jaycees hope that all the area fire depart ments will challenge each other for this event. May the best team win. The Jaycee's annual fish fry will gear up at 4:00 p.m., and it will con tinue until 7:00 p.m.. Plates will be sold on a first-come first-serve basis. Cost is $3.50 per plate. The plates will include fish, coleslaw, breadsticks, and tea to drink. Mr. Lyn Winslow, chorus teacher at Union School, will be giving a pi- t ano concert from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and a pie in the face auction will be held at 6:00 p.m.. At 6:30 p.m. on Saturday the War den Family Singers will appear for everyone's enjoyment, and at 7:30 p.m. a county-wide church service will be conducted. Magic will be appearing at 8:00 p.m. that evening. During the band's second break the raffle drawing will be held. The winner of the raffle will receive his or her choice of a 19" TV or VCR from Layden's T.V. in Hert ford. Tickets for the raffle can be purchased for $1.00 from any Jaycee member. Proceeds from the raffle will be split equally between M.D. and Just Say No To Drugs. The highlight of the July 4th cele bration will come just as it gets dark on Saturday when the biggest and best fireworks display ever gets un derway. Several other activities have been tentatively scheduled for Saturday's celebration including a moonwalk for the kids, a remote control plane dem onstration, and a performance by some rappers which should take place at approximately 4:00 p.m.. The Perquimans County Jaycees would like to encourage everyone to come out on Saturday and partici pate in the day's activities, but re mind everyone that alcoholic bever ages are prohibited in Missing Mill Park. The Jaycees in conjunction with lo cal ABC and law enforcement offi cials will be patroling the area throughout the day to deter drinking. It is the hope of the Perquimans County Jaycees that Saturday's cele bration will provide fun and family oriented entertainment for everyone. Hertford to vote on bond referendum On Wednesday, June 22, 1987, the Town of Hertford held a public hear ing and adopted the bond order enti tled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZ ING THE ISSUANCE OF $200,000 SANITARY SEWER BONDS OF THE TOWN OF HERTFORD". The election regarding this partic ular bond order will be held in the Town of Hertford on August 11th. Farmers Home Administration has approved the purchase of the bonds, and would hold the bonds a 6.5 annual percentage rate. The $200,000 sanitary sewer bonds, if voted in would allow payment of capital costs for upgrading and im proving the town's facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage, including the construction and reconstruction of sewage facili ties and the aquisition and installa tion of machinery and equipment necessary for such facilities. This bond order is the result of twelve years of study on the facility, and work on obtaining money for the updating of the facility. In 1975 the Town of Hertford was notified by the Environmental Pro tection Agency that they felt it was necessary for the waste treatment fa cility to be updated, and a 201 study on the facility began. The 201 study was done to ensure that the town could qualify for an En vironmental Protection agency grant and was conducted by W. F. Free man and Associates of Highpoint, North Carolina. Upon completion of the study it was determined that up grading was necessary. The present facility is currently operating beyond it's designed capacity, and it must be upgraded to meet the town's current needs, and those projected for the fu ture. The town's existing facility handles about 300,000 gallons per day, and was constructed in 1966-67. The pro posed upgraded facility would handle approximately 400,000 gallons. The study determined that the modifica tions on the facility are necessary in order that the facility continue to meet all N.P.D.E.S. permit condi tions both in organics and flow of the system. In a preliminary engineering re port done on the facility the engi neers state that the facility is in very good shape, but also add that the fa cility must be updated to handle the present needs of the town, and pro jected community growth. The engineer's report also states that the proposed modifications are necessary, and that capital cost of the improvements will be kept to a minimum by utilizing as much of the existing structures as possible. ' The total cost of updating the fa cility is being projected at $397,500.00; however. $192,460.00 of that cost is being provided from an EPA grant, $38,000.00 is coming from North Carolina clean water bond money, and the remaining $167,040.00 will be coming from the bonds issued by the town. The $167,040.00 has been increased to $200,000.00 to allow some additional monies for variances in bids and hidden costs. The total costs for the project is broken down as follows: $307,800.00 dollars in construction costs, $52,000.00 in technical costs, $9,700.00 in legal and administrative costs, and $28,000 00 in contingency costs. The proposed modifications will break down to $8.07 dollars per month per user. Additional information on voting places and other pertinent informa tion regarding the bond referendum will be forthcoming prior to the Au gust 11th voting date. Filing begins Monday in municipal elections Candidates may begin filing Mon day for the next Municipal Election to be held for the Town of Hertford and the Town of Winfall. Candidates may begin filing for the two council seats and mayor's post for the Town of Hertford Winfall, Monday, July 6, at the County Board of Elections Of fice. Filing officially opens July 3rd as required by state regulations, but Friday is a holiday and the election office will be closed. According to Elizabeth Winslow, Supervisor of Elections, prospective candidates have until August 7, at noon to file for these offices. The elec tion will be Non-partisan and all reg istered city residents, regardless of political affiliation will be eligible to vote. I The staff of the Perquimans Weekly wishes everyone a safe holiday.

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