THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 58, No.l - > USPS 428-080 Hertford. Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, Janaury 7,1988 LOCAL Hertford VFW news see pg. 3 FEATURE Savings bond sales up see pg. 1 0 COMMUNITY Birth announcements see dq. 2 Board asks for $12 million in school needs The Perquimans County Board of Education has put together and sub mitted to the state a long range school facilities plan totaling over $12 million dollars. While the plan does not address ways in which the board can obtain funding for the necessary projects, it is comprehensive and multi-faceted addressing what the board views as the most urgent needs of the county. Among the projects topping the list of those in the long range plan are renovations and additions to Perqui mans Middle School totaling $3,156,00, and replacement of Perqui mans County Central School at a cost of $3,700.00. Other projects included in the long range plan are renovations and addi tions to Hertford Grammar School, renovations and additions to Perqui mans County High School, construc tion of a warehouse and storage - maintenance facility, construction of school bus shop and storage facility, construction of tenniscourts, soccer fields, general athletic field im provement, and provisions for gen eral maintenance and repairs to existing facilities. The completion date for the pro jects ranges from 1992 until 1997, but members of the board are optimistic that their goals can be obtained. The school board will submit their plan to the state in accordant with the School Facilities Finance Act of 1987. They will also present and go over their long range facilities plan with the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners at their next meet ing. The Board of Education was also addressed on Monday by Lana O'Mara, and Rick Pronto of the Tide water Psychiatric Institute regard ing the instution of an employee as sistance program. The program proposed by TPI would provide employees with many psychiatric services, and would also offer employees and their families workshops throughout the year on a number of issues including stress management, discipline, and other mental health, or professional topics chosen by the school system. Ms. O'Mara told board members on Monday that more and more school systems are implementing such programs due to the high level of stress faced by teachers today. The program is implemented un der a contractural agreement with the school system, and benefits pro vided under the plan are offered at no cost to employees. The program if implemented will be overseen by a joint committee made up of members of the TPI staff, and the school system, and will ad dressed the system's needs as re vealed by the committee. In addition to going over the plan with the board members on Monday, O'Mara andand Rick Pronto, a Per quimans County resident and staff member of TPI's crisis center in Elizabeth City, stressed the confiden tiality of this program. They urged board members to consider the pro gram, and stated if the program is implemented in the county they hope that school officials will encourage employees to make use of the pro gram's many benefits. Thompson announces candidacy Representative R. M. "Pete" Thompson announces that he will seek re-election to the North Carolina House of Representatives from the First District. The First District is comprised of Camden, Currituck, Chowan, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Washington and Tyrrell Counties. Thompson is completing his fresh man term in 1968 and will be running * in the Democratic primary in May for one of two House seats from the First District. Representative Thompson serves on nine legislative committees: ag ing, agriculture, cultural resources, finance, health, law enforcement, marine fisheries, natural and eco nomic resources and transportation. Each of these areas are at particular interest to the citizens of the First District. At this time, be also serves on seven study commissions dealing with agriculture, water quality and the Oregon Inlet. Thompson is a retired agriculture extension chairman and resides in Chowan County with his wife, Caro lyn P. Thompson. White sworn in as Clerk of Court! Judge Herbert Small signs the papers following the swearing in of W. W. "Welly" White as Perquimans County's new Clerk of Superior Court on Monday, January 4th. White, former chairman of the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners and a member of that board for nine years replaces Mr. Jarvis Ward who retired December 31st. Jordan to announce candidacy in Hertford The committee to elect Bob Jordan Governor of North Carolina has an nounced that the Lt. Governor will travel to Hertford on Tuesday, Jan uary 12, 1988 to announce his candi dacy for Governor to northeastern North Carolina. Lt. Governor Jordan will make his announcement next week at the Albe marle Commission Building audito rium at 7:00 p.m. Next week's meeting will allow res idents from Perquimans County and northeastern North Carolina an op portunity to meet and discuss with Lt. Governor Jordan issues in the up coming governor's race. Jordan traveled to Mount Gilead, his home town, on Monday to an nounce his candidacy in his home county. Monday's announcement kicked off a five day campaign swing for Jordan throughout the state. Refreshments will be served at next week's announcement, and the Lt. Governor will be available to talk with residents individually about is sues. For more information on the meet ing contact Mayor Bill Cox at 426 7805. Hie Holiday Island Public Safety Building is now in place following much work by island resi dents. The new building serves as a shelter for the island's fire equipment, and hopefully in the future will serve many other public safety needs of the island's residents. Holiday Island public safety building is finally completed A dream has become a reality for the residents of Holiday Island. Holiday Island now has a public safety building, thanks to the hard work of many island residents, to shelter their fire equipment. Two years ago the residents of Hol iday Island began discussing the pos sibility of having their own fire de partment and public safety building. At that time island residents formed their fire brigade to assist the Bethel Volunteer Fire Department, which serves the island in the case of a fire. The fire brigade, which originally or ganized with 13 members, currently has a brigade of 35 members. Hie Are brigade first started with a 1979 Chevrolet pickup truck, which they now use as a brush truck, in July of 1986 they purchased a 1961 America La France 1000 g.m.p. pumper truck from the Newport News, Virginia Fire Department and it was their hope that they could erect a building to house their equipment. Their hopes have been realized. Through much work by the depart ment and the ladies auxiliary, and is land residents over $19,000 dollars was raised and the building has been constructed. The department had over 27 money making projects, and sold most ev erything you can think of to gain funds. Several merchants in Hertford and Perquimans County donated gifts for auctions, the group raffled off a 1972 Buick, and did much more to raise the approximately $25,000 dollars it took to construct the new i building. 1 Even though the building is con- < g true ted and up on the site more, i work still needs to be done. Electrical | work, plumbing, inside carpentry, septic tanks and more must be com- i pieted, but as funds become avail able and volunteers come forward the work is being completed one step at a time. According to Bob Ziegler, chief of the fire department, strides are be ing made every day, and he is opti mistic that the building will be com pleted soon. Ziegler is also hoping that the department can soon com plete the necessary steps for becom ing a certified department. Certifica tion is necessary for the department to receive county funding. This certi fication would also lower insurance rates for island residents. Ziegler and other residents of the island are also looking forward to the day when they may have an ambu lance on the island for emergencies. Currently they are also looking for a used oil delivery truck to use as a pumper. Until the time those dreams are re alized the residents of Holiday will continue to work diligently to wards their goal. Commissioners consider candidates for vacant seat The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met with the chair man of the Perquimans County Dem ocratic party, Rev. John H. London, on Monday to review the Perquimans County Democratic party's recom mendations for filling the commis sioners seat recently vacated by W W. "Welly" White. Rev. John London presented the board three names recommended by the party for filling the vacated seat Rev. London, Jan Spruill, and Dur wood Reed Jr. were all recom mended to the board as possible can didates for filling the vacated seat. Rev. London stated that he felt all three would be acceptable replace ments to fill the vacated seat, and added that he hoped the board would take into serious consideration the Democratic party's recommenda tion. London also stated that the Per quimans County Chapter of the NAACP would like to see the com missioners appoint a black to fill the seat on the five member board According to London all three men nominated for the seat are well qual ified. Spruill is a life long resident of Perquimans County, is a member of the committee of 100 in Perquimans County, and has been in business here for a number of years. Durwood Reed is the retired finance officer for Perquimans County, is ? life long res ident of the area, and is also owner of Reed Oil Company, a large business concern in the county. Rev. London is chairman of the Democratic Party, president of the Perquimans County Chapter of the NAACP, is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Hertford, and has been a resident of the county for 18 years. The board of commissioners took no action on Monday concerning the appointment to the board, but stated they would take the Democratic Par ty's recommendations into serious consideration. According to state laws, the com missioners have 60 days from tne date of Mr. White's resignation on December 22, 1987 to make an ap pointment to the board. If they fail to appoint someone to fill the vacant seat within the 60 days, the clerk of superior court must step in and ap point someone within ten days. Also, the board does not have to ap point someone recommended by the Democratic Party. The party was consulted according to state law, and services the board of commissioners in an advisory capacity only. Lester Simpson, chairman of the board of commissinors stated on Monday that the board would be con sidering a list of candidates to fill the vacant seat, and would make a deci sion at a later date The board also approved on Monday the appointment of 14 Perquimans County residents to serve as an advi sory board for the Perquimans County Recreation Department The advisory board will assist the recreation department in structuring recreational programs for the county The board will be offered to tal represeptation from the county and is made up of a representative of the county commissioners, a Hert ford Town Council representative, a Winfall Town Council representative, a representative from the school sys tem, one member from each town ship in the county, two members from the county at large, and three senior citizens. The members will serve two full years on the board be fore rotating off New appointments to the board will be made in January. Residents from the county who will currently serve oh the recreation board are Wayne Winslow, County Commissioners, Billy Winslow, Hert ford Town Council, Pat Harrel!, Per quimans County Schools, Rodney Lassiter, Belvidere, Gary Stubbins, Bethel, Clarence Rogers, Hertford, Lee Stallings, New Hope, Juamta Bailey, Parksville, Rosa Gibbs. Se nior Citizens, Minnie B Taylor, Se nior Citizens. Lib Thatch. Senior Citi zens. Ann Spruill, member at large, and Martin Owens, member at large As of press time on Tuesday the Win fall Town Council had not named their representative on the board Paige Underwood, Perquimans County Agricultural Extension Agent, also came before the board on Monday to advise them of the new Perquimans County members of the Albemarle Area Development Asso ciation Board of Directors The rep resentative from Perquimans County on the board will include Dan Nixon, Bill Cox, Emma Burke, and Mary Harrell. The board also took action on the following Monday: - The county will observe Martin Lu ther King's birthday as a holiday on Jan. 18th, in accordance with the state observance of the holiday. - The board adopted a resolution to be sent to the North Carolina State Leg islature concerning local govern ment automony in dealing with em ployee benefits and salaries. - The board also took action to reduce the Register of Deeds salary from $18,300.00 to $15,936 00 in view of the upcoming election in November The new figure represents the starting salary for the position if a new regis trar is elected. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Filing period opens The filing period for candidates throughout the state opened at noon on Monday and will continue through Monday, February 1st. Four state and national offices in district one are open for re-election. The seats are as follows: District 1, U. S. House of Represen tatives, held by Walter B. Jones, Democrat; District 1, N.C. Senate, held by Marc Basnight, Democrat; District 1, two positions in the N.C. House of Representatives held by Vernon G. James, Democrat - Pasqu otank County, and R.M "Pete" Thompson, Democrat - Chowan County. The following local offices are up for re-election: Register of Deeds, held by Jeanne White, Soil Conserva tion District Supervisor, held by Elmer Lassiter, three seats on the Perquimans County Board of Com missioners. held by Thomas Nixon. Lester Simpson, and Wayne Winslow The vacated seat of W. W "Welly" White will also be up for election, and three seats on the Per quimans County Board of Education, held by Preston Stevenson, Cliff Towe, and Emmett Long. Mr White newly appointed Clerk of Superior will also face re-election in Novem ber On Tuesday. May 3, 1988. North Carolina will conduct its State. Legis lative, District and County primaries (Democratic and Republican). Of fices included in the primary will be Governor, Lt Governor, Council of State, Members of Congress, Mem bers of the State Senate, and State House of Representatives, State and District Judical Officers and County Officers Registration books for this pri mary will close on Monday. April 4, 1988.. WEATHER Weekend Forecast Weather forecasters are calling for partly cloudy and cold weather on Thursday. Tempera tures will feature highs in the 30s, and lows in the teens. Fore casters are calling for cold cloudy weather on Friday with a chance of snow.