' . I Deanna M orring's letter above was chosen as this year's winner of the "Letters to Santa" caatest. Deanna is a third grader at Central School. She will receiveflO.OO Dear Santa, Would you bring me a Teddy Rux ptn, and a talking AH too. And a Bar bie. Love, Rekitta (Kindergarten) Dear Santa Claus, I want a head band, a Cabbage Patch, a Barbie Doll and some story books, coloring books, some Barbie clothes, a night gown and some clothes. Love, Nickey (Kindergarten) Dear Santa Claus, I love you Santa Claus I want a Cab bage patch, roller skates, a watch. Love, Heather (Kindergarden) Dear Santa, I want you to come to my house and bring me a barbie doll and a swing set. Love, Carrie (Kindergarden) Dear Santa Claus, I want you to come to my house and bring me a doll. Sarah (Kindergarden) Dear Santa, I want a three wheeler, a toy. Love, Lee (Kindergarden) Dear Santa, I want me a scooter for Christmas and a bucket and a Captain and the Power. I don't want nothing else. Love, Clinton (Kinder-garden) Dear Santa, I want a washer and dryer, a talk baby, clothes. Love, Casey (Kindergarden) Dear santa, I have a red suit. I want to play. I like toys. I will like some. I want a cabbage patch kid. Love Crystal Elliott METTRCj CHRISTMAS load, we wish health, happiness and good cheer, now and throughout the coming year. YOUTHLAND Yes Virginia. There is a Santa Claus "... a thousand years from now, Virginia . . . He will continue to make glad the heart of childhood." ? Francis Pharccllus Church One of the joys of Christmas is expressing our gratitude and appreciation to good friends like you. Town of Hertford There is no time like the holiday to pause and count our many blessings. " Thanks " to patrons and friends. HERTFORD MOTOR CO. PHONE 426-5688 HERTFORD ? EDENTON HWY. HERTFORD, N.C.