MOTICB OP AOMIMISTRATIOM Hfrtna ?ll?m m Eaacvtrtx ot ?a ?mi at umc cum Ban. aa ami, mutPimiwwcwiit. Mar* CaraHna. iMa la la natity all .*??>??? at MM I I N> axlilblt MM *0 MM WMaralHatf at M7 Wll "ax* Drtva. mm*. MC vm en ar hatara me lat aav at J una. Nt* ar *1* nottce will ba pleaded In bar at Malr recovery. AN PTl?w In |g |^m ulili WlH p||gn TM> litti da* at Wooambar, HN. ffci? ' ? >??>> tnliMn % wnify Jfti wwy Executrix of Iimc Colona Butt, DfCMMd Nov ?. Dk. 1,0. IS MOTICK OP FILING OP APPLICATION FOR CAMA MA JOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Department ot Natural Rr lour cm Mid Community Divil opment hereby qIvm public notlct M required by NCOS 1UA-1l9(b) t^iat fot a permit In on Adn of Environ man tal concern as designated under the CAMA was racaivad on Novambar i. 1900. 4 According to said application, EARL J. RiOOICK proposal to construct 427* of bulkheading at his proparty tocatad on Marvay Point Road, Par qui mans County, N.C. A copy of tha antira application may ba examined or copiad at tha off tea of Richard L. Watts, Division of Coastal Management, Route 4, ' Box 303, Elizabath City, N.C. 27909. Commants mailad to David Owens, Director of Coastal Man agement, P. O. Box 27699, Raleigh, M.C. , 27411, prior to December 30, 1901, will be considered In making the permit decision. Later com ments will be accepted and consid ered up to the time of permit deci sion. Protect modification may occur based on review and com ment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of tha per mit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Oec. IS NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Elsie Wicker Thomas, deceased, late of Perqui mans County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at 007 Maple St., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 on or before the 4th day ef July, 1909 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This Oth day of December, 1900. Claudia T. Hamby Administratrix of Elsie Wicker Thomas, Dec'd. Dec. IS, 22, 29, Jan. 5 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS Under and by virtu* of the power of Ml* contained in e certain Deed of Trust executed by George W. Simpson and wife, Marva S. Simp ton, to James O. Buchanan, Trustee, dated the 17th day of Au gust, 1973, and recorded in Book 54, Page 540, in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Perquimans County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment ^ tfc ? |n J, m m m ah ? ? ,h,, M w tne inoeuieoness inereoy se cured and failure to carry out or perform the stipulations and ag? temenls therein contained, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the pur poee of satisfying said indebted ness, and the Clerk of Court grant ing permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer lor sale at public auction to the Mghett bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Hertford, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 4th* day of January 1909, the land, as improved, conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same tying and being in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol low*: BEGINNING at a point on the southern margin of Martin Lane at the north western corner of Lot No. 22 ' en the plat hereinafter men tioned, and running thence along the dividing line between Lots 21 and 22 South 21 deg. 40* 00" East 134.03 feet to a point, cornering; thence South 40 deg. 20* 00" West 147.32 feet to th* southeastern cor ner of Lot No. 20 owned by Betty C. Spencer; thence along the Betty C. Spencer east line running North 02 *g- IS' 24" West 114.72 foot to the southern margin of a cul-de-sac at the western terminus of Martin Lane; thence along the southern margin of said cul-de-sac following the curvature of same In a general northeasterly direction 47.04 feet to Hit southern margin of Martin Lam; thence along the southern margin of Martin Lane North 44 deg. or 0T' East 41.92 foot to the pwn w Beginning, oeing oesig MM ?? Lot No. II on that cortoln omontfxl plat of SoctMm I, Wood ? ? - I ffri . . , . , * * |_ Mfl^A ? - _ I vine neigms recoroeo in "iar book 4 al page 249 of the Perquimans Registry. Iwww i tl ttla property Inn tar ttw yaar IM. PIv* parcant (5 parcant) at mm MMlltti Mghaat Md must b? Npaanad wtm Mw Trwataa pandlng caNHrmptlan a# tfw Ml*. V-v M* WHi day a> Ctacamfcar, ?. BURNCTTB, Norfolk, Vo.; MARJORIE $. WYNNI and iHNtMnd, IRVIN L. WYNNS Of Virglnie fteocfl Vo.; ROACH T GRAHAM WOOO, Un morriod of Aim Artor, Michigan, MARGARET ANN O. ft II I OH T ood huebond, SHE L TON E. bright of ElllObeftl city, N.C.; HELEN G Will SLOW end huebend, ARLAND U. WINSLOW of EMiobeth City, N.C.; SYLVIA O. SPRUILL, Widow, ond ton, EDWARD BRIAN SPRUILL Of Virginle Beech. Vo.; JAMES ROBERT WHITE, JR., ond WHO, PAULETTE D. WHITE Of Hertford, N.C., CURTIS A. GREGORY ond wHe, PATRICIA ft GREGORY of Eliioboth City, N.C.; ond PRESHWATER P. WOOO, JR., Unmorriod of Elizo beth City, N.C., Petitioners vt . ANN Wobo, o Minor, Age 14 PARENTS: J. KINOSLEY WOOO, POtfMT PATRICIA M. WOOO, Mother Root# 2, ftox 730 Chocowinlty, N.C. 27117 ond GARY M. UNDERHILL, JR., Goordion od litem for Ann Wood, ond ony other Person or PononL Known or Unknown, Including ony Heirs at Low, Devisees, Executors, Administrotors or Poroonol Rep resentatives of Myrtlo O. Wood, De ceased, Respondents Undor ond by vlrtuo of on Ordor of mo Clork of Suporior Court of Porquimont County, North Cora lino, appointing mo undersigned os Commissioners ond ordering the solo of rooi proporty doscribod in mis couso, on Ordor entered by tho Clork of Suporior Curt dotod July 25, IMS, ordor ing o solo of tho prop orty, mo undersigned offorod for solo on mo lim doy of Novomtoor, IfOO, ot 12:00 Noon, ot tho Court houso Door in Hortford, Per qui mons County, Norm Coroiino, to tho highost biddor for cosh, those Sovon Trocts of land situatod in Now Hopo Township, Perquimans County, Norm Coroiino, ond mors particularly doscribod os follows: LANDS OP MYRTLE O. WOOO ?STATE NEW HOPE TOWNSHIP, PER QUIMANS COUNTY/ NORTH CAROLINA All thoao certain lots or parcels of land situated in New Hope Town ship, Perquimons County, Norm Coroiino, ond more particularly de scribed os follows: TRACT 1: BEGINNING at an Iron pin situ ated in the southern margin of U. S. Highway 17, said iron pin located in the northeastern comer of the lands now or formerly owned by Arland Wlnslow and wife, Helen Wlnslow, thence along the southern margin of U. S. Highway 17 North 57 dag. 51 min. East 1*7.72 feet to a point lo cated in the westtrn boundary of Tract 2 referenced herein; thence South 23 deg. 21 min. S4 sec. East 2M feet along the western boundary of Tract 2 to a point located in the northern boundary of Tract 4; thence South 65 deg. 03 min. 54 sec. West 1*4.4 feet along the northern boundary of Tract 4 to an iron pin located In the eastern boundary of the property now or formerly owned by Arland Wlnslow and wife, Helen Wlnslow; thence North 23 deg. 07 min. 40 sec. West 102.94 feet along the eastern boundary of the property now or formerly owned by Arland Wlnslow and wife, Helen Wlnslow to an iron pin located In the southern margin of U. S High way 17, said iron pin being the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN NING. The above described tract con tains 0.07 acre. TRACT 2: BEGINNING at an iron pin situ ated in the southern margin of U. S. Highway 17, said iron pin located in the northwestern corner of Tract 3 referenced herein, thence South 23 deg. 20 min. 33 sec. East 222.95 feet to a point located in the northern boundary of Tract 4; thence South 65 deg. 03 min. 54 sec. East 140.20 feet along the nmtlioin boundary of Tract 4 to a point located in the eastern boundary of Tract 1; thence North 23 deg. 21 min. 54 sec. West 200 feet along the eastern boundary of Tract 1 to a point lo cated In the southern margin of U. S. Highway 17; thence North 57 deg. 56 min. East 90.54 feet to an Iron pin; thence North 42 deg. 00 min. 02 sec. East 50.5 feet along the south ern margin of U. S. Highway 17 to the western boundary of Tract 3 be ing the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. The above described tract contains 0.74 acre. TRACT J: BEGINNING at an Iron pin situ ated In the southern margin of U. S. Highway 17. said Iron pin located In ma northwestern earner of Tract 4, and the northeastern corner of Tract 9, thence South 22 dag. 1* mln. 54 sec. East 232 feet along the western margin of Tract 4 to an Iron pin; thane* South tf dog. 03 mln. 54 sec. West 124.22 teat along the northern boundary of Tract 4. te a point, said point being ttw waat arn boundary of Tract 2; thence North 12 dog. 2* mln. 22 sac. West 222.05 test tea point located In the southern margin of U. I. High way 17; thence North 41 dag. OS mln. 12 sec. East 127.7 teat to an Inn pin located In western n^argln of Tract 4 being Me POINT AND PLACE Of BEGINNING. The aba** deacrlbed tract contains 0.44 acre TRACT 4: BEGINNING at an trail pin smi led Mike southern margin at U.S. r 17, said Iren pin located In I corner gf Tract 2 and ttw iisiHisi ostein comer at Tract 4. thence Narth J? dag. 42 mln. OS sac. last teat along ttw souttwrn margin of U. S. High way 17 te an Iron gin lacated In ttw af Tract f< 17 mte. 14 sec. ID i of Tract S te an Iren pin; af Tract tte an Iran pin; ? Nor* 72 #??. 17 mln. a eec. *1 Wat ateng ttw sauttwrn at Trad i te an Iran pin; locotod in the wooforn baundory of Ww property now or (otiwofly owned fey Annie ton WWtWyj mono tomn ? doe w mm. is aoc. Eoat 024.41 foot lionf Itio wot torn morgin of mo property now or for morly owned by Annie MM Whit toy to on Iron p in; monco Sou* SO Pop. 91 mm. ? aoc. Wool 173.23 foot oiong mo normoin boundary of tfw proporty nov or formerly oonod by Gory T. Bofomon to on Iron pin; thence South ft# dog. Oft mln. 22 toe. Woof ISO foot to o point. Mid point being tfw Eostorn boundary of Tract ft; monco Norm 23 Pop. If mm. Sft toe. Woof SI9.S0 foot to on Iron pin; thence Norm 23 dog. 19 mln. Sft aoc. Wool 232 foot along mo Eostorn boundory of Troct 3 to tfw Southern morgin of U. S. Hlghwey 17, aoM point bomg mo POINT AND PLACE bP BEGINNING Tho obovo doocribod tract contolna 5.3ft ocroa. TRACT S: BEGINNING ot on Iron pin lo cotod In the Southern morgin of li. S. Highway 17, aoid Iron pin boing 1S2.12 foot from ttw dividing lino of Troct 4 ond ttw proporty now or for merly ownod by Annlo Boll Whlt loy; ttwnco Norm St dog. 29 mln. 27 aoc. Eoat 10ft. 14 foot along ttw Southern morgin of U. S. Highwoy 17 to on Iron pin; ttwnco South 20 dog. Sft mln. Eoat 225.73 foot to on iron pin; ttwnco Soum 73 dog. 17 mln. 32 aoc. Woat 91 foot to on Iron pin; ttwnco Norm 20 dog. 07 mln. 05 aoc. Woat 90 foot to on iron pin; ttwnco Norm 22 dog. 17 min. 14 aoc. Woat 110.50 foot to on iron pin tocotod in ttw Souttwrn morgin of U. S. Highway 17, being ttw POINT AND PLACE OP BE GINNING. Tho ebove-Pescrlbed troct contain* 0.41 acre TRACT ft: COMMENCING at an iron pin lo cated in the southern margin of U.S. Highway 17, Mid iron pin be ing the Northwestern corner of Tract 1; thence South 23 deg, 07 min. 48 sec. East 102.94 to an iron pin, said iron pin being the BEGIN NING POINT. BEGINNING at the ebove-refer enced iron pin thence North 25 deg. 21 mln. 45 sec. West 196.4 feet to an Iron pin; thence continuing North 25 deg. 21 min. 45 sec. West 14?.2fl feet to an iron pin; thence continu ing North 25 deg. 21 min. 45 sec. West 126.32 feet to an iron pin lo cated in the Western boundary of Tract 4; thence South 23 deg. 19 min. 56 sec. East 529.20 feet to a point, said point being the Northern boundary of the property now or formerly owned by Gary T. Bate man; thence South 49 deg. 06' 22" West 356.93 feet to an iron pin; thence South 71 degrees 37 mln. 22 sec. West 216.37 feet to an iron pin; thence South 71 deg. 20 mln. 25 sec. West 131.41 feet to an iron pin; thence South 49 deg. 14 mtn. 55 sec. West 194.35 feet to an Iron pin; thence North 23 deg, 09 min. 32 sec. West 407.07 feet to an iron pin; thence North 64 deg. 56 min. 25 sec. East 209.96 feet to an iron pin; thence North 25 deg. 21 min. 45 sec. West 2.05 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the Southwestern corner of the property now or for merly owned by Arland Winslow and wife, Helen Winslow; thence proceeding along the Southern boundary of the property now or formerly owned by Arland Winslow and wife, Helen Winslow, North 65 deg. 03 min. 54 sec. East 202.04 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the POINT AND PLACE OF BE GINNING, together with all exist ing easements or rights-of-way for ingress and egress to and from said property to and from U. S. Highway 17. The above-described tract con taining 9.07 acres. The above-described six tracts of land being described by metes and bounds from that certain survey en titled "Myrtle O. Wood Estate, Per quimans County, North Carolina, New Hope Township, Scale 1 inch equals 100 feet, August 22, 1900*" m prepared by S. Elmo Williams, Registered Surveyor, and recorded In Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 12, Map No. 02 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, which plat Is by reference incorporated and made a part hereof of a more particular de scription and location of said six tracts of land. TRACT 7: BEGINNING at an iron pip* lo cated at tha interaction of two ditches, said iron pipe baing a com mon co mar of the now or for mar lands of Crawford Wilton, Rusoall Banks and Myrtle O. Wood, said be ginning point having a tie line to U. S. Highway 17 a distance of MU7 feet; and running thence along the centertme of a ditch North 54 dag. 45 mln. u sec. East 3*5.20 feet to a point; running thence North 47 deg. 54 mln. 54 sec. East 14.90 feet to a point; running thence North 48 deg. 11 mln. Of sec. East l4B.Ufeet loan * ? ? m m ^ , *?? ? a * iron pipe toceveo ai me imersecrton a I anothei ditch; running thane* South *5 deg M mln N uc. Ent 1, 130.10 ?Mt to on km pip* located at th* Inm aotllon of a ditch; run ning thane* South 27 dag. OS mm. S3 aac. Waal 14)0.30 ?aat to an Iran pipa located at tha mtaraactlan at a ditch; running lhanca North 45 dag. 46 mm. It aac. JWeet a distance of 1.4SA40 feet to an Iron pipe* BEING THE POINT AND PLACE OF BE OINNINO. Thl* tract Being bounded nauf or farmerly on the North by the lend* of Rueeetl 3 on the Eaat by tha land* of Oary Betanian. an the South by the lend* of Komofh Batemaa and an the Waal by tha lands of Crawford WHson together %vlfh all eaoomofvfs or right* of wen far the purpeee ?f Mgree* or egreaa to and from aafd praporty. A wealth of short stories THE BEST AMERI CAN SHORT STORIES 198S. Edited by Mark Helprin. Houghton Mif flin. 345 Pages. $17.96. Mark Helprin's witty, intelligent introduction to this collection of 20 stories ought to be required read ing for all readers and writers of American fic tion. Helprin's discursive discussion touches on such related subjects as the unhealthy influence of some university academ ics oo the redefinition of literature; his distaste for "writing schools" and the reasons why ; and the "as tonishing junk" put out by publishers. As for the stories them selves, Helprin says they were "judged blindly" ? the names of the authors were blacked out. After making his selections, Helprin was given the names of the authors and "I was surprised, de lighted, and a little taken aback to discover I had chosen stories by some people whom I do not like personally, by one who wrote one of the stupidest reviews I have ever read (of my first book, no less) and by some whose work I find very hard to bear." His picks were mostly good ones. Standouts include Rick Bass' "Cats and Students, Bubbles and Abysses," Richard Bausch's "Police Dreams," Mavis Gal lant's "Dede" and Robert Stone's "Helping." Bass' piece is a ram bling, humorous mono logue by a junior college literature teacher on his life and loves, his various jobs, his cat, and his ef forts to mold a young stu dent into a writer. "Police Dreams" concerns a man named Casey who has strange dreams and longs for order in a life that grows increasingly disor dered. In "Dede," Gallant writes about the influence of a bumbling relative on the life of a Parisian fam ily with wit as well as a trace of sadness. "Help ing" is a bittersweet story that concerns a counselor of mental patients who, after 15 months on the wagon, takes to drink again after a particular ity aggravating counsel ing session with an obnoxious patient. Classifieds Your Shopping Headquarters IBM. WHEREAS, within 10 days al lowed by law an upset bid was sub mitted to the Clerk of Superior Court of Perquimans County on Tracts Six and Seven; WHEREAS, there were no upset bids submitted on Tract Number One and the Court has confirmed the sale of said Tract to M. C. Brewer: WHEREAS, an Order dated De cember 4, 190$ was entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of Per qui mans County ordering Tracts Two through Seven to be offered for re sale ?t public auction to the highest bidder for casft after first advertis ing the same as required by law upon OPENING BIDS on Tracts Six and Seven as follows: TRACT SIX: $13,790.00 TRACT SEVEN: $21,090.00 The Commissioners will accept opening bids on Tracts Two through Five at the public auction. WHEREAS, the undersigned as Commissioners will resell on Tues day, the 27th day of December, m at 12:00 Noon, a* the Court house Door, Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, to the high eel bidder for cash Tracts Two through Seven situated in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and more particularly described In this No tice of Resale. This sale Is made sub|ect to the !? ??????I n I J. ?1* ? ima narvesT or ail crops ouring ives icrlbctf rMl propirfY, tnd the existing MHflwnti or rl^hta ul way to fumMi MM property with ultimo*- The ion ad valorem taxaa an mm im?a?y will be paM from me, proceeds of hM tale. Each tract of land will be mm separately The late la made for caoh and the pealt W percent of Mid bid with the Clerk of leporlor Court ef Perqui nana County. TMa the Mh day ef December, Mb. TWIFOMD, O'NEAL * VIM catrr ?V: BRANCH W. VINCENT, III ?UMU E. TWIFOHD COMMISSIONERS OP TMB mmr**,. a! * New Clerk of Court Gail Godwin swears in the Perquimans County Board of Education members Benjamin C. Hobbs and L. Wayne Howell during a recent ceremoney. At Biltmore House, gracious entertaining has always been a Christmas holiday tradition ASHEVILLE ? In the Biltmore House archives is a little book enti tled the "Biltmore Nonsense Book," a journal of anecdotes, limericks and personal notes, all written by guests who visited George and Edith Vanderbilt at Biltmore Estate at the turn of the century. One entry in the book reflects what was probably widespread sentiment among those early guests of Mr. Vanderbilt and Bilt more Estate: There was a young man who could boast Of being an excellent host His friends they adored To sit at his board And enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The Nonsense Book notes and poems are testimony to the impor tance of entertaining at Biltmore House, Vanderbilt's 250-room French renaissance chateau. Company at the estate, when it first opened on Christmas Eve in 1895, must have felt royally treated indeed. Some of the visitors to the estate over the years are difficult to iden tify. Others, such as the Churchills and authors Edith Wharton and Henry James, are easily recogniz able. One friend of the Vanderbilt family wrote of those special win ter day visits to Biltmore Estate: Our years at the Biltmore Es tate were happy ones. The George Vanderbilts were in residence dur ing our first winter and perhaps twice a week we would dine with them and George would read aloud as we gathered by the fire in the fabulous library. Today, nearly 100 years later, Biltmore House still thinks its guests deserve special treatment. An evening with the Vanderbilts, complete with a Victorian dinner in the house's 70-foot high Banquet hall is no longer feasible, of course, but guests can imagine that a typical two-hour, six course 1890s dinner ? complete with as many as 57 different flatware pieces ? was something memora During the holidays, Biltmore House re-creates a seasonal cele bration in Victorian fashion with handmade ornaments, 25 Christ mas trees throughout the house, and chamber ensembles and solo ists. Special holiday menus, com plimented by Biltmore Estate wines, are also offered at Deer park Restaurant. Some of the es tate's food specialists, along with appropriate wines, are shared in the recipes which f ollow : ? Wild Forest Mushroom Soup ? Cranberry Waldorf Salad ? Roast Turkey with Apple Wal nut Stuffing ? Broiled Marinated Leg of Ijimh ? Butter Rum Acorn Squash ? Plum Pudding ? Pumpkin Roll ? Biltmore Estate Chardonnay Sur Lies ? Biltmore Estate Cabernet Sauvignon ? Biltmore Estate Methode Champenoise Biltmore Estate winemaster Phillippe Jourdain recommends serving the estate's Chardonnay Sur Lies with both the soup and the roast turkey. He suggests Bilt more Estate Cabernet Sauvignon IMS to accompany the lamb. And, of course, Jourdain would offer Biltmore Estate Methode Cham penoise as a celebratory finish with the deserts | 1/4 cup melted butter 2 Tbsp. flour In the melted butter, saute first four ingredients until onions are transparent. Add mushrooms and chicken stock. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. While sim mering, prepare roux. After 25 minutes of cooking, slowly whisk roux into soup and thicken to a sauce consistency. Let simmer while stirring to remove flour taste for four to five minutes. Slowly, while stirring, add half and half, then sherry. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Remove bay leaf. Serve witn a floating pad of butter if desired. Cranberry Waldorf Salad 2 cups fresh cranberries 1 cup sugar 1 cup diced unpeeled apples 1 cup grape halves 1 cup orange sections 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Wash cranberries and chop coarsely. Add sugar, and let drain overnight in refrigerator. Com bine cranberries, apples, grapes, oranges, and nuts. Toss lightly. Top with a ribbon of chantilly dressing. Chantilly Dressing 4 Tbs. whipped cream 1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 Tbs. powdered sugar Mix thoroughly. Roast Turkey with Apple Walnut Stuffing 21 pound turkey apple walnut stuffing 2 oranges, cut in half 1 tsp. dried thyme 1/4 cup melted butter Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Preheat oven to 450. Rinse tur key inside and out and pat dry. Squeeze juice of the oranges all over the turkey and in the neck and body cavities. Spoon stuffing loosely into the cavities. Set aside any extra stuffing. Sew up the cav ities or close with small trussing skewers. Place the turkey on a roasting rack in a roasting pan. Sprinkle all over with the thyme. Salt and pep per to taste. Brush melted butter over the turkey. Turn breast side up in the pan and cover the foil with aluminum foil. Place the turkey in the oven and reduce the heat to 325 degrees. Roast for three hours. Remove the foil and roast, basting occasion ally, until Juices run clear when the meaty part of a thigh is pierced with a sharp skewer, or about tow more hours. Bake the leftover stuffing in a baking dish at 32S degrees for 90 minutes. Let the turkey stand, covered with foil, for 15 minutes before carving. Prepares 12 to 14 serv ings. Apple Walnut Staffing 1 cup diced, peeled apples Turkey liver and heart 1 cup unsalted butter 2 cups coarsely chopped celery legg 1 large yellow onion, chopped 1 pound bulk pork sausage ,crum 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 3/4 cups turkey or chicken broth 1 tap. dried thyme 1 Tbe. sage Salt and freshly ground Mack ter and the broth in a small sauce pan just until the butter melts. Pour over the stuffing mixture. Stir well to moisten the stuffing. Season with the thyme, sage, salt and pepper to taste. Broiled Marinated Leg of Lamb One lamb leg, boned by a hutched 4 cups pure oliveoil 1 large onion, thinly sliced 4 bay leaves 2 Tbs. minced garlic 1 cup lemon juice 11/3 Tbs. salt 1 Tbs. pepper 2 Tbs. whole oregano leaves Prepare lamb leg by butterfly ing it to create maximum surface area with the marinade. Mix mari nade by combining the remaining ingredients. Marinate the lamb leg for at least 24 hours, turning three times. To cook, preheat out side grill, barbecue pit or inside oven broiler to 475 degrees. Cook eight minutes on each side, turn ing several times to prevent too much charring, or until inside temperature is 135 degrees for me dium rare. Butter Rum Acorn Squash One acorn squash 2 Tbs. butter, sliced 1/2 lb. light brown sugar 1/2 cup rum Cinnamon, allspice or cloves Cut and remove top and bottom (enough to prevent rolling) from squash. Clean and wash inside well. Sprinkle with spices and fill cavity with sugar. Top with sliced butter and add rum. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, or until tender. Let cool, somewhat, then pour the sauce out into serving bowl. Cut squash into rings and serve with sauce. Plum Pudding iy? ounce butter IVi cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup plus 2 2/3 Tbs. molasses Beat above ingredients until light and fluffy . 2V