The Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday. July 13,1995 - Page S Religion Through prophets, Israelites can see relationships with God By T.P. ALEXANDER Central Newspaper Services A prophet who lived his message (Hosea 1:2>9, 3:1-5) “I will betroth right eousness, and in judgement, and in loving kindness, and mercies. ” (Hosea 2:19) With today’s lesson we begin a two lesson study from the book of Hosea. The name Hosea in Hebrew means “sal vation.” Hosea was a contem porary of the Prophet Amos who ministered in Israel, and Isaiah and Micah who minis tered in Judah. He had an extensive ministry from about 725 B.C. to 790 B.C., more than a half century. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was defeat ed by the Assyrians and marched away in captivity in 722 B.C. So, Hosea was God’s man on the scene in God’s final attempt to bring the nation to repentance and restoration. Let’s be careful not to miss the great overrid ing lesson inherent in God’s relationship with Israel: His love. His patience. His forgive ness, His mercy. His justice. In these later decades of Israel’s national history God had selected Hosea as the prophet who would present to Israel a symbolic message. Through Hosea and Gomer relationship the people would be able to see the picture of their own rela tionships with God. Hosea’s life and prophesy was to give Israel a tangible example of it’s spiritual idolatry and to portray God’s love of Israel in spite of her spiritual infidelity. The prophet’s wife (Verses 2-3) “...and the Lord said to Hosea, go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredoms, departing from the Lord.” (Verse 2) The unique feature of Hosea’s work is the way he illustrated his teaching in his own life and the life of his fam ily. His work began with a command from the Lord, and it appears that God command ed Hosea to marry a prostitute who had children by her pros titution. God was setting in motion a human situation in Hosea’s life that paralleled Israel’s relationship with the Lord. It does seem strange to us, however. Repeatedly in the Old Testament the nation of Israel was represented as mar ried to Jehovah. Bible students have differing views on verses 2 and 3 and none seem to be set in concrete. Whatever the command meant it seems that Hosea understood it perfectly and obeyed it. God wanted Israel to see themselves in a particular perspective - as God sees them, and perhaps it would bring the nation to repentance and the return to the Lord The prophet’s children Hosea and Gomer’s first child was a boy. God instruct ed Hosea to name the boy Jezreel. The Hebrew meaning of the name Jezreel is “God wiU scatter.” Historically, the house of Jehu was the ruling family of Israel. The king was Jeroboam II. About sixty years before he became king his great grandfather, Jehu, had destroyed the former ruling family in a bloody massacre beginning near the city of Jezreel. Some students think that massacre was the blood of Jezreel that God was going to avenge upon the house of Jehu. Perhaps, however, I tend to think, that there was a dif ferent incident, a later unjust blood-shed for which the Lord promised vengeance. Gomer conceived again and had a daughter. God instructed them to name her Lo-ruhamah - meaning “she received no mercy.” Again Gomer con ceived and had a son whom they named Lo-ammi, mean ing “not of my people.” (Continue reading and study ing the remainder of the scrip ture text for the rest of this historical event.) (Lesson based on the International Sunday School Lessons) EVAIUS Funeral Home • Rorist on Location • Pre-Arranged Funeral Services • Pre-Funeral Plans • Monuments Mw iiiBiTwiaf • Area’s Largest Cha^l • Ground Level Facilities Serving The Albemarle Area Since 1940 Chris and Lisa Evans 482-7474 Hwy 32 North, Virginia Road Services Bay Branch Bay Branch A.M.E. Zion Church Sunday School begins at 10 a.m. on July 16, the Senior Usher Board will observe its anniver sary. Minister Tavonda Jordan wiU be the guest speaker at 2 p.m. Music will be rendered by Bay Branch and Winslow Grove Choirs. Jennings named NAACP Mother of the Year Great Hope Great Hope Baptist Church will host a Singspiration on Sunday, July 16 beginning at 7 p.m. Participating in this night of singing and fellowship wUl be Betty Chappell, Joyce Perry, The Albemarle Sounds, Teresa Parks, and Renee Whitley along with other unannounced singers. Several groups and individuals from the church will participate. Melton Grove The women of Melton Grove Baptist Church will celebrate Womens Day Sunday at 11 a.m. 'The guest speaker wUl be Mrs. Carolyn Q. Coleman, special assistant to Governor James B. Hunt Jr. She is a native of Savannah, Ga. where she graduated from Savannah State College. She holds a bachelor of science degree with a major in history and a minor in economics and sociology. Mrs. Coleman has done further study at the Memphis Theological Seminary and holds a master of science degree from North Carolina A&T State University in adult education. She is a communicant of the New Zion of New Zion Baptist Church in Greensboro. Special church services are printed each week as a courtesy. Announcements should be submitted by Monday at noon. All services are open to the public. Flora Jennings represented the Perquimans Branch of the NAACP at the North Carolina NAACP Mother of the Year contest. Jennings was named Mother of the Year for the local branch during the annu al Freedom Fund Banquet held at Perquimans High School in May. The state event was held at the Durham Omni Hotel and the Durham Civic Center. Ronald Penny, North Carolina State Personnel Director and formerly an attorney practicing in Elizabeth City served as guest speeiker for the local banquet. Penny reminded the group of the different things they had gone through as a people, and said that those of all races and creeds had suffered hardship. If hatred and violence are replaced with understanding and cooperation. Penny said there can be changes in soci ety. He stressed the need to unite to fight hate and work together for the betterment of humanity. According to Perquimans County NAACP President Open Letter Dear Friends, After the death of a loved one you may be disappointed in your friends whom you counted on. You may wonder where are they now when you need them. Remember they are not trained in this field and may themselves be in pain with the loss. Seeking help or advice from a professional counselor is not an admission of weakness. It is a demonstration of your determination to help yourself during this difficult period of adjustment. Respectfully, CJ?. ^nxiBvnl 509 Dobbs Street 426 7311 Hertford Whites hold family reunion The family of the late Fernando C. and Anna White held a reunion on July 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hare at Kelly’s Beach. Attending were: Kathryn White and Jack and Betty White of Kernersville; Dean, Mary Ellen, Jeff, Virginia, Caroline, Thomas, Scott and Beth Jordan of Camden, S.C.; Glenn, Louise and Christy White of Fayetteville; Al, Ann and David Felton of Franklin, Va.; Ruth White of Greensboro; Dorothy Hartley of Bethesda, Md.; Steve, Beth, Adam and Rachel Sanders of Rock Hill, S.C.; Jo and Sid Winslow and Art, Wannie, Logan, Traice and Kalin Collier, all of Rural Hall; Ann Smith of Greenville; Garland and LaClaire Anderson, and Eura and Linda Hall, all of Elizabeth City; Mike and “Sam” Hare of Tyner; Mary White, Lovie Winslow, Clinton, Catherine and Lynwood Winslow, and Dina, Donald and Ashley Hurdle, ah of Belvidere; Talmadge and Barbara Rose, John and Betty Beers, Phil, Susan, Andrew and Courtney Harris and Holly Rogerson, all of Hertford. Volunteers of the Month of June at the Perquimans Nutrition Site were (left to right) Juanita Shacklock, Ramon Shacklock and Katherine Reese, shown wrapping utensils for the site. The volunteer program recognizes involvement with the site-based and home-delivered meals programs which operate out of the Senior Center each weekday. SUBMITTED PHOTO Flora Jennings (right) repre sented Perquimans County at the North Carolina NAACP Mother of the Year contest in Durham. She was escorted by Melvin Jennings. Estelle Felton, the banquet was a success, with over 200 people from across North Carolina and even other states attending. m SIGHT INTO YESIGHT. DR. A.R Downum OPTOMETRIST UNEVEN VISION Q. If one eye is nearsighted and the other is farsighted, are glasses necessary? A. When one eye is nearsighted and the other is farsighted, the patient suffers from a condition called antimetropia. This could cause eye strain because the brain is receiving dissimilar images from each eye. Glasses may be prescribed to correct each eye, so the two eyes function as a team and see images in the same way. Frequently, however, contact lenses are far more effective in correcting this condition. If both eyes are nearsighted - or farsighted - but the visual acuity in each eye is significantly different, the condition is known as anisometropia. Here, too, glasses may correct the patient’s blurred vision, but contact lenses are generally far more effective. For more information on either of these eye conditions, see your optometrist. Dr. A.F. DOWNUM 103W. Eden St. Edenton, N.C. Phone: 482-8444 Subscribe to The Perquimans Weekly Your hometown news My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation goes to everyone who has been so good to me and my family during my illness and convalescence. I was blessed by God with the participation of many friends who gave a benefit supper on my behalf. The closeness and concern of this community has touched me deeply and will never be forgotten. David Harrell INNER WARFARE AND ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR Men and women abuse one another because of raging inner warfare. The Bible says, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” (James 4:1). I remember a fellow in Vietnam who lost a poker game. He was so incensed he rolled a hand- grenade under the winner’s bunk. “You kill and...quarrel and fight” (James 4:2). The answer is, “You do not have because you do not ask God” (James 4:2). Any person who rejects God has inner turmoil. Inner warfare is bound to erupt in acts of violence. The results are child abuse and wife beating. Let me tell you about a murderer who was turned around in his tracks. He knew God says, “You shall not kill” (Exodus 20:13). He went on killing anyway; until God convicted him. Then he said, “Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died” (Romans 7:9). This murderer saw how horrid his sin really was. In the midst of terrible struggle he cried, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” Then the answer came, “Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ” (Romans 7:24-25), Who was this infamous murderer? His name was Saul. God miraculously changed him. He became the apostle Paul. Alexander & Stallings Electrical Contractors •Indust riaK:ommercial»Residential “Serving All Your Electrical Needs” Office 482-2400 Highway 17 N. Near the 5 mile Y Home 482-8594 MEMBER FTD BE-LO SHOPPING CENTER DAY PHONE 426-5721 NIGHTS 426-7592 Reed Oil Company EXXON PRODUCTS HERTFORD, NO WcKMlard’s Pharmacy A10% Discount On All Prescriptions For all Our Customers Age 60 or Older 426-5527 'This Is That," Unlimited Accents Gift Shoppe accompanied with Accounting & Bookkeeping By: Smith Bookkeeoing Service Shrliit Blissliiii - Sii. clfinm PUcotnt Wei.. i0% Off lem Sieffe] 426-2077 t1? 6rubb Street. Hertford Chowan Hospital Psychiatric Services Elizabeth City 351-2008' Edenton 482-5508 HOLLOWELL OIL CO. SUPPLIERS OF OIL PRODUCTS Phone: 426-5745