THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 57, No. 30' USPS 42?-0?0 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, July 23, 19?7 30 cents I Area livestock news i see page 8 Hertford VFW news see page 9 Constitution corner see naoo Q , Mobile home park ordinance passed Mobile home park owners and mo bile home parks will now have to ad here to some strict regulations in Perquimans County. This comes as a result of the Per quimans County Board of Commis sioners adopting a new mobile home ) park ordinance on Monday evening. The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on Monday to review and listen to the public's questions concerning the or diance which was recommended by the Perquimans County Planning Board.. After some discussion by members of the board and few questions from the hand full of citizens present the ordinance was passed unanimously ) by the board. The new ordiance was passed with only a few minor changes as it was proposed by the planning board, and those changes involved the size of the driveways to be required, and changes in the wording of some of the passages of the ordinance. The new ordinance is very specific, and addresses issues such as regis tration of mobile homes in parks, ap proval conditions for mobile home parks, applications for construction of mobile home parks, and specifica tions for mobile home parks which are to be located in Perquimans County. Although the new ordinance con tains some strict requirements for mobile home parks according to Dick George of the Albemarle Commis sion, who helped the planning board develop this ordinance, the new ordi nance is no tougher than ordinances currently in effect in neighboring counties. The board stated on Monday eve ning that it is not their intention to prevent mobile home parks from lo cating in Perquimans County; how ever, the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners and the planning board hope to improve the quality of mobile home parks in the county through the use, and enforcement of this new ordinance. School construction project put on hold The Perquimans County Board of Education may have to wait a little while longer for their new office building and warehouse facility. The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met with the Perqui mans County Board of Gducatior Monday evening to discuss the new office-warehouse building project which has been proposed for the Per quimans County School System. Earlier this spring the two boards met and decided to jointly finance the construction of this new facility. At that time it was decided that the board of commissioners would con tribute *75,000.00 towards tb&prvject with the board of education providing $125,000.00 towards the project, mak ing the total monies available $200,000.00. It was the hope of the two boards at that time, and remains their hope that the new building would remedy the problem of office space currently facing both boards. However, the project may not be completed a$ time soon. The building project which in cludes office space for the board of education, and warehouse space for ^ food and other supplies was put out for bids this spring, and when the bids came in June and again in July they came in way over the budgeted figures. (Bids were received twice due to lack of bids on the first opening date.) The boards met Monday and de cided to split the project into phase I and phase II so that some action can be taken to complete it. The board of education stated Mon day that the project was advertised twice in an attempt to get bids, but that only one general contractor, Roanoke Construction, bid on the job, and that their bid of $296,000.00 was too high. The board stated that the 11,000 square foot project apparently was too large for small construction com panies, and too small for large con struction companies. Hie Perquimans County Board of Education stated Monday that they did not feel they needed one of the facilities more than the other, but that they would restudy their needs to determine which facility should be constructed first. The board of education must now have new specifications drawn up for the two projects, and the process of advertising for bids will begin all over again. Following receipt of the new bids the board will make a deci sion on which project will become phase I to be constructed as soon as passible. The board of commissioners voted Monday that all of the $75,000.00 al lotted for the initial project could be used for phase I, but stated they would not, and could not guarantee any funds for phase II of the building project. With that thought in mind the board of education will proceed on making plans for phase I of the building pro ject. } Commissioners meeting held on Monday night The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday eve ning. Following a public bearing on the proposed mobile home park ordi nance the board conducted the fol lowing business. I The board voted to give the Perqui mans County Jaycees $300.00 for the fireworks which were held on July 4th. The Jaycees were short approxi mately $750.00 in paying for this year's show, and following donations by the Town of Hertford, and the Town of Winfall the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners do nation will provide the additional funds needed. The board also approved an I agreement with the Forestry Service to provide services for the county at a cost of $17,761.00. The county will be billed by the Forestry Service as i--i nocflco. , The board also approved donations of $SOO.OO each to both Skills, Inc. and Highway 17 Transportation Aaaoda tion. Hie board of commissioners also discussed the paving of Burgess Road on Monday evening. The road will be paved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation if a 50 foot right of way can be obtained by the property owners. Also on Monday evening, N. Paul Gregory, Perquimans County Man ager was appointed Sub-division Re view Officer by the board. Hie board of commissioners also voted Monday evening to ask Mr. Mi chael Winslow, a native of the the county, and Art Director with McKin ney and Silver, Advertising of Ra leigh, North Carolina to develop a county seal for Perquimans County. This seal would be used as the official seal for the county. The board also held a public hear ing on the propoaed mobile home park ordinace, and met with the board of education. There being no further business the meeting was ad journed. Safety saturation begins RALEIGH I ?The North Carolina Division of Mo toc Vehicles and the North Carolina i&ghway Patrol are fearing up to be gin another aeries of motor carries safety enforcement campaigns. The 10- week enforcement program will be held at 16 locations across the state between July 13 and September 1?. The campaigns are a Joint effort by the two agencies, and they serve to increase motor carrier safety in the stats. I Daring the program, a team of highway patrolmen and DMV en ter - to patrol heavily trafficked routes. Ther highway patrolmen will stop trucks that are tailgating, speeding or committing other obvious moving violations. The driven will then be directed by the patrolman to a nearby location where the tracks will receive a thor ough safety inspection conducted by the DlffV enforcement officers. (TnmmlMliiii^' q| Urtnf Vehicles William S. Hiatt said that previous campaign* have highly efdctive. "Governor Jim Martin has made highway safety a top priority of his administration, Haitt said. Taking it easy! Pictured above a Perquimans County resident takes it easy by fishing in the Peruqimans River near the Hertford munici pal building late Monday afternoon. Police report several incidents in the county The Hertford Police Department has reported several incidents which have occurred in the county through out the month of July. On July 3, 1987, Melton Grove Bap tist Church in Winfall was broken into. According to reports a window air condition was removed from one of the church's windows so the robber could gain entry into the church. Following an investigation by the police department, Joseph Cos ton, a black male, age 24, admitted to a sheriff's deputy that he removed the air conditioner. Cos ton was arrested and charged with the break-in. The air conditioner was recovered in the woods adjacent to the church. Cos ten is currently out of jail on bond. He had his first appearance in court on Wednesday, July 22nd. The Hertford Fire Department and the Hertford Police Department have also completed an investigation which has resulted in two arrests. On July 11, 1987, the Hertford Fire Department was called to respond to a fire at lot 32 of Meads Trailer Park. They responded and following their investigation the Hertford Police De partment was brought into the case because arson was suspected by the fire department. After a joint investigation by the fire department and police two sus pects were arrested. Re nay "Jackie" White, and Claude Michael Barrington, occupant of the trailer, were both arrested. The incident occurred following a fight between the two parties. Fol lowing the fight White apparently set fire to the traitor and stabbed Bar rington in the neck with a kitchen fork. Barrington than struck White's 1976 Pontiac Bonneville with a pole, and struck White in the mouth and face with his fist. White has been charged with sec ond degree arson and assault, and Barrington has been charged with as sault and injury to personal property. Both parties are out of jail on bond. Their first court date was held on July 22nd. The police have also reported an incident which occured in the county on July 12th and 13th. The incident began at Southern Shores Beach when Jerome Reid, and a girl friend, Linda Twine, were fighting. According to police reports Wilbert Jones became involved in the disagreement and the two men began fighting. Following the two men's fight Jones alleges that Steve A. Step man, and Wadell Harvey became in volved. Jones reports that Harvey at tempted to cut him with a knife, and that Stepman hit him with a baseball bat. The incident than moved into Hert ford where Stepman reported that Jones struck his car with a bat caus ing $200.00 in damages. The incident than moved to Wynne Fork Court where Officer Harvey of the Hertford Police Department re ported that a vehicle driven by Delma Marcel Lee, of 319 Market Street, Hertford, pulled up and that Lee jumped from the vehicle carry ing a small hand gun which he fired at J one. Several shot were fired, but Jones was not hit. Senior Patrolman Tim Spence re ported on Monday, July 20th that all of the suspects involved with this in cident were arrested. Lee was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill, Jones has been charged with injury to per sonal property, and larceny which was an outstanding warrant held by the police department, Harvey and Stepman have both been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. All of the men are out of jail on bond awaiting trial. The police have also reported that one lady has been arrested and charged with assault in case that took place in Winfall, North Carolina. The Perquimans County Rescue Squad was- called to White Street in Winfall. When they arrived Ger aldine Holley reported that Carrie Floyd had struck her in the mouth causing extensive damage. The inci dent apparently took place as the re sult of an argument over a telephone bill and some statements made by Holley to Floyd. Floyd was arrested and charged with assault, she is out of jail on bond awaiting a trial date of August 19th. Ms. Holley was treated at Albemarle Hospital and released. The Hertford Police Department has also requested that residents re frain from defacing the property lo cated at the intersection of Edenton Road Street and Market Streets in Hertford across from the Little S & R store. The police department will be enforcing any and all city ordinances and state violations that apply. Local man stabbed six times in Chapanoke The Perquimans County Sheriffs Department has reported that a stab bing took place over the weekend. According to Sheriff Joe Lothian, Joe Louis Walker, of Route 4, Hert ford, NC was stabbed this past week end. Walker was stabbed while patron izing a local night spot in the Chapa noke area, Mickey's Place. Walker who was stabbed six times by an unknown assaultant. He was treated and released from Albemarle Hospital following the incident. An investigation by the Sheriff's Department into this matter is continuing. The Sheriffs Department has also reported that 40 more marijuana plants have been seized in the county making the total number of plants seized some 60 plants. The Sheriff's Department is contin uing their servaliance of the county, and they expect to seize additional plants as they reach the peak of the marijuana growing season. The Sheriff's Department is also seeking information from county res idents regarding losses of commer cial fishing equipment from the Per quimans River recently. Items such as crab pots, crabs, nets, and other items have been taken. Any one with information relating to these items is asked to call the Perquimans County Sheriff's Department at 426-5615. Any one found to be stealing these items will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Partners with youth elect new officers for the year At their July 14 meeting in the Old Courthouse at Edenton, the Perqui mans-Chowan Partners With Youth Board of Directors, accepting the recommendations of the Nominating Committee, elected their new offi cers for the 1987-88 year. The new of ficers and Board of Directors are: President (Class of 1988) Chief F. Marshall Merritt, Chief of Police, Hertford, NC 27944; 128 N. Church St., Hertford, NC 27944 ; 426-5587 (W) 426-5321 (Dis.); Vice President (Class of 1989) Robert Moye, Tea cher, Exceptional Children, D.F. Walker School, Edenton, NC 27932; Rt. 2, Box 344, Edenton. NC 27932; 482-4906 (H), 482-3213. Secretary (Class of 1988) Rose mary Lewis, Director special Educa tion, Edenton-Chowan Schools, Eden ton, NC 27932; Rt. 2, Box 47K (Home) P.O. Box 206 (Work), Edenton, NC 27932 ; 482-4436 (W); Treasurer (Class of 1988) Dr. J.H. Horton, Den tist, Edenton, NC 27932; 101 S. Oa kum St., Edenton, NC 27932 ; 482-3414 (W) 482-4104 (H); Class at 1988, Rev. Henry A. Bizsell, Jr., Pastor, United Methodist Church, Hertford, NC 27944; 307 W. Market St, Hertford, NC 27944; 42*6467 (W) 4264236 (H); Class of 1989, Hazel Elliott, P.O Box 296, Edenton, NC 27*32; 48*7441 (W); Director, Dept. of Social services, King St., County Office Bktg., Eden ton, NC 27932, and April Lane, Real Estate Agent, The Rich Company Company Edenton, NC 27982, 306 S. Granville St, Edenton, NC 27982; m mm (H) 482-7484 (W). Also, Class of 198B, Dr. Richard Newby, Professor, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC 27909; P.O. Box 1061, Elizabeth City, NC 27909; Sister Helen Scalon, Catho lic Social Ministries, Albemarle Re gional Office, Hertford, NC 27944; P.O. Box Hertford, NC 27944 ; 426 7717; Class of 1990, June Britt, Eco nomic Improvement Council, Eden ton, NC 27932; P.O. Box 531, Edenton, NC 27932 ; 482-7346 (H). Rev. Ralph I. Epps, Pastor, United Methodist Church, Edenton, NC 27932; 102 Terry Avenue, Edenton, NC 27932 ; 482-2289 (H) 482-3269 (W); Mary Rhea Gardner, Social Services Department, Edenton, NC 27932; P.O. Box 296, Edenton, NC 27932; 482 7441 (W) ; Keith Renner, Social Serv ices Department, Edenton, NC 27932; P.O. Box 296, Edenton, NC 27932; 482 7441 (W); S. Bland Terry, Edenton Marina, Edenton, NC 27932 ; 203 Hobbs Drive, Edenton, NC 27932. Also, James White, Deputy Sheriff, Chowan County, Edenton, NC 27932; Terry Williams, Sales Representa tive, Jim bo's Jumbo's Inc., Edenton, NC 27932; P.O. Box 145, P.O. Box 145, W'nfall, NC 27965; 436-7698 (H) 482 2i_l (W), And Jeanie Umphlett, Director at Exceptional Children, Perquimans County Schools, Hertford, NC 27*44; 2 senior high school students, 1 Per quimans and Chowan Counties, in September. Besides the report of the Nominat ing Committee, the Board heard the report of the Fund Raising Commit tee concerned with participation in the Indian Summer Festival at Hert ford September 12th. Baked goods will be the main item at the Partners With Youth booth. A raffle is also scheduled for later in the year. Dr. Nadeau, Executive Director, presented his report on program process. As he noted, the program is moving forward but needs the contin ued help of the Perquimans and Cho wan communities in the search for volunteers and in giving financial support. Because the program is a Perqui mans-Chowan program, the Board decided that beginning with Septem ber (August is a "recess" month) monthly meetings will alternate be tween Hertford and Edenton; the meeting of September 8th is sched uled for 4:30 p.m. a the Community Center of the Wynne Fork Housing Development, Hertford (courtesy of Hertford Housing Authority. Baseball coach named The Perquimans County Board of Education met on Monday evening with Bill Meekins, newly elected rep resentive to the State Board of Edu cation. Members of the board discussed and reviewed upcoming education legislation with Mr. Meekins, and had the opportunity to get to know his feelings on those issues facing the State Board of Education as well as the legislature. All members of the board felt that this time was ex tremely productive, and that they had a good exchange with Mr. Mee kins. The board also discussed the high school construction project on Mon day evening. Hie board is trying to finish up the project. According to Superintendent, Pat Han-ell, the pro ject ia in the final stages with a few minor problems which are left to be resolved. HarreU and the board of education * have also announced the new base ball coach for Perquimans High School. Mr. Phil Woodell, a native of Per quimans County has been named to the post. Woodell will replace Mr. Pete Hunter. Woodell is a native of Perquimans County, he played baseball at Perqui mans County High School, and also at Atlantic Christian College in Wilson, North Carolina. Mr Woodell other duties will in clude teaching elementary physical education, and assisting with girl's basketball at Perquimans Middle School. The board hopes to continue ft strong baseball program under Woodell's leadership. The board also met with the board of commissioners on Monday cra ning. There being no further bustem the meeting was adjourned. %