THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY it i i ..—i Volume 60, No.12 Hertford, Perquimans County, W.O, Thursday, 21,191 30 Cents Home: Spring home improvement section offers ideas: Page 10 Feature: Latest fashions offer ease, comfort and style: Page 3 Briefs Perquimans Chapter 4118 of A.A.R.P. Inc. will meet on Mon day. March 25 at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center. A board meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. Minnie Davis will act as Minnie Pearl. There will be a covered dish luncheon. T The chapter is open for membership for all of the sur rounding counties. The AARP piotto Is “Here to serve and not to }>e served.” Contact the Senior Center at 42§-$404 for information. Caster trip planned ; The Perquimans County Rec reation Department/Senior Cen ter is sponsoring a trip to Wffilamston to see the outdoor ihama. “The Message of Easter” pn Wednesday. March 27. The J»us will leave the center at 4 p.m. We will stop in Wllllamston to eat and travel on to the play tvhlch begins at 8 p.m. We $hould arrive back at 11 p.m. live cost is $8 per person which Includes bus Care and play.'Call now to reserve your seat 426 5404. RurtUms plan chicksn fry The Bethel Ruri tan's are hav ing a fried chicken dinner on Saturday, March 23 from 11-2 p.m. and from 4-6:30 p.m. The tickets are $4 and may be pur chased from any ruritan mem ber. / % ’ / ' ' ■ / ... ■ V . ' ?V AWards night sohadulad The Perquimans Playhouse has planned its annual dinner /dance and awards evening title Ad Enchanted Evening for Sat urday. March 23 at Angler’s Cove Restaurant A social hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. with din ner’at 7. :■» Tickets are available from Playhouse members, Angler’s Cove Restaurant (426-7294) and the Perquimans County Cham ber of Commerce (426-5657). The dinner/dance is open to the public. to 'I* The Perquimans Weekly will be' closing at 3:30 p.m. on Fri day', March 22 for the Easter Egg Hunt at the Brian Center, i V;r" ] towns to moot ,' , T3be Perquimans County Rec reation Department will have an organizational softball meeting pn Thursday, March 28 at 7:30 jun. at the Perquimans County pqdmr Center. > SPOTLIGHT ON PERQUIMANS My Favorite Place PLEASE SEE PAGE 4 4*: FOR COMPLETE DETAILS... AGES 5*12 Schools move ahead on waste treatment project The wastewater treatment project at Perquimans Middle School Is moving ahead as quickly as possible. Schools Su perintendent Randall Henion told the board of education Monday night. The project is one of two wastewater treatment facilities the school system must install. The second will be at Central School. Henion told the board that project engineer William P. “Pat” McDowell III of McDowell & As sociates. said he anticipated preliminary reports from the site work within two weeks. McDow ell informed Henion that soil sci entist Prank Doonan and ATEC Associates, geotechnic engineers. had visited the site earlier thi month. McDowell expects to fin ish the plans and specifications for submission to uie state by April 15. McDowell said in a letter to Henion that he believes the pro ject can be completed by the De cember 31 deadline if the project is advertised by May 15, bids are received on June 5, and contracts are awarded by June 12. Henion also told the board that the school system is al ready out of compliance on the project and may be subject to fines of $15,000 per month. Plans and specifications sub mitted by the school system in February did not meet state guidelines, and were order to try to avo» avoid being pe rn nalized, Henion and McDowell will meet with stale officials in Raleigh, “There's really no guarantee that we will avoid penalty,' He nion said. He added, however, that because plans and specifi cations were submitted and the project is set for completion be fore the deadline, he does not believe that the state will fine die system, “My goal will be to mcne for ward as quickly as possible on the project" Henion stated. Hie board also discussed modernization and renovation at the middle school. Architects performing preliminaiy sate eval The Giant’s Garden Two first grade classes, those of Mrs. Houtz and Mrs. White, presented The Gi ant’s Garden Thursday evening and Friday morning at Perquimans High School. The students did sn outstanding job, and played to full houses during both perfor mances. uation have located original blueprints to the building. He aton sakL A questionnaire on needs will be developed and passed on to teachers at the school. “He’s {architect William Har grove) moving ahead very quickly with the initial plans for die renovation project. Henion told the board. Board chairman Clifford Winslow said that die band con cert on March 10 was very suc cessful. At his recommendation, the board authorized a letter to be sent to band director David Ziemba and members of the band commending them for their efforts, and encouraging the hand to have more concerts throughout the school year. Winslow also said that plays such as the recent production of The Giant’s Garden by two first grade classes should be encour aged. Community School? Coordi nator Jeanie Umphlett updated the board on the Odyssey of the Mind program. The board autho rized letters of appreciation to be sent to coaches and other volunteers who are working with the program. Umphlett said that a performance by all the county OM teams has been tentatively set for April 9 at Perquimans High School. Youth serve as pages Two Perquimans County High School students served as pages in the North Carolina House of Representatives in Ra taffi in February. D e n a Jo White served as a page during the meek of Feb ruary 4. She was recom mended by Rep resentative R. M. “Pete” Thomp son of Edenton and appointed wnn® by fonncr Speaker of the House, Joe Manrretic. Dena is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Towe White of Hertford. She is a sophomore, and has maintained an A aver age. At Perquimans High, she is in die marching and concert handy, a member of the Drama and Math and Science Clubs and a member of the Methodist Youth Fellowship at her church. Lindsey Riddick served as a page during the week of Feb ruary 18. He was recommended fay Representative R. M. “Pete” iMnyan of Edenton and ap pointed by Speaker of the House. Daniel T. Blue Jr. Lindsey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Riddick of Hertford. He is a senior at Perquimans Highis a pitcher for the baseball team, ana is a ---• member of seve- Riddick ral school clubs. After gradua tion, Lindsey will attend North Carolina State University In Ra leigh. The duties of a page involve working with the members of the N.C. House of Representa tives and the staff of the General Assembly. This provides an ex cellent opportunity to learn how state government operates and affords and opportunity to learn much about the history of North Carolina by visiting the State Capitol, the Archives & History Building, the Museum of Natu ral History and the Governor’s Mansion which pages are some times able- to do when they are not on duty. Photo by Susan Hants Perquimans High School Student Council president Jodi Boone presents a check t6 Roy Chappell, treasurer of the Perquimans County Heart Association. Looking on are King and Queen of Hearts Jeffrey Winslow and Linda Leyden. Student Council spearheads Heart Association fund drive Perquimans County High School students raised over $1,800 for the Perquimans County Chapter of the American Heart Association recently. The Heart Fund drive was sponsored by the Student Coun cil Association. The King and Queen of Hearts selection and 'dance, a fashion show, raffles, a dance, bake sales, and the best male and female faculty legs contest highlighted the students’ fund-raising efforts. Jeffrey Winslow and Linda Layden were named King and Queen of Hearts during the dance. Cehrtn Webster and Lyim laasttrr re ceived the best legs honors. Mrs. Drivers’ homeroom, the top money-makers, were recog nized with a pizza party cour tesy of Nino’s Restaurant and .-Dr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Lane. The fund drive marked the third year Perquimans High School students-have worked with the Heart Association. The 1991 contribution brought to over $7.00C the students' dona tions to the association. Layden attends .= DAR luncheon . Linda Carol Layden, Perqui-' mans County High School se nior. along with 26 other DAR Good Citizens, was recently hon-; ored by the Texasgulf in Aurora: with a tour of operations and a special luncheon at the compa-i ny’s clubhouse on the Panmcq River. * Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layden of Belvl dere, attended the Good Citizens Day for District VIII. National Society, and Daughters of the American Revolution of North Carolina. Several members of the sponsoring Edenton Tea Party Chapter attended the dis trict meeting also. Hostess for the occasion was the Major Reading Blount Chapter of Washington, N.C. Good Citizen Linda Layden Is very active in school, commu nity and church affairs. At Per quimans High, she is president of the senior class. Future Tea chers of America and the Span ish club. She is in the mamdng band and concert band and is active in SADD, Drama Club and Student Government Linda Is a member of the BeMdere 4-H Club and the A1-, bemarie Livestock Special Inter est Club. She is a National 4-H Cummulattvc Recordbook win ner. She Is also a member of Whiteville Grove Baptist Chinch where she belongs to the choir, youth group and helps out as assistant pianist , Among Linda’s awards are: Who’s who Among American High School Students: Rotary Youth Delegate/Leadership Award; Honor Roll. Queen of Hearts-Heart Fund Drive. Linda hopes to attend Ektt . College and major in Elementary Education/Guidance Counsef hMt v ' i . ■'VwaAw,:*