sar Ladies second in track Rage 4 Felton is Mother of the Year F^e3 Memorial Day seatbelt crackdown Rages 12 May 15, 2002 Vol. 70, No. 20 Hertford, North Carolina 27944 i-i/i /r''5***********5“DIGIT 27944 Ierquimans county library 110 W A^E^27944-1306 HERTFORD, NC 27944 Weekl Youth suspects top HPD cases SUSAN R. HARRIS Hertford Police have arrested four youth for their suspected involve ment in local crimes. Daniel Crandall, 16, of 316 Stokes Drive, was arrested on April 19 and charged with the armed robbery of Albemarle Cleaners. Hertford Police Chief Dale Vanscoy said Crandall admitted his crime after being picked up by police as a suspect shortly after the robbery. According to the police file, Crandall allegedly entered the business wear ing a gray T-shirt over his head, brandishing a small, dark-colored handgun. He forced the clerk to put the money from the cash regis ter into a bag, then fled the building on foot. Police were alerted when the clerk activated the alarm. Vanscoy and Officer Brad Krause responded to the alarm. Vanscoy entered the building, while Krause did a perimeter check. With a good description of the assailant, the officers searched the area. Krause located Crandall in the 400 block of Market Street. Crandall attempted to flee, but was caught by Krause. The officers retraced Crandall’s route back to the cleaners, finding money, a gun and several items of Crandall’s personal belong ings stashed behind an LP gas tank. Crandall was then taken to the police department and advised of his rights, after which Vanscoy said the youth confessed to the crime. Bond was set at $25,000 secured, and was. not reduced during his first appearance in court on May 8. Crandall, through his attorney, waived proba ble cause and is now await ing trial in superior court. Police also arrested Omar White and Devon Thatch, both 16, and charged then with larceny of a motor vehicle, break ing and entering and larce ny, and attempted breaking and entering and larceny. Vanscoy said one of the suspects admitted his role in the incidents that led to the arrests. The pair allegedly stole a 1983 Dodge van owned by James Jordan from Continued on page 12 Dole visits Hertford From staff reports U.S. Senate hopeful Elizabeth Dole made a stop in Hertford during a sweep of Northeastern North Carolina Friday. Dole greeted fellow Republicans and other sup porters at Captain Bob’s Restaurant early Friday. In her prepared remarks. Dole stated, ”As a United States Senator, I can assure you that the courageous men and women on the front lines of this war (on terrorism) ... will have no stronger supporter. 1 am filled with pride for the role this state plays in defend ing our freedoms. If our young men and women are called into harm’s way, on the front lines in the war against terrorism, they must have the best equip ment, the best training, and the highest morale. “Ladies and gentlemen, no more food stamps! No more substandard housing! Continued on page 12 Dole campaign trail PHOTO BY ALICE BREWIN Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Elizabeth Dole to Northeastern North Carolina. She was greeted by made a campaign stop in Hertford Friday on her visit county Republicans and others at Captain Bob's. Spring weekend is here ALICE BREWIN and SUSAN R. HARRIS Visitors from Charlotte, Greensboro, Richmond, Va., Raleigh, Virginia Beach, Va. Greenville Winston-Salem, Warrenton, Durham, Robersonville, Rocky Mount and other areas will join locals this weekend for a homes tour, pig pickin’ and entertainment on the courthouse green, garden party and more. The weekend will kick off with Pig-Out-on-the- Green, featuring a pig pickin’ and live entertain ment in front of the court house on May 17 from 4 - 7 p.m. Loose Change will pro vide music. Tickets for the pig pickin’ are $5. For more information, call 426-2021. Elizabeth Jones gets some Huck Finn-type help Saturday as she prepares her home, the Creecy- Skinner-Whedbee House, for the spring homes tour. Painters are Pen and Shay Tompkins and Derek and Aaron lane. Heritage Tourism Development Officer LuAnne Pendergraft said 150 people have pre-regis- tered for the homes tour, which will feature 18 build ings which have either been restored or are in the process of being restored. The historic structures include homes, businesses, churches and outbuildings. “Two years ago, pre event ticket sales were at about 40 at this time,” Pendergraft said. “We’re now at about 150, so we’re thrilled with the response.” A portion of the pro ceeds from the tour, which is sponsored by the Perquimans County Restoration Association and Preservation North Carolins, will go to the Bethel community to help with the cost of the study required for the communi ty’s National Register of Historic Places nomina tion. The tour will be held Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday, 1 - 5 p.m. Tickets in advance are $15, and $20 May 18-19. For more information, call 426-7567. On Saturday, the Bertha Lane Circle of Hertford United Methodist Church Gunmen rob store SUSAN R. HARRIS Law officers are looking for suspects in two robbery cases. Perquimans County Sheriff Eric Tilley said his department is investigating an armed robbery at New Hope Grocery and a break ing and entering and larce ny from the Chapanoke home of CUrtis Trueblood. Officers are developing a case in the New Hope inci dent, Tilley said.On April 17, three black males came on to the store property at closing time, according to the store clerk. When the clerk opened the door to sweep out the trash, two of the males, she said, entered the store and robbed it at gunpoint. The third male stayed outside. All three wore toboggans. The trio left the premises with an undisclosed amount of cash. The Trueblood incident occurred on March 29, when intruders entered the Trueblood home and left with an undisclosed amount of cash. The Truebloods were not at home at the time of the incident. There are no sus pects in that case. Tilley said, however, that there was a burgundy Corsica with Virginia tags seen in the area around the time of the larceny. The car, which carried two or three males, was parked near the Trueblood home. In fact, officers received a call about a suspicious vehicle in that area before the stolen money was reported. A check into the license plate number revealed that it had been reported stolen. Anyone with informa tion regarding these inci dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Department at 426-5615. Tilley said he and two officers helped with securi ty at the Perquimans High School prom, held at Albemarle Plantation late last month. The sheriff said prom attendees were very well behaved. “I commend the youth for their good behavior,” Tilley said. Tilley said one person did bring alcohol onto the property, but there was no incident of drinking or drugs, no were there any other problems. PHOTO BY ALICE BREWIN will sponsor a chicken salad luncheon at the church ' from 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. Plates are $5 and may be eaten in the fellowship hall where tea will be served or taken out. The church is one of the historic buildings open for the tour. For informa tion, call Barbara Scaff at 426-8129. Continued on page 12 Weekend Weather Thursday High: 83 Low: 56 Mostly Sunny Friday High: 86 Low: 63 Partly Cloudy Saturday High: 83 Low: 57 Scahered T'storms