The ERQUIMANS Weekly Rec center gets new fitness stations, page 7 "Neivs front Next Door" NOVEMBER 2, 2011 - NOVEMBER 8, 50 cents NOV 0 2 2011 Low income heating funds to be redirected February check goes to vendors this year By CATHY WILSON Staff Writer Drastic state budget cuts that caused changes to the state’s Low Income Energy Assistance Program may leave some area residents feeling like they are out in the cold this winter. Local departments of social ser vices are notifying their low income clients that the once a year funding, better known as the heating check that comes in February, will not come to individu als this year. Instead checks win be paid to vendors who provide the households heat such as electricity, gas, or other types of fuel. “In the past, this program was an ‘automatic’ for many Food & Nutrition Services clients who were receiving in September of the previ ous year,” explained Susan Chaney, director of Perqui mans Coimty Department of Social Services. “Begin ning Dec. 1, households will no longer receive a LIEAP check. There is no automatic eligibility AH en ergy payments will be paid directly to the household’s heating provider.” The old method of send ing checks to individu als had no way to control where the money was spent, Chaney explained. V^Ue she admits the new method still has kinks in it that need ironing out, the money now will go directly to pay the heating bUls. Chaney says there wDl be an extended application period with a “priority group” applying first. Each fuel type has a set payment amount this year, and in come limits for eligibil ity have been increased to 130 percent of the poverty level. “Household members must meet the reserve limit, funding is limited, and there is less funding this year than last year,” Chaney added. “The fund ing for the state is approxi mately $11 million less than See HEAT FUNDS, 4 r' T \M A STAFF PHOTOS BY CATHY WILSON You look Just tike me! A princess (above) sees her retiection in the giass while trick or treating in Hert ford Monday evening. May the force be with you. Young trick-or-treat- ers exchange greetings as they make their way downtown in Hertford on Monday. iff p-.-t ■x! Beth Flutree hands out candy to trick-or-treaters in front of the Hall of Fame Building in Hertford. Downtown merchants welcomed the Halloween trick-or- Devils, fairies, witches, princesses and even super heroes were seen in the down- treaters with plenty of goodies. town district. Jacobs’s family lives in Belvidere By CATHY WILSON Staff Writer It is a text message that wUl last a lifetime. Just hours before he was killed in a training accident. Marine Sgt. Chris topher J. Jacobs texted his wife Britta ny that he Jacobs had enjoyed a good night’s sleep the night before. “I love you guys,” he typed on the phone and hit the send button, transmit ting his last words to his wife and young son waiting in Belvidere. “We love you too, baby,” replied his wife. Later that day, the 29- year-old Marine was killed in an amphibious assault vehicle training exercise at the Marine Corps An- Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Pahns, Ca. According to the Marine Corps Times, Sgt. Jacobs was a crew-member with Delta Company, 3rd As sault Amphibian Battalion, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center when the accident occurred Oct. 24 during a training exercise at the Marine Corps’ desert warfare training base. Brittany received word of his death the follow ing day while planning a trip to California to spend. See MARINE DIES, 4 Elderly, beware of scams By CATHY WILSON Staff Writer Perquimans Sheriff Eric Tilley says he is stiU receiving reports of scams involving the el derly and encourages se nior citizens to be alert to phone scams that claim to be family members need ing cash. Some local residents have been scammed out of varying amounts of 89076"4 7144 cash up to $6,000, said TU- ley. The callers, he said, are good at drawing out infor mation from the elderly person answering the phone. , “They’ll start off by say ing ‘Grandma?’ when the elderly woman answers the phone and when the elderly woman answers saying ‘Is this so and so (grandchild)?’, the scam mer then has the name of the grandchild so the scammer continues to talk with the elderly subject until he convinces her he is in fact the grandchild and to wire him money,” said Tilley. Often times, the scam mer says he or she is out of the country and has been arrested for drunk driving and needs cash wired overseas as bail money Other times, the scammer says they have been involved in a wreck and needs cash for medi cal bills. Places involved include Mexico and Flor ida. “Whatever you do, don’t ever wire money overseas,” warned TH- ley. “Just ask questions first. If the caUer says it See SCAMS, 4 Candidates: Hands tied regarding police matter By PETER WILLIAMS The Daily Advance Candidates for Hertford mayor conceded Friday night that not a lot can be done right now about the town’s police chief and an officer who were convicted of assaulting a man but remain on the town’s pay roll. Because the town has a manager/mayor form of government, neither the mayor nor the town coun cil can fire a town employ ee, candidates in the Nov. Early voting is slow Election day is Nov. 8. So far, early voting numbers have been slow. See story, page 3. 8 mayoral election told an audience during a candi dates forum at First Bap tist Church of Hertford. Hertford Mayor Sid Eley and his two challengers, Horace Reid and Lloyd Hodges, attended the fo rum. Also in attendance were the five candidates seeking two town council seats: incumbents Anne White and Carlton Daven port and challengers BiUy Laden, Quentin Jackson and Frank Jaklic. Much of Friday’s forum, moderated by Tony Rid dick, dealt with economic issues. But the mayoral candidates also responded to questions about the town’s embattled police See POLICE, 4 RELAY FOR LIFE ROCKy HOCK Sponsored by the Rocky Mock Ruritan’s Relay for Life Team -VrJeT ’r'SATUROAy, NOVEMBER I9'^ TtSOrM E.A. SWAIN AUDITORIUM EPENTON, NC Tickets Available at various locations or call 252-221-4875 or 252-340-3438. Email rockyhock