THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 5>, No. 13 USPS 428-0?0 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C. Thursday, March 31, 1?M 30 CENTS LOCAL I D.A.R.E. program see pg. 12 I 1 ATI) K I Funky Winkerbean's Homecoming see pg. 8 COMMUNITY Luszcz honored see pg. 6 Jaycee's Bass tournament Ijcheduled Next weekend, the Perquimans County Jaycees will hold their annual river bass tournament, and commu nity yard sale. They will also raffle off a floral print on Saturday worth 1500.00 with proceeds from the raffle going to the Duke Cancer Research Center. Registration and weigh-in for the bass tournament will be held at the I lertford Municipal Boat Ramp prior to 7:00 a.m. launch time. A total of $1,000 in cash prizes will be awarded as follows: first - $500.00, second - $200, third - $150, fourth - $100, fifth - $50, and lunker - $50. Prizes for the tournament are guar anteed. The entry fee for the tournament is $25.00 per person. Each boat will have one two-person team. Anyone interested in entering the Mirnament should contact Sara Winslow, 102 Phelps.Street, Hertford, N.C., or any Perquimans County Jay cee for an entry form. The community yard sale will also take place on Saturday, April 9th, and spaces are still available. Spaces are being rented by the Jaycees for $10.00. The yard sale will be held at the Perquimans County Recreation Department and it will begin at 8:00 1 A.m.. To reserve your space contact -eff (Shrimp) Perry at 264-3640, or any jaycee. Concessions will be available at the site. Also chances are available for the limited edition floral print painting, which will be raffled off on Saturday, April 9th. Chances are $1.00, and they are available from any jaycee. All proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Duke Cancer Research Center in ' Durham, North Carolina. I - Make plans now to come out and -njoy Saturday, April 9th with the Perquimans County Jaycees. Police investigate I burglary * The Hertford Police Department .?as arrested a man and charged him with ailedgedly taking indecent liber ties with a minor. George Edward White, age 41, of 102 Wynnfork Court was arrested on March 21st, and charged with taking 'indecent liberties with a minor child. White is currently being held in the Albemarle District Jail under a $ 10,000 bond, and was scheduled for a Probable cause hearing in Perqui mans Court on March 30th. L - The police department has also re ported that a first degree burglary took place at the residence of Donald Felton, Box 15 Dogwood Trailer Court, Hertford at approximatley 1:00 a.m. on March 24th. Suspects re portedly entered the residence through the kitchen door, and a tele vision and undisclosed amount of poney were taken. Mr. Felton was reportedly awak ened by footsteps in the trailer, and did not confront the burglar for fear of his life. Mr. Felton also did not no tify the police until several hours af ter the incident occurred. An investi gation is continuing into this case. The police also have reported an alleged break-in at Perquimans County High School on March 21st. to entry point has been determined, but a glass panel had been removed from the door to the principal's of fice. Nothing of value was apparently taken, and an investigation is contin uing. I Paper's deadlines outlined The staff of The Perquimans Weekly would like to remind everyone of the newspaper's deadlines The deadlines are as follows: All retail advertising copy must be sub mitted to the office of The Perqui mans Weekly by three o'clock on Monday prior to publication, classi td advertising should be submitted the office by 5:00 o'clock on Mon day prior to publication. Deadline for all news copy is five o'clock on Monday prior to publica tion. Please assist us by meeting these deadlines. The office of The Perqui mans Weekly is opened daily Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until B:00p.m.. If anyone has any questions con cerning these deadlines please con j tact Gina K. Jepson, Editor at 4M | 5728 Shown with Gov. Martin are: (left to right) William (Bill) Griffin, President, State Soil and Water conservation district, Albert Troutman, Chm. State Soil and Water Conservation Com mittee, and David Sides, Director, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Governor Jim Martin proclaims environmental awareness week Gov. Jim Martin proclaimed April 3-9 as Environmental Awareness Week statewide by urging "all North Carolinians to learn about their role in protecting the state's land and wa ter resources." The Perquimans soil and water conservation district and the USDA, Soil Conservation Service, work throughout the year on soil and water conservation measures, they will be sponsoring an Environmental Field day for students in the 7th grade on April 26th. The field day held an nually helps encourage and teach school children to be stewards of our soil and water resources. Floyd Mathews, Chairman of the Perquimans Conservation Commit tee said "while farmers today know that good conservation practices help increase yields and improve profit potentials, they also know the impor tance of educating future food pro ducers and decision makers." "We could have all the money in the world, but it would do little good unless we also had a productive soil on which to live," said Mathews. "Teaching the how's and why's of conservation to future generations plays a key role in our efforts to pre serve a helathy base for our natural resources," added Matthews. Environmental Awareness Week is sponsored statewide by the N. C. As sociation of Soil and Water Conserva tion Districts, which represents about 500 men and women from Dis tricts who voluntarily lead projects on soil and water conservation. Above Willie Whitehead and Aubrey Ownly, Jr., the Perquimans County building inspector examine a house currently under construction in the New Hope area of the county. This house is just one of many currently under construction which must be inspected by Ownley before they are completed. Building inspector's office; Critical to county's growth! Perquimans County is growing yearly by leaps and bounds, and one department in county government I^ays an important role in the coun ty's growth. The Perquimans County Building Inspector issues all the building per mits and applications in Perquimans County, is responsible for seeing that all buildings meet building codes and pass building inspections. The build ing inspector's office is also responsi ble for making sure that all buildings meet Are and handicap standards. In addition to processing, issuing and keeping all the records regard ing building permits, Mr. Ownley, the building inspector, also does all of the inspections done on a building during various stages of a building's construction. Besides serving Perquimans Coun ty's needs, the building inspector also serves as zoning administrator for the Town of Hertford. As the zoning administrator, he is responsible for making sure that all zoning ordi nances in the Town of Hertford are followed, and he takes necessary ac tion to enforce all the zoning ordi ances in the county. Mr. Ownley is also in charge of flood plans for Perquimans County, and he determines whether buildings are in flood zones in the county. During an average month, the building inspector's office is a busy place, and every month more and more work must be completed. In an average month, the office issues as many as 30 to 35 building permits, and completes between 200 and 250 building inspections, and those fig ures are increasing monthly, be cause of all the new construction in the area. According to Mr. Ownley, at the present time, there are approx imately 50 houses being worked on in Perquimans County. Most houses receive eight to ten in spections before completion includ ing plumbing, electrical, building, heating and air conditioning, and an inspection of the insulation, and a fi nal inspection must be done before anyone can occupy the building. Building permits are essential in con struction and before any construction can be done people must obtain a per mit. Although there are some con struction projects, which don't re quire building permits, they are few, and area residents are encouraged to check with the building inspector's office before they begin work to make sure they are not violating the law. All additions to homes or other buildings must have a building per mit. Before a building permit can be is sued an application must be filled out, and the bulding inspector must be shown a plan of the proposed con struction project. The building inspector must see the plans of the project to make sure that it meets all the necessary require ments. After all of these things are done, he than issues a building per mit, and construction can begin. The building inspector works not only with contractors , but with the general public and there are many things he must keep up with. In order to keep up with ever chan ging building requirements and stan dards, there are many schools and training sessions held for the building inspector. Currently Mr. Ownley is completing his training, and in seve ral months he will take his state ex ams. These exams are very similar to the ones taken by state building contractors, and they cover all areas of building and building inspection. The building inspector's office is lo cated in the old Blanchard Building on Church Street in Hertford. It is open daily from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., and you can reach Mr. Ownley by calling 426-8283. In the afternoon Mr. Ownley works in the county doing field work such as inspections, and the county manager's office takes all of his calls at 426-8484 All area residents are encouraged to call the office if they have any questions, and Mr. Ownley will be happy to assist them in any way he can. White named new head football coach The Perquimans County School Board announced on Monday, that they have hired a new head football coach and athletic director for the high school. Superintendent Pat Harrell stated on Monday that Spencer White, this year's head coach at Columbia High School will replace Coach Bill Flip pen, who announced early this month, that he will be leaving Per quimans High School for a job as head football coach and athletic di rector at Avery County High School in Avery County. Flippen has served as head coach for three years, and prior to that was an assistant coach for one year. In making the announcement on Monday, Harrell stated that he is very pleased that White will be join ing the school system. He added that he feels White brings an outstanding background to the program, and that he will work hard making a commit tment for a good football program under his leadership. White, who has been the football coach at Colimbia for the past two years, and who was in private busi ness for a few years before that, will bring much experience and talent to his new position. Prior to going into business, White served as head football coach and head wrestling coach at Southern Nash High School in Nash County, and before his tenure at Southern Nash High School, he served as an assistant football coach, and head wrestling coach at Northern Nash High School in Nash Conty. White is native of Bertie Conty. He earned his bachelor of science degree in physical education from Temple University, and his associate of arts degree at Chowan College in Murf reesboro. He played football at both Chowan College and Temple Univer sity. He has been very successful while coaching at Columbia, earning a 19-7 record in two years, and last year Co lumbia won the eastern championship in the post season playoffs. Before the 1985-86 school year, Columbia had only had three winning seasons since the beginning of their football program. White stated on Monday that he is looking forward to coming to Perqui mans High School. He stated he feels Perquimans County has a good school system, and that he is looking forward to working with the football program. White and his wife Gaynor, who works with the Camden County School system make their home in Elizabeth City. The White's have one son, Brian, age 5. White will assume his dties on July 1st. Breaking, entering and fire reported Investigation continues The Perquimans County Sheriff's department has reported that they responded to a breaking and entering and fire, which occurred on Lake Road on March 27th. The incident occurred at an area on Lake Road, where there apparently is some logging eqiipment just off the road in the woods. According to the Sheriff, someone alledgedly broke into a truck where eqipment was stored and a number of items were taken. The exact amount of items taken is unknown at this time because an inventory is in the processing of being completed. After breaking into and entering the truck, the perpetrators allegedly attempted to build a fire under a fuel tank, and also set fire to the truck. The truck was completely de stroyed by the fire, but the fire under the fuel U.nk was put out by Gary Saunders, who was passing by the scene and spotted the fire. The Winfall Volunteer Fire Depart ment responded to the incident along with the Sheriff's department, and an investigation into the matter is continuing. Deputy Ralph Robinson is the in vestigating officer. An escaped prisoner has also been returned to jail as a result of the sher iff's department. While on routine patrol on Monday, March 28th, Sgt. J R. Logan and Dep uty Ralph Robinson responded to a domestic disturbance, and after the call as they were returning to town, they spotted a suspect who they be lieved was an escapee from the North Carolina Department of Corrections. Their identification of the suspect was based on information received by the department earlier this year. The subject was at a phone booth near Wynnfork Court, and was picked up by Sgt. Logan and Deputy Robinson for qestioning. upon arrival at the Perquimans Courthouse, the subject attempted to flee from the of ficers but was subdued by them. Following an investigation, the subject was found to be Jerry Cow ard, an escapee from the Greene County Prison Unit located in Mary, North Carolina. It is believed that the sbject had been in this area for ap proximately six months. According to the sheriff's depart ment, Coward was originally serving 16 years in jail for felonious break ing, entering, and larceny. Coward has also now been charged with felonious escape. Coward was returned to the Greene County Prison Unit on Monday eve ning. Democratic convention scheduled Saturday The Perquimans County Demo cratic Convention to be held Satur day, April 9, 1988, Perquimans County Democratic Chairman, Rev. John London announced today. May William "Bill" Cox will be the key note speaker. The convention will be held at the County Courthouse, Downtown Hertford, N. C. and begins at 1:00 p.m. Democrats across the State will hold County Conventions on the same day. Delegates to the State and Dis trict Convention will be elected at the County Convention. Perquimans County will elect seven delegates to District Convention to be held May 21, 1988 and State Convention June 18, 1988. The County Convention is the sec ond step in electing delegates to our Democratic National Convention in July, "Chairman Lcdon, would like to encouragae all activo Democrats to come to the Convention and make their vote for delegates." For further information on the Per quimans County Convention contact Chairman John London at 426-5093. WEATHER Weather forecasters are calling for warm sunny weather throughout the remainder of the week and over the Easter weekend. Temperatures will feature highs in the 60s and 70s with i overnight temperatures drop ping down into the 50s. The extended forecast calls or a chance of showers on Sunday afternoon.

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