Church news[ uaa a ; uanti gu abuwi n^annaon n> ri n n^n nrw n nn ri n n i?i r tfJW^ncianaiwiwwwBXBawMMiwwhiaiaiJttMf God's people form a different and new relationship with him Sunday school lesson ?* ^ NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD ( Read from your Bible J Romans 5: 1-11) ? "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death 6f His Soul; much more, being recon ciled, we shall be saved by His life." (Romans 5:10) J The Apostle Paul left evidence of . paving been a methodical person ; his ^ epistles indicate such. As we read his (etter to the Rome Christians, a pro gression of thought emerges and we can see his intent to develop in his leaders' minds a new testament prin ciple. He wants the Romans to know tlie importance and necessity of faith in Jesus, as Savior and Lord, and that God's redemptive plan for all man kind is in effect and on-going. He spoke of three groups of people of his day. Those who were non-Jewish and non-Christian, which he called pa gan. To the pagans he showed their lack of understanding of God's reve lation of Himself through nature; the creation of such an amazing uni verse. It was not full light of reve lation but light enough for pagans to see,. The Jews were lost through le galistic observances of God's ancient laws. They had not heeded all of God's loving pleas through His prophets to love mercy, do justice and walk humbly before God. To all this they added the rejection of His promised Messiah when He came to them. The third group, the Christians, Paul showed that those who, in faith, ac cept Christ's atoning death will be forgiven of their sins and made right before God. These have a new relationship with God. OUR CONDITION AS JUSTIFIED (Romans 5:1-5) Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Verse 1) Peace! Isn't that what most people long for and even search for. Listen to the voices of the maddening crowds throughout the world and couched within them hear the plea for peace. Listen to the voices of those who have achieved a high level of success in life, and most often you will discern the desire for peace and serenity; away from life's fast lanes. T Christ, on several occasions, noted that He came to bring peace. The an gel announced His birth in Bethle hem with "Peace on Earth." To be justified is to be declared free of guilt, as one writer declares, it because God now views us as having no guilt. We are no longer estranged from Him. The end result is that we are at peace with God, instead of be ing in a condition of strife. Recently I attended a Spring revi val service where, at the end of the service, many people made their way to the pulpit to state that they were not sure of their salvation, and sought help from the evangelist. Paul makes the point to the Rome Christians that they may know that their new relationship with God is ~T mm real in two ways; verses 3-5. First, through testing. Second, by the Holy Spirit. When Christians face trials and tribulation in life they are able to keep their perspective, liiey are able to view these maters through the telescope of eternity? discerning the difference between those things which ar temporary and those which ai>e eternal. The love of God, man ifested through the Holy Spirit, sus tains and keeps them. OUR CONDITION ASSURED (Romans 5:6-11) "But God commandeth Hs ove to ward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Verse 8) A well known evangelist of yester year had a sermon under the topic Free Grace." He said that God's grace was fre but it wasn't cheap, He ' gave His only Son as atonement for mankind's sins. In these verses the apostle seems to be saying the same thing. Christ died for us. This is the very heart of what Paul has to say to;; us here. Christ's death for us is the climatic proof of God's love. The apostle's appeal is for us to grasp it, " believe it. Commit our lives to it, for ' it is only in Christ Jesus that man- _ kind has hope. (Lesson based on the International' * Sunday School Lessons) I ? ? I Dear friends. July 4 commemorates our nation's Independence Day. It is proper that we, as a na tion, now encourage free and honest elections among the emerging nations, so that they too may benefit from government "of the people .. by the people .. and for the people". We may not always ap proved of the governments they elect, but the right of mistake is also theirs. Demo cratically elected govern ments will serve both the cause of independence and world peace. Respectfully, i&urinitell iFuneral Home, 3tic. || 509 Dobbs Street Hertford, N.C. 426-7311 1 ^Church calendar Anniversary celebrated ! First Baptist Missionary Church, Hyde Park Street in Hertford, N.C. will celebrate its 121 Anniversary on Sunday, July 5, 1987 at 11:00 a.m. services. The church began as a Bush shelter in 1866 across the street from t&e present church church location. ; x Too much cannot be said about the ^courageous and loyal support given by the faithful members during the years of struggle from its beginning to the present time. Guest speaker for the celebration will be a Hertford native, Mrs. Cassie Williams Holland of Washington, D C. Mrs. Holland is a graduate of the Elizabeth City State University. Recognition of members 80 years of age and older will be given. The public is invited and an old fashioned dinner will be served fol lowing the morning worship services. Money needed for transplant i !\Vhile taking your children to ball practice, swimming lessons, sum mer camp, and or vacation, take a moment to think about Virginia Lynn Hurler J Virginia Lynn ten year old daugh ter f Philip and Margaret Hofler of Gatesville, North Carolina, is not looking forward to summer fun. She is planning on a summer in Chil dren's dire need of a liver transplant. The expenses incurred in receiving a transplant are astronomical. 'A short term goal has been set with a minimum of at least $30,000 to be used for Virginia Lynn's expenses. ?> Virginia Lynn will have at least a 10 ?*to 12 week stay in Pittsburg and a lifetime need for cyclosporine, an anti.-rejection drug which will cost approximately $180.00 per bottle. To help pay non-medicaid covered expenses a trust account has been opened with Gatesville Southern Bank in the name of Children's Transplant Association for the bene fit ai Virginia Lynn Hofler. Non-med icaid covered expenses shall include, ^ but not be limited to hospital cost, physicians' cost transportation, food, loidging and any other expense for Vjrginia Lynn's parents (or appro priate family member) to accom pany her out of town for medical pro cedures and evaluations, for special devices or machinery prescribed by physicians, and any other items re lated to Virginia Lynn Hofler's need for a liver transplant not covered by Medicaid. now, as you go to activities with your precious little ones, remember Virginia Lynn and her forthcoming trip to Pittsburg. She has made two previous trips, one for candidate evaluation and the second for hopeful liver transplant. The second trip was filled with double disappointment as the two donate 4 livers were damaged and could not be used. Remember Virtinia Lynn with a donation worthy of the love you have for your children. Join us in Virginia Lynn's fight for life. Make your tax deductible check payable to: Chil dren's Transplant Association (Be sure to indicate that you check is for the benefit of Virginia Lynn Hoffler). Mail your donation to: Children's Transplant Associaion Fund, For Virginia Lynn Hofler, Southern Bank, Post Office Box 544, Gates ville, NC 27938. Thank you so much for finding it in your heart to help save the life of this precious little girl, affording her the priceless gift of life and the hope of many summers to come. | Car clinic offered 'A free Car Care Clinic, a 15-minute diagnostic test of your automobile, JjJjb^ing offered this weekend can im prove your car's operating efficiency and save you money. Vans and pick up trucks will also be tested. 'Hie Elizabeth City Car Care Clinic wilO>e held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on F)n\Ateed Protection! .The, _ 3PB *=?d Tamer Saver r ??an pWlc-Ws wain air and pe* ewougN " ? Smothers weeds without chemicals ? Easy tct install In new or existing beds ? Keeps beds neat ? Long-lasting 3 X SO- rot $A O ^ _ (150 7?7J ELIZABETH CITY ? MCKCOMPMW i. ? " photo by Gina Jepson Pictured above the Perquimans County runners are seen as they run out of town with the Olympic festival torch. Proud To Be An American By Raymond C. Needman, Pastor Hertford Baptist Church It is not unusual to hear some citizen of our nation say, "I am proud to be an American!" One of the blessings that evokes such a spirit is the freedom which we enjoy in our land. The first settlers of this continent were seeking freedom from the op pression of their government and freedom to worship God as they wished. It is worth our taking not of ? they were seeking freedom to worship God, not freedom from worshipping God. Their first contract of government, the Mayflower Compact, was signed, " In the name of God, Amen." The Declaration of Independence was concluded "with a firm reliance on the pro tection of Divine Providence." As v.*e celebrate our national independence, let our minds reflect upon those who forged the foundation on Wflich this great nation was established. Without hesitency or shame they acknowledged God as the source of their blessings and the sustainer and protector of our people. They believed that the real strength of American democracy resided not in its econom ics, but in the Godly morals and ethics of its people. Even the pledge to our flag is a constant reminder that our nation is rooted in an unwavering acknowledgement of god; for we find in it this phrase, "one nation under God." The fourth of July should call us to a fresh examination of the word freedom, for true freedom does not mean simply that "I do as I please regardless of anyone else." Jesus said, "If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Again He said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The freedom in our land that has bleesed us is that which makes us free to respect others and their rights, that makes us free to love and care for the highest and best in our fellowmen, It is the freedom that sets us free from the spirit of greed, dishonesty and hatred, that makes us far more zealous to please God than ourselves. God's word says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." We need only look around today to see that when we, by our lives and actions, declare our independence from God, we soon become slavishly bound to that which is less than noble and praise worthy. When the free dom we seek focuses only upon ourselves, it ceases to be real freedom, and in fact, becomes one of the worst kinds of slav ery. This is indeed a time in the year when Americans can truly be thankful for a nation that has been blessed of God. Way it also be a time when we affirm afresh our faith in Him who has preserved us down through these years, let us again with heart and voice sing "God bless America, land that I love." People's Bank & Trust Co. MEMBER FDIC Hertford, N.C. Reed Oil Company EXXON PRODUCTS HERTFORD, N.C. HOLLOWELL OIL CO. SUPPLIERS OF OIL PRODUCTS Phone: 426-5745 . yu > I Quality Clothing Outlet Ward's Shopping Center US 17 By Pass The Perm.* WeeVlymam ^ootfard's fnarmacv fw*? A" 0r 0ld.7 S *? ?<> 436-33ay ??ssg? Perm'"* C0"Mcr rquimaMs ^eelf]y ^6-5 72a Fro "IggHt m-572, 1 *'C?TS 426-7592 1 Phillips Furniture Co. FACTORY OUTLET New and Reject Furniture U.S. 17 By-Pass Hertford, N.C. WINSLOW BLANCHARD FORD Dealer WOODLAND m Dress Shop 108 S. WOODLAND ST. HERTFORD 426-5620 PHILGAS Community Gat Inc. 215 Edenton Road St. Hertford, NC 426-5246