THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY —MM^<^——M—Mj^Mf—M—MMMMM—^M^M—M—MM—MM—fM<*3H)E——MM——M—^MM——1^—M——MM^——————— Votumw 58. No.51 US PS 428-000 M^hforO, Pcrquiman! County, N.C.,Thursday,Dacember 21,1989 30 CENTS USPS 420-000 Hwr1Mord^erqutmM^CountY^N^C^Thursday^D^cember21^^ Briefs Drive carefuiiy during hoiidays An estimated 96 people may be killed in traffic accidents in Math Carolina over the upcoming Christ mas and New Year's holiday week ends and approximately 2,000 injured, according to the N.C. Skate Motor Club. The Christmas holiday officially begins at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 22 and ends at midnight Monday, Dee. 25. The New Year's holiday begins at 0 p.m. Friday, Dec. 29 and ends at midnight Mon., Jan. 1. Last year 46 persons were killed Md 2,732 injured over the two offi cial holidays weekends, while 37 were killed and 2,464 were injured in 1967 over a similar period. The Christmas and New Year's holiday period traditionally is a time of family reunions, friendly gatherings and good cheer. The hol iday tramtion also holds that an in crease in the number of serious injuries and fatalities on the road ways will occur. ?^