i P The ERQUIMANS WEEKLY "Neivs front Next Door" JULY 3, 2013 - JULY 9, 2013 JUL 0 . REC'D 50 cents WiNFALL HOSTING FIREWORKS SATURDAY BY PETER WILLIAMS News Editor The Town of Winfall will host a fireworks display on Saturday in honor of de pendence Day. The town has also named Saturday as “^eresa Blanchard Day.” Blanchard is a teacher at Perquimans County Middle School and a Winfall native. The town is also helping underwrite the cost of the fire works. Blanchard is helping provide all the other events including a bouncy house for kids, dancing and food. The event runs BLANCHARD tions. In the past, the Perquimans County Chamber of Com merce played a role, but backed away. Mayor Fred Yates said the idea is to collect enough to put on the display from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. at and then have enough left Winfall Landing. The fire- over to provide the deposit works depend on dona- for the event the next year. Checks can be mailed to Perquimans County Fire works Committee, 104 Car olina St., Hertford, 27944. “This is not a Hertford- WinfaU thing, this is a Per quimans County thing,” Yates said of the event Sat urday. The Town of Hertford will be bringing in portable toUets and setting them up in Missing Mill Park for people that want to view the fireworks firom there. Hertford Town Manager Brandon Shoaf said the event is usually well at tended. “It wouldn’t surprise me if there were 100 to 150 people out there on the wa ter watching from boats, not counting the people who watch it on the land,” Shoaf said. Blanchard — this year’s Rotary Teacher of the Year — didn’t start off in educa tion. “I’m a career switcher,” she said. She earned a degree in computers and was in business. Later she moved back to Perquimans Coun ty friends talked her into See FIREWORKS, 2 ‘Marina in the Mist’ % I 4/ [i SUBMITTED PHOTO This photograph titled ‘Marina in the Mist’ was submitted by Peter McDermott for his late wife Susan and was the winner in a photography contest sponsored by the Social Committee at Albemarle Plantation. Of a total of 48 images entered 12 were selected to appear in the first-ever Albemarle Plantation calendar for the year 2014. The entries are on display in the Albemarle Plantation clubhouse. Seniors, kids work together BY PETER WILLIAMS News Editor Take a group of seniors, add 8-year-olds and iPods and mix well for a few days. That’s the recipe Up Riv er Friends used last week at a Vacation Bible School. Children paired with seniors and the kids and adults worked on solving problems together using the technology. Pastor Richard Wilcox said it clicked. “It worked surprising well,” he said last week. “I say surprisingly because some of the older members had reservations about working with iPods, and they did (show reserva tions) at first. “But when you’re paired a f SUBMITTED PHOTO Children pair with seniors to help them solve problems using today’s new technology. 6 89076 4 7144 up with an 8-year-old and having them talk you through it, I think it disarms some of those reserva tions.” ’The theme of Bible school was “neighbors helping your neighbors.” “For the older members we wanted to impress that these 8-year-olds are also their neighbors,” Wil cox said. “I know in some churches they tend to get kind of cliquish about our generations.” See SENIORS KIDS, 2 GOP now controls election boards BY PETER WILLIAMS News Editor Political parties play a role in getting appointed. But the way Keith ’Throck morton views it, once he’s sworn in on July 16, poli tics shouldn’t play any role in how he performs as the newest member of the Per quimans County Board of Elections. “The most important thing you can be in this posi- tiori is neutral,” 'Throckmor ton ^d last week. For the first time in 20 years), county boards of election across North Caro lina will have more Repub licans than Democrats. The switch from democratically controlled election boards to boards dominated by Re publicans was finalized last week by the State Board of Elections. It comes as a re sult of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory’s election victory last November. Under state law, majori ties on both the state and lo cal boards of election have to be made up of appointees of the governor’s party. In the case of the five-member state Board of Elections, that means three members are now registered Republi cans and two are registered Democrats. Throckmorton, a Re publican, replaces L. Paul Smith Jr. Chuck White, a Republi can, remains on the board as well as Vera Murrill, a Democrat. 'Throckmorton spent his career in law enforcement in Virginia and moved to Perquimans County in 2002. His career taught him a lot. “When you’ve had 40 years in law enforcement, if See BOARDS, 2 Forbes ^Country Rfajty —■ V & Auctions, Albemarle Plantation Open Floor Plan Waterfront LLC NCRL#22873 NCAL#9180 252-426-1380 • www.forbesuc.com J12Mea2an_L£0£S41ertford_J^^_jJeto Pier, Dock, & Boat House Huge FROG Gazebo Overlooking Water _ Large Laundry Room Listed at $799,000 Featured Property of the Week www.forbesuc.com 252-426-1380