THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Votume M, Mo.38 USPS 428-080 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, September 2^ 1989 30 CENTS QanhMt I 1 . ' ' *" "" Beyond the Weeds Briefs High schoo! to ho!d open house on Oct 4 Perquimans County High School invites students, parents and inter ested community members to a special satellite telecast at the high school in the faculty conference room next to the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 4 from 7:30 8:30 p.m. Those attending will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the programs available to stu dents on the TI-IN satellite net work. During the half hour from 7:30 8:00, there will be refreshments and a time to ask local educators questions about satellite courses fbr students. From 8:00-8:30, the State Depart ment of Public Instruction will broadcast a program of informa tion about the resources accessible through this new technology. TI-IN is a fully interactive tele vised education network. It deliv ers learning opportunities to students and teachers which would otherwise be unavailable because of distance, expense, or limited en rollments. This open house will give students and parents a chance to let their local educators know what courses are needed from the TI-IN Network for the 1990-91 school year. Ptayhouse sets date for dinner theater Tickets are now on sale for the upcoming production of the com edy melodrama, "He Ain't Done Right by Nell," to be presented at Angler's Cove Restaurant private party room on October 20,21,22,27, 38 and 29. ! The evening of entertainment and gourmet buffet will be pro duced by the Perquimans Play house, Inc. in conjunction with Angler's Cove Restaurant. Seating & nmited and reservations are re quired. Tickets are available at the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce office, telephone 426 3657. Members of the cast include Carol Hammer, Frank Parrish, Ch ristine Carson, Steve Farthing, Becky Carson, Jennifer Quick and Billy White. The production staff includes Bob Hess, Dave and Iris Dallas, Frances and Stephanie Hammer, Jennifer Quick, Norma McMullan and Brenda Hollowell. Perquimans Playhouse, Inc. holds membership meetings on the first Monday of each month at An gler's Cove Restaurant, and mem bership is open to all persons. Come 'ami experience the fun. FmHA p!ans )oan servicing program Chowan and Perquimans County farmers with loam} from the Farm ers Home Administration are in vited to a meeting on October 2 on how FmHA's computer program is used in considering loan servicing options such as rescheduling ana write-down, FmHA County Super visor, Melvin E. Howell, said re cently. The meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. at the Martin Community College, Room 14, in Williamston Howell said the meeting is partic ularly important for FmHA bor rowers behind in their payments and those having difficulty with their loans. "We will go over all the options available to those borrowers and explain how to go about finding one that will kern) them in operation," Howell said. "We will be putting emphasis on the Debt and Loan Re structuring (DALRO computer program that was developed just for this purpose." Howell said DALRt does many mathematical calculations quickly and in a number of combinations in helping in the analysis of farm fi nancial plans. "If a restructuring plan exists (hat will keep the borrower on the farm, DALR$ will find that plan, and that plan will minimize the cost of debt restructuring, " he said. Officiais are working hard to tight Perquimans drug traffic An Associated Press (AP) news release concerning the drug operation of the Harveys and alleged police corruption in Perquimans County printed in the Daily Advance on S