THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volum* 57, No. 34 USPS 428-080 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, August 20, 1??7 30 CENTS Town of Winfall filing see pg. 10 Church History see pfl. 8 Friday in the Park" see pg. 11 Staff photos by Anzie Wood Morris Kornegay, principal of Central School, with upcoming kindergardener Robert Harrell. Area schools to open August 24 The Perquimans County schools will -open this year on August 24th, and according to Superintendent Pat Han-ell, students may just find a few changes this year. . First students at the high school lean expect to be in the new building. The board of education has accepted conditional occupancy of the build up, and if there are no further prob lems with the facilities they plan to open school on time with those facili ties in operation. An open house fea turing the new facilities will be held later this fall, at this time no date has been decided. Also this year all first grade and kindergarten students in the county will be using the IBM "Writing to Read" program. "Writing to Read" is a program which uses computers and other visuals to teaching reading and writing skills to young children. The program has been expanded to include the first grade this year due to its' overwhelming success in the school system last year. Perquimans Middle School will also see some changes. This year the school will have a full time guidance counselor to serve the needs of stu dents, and it will house all 5th through 8th graders. Sewer bids exceed budget The bids were open for the im provement to the Hertford Waste tment Plant Wednesday, Aug. Town officials were disap pointed that the bids exceeded the projected estimates. Estimated construction costs for the project were $307,800 way short of the lowest bid of $582,000.00 sub mitted by T. A. Loving Company of Golds boro, North Carolina. Two other bids by Roanoke Con struction and George Raper and Sons were also over the mark with the Companies bidding $584,000.00 and $648,950 respectively. According to Mayor Bill Cox, and Leo Green, Engineer for the project the bids will now be evaluated. Green stated following the opening on Wednesday that after the evaluations are made his Arm would make a rec ommendation to the town. Green fur ther stated that some negoiation make take place with T. A. Loving Company to see if their bid could be lowered. Greene also said that the possibility of roadvertising for bids has not been ruled out by the town at this time. Mayor Cox stated on Wednesday that the town's next step will be to negotiate with the lowest bidder as allowed by law and possibly with the state to see if any more grant monies are available. "The project must be done," said Cox. "We will have to come up with the additional portion of the money needed," he added. The bid opening on Wednesday fol lowed the approved authorization for the town of Hertford to issue a bond totaling $200,000.00 which will be used to fund the town's share of the funds needed for the project. The referendum passed on Tues day by a large margin. 135 people voted and 126 voted in favor of the referendum with only nine against for a total of 135 voters, and 93 per cent in favor of the referendum. With the current problem facing the town regarding bids, Cox also stated Wednesday that construction may be delayed. Construction on the project is tentatively scheduled to be gin in October, and will last approxi mately 180 days or six months as de fined in the EPA grant. The project will greatly increase the capacity of the current plant. Board of Education meets .. 1 By ANZIE L. WOOD The Perquimans County Board of ifSducation met Monday, August 17 at 8:00 p.m. School will begin the 1987 1988 fiscal year with a tenative allot ment by State Board of Education, which was set back in March by the General Assembly. All Final allot ments will hopefully be received by next week. Certain provisions were discussed by the Board which were set by the Legislative Committee concerning the number of students per class |hx>m. School will be open as sched uled on August 24. Perquimans County High School Renovation Pro ject has been approved and passed. Fire provisions have been approved by the Fire Safety Inspector. There are two major problems con cerning the final inspection of the Project, the cooling system and the floor tile. Both have been scheduled to be taken care of by the contractors with the Board of Education's appro val. The Summer School Program of 1967 was a tremendous success due to the devotion and dedication of the teachers and the program provided. Jeannie Umphlet gave a report on the state testing results. They were as follows: Algebra I, State - 65.3 percent, Re gional - 64.2 percent, Perquimans County - 73.4 percent. Algebra II, State - 67.2 percent, Re gional - 64.7 percent, Perquimans County - 75.8 percent. Biology, State - 57.6 percent. Re gional - 57.6 percent, Perquimans County - 65.6 percent. Testing scores in Perquimans County were a higher scoring per rentage compared with State and Re gion norms. The cost of school lunches are: Breakfast - K-4 ? 15 cents, 5-12?50 cents Lunch - K-4? 90 cents, 5-12? $1.00 Adult Breakfast - 75 cents Adult Lunch - $1.60 Reduced Breakfast K-12? 30 cents, Lunch? 40 cents Jake Boyce, Assistant Superinten dent, stated in his report, that two new positions have been added to the teaching staff at the middle school. Ann Flippen will fill the full time po sition as Guidance Counselor and Lola Duers will be teaching the Voca tional Homemakiiuz . Pat Harrell stated that if there is any early dismissals due to hot weather, it will be at 1:15 and an nounced on WBXB Eden ton and WGAI and WCNC Elizabeth City. Basketball coach named P The Perquimans County Board of Education announced this week that Roger Burgess has been hired to fill the position of varsity basketball coach at Perquimans High School va cated earlier this year by Mr. Webster. Mr. Burgess' new coaching duties Weekend Forecast Forecasters are expecting mostly sunny skies. Highs in the liilddle to upper 80s. Lows in the itiid-60s to low 70s. will include in addition to varsity bas ketball, J. V. basketball, track and assisting with the football program. Mr. Burgess will also be teaching el em en try physical education. Pat Harrell, Superintendent of the Perquimans County Schools stated that Mr. Burgess has a strong basket ball background, and that he is looking forward to putting together a strong program for the coming year. Mr. Burgess is a graduate of East Carolina University and Lees Mc Crae Junior College where he played basketball. HQs past basketball hon ors include all- conference player in high school and he was a member at the all-western North, Carolina bas ketball team in high school He is a native of Lenoir, North Car olina, and is currently teaching and serving as basketball coach at WUkes High School, Wilkes County, North The high school will also introduce an in-school suspension program this year for the first time, and students will have an opportunity to take dance and drama classes this year for the first time. In addition to an increase in offered programs for the coming school year, school officials are also pre dicting an increase in enrollment. The estimated enrollment for the 1987-88 school year is 1875 students which is up IS students over the 1986 87 school year. Revitalization efforts of Hertford On Thursday of last week down town property owners, local officials, and interested citizens got to glimpse into the future as they viewed Hert ford's downtown facade im provement proposal. The proposal which was done in full color was developed by Nancy Cherry, Julie Magnotti, and Laurie Vandiford, three students of Dr. Ab dul Shakoor Farhadi at East Caro lina University's school of Environ mental Design and outlined step by step phase improvements for the fa cades of downtown buildings. The proposal was done in conjunction with Hertford Horizons. Hertford Horizons is the title of Hertford's downtown revitalization efforts which are currently under way, and is part of a larger project being sponsored by Community Strategies for Economic Progress (STEP). STEP is designed to help small communities like Hertford carry out revitalization efforts and achieve economic prosperity. At the viewing on Thursday, John Chris tenson, Chairman of the steer ing committee for Hertford Horizons stated that the proposal would induce people to improve their buildings downtown. He also hopes that if one property owner will get revitalization efforts of their building started it might result in the "domino effect" with other property owners following suite. For more information on the fa cade proposal or the revitalization ef forts of downtown Hertford contact the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce at 426-5657. County commissioners bombed with complaints The Perquimans County Commis sioners continue to be bombarded with complaints about poor water quality. At their Monday night ses sion, all the Commissioners reported receiving calls and visits from irate county water system customers - Commissioner Thomas Nixon summed up the problem, saying, "It's just a genuine mess." Ben Chambers, who runs an ice making business from his home in the New Hope Community appeared before the Commissioners requesting that his water bill for approximately the past 30 days be forgiven. According to Chambers, the water quality has been so poor that he has been forced to dump thousands of pounds of ice. "I cannot sell the stuff," he said. "It has cost me... somewhere around 30,000 pounds of ice, and I'll tell you, that ain't cheap." Although Chambers' equipment has filtering systems, the systems have been unable to remove the con taminants from the water pumped by the county. He told the Commission ers that the water is generally of poorer quality from U p.m. until 9 a.m. Chambers said his monthly water bill is usually between $100 and $130. "Gentlemen, I don't feel like I ought to have to pay it (this month's bill)," Chambers said. "Well, I don't feel like you should either," answered Commissioner Lester Simpson. The Board voted to void Chambers upcoming water bill. In defense of the decision, Chairman W. W. "Welly" White stated, "I don't be lieve we have many businesses like Ben's on the System." Water Department spokesman Keith Haskett said that his office has received numbers of complaints about water quality, as well as calls from people who have paid the $300 hook-up fee as long ago as four months and still have no meters. "We have about 40 meters that need to be put in bad," Haskett said. The Board responded that with the Bethel plant shut-down, poor water quality, and low manpower facing the water department at present, those customers will be forced to wait at least another week, probably longer. County Manager Paul Gregory re ported that work on the Bethel plant was scheduled for completion on Au gust 14th. He said that repairs to the inside of the plant were complete ex cept for painting, and that the outside was finished to the point that the fa cility can be used. Water samples taken from the three lines at the Bethel plant last week did not pass the state tests. Af ter re-chlorination, two of the three lines tested positive. The third line has again been re-chlorinated. Gre gory said that pumping could begin as early as Wednesday, although state health department officials are scheduled to inspect the plant Fri day. The firm performing the repairs may be penalyzed by the county for each day after August 14 the plant continues to be defunct. Gregory also presented a new the ory on the water quality problem to the Board. Gregory feels that be cause of the location in which bad wa ter has historically been a problem, the culprit could be rust in the White Hat and Belvidere holding tanks. Once the Bethel station is fully op erational and the back-log of water meter installations is caught up, the Board agreed to look into the possi bility of cleaning the tanks "It's time to get something done," said Thomas Nixon. In other business, the Board: voted to give public notice of its intent to enforce local and state laws regard ing street paving in subdivisions as requested by the Planning Board; agreed to negotiate with the Town of Hertford on making needed repairs to the town-owned building adjacent to Missing Mill Park presently being used by the Recreation Department. awarded contracts to Petrolane for gas and Hollowell Oil Company for fuel oil to be provided to county maintained buildings. The companies submitted the low bids of 40.9 cents per gallon for pro pane and 61.05 cents per gallon for fuel oil. John Christensen and Dr. Farhadi discuss Hertford facade proposal. Festival quickly approaching A. \ The Indian Summer Festival which is scheduled for September 11th and 12th is fast approaching and the Chamber of Commerce needs every one's help in once again making this a successful event for the county. Sidewalk sales and displays will be set up in downtown Hertford on Fri day, and local businesses will be of fering something new this year on Friday, ping pong ball discounts Ping pong discounts will feature ping pong balls decorated in different col ors indicating discounts will be hid den around the downtown area, and will be redeemable at participating In addition to the sidewalk sales and ping pong ball discounts enter tainment and other events will also *? be taking place throughout the day Friday. Merchants are once again being asked to participate fully in the festival by taking part in al planned activities. Saturday will once again offer events at Missing Mill Park. Enter tainment as well as a variety of arts and crafts booths and food booths will line the park perimeters, and should provide hours of fun and enjoyment for festival visitors. For more information on the festi val or if you would like to purchase a booth contact the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce at Ofr-MS7.

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