THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY Volume 61, No. 8 Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C., Thursday, February 20,1992 35 Cents School: Vocational education : •. "V ■ ^ \r rl changes its look for ' the future: Page 14 Sports: Four Pirate athletes make All-Conference fall teams: Page 7 Farm: Perquimans secretary noted by Conservation Service: page u Briefs Sub-Vets meet The North Carolina Chapter of WW II Sub-Vets and their wives will meet on Feb. 29 at 1 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Eliza beth City. A luncheon will be held and business will follow. For more information please call Robert Parker at 232-3233. Marketing seminar set The Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce is spon soring a low-cost marketing seminar to help businesses learn strategies to weather the present economic storm and move ahead. The program will be presented by Mike Collins on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 6:30 9:30 p.m. at the Albemarle Com mission building. The cost of the seminar is $5 for Chamber members and $10 for non-members. Reserva tions can be made by calling 426- 5657. COA’s Small Business Cen ter is co-sponsoring the event. Celebrity dinner slated The annual Heart Fund Ce lebrity Dinner Is set for Satur day, March 7, according to chairperson Cathy Terranova. Because last year's dinner /dance was so successful, the same evening gala Is planned. Diners can order tasty treats from the special heart fund menu at Anglers Cove Restau rant, then dance the night away as they enjoy their favorite bev erages. A percentage of the meal proceeds and all tips will benefit the Heart Fund. To reserve your seat or vol unteer to be a waiter or wait ress, call Cathy Terranova at Apricot. Inc. (426- 5257). MS group to meet Neurologist Robert Hansen of the Southeastern Neurology Group will be the guest speaker at the Albemarle Multiple Sclero sis Support Group meeting on Monday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the First United Methodist Church in Elizabeth City. For more infor mation, call Faye Proctor at 264-2773. NAACP holds meeting The Perquimans County Branch of NAACP will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 24 at the senior citizens building. The executive commit tee will meet at 7 p.m. and the regular membership will meet at 8 p.m. Skeet shoot sponsorod The Perquimans shooting teams will sponsor a skeet shoot at Perquimans Middle School on Saturday, Feb. 29 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Scoring round entry fee is $10. Practice rounds will be available after the scoring round for $5. For more information, call Roger Morgan at 426-7355. AARP hosts bloodmobilo The Perquimans County Chapter of the AARP will host aq American Red Cross blood mobile on Friday. Feb. 28 from 3-,7 p.m. at the Senior Center on Grubb St. The bloodmobile was formerly sponsored by the Per quimans County Jaycees. DEADLINES FOR THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY ARE AS FOLLOWS: RELEASES .... MON. 3 P.M. ADVERTISING.. .MON. 3 P.M. iuIgals . .MON. 3 P.M. PRIOR TO THURSDAY PUBLICATION l PERQUIMANS WEEKLY lit W. Grubb tt. 426-5728 Don Juan slashes workforce The local economy will take a hard knock In April when Don Juan Manufactur ing slashes its workforce to about 30 employees. One hundred fifty-seven workers' jobs will be phased out, according to Hal Byrum, Don Juan’s vice president of operations. Closing will be the plant’s sewing and finishing sections. Byrum received notice of the cutback last week from Don Juan's corporate head quarters in New York. Upon receiving the final word Thursday, Byrum informed his employees verbally, then prepared written notices that were distributed Friday. The small number of workers who will keep their jobs are employed in the shipping and cutting depart ments. Byrum said Don Juan has budgeted to keep those departments open through 1992, and he still has hopes the company will not be forced by economic factors to close the entire plant after that. The major cutback re sulted from declining sales. Byrum said. Don Juan man ufacturers men’s and boys’ shirts and boys’ shorts. While the 157 who re ceived a pink slip were in formed that it will be 60 days before the departments are shut down for good, there is no guarantee that work will be available on a regular basis Photo by Beth Finney Don Juan Manufacturing announced a massive lay-off last week effective in mid-April. until that time. Byrum said work will be provided when it is available. Names of workers are be ing sent to the Employment Security Commission office in Edenton where they may apply for unemployment benefits. Byrum said local govern ment officials, community leaders and John Gurganus of the state’s Department of Hu man Resources have all pledged their support and of fered assistance in helping Don Juan, its employees and the community to weather this economic storm. Byrum said he appreciates the concern. Don Juan Manufacturing came to Hertford in 1946. In 1971, the present plant on Don Juan Road was con structed. In its heyday, the company employed 335 peo ple. That number has since dropped. Byrum said, due to competition from imports and poor economic conditions. The cuts effect workers from Perquimans, Pasquotank. Camden, Gates, Chowan, Ber tie and Tyrrell counties. _ , Incumbents, newcomers toss hats in ring Four newcomers and two in cumbents had tossed their hats into the political arena as of the official closing of the board of elections office at 12:30 p.m. Monday. First to file when the period opened for the May 5 primary was Jeanne White. Ms. White is bidding for re-election to her post as register of deeds. David Bines Jr.. Archie Miller and Julian ““Little Man" Broughton will seek seats on the board of commissioners. Bines and Broughton, both from the first district, are running for the slot presently filled by Lester Simpson. Simpson will not file for re-election, he announced several weeks ago. Miller wants one of two seats available in the second district. Incumbents Thomas Nixon and Wayne Winslow will not seek ad ditional terms. Ben Hobbs, who represents Bethel township on the school board, has filed for re-election. Arthur Mitchell Jr. will vie for the Parksville seat on the board presently held by Clifford Towe. Towe had not filed Monday. No candidate has filed for the Hert ford township slot now filled by board chairman Wayne Howell. The filing period ends March 2 at 12 noon. Thompson files again R.M. "Pete" Thompson filed for re-election to the North Caro lina House of Representatives last Friday. Rep. Thompson is seeking re-election to represent a new district. No. 86. District 86 is a single- member district com posed of Perquimans, Chowan, Washington, Tyrrell and Dare counties. The population of Dis trict 86 is approximately 55,500. Rep. Thompson is presently serving a third term. He serves as chairman of the Solid Waste Committee and co- chairman of the Solid Waste Study Commis sion, vice- chairman of the Local Government Committee, vice chairman of the Agriculture Committee, and also holds posi tions on the Finance. Public Uti lities and State Government committees. He said he is a strong supporter of local govern ment, education and highways. A native of Pasquotank County, Thompson is retired from the North Carolina Agricul tural Extension Service after serving in Perquimans and Cho wan counties as county chair man. Rep. Thompson has one son. two daughters, and five grandchildren. Arrests are reported The Hertford Police Depart ment reported the following ar rests: James Hill III, 30, of Rt. 1. Box 153, Belvidere, was ar rested on Feb. 10 and charged with injury to real property and a probation violation. Bond was set at $1,000 secured. John Henry Askew. 32. of 126 Wynn Fork Court, Hertford, was arrested on Feb. 12 and charged with felonious breaking and entering. Bond was set at $3,000 secured. Willie Lee Jones, 29, of 205B King St.. Hertford, was ar rested ana charged with driving while license revoked. Bond was set at $500 unsecured. Laurica Naomi Skinner. 27. of Rt. 5. Lot 18 Dogwood Trailer Park, Hertford, was Issued a criminal summons for simple worthless check. Tony Lee Lane, 21.' of Rt. 1. Box 121, Belvldere, was arrested and charged with driving while license revoked and exceeding a safe speed. Bond was set at $500 unsecured. , The Perquimans County Sheriff’s Department reported the following arrests: Terri Lynn Stallings, 24, of Rt. 1. Belvldere, was arrested and charged with two counts of felony forgery on Pasquotank County warrants: one count of felony forgery on a Chowan County warrant; three counts of worthless checks on Pasquotank County warrants; and failure to appear on a Perquimans County warrant. She was also Issued six criminal summonses for worth less checks on Pasquotank County warrants. She was con fined to Albemarle District Jail? under a $9,500 secured bond. Cliffton Lin wood Wood Sr.. 33, of Dogwood Trailer Parker, Hertford, was arrested and charged with one count of fail ure to appear. He was confined to Albemarle District Jail under a $400 secured bond. v W, -J. bi. .-a? i ••*»* •> J •/'A* *;>«■ 1,: Fashion with Heart Photo by Susan Harris Perquimans County High School students once again celebrated Heart Month by raising money for the Heart Association. A fashion show, pie-in-the-face raffle, dance and other fun events highlighted Valentine’s Week. The students raised over $1,100. Here, fashion show par ticipants model the latest fashions. Business Expo set The Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce. COA Small Business Center and the ECSLJ Small Business and Tech nology Development Center have scheduled the area’s second an nual Business Expo for Wednes day. Feb. 26. The Expo, which is a celebration of business, will prodvide an educational oppor tunity for the residents and businesses of Northeastern North Carolina. This event offers more than just a building full of exhibits. Area businesses will demon strate their role in the growing economy of Northeastern North Carolina, exhibit products and services available to the public, and show what opportunities are available in the area. Additionally, a variety of mini-seminars have been sched uled throughout the afternoon, which will be presented by va rious leaders in the business community. Hertford Police investigate weekend accidents A two-car collision sent one driver to the hospital and snarled traffic on U.S. Highway 17 Friday afternoon around 4:40. A Chevrolet flipped over and came to rest on its roof at the Intersection of U.S. Highway 17 By-pass and Wynn Fork Road after colliding with a second ve hicle. The driver of the over turned vehicle was transported by Perquimans County EMS to a hospital. Details of the accident were unavailable, but officials re ported that the Incident is still under investigation. No charges have been filed in connection with the accident. Two parked cars were dam aged early Saturday morning by a hit- and-run driver, according to Hertford Police reports. A 1977 Chevrolet owned by William Edward Armstrong of RL 1, Pender Road. Hertford, and a 1978 Buick owned by Johnnie Mae Kelly of 313 S. Church St.. Hertford were a a Photo by Susan Harris This Chevrolet overturned Friday afternoon at the intersection U.S. Highway 17 By-pass and Wynn Fork Road. No details the accident were available at press time. parked and unattended on South Church Street Police offi cers on routine patrol observed a 1981 Chevrolet traveling north on South Church Street at a high rate of speed around 2 ' >•:,! j- -T ' v a.m. The Chevrolet allegedly struck both parked vehicles and continued north. Officers found It abandoned in a driveway at 304 S. Church St. Debris and observation Indicated that the Chevrolet was the hit and run vehicle. The 1982 model car is owned by Juanita Farrow of 318 Stokes Dr.. Hertford. Charges of wreckless driving and exceeding a safe speed are pending. Damages to the Arm strong vehicle were estimated at $50 and to the Kelly vehicle at $1,800. Police received a report from Farrow at approximately 7 a.m. the same day that the car had been stolen. The Investigation Is continu ing.