THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume ‘"""Ttertford, Perquimans County, N.C.,Thur8day7july,Tl7l997~"— """"""""""""_30dgj T'TT'I? W5P m JV ■ - fP&l* V' ^ << ■■ . - - • t •* : . nc: , ■ -• ? V y* $ r Local Babe Ruth participation up, tourney ; . ■ . •- : ■ - - ■ ' ■ - ' starts today: Page 7 V .■?' Box turtle makes '■ fe V good pet, is helpful to gardeners: Page 10 Briefs BPW to hold picnic The Hertford Business and Professional Women's Organiza tion is celebrating their annual picnic on Thursday, July 11 at Missing Mill Park at 6 p.m. ■ The organization is saluting all volunteers who have or . will be donating their time to assist with the programs, being con ducted for the youth in our area this summer at Wynne Fork Court Apartments and in the Town of Winfall. For more infor mation please call Janice McK enzie Cole at 426-7962. Theater hold auditions Auditions will be held on •Sunday, July 14 at 2 p.m. at • 1201 Herrington Road in Ellza ibeth City for Paul Green’s “Car olina”. These auditions are open !to all readers, singers, musi ‘cians and actors of the Albe ' marie area. This performance ;will be held August 24 at the ;Newbold-White House. If more ; information is needed please call ; Lucy Vaughn at 335-5505. /-Aerobics classbegins • The Perquimans Recreation Department is sponsoring a six week aerobic class to begin on Monday, July 15. The classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. at the Per quimans Library. The cost is $20 per person. For more infor mation or to register, call the department at 426-5695. Parfomuutcaa scheduled The recently organized Boots trap Acting Company will pre sent the comedy. “Love, Sac and the IRS” for six performances on July 26-28 and August 2-4 at Angler’s Cove Restaurant. TO make your reservations. call 426-7294. AADA to moot The Albemarle Area Devel opment Association (AADA] will meet on Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Riverside Campgound In Hyde County. A program on the local economic development will be presented. A seafood buffet will be provided for '$8.50. Anyone wishing to at tend Is asked to contact their County Agricultural Extension office. M i| ►.The Pettigrew Regional Library Eloard will iqeet on Monday, July 15 at 8 the Wash ington County Public Library In Ffymoutk.' ".f VVC - DEADLINES FOR THE fePERQUIMANS WEEKLY ARE AS FOLLOWS: rIleases ... .MON. 3 P.M. l DETAIL ADVERTISING MON. 3 P.M. MON. 3 P.M. PRIOR TO THURSDAY CLASSIFIED | LEGALS T: PUBLICATION PERQUIMANS WEEKLY ? 1426-5728 I Rain does not dampen patriotic spirit 4th Fest activities go on as planned Intermittent showers did not dampen the patriotic spirit of the annual 4th of July Fest In Missing Mill Park last Thursday. The rain held off long enough to allow the parade led by the Hertford Fifes and Drums to move from Harris Shopping Center to the park, where a cer emony honoring veterans was held. After the national anthem was sung by Amy Parker and the Invocation offered by the Rev. Glenn Moore, those who at tended the ceremony were forced under the park pavilllon by a downpour to hear comments from U.S. Navy (ret.) Admiral Harry Train. “On this day each year we can remind ourselves that we are proud, and fortunate, to be Americans.” Train said. 'This year we had numerous opportu nities to be proud of our coun try, - proud of Its armed forces and proud of its leadership. "It Is great to be an Ameri can, not only on the fourth of July, but 365 days a year,” Train said. Nickie Whitehurst and Sarah Winslow, accompanied by Lyn Winslow, followed Adm. Train's speech with a musical tribute to the veterans. Although storms continued throughout the afternoon, audi ences were enthusiastic about the performances by the Curtis Ray Perry family, John and Deb Die Lambert of the Cornfield Cloggers. the Silver Threads, Darrell Stallings and Jeffrey Winslow and Patrick Kelly. The Jaycees raised $369 for Andrew Wyrick, a 3-year-old Winfall resident with Sotos Syn drome. thanks to auctioneer Brent Winslow and Some good sports who took pies in the lace. Farm Bureau Insurance agents Edgar Roberson and Lewis Evans, sheriff Joe Lothian, Hert ford Police officers Aubrey Sam ple, Tim Bunch and Tommy Teague and Jaycee president Susan Harris were covered with Cool Whip by “friends” who do nated their money to a good cause. Disc Jockey Paul Ahearn, who played for the street dance sponsored by Jimmy’s Barbecue, the Hertford Rotary Club and Steppin’ Out Productions, began his show with patriotic music which lasted throughout the fireworks display. The Jaycees opted not to postpone the fireworks, although there was a 20-minute delay due to the weather. The show began with an American flag fronted by sparklers, and ended with a 100-shell finale. Appre ciative comments were made by the crowd throughout the show. The evening continued with the street dance until 11 p.m. Aheam coaxed dancers into the parking lot, where a mass of Photo by Nancy Royden-Clark Jaycee president Susan Harris recovers after taking a pie in the face during the annual 4th of July charity pie auction. bodies swayed to The Electric Slide.” Fest-goers enjoyed tradi tional grilled hot dogs and ham burgers, ice-cold Cokes, homemade ice cream, baked goodies and sno-cones during the celebration. Kids enjoyed riding through the park on the Tiny Town Fire Truck courtesy of Pat Harrell. Most wore designs on their faces painted by Anzie Wood. The dunking booth, operated by the Perquimans County.Band Boost ers, was a popular spot as county commissioner Wayne Winslow, band director David Ziemba, and band students Ja son Cartwright, Dena White, Stephanie Stallings and Missy Drozdowski were dropped into cool waters often. Parade participants included the Hertford Fifes and Drums. Town of Hertford, veterans. Snug Harbor 4-H Clubs, Friendship 4-H Club, Cub Scout Troop 150 and the Belvidere Chappell Hill Fire Department. Photo by Nancy RoydeivCIark U.S. Navy Admiral (ret.) Harry Train sspoke during a 4th of July ceremony honoring veterans. Train has a second home in Perquimans County. Photo by Nancy Royden-Clark Cornfield Cloggers John and Debbie Lambert dance routines to an interesting variety of entertained 4th Fest goers with their lively music. Ptvjto by Nancy Roydendaifc County commissioner Wsyne Winslow prepares to take a dip on the dunking booth after someone hit the bull’s eye oh the target. Winslow rode the booth to support of the PerquImana County Band Boosters. ,^;*. 4‘n-' TW-ftrf# : \ :■ - •vy . « ii’yO’”' 'v' ' - & ;