THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 58, No. 29 USPS 428-0*0 t Hertford, Porqulmant County. N.C., Thursday. July 21, 1W 30 CEN7 I.OCAL ???1 Two arrested > and charged with rape Two men have been arrested by the Perquimans County Sheriff's department and charged with the rape of a young white female at the Dogwood Trailer Park in Hertford earlier this month. Donald Felton, a black male, age 27, and a resident of Perquimans County and Herman Felton, Jr., black male, age 18, also a resident of Perquimans County were ar rested in conjunction with the case on July 5th, and are currently be ing held at the Albemarle District Jail in Elizabeth City under $150,000 secured bond each. According to Perquimans County Sheriff Joe Lothian, Donald Felton has been charged with first degree rape, first degree sexual of fense, and attempted first degree sexual offense. Herman Felton, Jr., has been charged with first de gree rape, first degree sexual of fense, and aiding and abedding an attempted sexual offense. The rape allegedly occurred in the early morning hours on July 5th at the trailer belonging to Don ald Felton. Investigating officers in the case were deputies Ralph Robinson, and Homeria Jenette. An investigation in the case is continuing, and both Feltons were scheduled for a probable cause hearing in Perquimans County Dis trict Court on Wednesday, July 20th. Boyce appointed interim superintendent Jack Cameron Boyce, Jr. was appointed Monday evening as in terim superintendent of the Per quimans County schools beginning >.Iiumst 1^988. ** Clifford Wins low, chairman of the board announced Monday that Boyce will resume all responsibili ties and authority of this position effective August 1, when the resig nation of superintendent Pat Har rell becomes effective. Harrell resigned earlier this summer to accept the position in Qare County as superintendent. *. The board has began their search for a new superintendent and it was announced Monday that Friday, July 15th was the deadline for applications, and the board is now in the process of screening ap plicants and should begin the inter viewing process very soon. A special executive session of the hdard was held Wednesday night, and the board hopes to have a new superintendent named by August 15th. The board discussed and took ac tion on the following items: BUDGET The 1988-89 school budget was approved by the board. The schools "wffi be operating on a total budget Mxt year of $7.9 million, this is the total of state, federal, and local funds. BOILER AND MACHINERY IN SURANCE PROGRAM .The board tabled this matter un tlf more information can be gath ered. If taken out this insurance policy would take care of such problems as boilers being stanick by lightening and other machinery failure. HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION PROJECT This project is complete. Harrell reported to the board that the high school'? air conditioning is working ffm. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PROJECT Construction on this project has slowed down somewhat. The board voted to request the architect to write a letter to the contractor asking that they finish this job as soon as possible. The contractors are still expected to meet their Sept. deadline, but the board would )ifce to have the project completed as soon as possible. ASBESTOS Hie board of education has con tracted with Con-Safe Inc. to con duct an asbestos inspection of the schools. The company will also de velop an asbestos management plan for the schools. Work will be gin as soon as early fall on the pro Met, federal deadline for comple tttn and implementation of the inspection and plan is spring of MM. Con-Safe is an approved com t?w, and will also be contracting 'Sty) several other school systems ?In the Albemarle area. geHOOL FACILITIES USEAGE PLAN ? . Dm board instructed school ad ministrative personnel to develop a fcfr policy on the useage of school facilities ' ?3* v